ANNEX A INSTRUCTIONS FOR SUBMISSION OF R&D PROJECT PROPOSALS The first page of the proposal must be a completed Proposal Cover Sheet. This sheet is provided as part of these instructions. An abstract of the proposed research must follow the cover sheet. The complete, single-sided proposal should be submitted to the Technology and Water Quality Office. I. PROJECT INFORMATION The first page of the proposal must be a completed Proposal Cover Sheet, which describes the general information of the project. 1. Project Proposer The Proposer (Technology Group/Academic Institution/Local or Foreign Researcher/ Private Sector, etc.) must be included along with name and designation of Project Team Leader and team members from both PUB and Collaborator, if any. 2. Project Title A concise title should be used to describe the project. 3. Project Period The Project Period should designate the duration of the project in month. 4. Project Cost The Total Project Cost should include all expenses required for project completion. Proposal must include any provision of co-funding, “in-kind” contributions and other relevant services. These contributions must be included and described in details in the Annex. II. PROJECT PROPOSAL The project proposal must include an abstract, and sections for the rationale, objectives, technical approach, milestones, project team composition, references, other support or related research, and project budget breakdown. Tables and graphs essential to the project presentation should be included. The curriculum vitae of the project leaders should also be attached. 1. Abstract A single page abstract should be provided. The abstract should describe the research approach and the expected benefits resulting from the proposed research. 2. Rationale Briefly sketch the project background, critically evaluate existing situation and specifically identify the gaps which the project is intended to fill. Verify that no other research of similar scope has been carried out by other organization or authorities. State why the research/project is important. Include the project merits to PUB and to collaborators. A-1 ANNEX A 3. Objectives Concisely state the objectives that this research/project is intending to accomplish. 4. Project Tasks / Research Approaches Outline the approach and procedures to be used to accomplish the specific objectives of the project. 5. Milestones A milestone chart, using the template provided, showing the desired target deliverable should be included. 6. Performance Indicators and Project Implementation Plan Fill in the Performance Indicators table. All project applications should include a brief project implementation plan (commercialization or non-commercialization plan) and target Intellectual Property (IP) milestones/outcomes. A detailed project implementation plan should be included in the final project report. 7. Project Team Composition A description of how the project will be managed must be included. It should describe the roles and responsibilities of the project team for all proposed tasks. A project team organizational chart should be included. 8. References Literature citations should be presented as author and date, with full references given. 9. Annex (Project Budget Breakdown) Budget information which is presented on the Cover Sheet should be described in details. Provide the breakdown of the actual project cost and in-kind contributions. 10. Curriculum Vitaes of Principal Investigator (PI) and Co-PI(s) Curriculum Vitaes of these project leader(s) have to be attached to the proposal. III. PROPOSAL SELECTION AND EVALUATION Project Evaluation Panel (PEP) will review the proposals and make recommendations to the R&D Project Steering Committee (PSC) for acceptance. Members of the PEP comprise Director of Technology Office and the Chief Technologists of the 6 Technology Groups. While members of the R&D Project Steering Committee should comprise Chief Executive, Director (Technology) and the Director of the Department which the R&D project has the greatest impact. Proposal reviews will consider the technical comprehension of the subject, proposal originality, and relevancy of the budget, including “in-kind” contributions/services, if offered. Proposals will also be evaluated on the type and level of collaboration between academic institutions, other government agencies, private sectors, etc. A-2 ANNEX A IV. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Periodic progress reports are required on a quarterly basis, and detailed progress reports are required every half-yearly. The quarterly project progress report should provide a brief overview of the reporting period’s work and comprise the experimental data taken, data analysis if there’s any, cite any problems encountered, expenditure up to date, and planned activities. The half-yearly reports should describe these sections in details, and also include an up-to-date literature review. The purpose of these reports is to record objectives achieved and accomplishment of activities described in the proposal. The quarterly and half-yearly project progress report formats will be provided and these reports have to be submitted, both in softcopy and hardcopy, to PUB through the project manager. The project team may be required to give presentations of their project progress to the PEP and/or PSC upon request. Upon completion of a project, the project team is required to submit a final project report within 30 days upon completion of the project to Technology Office. The final project report should be written based on the half-yearly report format, and should comprise the literature review, all the results, discussions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations, as well as a more detailed implementation plan with reference to the implementation plan originally stated in the proposal. Should there be any deviations from the preliminary implementation plan, the final report should justify the reasons. The final project report has to be submitted as both softcopy and hardcopy. To protect PUB’s interest in Intellectual Property (IP), the project leader is also obliged to complete an invention disclosure form, whenever significant IP has been developed. Completed invention disclosure forms, and the corresponding project implementation plans are reviewed by the PEP. Proposers should note that preparation of a comprehensive report on the research results is expected. The preparation of additional summary versions of the research findings tailored to meet specific needs, might be needed such as for presentation to PUB Senior Management. In addition, considering technology transfer to be one form of creating competency, Proposers should indicate how they plan to achieve technology transfer through presentation of papers, talk on PUBLink, or other efforts as part of the planned research program. The project leader is obliged to consult PEP regarding all publication plans, including journals, papers, posters and presentations in conferences, to make sure that there is no premature disclosure made prior to a potential IP registration. A-3 ANNEX A This Page Intentionally Left Blank A-4 ANNEX A Project Proposal Cover Sheet Technology and Water Quality Office 40 Scotts Road #15-01. Environmental Building. Singapore 228231 Tel: (65) 6731-9334 Fax: (65) 6235-2118 Proposal No : (Fill in BLOCK letters) Office Use Only General Information Organizations / Institutions / Company: Project Title: Project Period: Total Project Cost: Cost Sharing: Total: Cash: Inkind: Yes / No* PUB Funding Budget Phasing: (cash only) Co-Funding Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Project Team Team Designation Collaborators Dept / Section Team Team Leader Team Leader Team Members Team Members Team Members Team Members Team Members Team Members Team Members Team Members Designation Organization Comments (for office use only): Comments: A-5 ANNEX A This Page Intentionally Left Blank A-6 ANNEX A PROPOSAL FOR R&D PROJECT (For reference only) PROJECT TITLE: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ABSTRACT A-7 ANNEX A Rationale (Background, understanding of problems and gaps, importance of the projects, potential benefits) Objectives The objectives of the projects are to 1. 2. 3. 4. Project Tasks / Research Approaches A-8 ANNEX A Milestone/Deliverable Task Description Task 1 Task Month Duration 1 2 3 (mth) 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Literature survey Task 2 4 Installation of pilot plant Task 3 5 Analysis of data Task 4 IP Filing / Publication Performance Indicators Please complete the following table to indicate the estimated quantitative impact of your project. No. of Patents or Intellectual Property to be generated (if applicable) No. of Publications in leading journals/ international conferences Sales of commercialized products (if applicable) New Spin-off companies / Business Activities of Substance (if applicable) Project Implementation Plan Please indicate briefly how the results from the project will be useful for PUB and whether there is any potential for the technology to be adopted full scale in one of PUB facilities. Please indicate briefly the potential of the project for commercialisation. The proposer should declare ownership to any intellectual property rights derived from the project. A-9 ANNEX A Project Team Composition Principle Investigator Assistant Principle Investigator Research Scientist 1 Task: Research Scientist 2 Task: Assistant research Scientist Task: Assistant research Scientist Task: Assistant research Scientist Task: Assistant research Scientist Task: References A-10 ANNEX A ANNEX Breakdown of the Project Cost 1) S/ N 1 2 3 4 Manpower Description Monthly No. of mansalary (S$) months Total cost (S$) Sub Total 2) S/N Equipment Description Quantity Unit Price (S$) Useful lifespan (years) Quantity Unit Price (S$) Total Cost (S$) Total cost (S$) 1 2 3 4 Sub Total 3) S/N Materials Description 1 2 3 4 SubTotal 4) S/N Professional Services Description Total cost (S$) 1 2 3 4 Sub Total A-11 ANNEX A 5) Intellectual Property (IP) Protection or Publication S/N 1 2 3 4 Description Total cost (S$) Sub Total 6) Miscellaneous S/N 1 2 3 4 Description Total cost (S$) Sub Total 7) Summary of Project Costs S/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 8) Item Total Cost (S$) Proposed funding (S$) Manpower Equipment Materials Professional services IP protection / Publication Miscellaneous Total In-kind Contribution S/N 1 2 3 4 Description Total cost (S$) Total Total Project Cost (proposed funding + in-kind) A-12