Senior School Recommended Private Reading Note: Availability of the resources in this list cannot be guaranteed: some may be out of print (OP), but are still valuable. In these cases, students should speak to their teacher and seek assistance. Prose: Short Story Collections Cline, C.L., (ed.), The Rinehart Book of Short Stories, (alternative ed.), Rinehart, 1952, (OP) Coffey, B.R., (ed.), Decade, Fremantle Arts Centre, 1982. Ikin, V., (ed.), Glass Reptile Breakout and other Australian Speculative Stories, UWA, Perth, 1990. Jennings, W.R., (ed.), Sixteen Modern Short Stories, Pitman, 1982. Lord, M., (ed.), The Penguin Best Australian Short Stories, Penguin, 1991. McElheny, H., and Moffett, J., (eds), Points of View, Mentor, 1966. Mellor, B., O'Neill, M., and Patterson, A., Reading Stories, Chalkface Press, Perth, 1988. Naipaul, V.S., Miguel St., Penguin, 1971. Scott, B., Impressions on a Continent, Heinemann, 1983. Prose: Short Stories (Individual Authors) From Thea Astley, George Orwell, Henry James, Elizabeth Jolley, Franz Kafka, D.H. Lawrence, Henry Lawson, Katherine Mansfield, Edgar Allan Poe, Saki, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Tim Winton. Prose: Novels Anderson, J., Tirra Lirra By the River, Penguin, 1984. Astley, T., A Kindness Cup, Penguin, 1990. Austen, J., Pride and Prejudice, Penguin Classics, 1985. Broderick, D., Striped Holes, Mandarin Australia, 1990. Camus, A., The Outsider, Penguin, 1983; The Plague, Penguin, 1970. Chambers, A., Break Time, Bodley Head, 1986. Chatwin, B., On the Black Hill, Picador, 1983. Dickens, C., A Tale of Two Cities, Penguin, 1970; Hard Times, Penguin, 1969. Fitzgerald, F.S., The Great Gatsby, Penguin, 1969. Flood, T., Oceana Fine, Allen and Unwin, 1990. Grenville, K., Joan Makes History, University of Queensland Press, 1988. Hemingway, E., A Farewell to Arms, Granada; Fiesta, Panther, 1976. Hospital, J. T., Charades, Virago, 1990. Ishiguro, K., The Remains of the Day, Faber, 1990. LeGuin, U., The Left Hand of Darkness, Futura, 1981. Lewis, J., The Wife of Martin Guerre, Penguin, 1977. Mahy, M., Memory, Dent, London, 1987 (OP). Malouf, D., Fly Away Peter, Penguin, 1983. Potok, C., The Chosen, Penguin, 1970. Pym, B., Excellent Women, Pan, 1989. Pritchard, K.S., Coonardoo, Angus and Robertson, 1990. Rand, A., The Fountainhead, Panther, 1971. Solzhenitsyn, A., One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Penguin, 1970. Steinbeck, J., Cannery Row, Pan, 1974; Tortilla Flat, Heinemann Educational or Pan, 1973. Trevor, W., Fools of Fortune, King Penguin, 1984. Tyler, A., Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, Penguin, 1983. Wells, H.G., Island of Doctor Moreau, Pan, 1975. Wharton, W., Birdy, Penguin, 1979. Winton, T., An Open Swimmer, Pan, 1983. Wyndham, J., Trouble with Lichen, Penguin, 1970. Drama: Collections Cawley, A.C., Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays, Everyman, Dent, 1990. Cooper, G., and Wortham, C., (eds), Everyman, UWA Press, 1980. Durband, A., (ed.), New Directions: Five One-Act Plays in the Modern Idiom, Hutchinson, 1968. Miller, Hayden and O'Neal (eds), Marquee, Ten Plays by American and British Playwrights, Scott Foresman and Co. (OP) Redmond, J., and Tennyson, H., (eds), Contemporary One-Act Plays, Heinemann Educational, 1986. Drama: Individual Authors Beckett, S., Waiting for Godot, Faber, 1956. Cawley, A.C., Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays, Everyman, Dent, 1990. Chekhov, A., The Cherry Orchard, Methuen, 1978, or Penguin Classic, 1959. Cooper, G., and Wortham, C., (eds), Everyman, UWA Press, 1980. Davis, J., Kullark and the Dreamers: Two Plays, Currency, 1983. Ibsen, H., The Wild Duck/A Doll's House/ Ghosts/An Enemy of the People, Dent, 1970, or Penguin, 1969. Kenna, D., A Hard God, Currency, 1974. Lawler, R.E., Summer of the Seventeenth Doll, Currency, 1978. Miller, A., The Crucible, Penguin, 1970; A View from the Bridge, Penguin, 1969; Death of a Salesman, Penguin, 1985. Nicholls, A Day in the Death of Joe Egg, Faber, 1967. Orton, J., Loot, Methuen, 1985. Russell, W., Educating Rita, Longmans, 1985. Shaffer, P., Equus, Penguin, 1981, or Longmans, 1983. Shakespeare, W., Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Richard II, Twelfth Night, Romeo and Juliet, Penguin or Pelican or Signet. Shaw, G.B., Arms and the Man, Longmans, 1985, or Penguin; Androcles and the Lion, Penguin, 1970; Pygmalion, Penguin, 1969. Sophocles, Three Theban Plays, Penguin, 1984. Thomas, D., Under Milkwood, Dent, 1983. Wilde, O., The Importance of Being Earnest, Longmans, 1983. Williams, T., The Glass Menagerie, Penguin, 1985. Poetry: Anthologies Allison, A.W., et al. (eds), The Norton Anthology of Poetry, Norton, 1983. Barnes, J., and McFarlane, B., Cross Country, Heinemann, 1984. Colmer, J., and Colmer, D., (eds), Pattern and Voice, Macmillan, 1981. Cosman, Keefe and Weaver (eds), The Penguin Book of Women Poets, Penguin, 1978. Hamilton, E., and Livingston, J., (eds), Form and Feeling, Longman Cheshire, 1981. Horne, C., and O'Brien, M., (eds), The Progress of Poetry, Heinemann, 1965. McKenzie, J.A. and J.K., (eds), The World's Contracted Thus, Heinemann Educational, 1983. McKenzie, J.A., (ed.), Lines to Time, Heinemann Educational, 1991. O'Connor, M., (ed.), Two Centuries of Australian Poetry, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1988. Stewart, M., Poetry in Time, Nelson, 1982. Poetry: Individual Poets From L. Brett, D. Campbell, M. Dransfield, R. Frost, P. Goldsworthy, R. Gray, T. Hardy, D. Hewett, S. Smith, R. Stow.