Research Specialities of Academics who are based in Departments or Schools of Asian Language and Literature [these specialities tend to be concealed under the “Language and Literature” label] University of Auckland Intellectual and cultural history of Java Korean women’s literature Korean nationalism, globalisation and the Korean diaspora Teaching Korean as a foreign language Teaching Japanese as a foreign language Japanese language; linguistics and applied linguistics Phonology of Japanese Japanese; linguistic anthropology and sociolinguistics Social history of Japan Japanese intellectual history Japanese cultural sttudies; gender relations; the media Learning Chinese as a foreign language Linguistics; Chinese linguistics and fuzzy linguistics 20th century Chinese literature; comparative literature; gender studies Chinese film history Chinese New Zealanders Chinese philosophy Chinese linguistics University of Canterbury Auckland University of Technology Teaching Japanese as a foreign language/second language learning/use of technology in language learning Japanese language education Autonomous learning Kanji learning Intercultural communication Japanese religion Bilingualism Child language learning Teaching Chinese as a foreign/second language Japanese literature; modern Japanese women writers of fiction Japanese language, literature, history, society, ethics and management techniques Japanese language education Japanese theatre history Cross-cultural psychology (Japan-US, and Japan-New Zealand) Modern Japanese literature Human geography of Japan, modern and historical Pre-modern Chinese literature and civilisation Chinese language; pyscholinguistics, sociolinguistics and pragmatics Chinese film, Chinese popular culture; comparative cultural studies Chinese literature; comparative literature and philosophy Chinese sociolingiustics; language use among expatriate Chinese CPIT Japanese history and politics Modern Japanese hustory Japanese language Contemporary Japanese society Japanese minorities Massey University Japanese linguistics Medieval Japanese literature Japanese popular culture 20th century literature of China and Taiwan Chinese linguistics; contemporary China Chinese history (Ming); Chinese women Chinese language education University of Otago Japanese literature (2) Japanese film Japanese ecology Japanese intellectual history Chinese literature (2) Chinese film and media UNITEC Chinese music history Japanese education, contemporary Japan Chinese language; communication studies; business communication Inter-cultural communication Teaching languages through the media Victoria University of Wellington Malay literature; Malay studies Modern Japanese literature Japanese language and culture Japanese history; intellectual history Japanese language education Japanese children's literature; history of Japanese cinema Japanese language; language and gender, politeness Contemporary Japanese literature Chinese history; history of Chinese education Formal and informal literature of the Ming and Qing dynasties Chinese theatre and drama Literary translation Print culture Chinese as a second language University of Waikato Oceania-Japan links Japanese socio-linguistics (2) Japanese intellectual history; ethics in society Contemporary China, Chinese art, politics and culture; intellectual discourse Contemporary Chinese intellectuals Chinese language education’ modern Chinese literature