1 Two markers and one history: phylogeography of the edible common 2 sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus in the Lusitanian region 3 4 I. Calderón*, G. Giribet+, X. Turon# 5 6 *Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, 645 Diagonal 7 Ave, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. +Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology & Museum 8 of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 9 # 10 Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CSIC), C. d’Accés a la Cala S. Francesc 14, 17300 Blanes (Girona), Spain. 11 12 13 14 Corresponding author: 15 I. Calderón 16 Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona, 645 Diagonal 17 Ave, 08028 Barcelona, Spain. 18 Telephone: +34934021441 19 Fax: +34934035740 20 E-mail: calderon@ub.edu 21 1 22 Abstract 23 Benthic marine invertebrates with long-lived larvae are believed to have dispersal capabilities 24 that contribute to maintaining genetic uniformity among populations over large geographical 25 scales. However, both hydrological and biological factors may limit the actual dispersal of such 26 larvae. We studied the population genetic structure of the edible common sea urchin 27 Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816) to explore its dispersal patterns in the Atlanto- 28 Mediterranean region and, more specifically, to ascertain the role of the Strait of Gibraltar in 29 shaping the genetic structure of this species. For this purpose, we analysed 158 individuals for 30 the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene and 151 of these for the nuclear single-copy intron ANT 31 (Adenine Nucleotide Transporter) from 16 localities from the Atlantic and Mediterranean 32 basins, spanning over 4000 km. Mitochondrial 16S rRNA shows higher genetic diversity in the 33 Mediterranean than in the Atlantic and reveals a sharp break between the populations of both 34 basins, probably as a consequence of the barrier imposed by the Almería-Orán hydrological 35 front, situated east of the Strait of Gibraltar. Both markers suggest that a recent population 36 expansion has taken place in both basins, most probably following the Messinian salinity crisis. 37 2 38 Introduction 39 The last decades have witnessed an ever-increasing interest in discerning the role of historical 40 and current processes in shaping observed genetic structure at the intraspecific level (reviewed 41 in Avise 2000). In marine benthic invertebrates, gene flow between populations is mainly driven 42 by dispersal of larvae that, in some cases, can remain in the water column for weeks or even 43 months. Nevertheless, recent studies in several benthic invertebrates have shown little 44 correlation between larval lifespan and dispersal ability (e.g., Benzie 2000; Hellberg et al. 2002; 45 Palumbi 2004). Indeed, barriers to gene flow are not always conspicuous, especially in marine 46 habitats where geographical barriers, currents, temporal and spatial spawning patterns (Hart and 47 Scheibling 1998), physical and behavioural properties of larvae (Thomas 1994), juvenile 48 mortality (Gosselin and Qian 1996, 1997; Hunt and Scheibling 1997) and many other abiotic or 49 biotic factors can ultimately determine population structure over space and time (Moberg and 50 Burton 2000; Sponaugle et al. 2002). 51 Current and historical barriers to gene flow may leave a strong footprint on population 52 structure. A good model to study the role of such barriers on marine organisms is the Strait of 53 Gibraltar, which constitutes the limit between two marine biogeographical regions, the north- 54 eastern Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Historically, the exchange of waters between 55 both basins was interrupted during the Messinian salinity crisis (Maldonado 1985; Pérès 1989), 56 which constituted one of the most dramatic events during the Cenozoic era (Duggen et al. 2003). 57 The opening of a new connection through the Strait of Gibraltar re-established water exchanges 58 between basins, leading to the recolonisation of the Mediterranean by organisms from the 59 Atlantic. Besides, fluctuations in sea level during the Quaternary also produced sporadic 60 separations between both basins (Nilsson 1982; Waelbroeck et al. 2002). Population 61 differentiation across the Atlantic-Mediterranean divide has been described in a number of 62 marine species (e.g., Borsa et al. 1997; Bargelloni et al. 2003; Baus et al. 2005). The 63 concordance in intraspecific patterns in species with diverse life history traits points to the 64 importance of the historical processes that occurred in this area. Nowadays, the so-called 65 Almería-Orán hydrological front, situated east of the Strait (Tintore et al. 1998) still hinders 66 migration between basins for numerous marine species (Patarnello et al. 2007 and references 67 therein). 68 Sea urchins (Echinodermata, Echinoidea) are a diverse group of marine deuterostomes 69 (Smith et al. 2006) that play an important role in structuring benthic communities (e.g., Palacín 70 et al. 1998; Sala et al. 1998; Sivertsen 2006). The common edible sea urchin Paracentrotus 71 lividus (Lamarck, 1816) is a commercially exploited species found in the north-eastern Atlantic 72 and throughout the Mediterranean (Boudouresque and Verlaque 2001). Larval lifespan has been 3 73 estimated between 20 and 40 days (Fenaux et al. 1985; Pedrotti 1993) and thus, individuals of 74 this species are potentially able to disperse over long distances. Nonetheless, high spatial, 75 bathymetric and temporal variability in settlement suggests that biotic or abiotic factors may 76 affect dispersal (Hereu et al. 2004; Tomas et al. 2004). 77 Notwithstanding the vast amount of literature on the ecology and biology of 78 Paracentrotus lividus (e.g., Savy 1987; Turon et al. 1995; López et al. 1998; Tomas et al. 2006), 79 little is still known about its genetic structure. Iuri et al. (2007), in a study based on two 80 mitochondrial and one nuclear markers, stated that P. lividus presents no genetic differentiation 81 within the Gulf of Naples. At a larger scale, Duran et al. (2004) observed panmixia within 82 Atlantic and Mediterranean basins using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (hereafter COI) DNA 83 sequences, but detected also a slight but significant pattern of genetic differentiation between the 84 two basins. 85 The aim of our study was to obtain a more detailed picture of the population genetic 86 structure of Paracentrotus lividus throughout the Atlanto-Mediterranean region and, especially, 87 to ascertain the role of the Strait of Gibraltar in shaping the genetic structure of this species. In 88 order to achieve such a goal, we sampled the common sea urchin in16 locations from the 89 Atlantic and Mediterranean basins and analysed two molecular markers of different 90 characteristics: a mitochondrial ribosomal gene and a nuclear intron. 91 92 Material and methods 93 Sixteen locations were sampled for Paracentrotus lividus by scuba along the Atlanto- 94 Mediterranean arch (Figure 1). Distances between sampling sites ranged from 20 to around 4400 95 km. The gonads were dissected from live specimens, fixed in 96% ethanol and stored at –80ºC 96 until processing. 97 Genomic DNA was extracted using the REALPURE extraction kit (Durviz, Spain) and 98 two molecular markers were analysed. A fragment of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene was 99 amplified for 158 individuals with universal primers 16Sa and 16Sb (Kessing et al. 1989). The 100 single-copy intron of the nuclear Adenine Nucleotide Transporter (ANT) gene was amplified for 101 151 individuals by EPIC-PCR, using degenerate universal primers designed by Jarman et al. 102 (2002). In both cases, amplifications were performed in a final volume of 25 μL using 2.5 mM 103 of MgCl2, 1 mM of dNTPs, 0.5 μM of each primer and 1 U of Taq polymerase. For the 104 mitochondrial 16S rRNA, 1 μL of DMSO was added per sample. PCR amplicons were vacuum- 105 cleaned and labelled using BigDye® Terminator v.3.1 (Applied Biosystems, Branchburg, New 106 Jersey, USA). Sequences were obtained on an ABI 3730 and 3100 Genetic Analyzer (Applied 107 Biosystems) for 16S and ANT, respectively. 4 108 In order to reconstruct the allelic phase from the ANT genotypic data we used the 109 program PHASE v2.1 (Stephens et al. 2001; Stephens and Scheet 2005). To confirm the 110 existence of only two alleles per individual and to check the results provided by PHASE, PCR 111 products of six individuals from different populations were cloned with the pGEM-Easy Vector 112 cloning kit (Promega, Wisconsin, USA) following manufacturer’s instructions. Four to six 113 colonies per individual were sequenced. 114 115 Population genetics analyses 116 Haplotype and nucleotide diversity values were calculated with DnaSP v.4.10.3 (Rozas et al. 117 2003). Genetix v 4.05.2 (Belkhir et al. 2004) was used to calculate haplotype frequencies and 118 inbreeding coefficients from the data obtained for ANT with PHASE. Pairwise genetic distances 119 (FST) for both markers were calculated with Arlequin ver. 3.1 (Excoffier et al. 2005) and their 120 significance was assessed by performing 10,000 permutations. A Multidimensional Scaling 121 (MDS) was performed with Systat 11 (SPSS) to graphically visualise these results. 122 SAMOVA 1.0 (Dupanloup et al. 2002) was used to define groups of populations that are 123 geographically homogeneous and with the highest differentiation among each other. Analyses 124 were performed for K=2 groups with 10,000 simulated annealing procedures. AMOVA, as 125 implemented in Arlequin, was performed to further examine hierarchical population structure. 126 Finally, the correlation of genetic and geographical distances was tested with the Mantel test 127 procedure available in Arlequin. 128 129 Haplotype network 130 For 16S rRNA, the complete data set was used to build a median-joining network using 131 Network v4.2.0.1 (Bandelt et al. 1999). For ANT, however, due to the high number of 132 haplotypes found, we limited the network to populations surrounding the Strait of Gibraltar. The 133 loops observed in the networks were solved using criteria derived from coalescent theory 134 (Templeton et al. 1987; Templeton and Sing 1993). 135 136 Demographic analyses 137 Neutrality tests and mismatch distribution analyses can provide hints to infer population 138 demographic events. Tajima’s D (Tajima 1989a), Fu’s FS (Fu 1997) and R2 (Ramos-Onsins and 139 Rozas 2002) were calculated with DnaSP. Mismatch distributions (Rogers and Harpending 140 1992; Harpending 1994), as well as goodness-of-fit tests for demographic and spatial 141 expansions, were calculated with Arlequin. 142 5 143 Results 144 Diversity and population structure 145 For the mitochondrial 16S rRNA, a fragment of 582 bp was sequenced from 158 individuals. A 146 multi-T region was observed in the amplified fragment, containing from 6 to 9 Ts. Except for 147 these, all other changes observed were substitutions. Thirty-one polymorphic sites and 38 148 haplotypes were observed. Of these, 16 haplotypes were present in Atlantic samples (9 of these 149 were exclusive to this basin) whereas Mediterranean samples comprised 29 (22 haplotypes 150 exclusive to this basin; Table 1 in Appendix I). Haplotype diversity is thus higher in the 151 Mediterranean than in the Atlantic basin, and so is nucleotide diversity (Table 1). 152 For the ANT intron, 323 bp were sequenced for 151 out of the 158 individuals sequenced 153 for 16S rRNA. Fifty-seven variable sites were observed. Cloning of six randomly chosen 154 individuals proved that ANT was a single-copy marker and confirmed in every case the 155 haplotype assignment provided by PHASE. The allelic reconstruction estimated 142 haplotypes 156 (Tables 2 and 3 in Appendix I), 86 in the Atlantic (60 haplotypes exclusive to this basin) and 82 157 in the Mediterranean (56 of which were exclusive to this basin). Haplotype and nucleotide 158 diversity did not differ between basins (Table 1). Twenty-nine out of 151 individuals appeared 159 to be homozygotes, the number of homozygote individuals being evenly distributed in both 160 basins. Eight populations showed a significant departure from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium 161 (Table 1). 162 FST for 16S rRNA showed higher levels of population differentiation between basins 163 (mean FST = 0.109) than within the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins (means of 0.021 and – 164 0.004 respectively; Table 4 in Appendix I). As a consequence, a sharp separation between 165 Atlantic and Mediterranean populations was observed in the MDS representation (Figure 2a). 166 On the contrary, differences between basins as revealed by FST measures were not as clear for 167 the ANT data, mostly due to the high variability observed in the sampled populations (Table 4 in 168 Appendix I). Likewise, MDS did not show a clear separation between basins (Figure 2b). 169 For 16S rRNA, SAMOVA for K=2 clustered Atlantic populations, plus Ceuta and 170 Tarifa, in one group, and the remaining Mediterranean populations in another group. Ceuta and 171 Tarifa, although located in the Mediterranean Sea, are placed west of the Almería-Orán 172 hydrological front. Results from AMOVA showed a significant variance component associated 173 with the differentiation between basins (11.20%, considering Ceuta and Tarifa as Atlantic 174 populations). The variance between populations within basins was low and not significant 175 (0.08%), but increased to 6.39% and became significant when no groups were specified (Table 176 2a). The Mantel test showed a significant correlation coefficient between genetic and 177 geographical distances (r=0.395, p=0.009) for the whole sample. However, neither the 6 178 correlation coefficients estimated within basins (r=0.05 and r=0.225 for the Atlantic and the 179 Mediterranean, respectively) nor the coefficient for between-basins pairs alone (r=0.184) were 180 significant, indicating that the overall significant results may, in fact, be an artefact. Indeed, this 181 outcome may stem from the fact that the global analysis lumped together comparisons within 182 basins, which corresponded to populations poorly differentiated and geographically close, with 183 between-basin comparisons, which relied on populations that tended to be more divergent and 184 widely separated. This suggests that there is no isolation by distance between our basins, but 185 only a sharp genetic break at the Almería-Orán front. 186 As for ANT, SAMOVA showed a clear differentiation between Nao and all other populations 187 when K=2 groups. When K>2, populations were separated one by one from the main group and 188 the sharp distinction between the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins observed for 16S rRNA was 189 not observed. For the sake of comparison, we computed AMOVA (and subsequent analyses) 190 with the same Atlantic and Mediterranean groups as for 16S rRNA. A much higher variability 191 within populations was observed, accounting for more than 97% of the overall variation (Table 192 2b). Variation among populations within basins was in general small but significant (between 2 193 and 3%) whereas variation between groups (basins) was not significant. As expected, the Mantel 194 test provided a smaller, non-significant correlation coefficient (r=0.137, p>0.05). 195 Haplotype network 196 The network obtained for the 16S rRNA data suggests that haplotype 1 is the ancestral 197 haplotype due to its high frequency, its wide geographical distribution and its central position in 198 the network. All haplotypes are separated by a few mutational steps (Figure 3). For ANT, the 199 haplotype network was only built for the 4 populations around the Strait of Gibraltar (Cádiz, 200 Ceuta, Tarifa and Gata), comprising 78 individuals representing 51 haplotypes. The single 201 network obtained presented a high amount of loops that were almost always unambiguously 202 resolved (Figure S1). 203 204 Demographic analyses 205 Neutrality tests for the 16S rRNA detected a population expansion for the whole sample set, 206 with significant values for all three tests. However, only the Fs and R2 statistics detected 207 significant expansions within each basin (Table 3). In the case of ANT, neutrality tests provided 208 the same results observed for 16S rRNA, although R2 did not detect a significant expansion for 209 the Atlantic basin (Table 3). 210 The mismatch distributions for both 16S rRNA and ANT presented a unimodal 211 distribution, characteristic of a sudden expansion model (Rogers and Harpending 1992) for each 212 basin separately as well as for the whole area (Figure 4 and Table 4). The test for spatial 7 213 expansion for the 16S rRNA in Mediterranean populations failed to converge with the algorithm 214 implemented in Arlequin ver. 3.1. 215 According to Rogers and Harpending (1992), the wave’s crest is determined at τ=2ut, 216 where τ is the mode of mismatch distribution and t represents the approximate time of 217 expansion. In this equation, u is the mutation rate of the entire region under study (mutation rate 218 per nucleotide times the number of nucleotides of the fragment analysed). A mutation rate of 219 0.5% per nucleotide per million years (Myr) was used for the 16S rRNA, following that in other 220 sea urchins (Chenuil and Féral 2003). Assuming independent demographic events within each 221 basin, the expansion in the Atlantic would have taken place around 270,000 years ago, whereas 222 in the Mediterranean it would have occurred 360,000 years ago. According to previous studies 223 (e.g., Lozano et al. 1995; Turon et al. 1995) Paracentrotus lividus has a generation time of 3 224 years. Therefore, expansions in each basin would have occurred 90,000 and 120,000 generations 225 ago, respectively. On the contrary, if we assume that a single expansion occurred in the whole 226 area, this would have taken place 351,000 years or 117,600 generations ago. 227 Likewise, the intron data detected population expansions both for the Atlantic and 228 Mediterranean basins, as well as for the whole distribution. Lack of data for the mutation rate of 229 nuclear introns prevented us from estimating expansions times. 230 231 Discussion 232 The study of population genetics of Paracentrotus lividus in the Atlanto-Mediterranean arch 233 using a mitochondrial ribosomal gene and a nuclear intron reveals two salient points: a lack of 234 differentiation within each basin, suggesting long range dispersal, and the role of the Strait of 235 Gibraltar, and more specifically the Almería-Orán hydrological front, in restricting gene flow 236 between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations. 237 The use of multiple molecular markers with different properties can yield considerably 238 more sensitive results than a single marker (e.g., Chow and Takeyama 2000; Buonaccorsi et al. 239 2001). MtDNA has been classically used in population genetics and phylogeographic studies 240 (reviewed in Avise 2000, but see Ballard and Whitlock 2004; Hurst and Jiggins 2005). The use 241 of introns for such studies is much more recent (e.g., Villablanca et al. 1998; Daguin et al. 2001; 242 Berrebi et al. 2005). These non-coding regions are expected to evolve at a higher rate than 243 coding regions or than ribosomal genes constituting good markers for inferring recent processes 244 at the intraspecific level (but see Kreitman 1983; Villablanca et al. 1998; Zhang and Hewitt 245 2003). One of the difficulties encountered when working with nuclear DNA is the existence of 246 allele polymorphisms. In the case of Paracentrotus lividus, the presence of homozygotes in our 247 sample (19.2% of our individuals) allowed the most likely reconstruction of the allelic phase for 8 248 all our individuals following a Bayesian approach (Clark 1990; Excoffier and Slatkin 1995; 249 Stephens et al. 2001). Although some populations showed departures from Hardy-Weinberg 250 equilibrium, the biological significance of this is questionable. Most populations showing excess 251 of homozygosis had only one homozygote individual, which was enough to be significant in the 252 HWE test, due to the high expected heterozygosity in the whole sample (Table 1; Table 2 and 3 253 in Appendix I). The level of variability of ANT was probably excessive for detecting genetic 254 structure at the studied geographical scale. Therefore, most of the variability is found within 255 populations, rendering relationships between populations difficult to infer. 256 MtDNA is a single molecule that is maternally inherited without generally overcoming 257 recombination (but see Rokas et al. 2003; Tsaousis et al. 2005). Linkage of COI and 16S rRNA 258 implies a shared evolutionary history and, thus, any difference in the patterns inferred using these 259 two genes may be due to differences in mutation rates (0.5% for 16S rRNA [Chenuil and Féral 260 2003], and 1.6-3.5% for COI [Lessios et al. 1999; McCartney et al. 2000] in sea urchins), 261 ultimately determined by their functional constraints. Iuri et al. (2007) found COI to be more 262 efficient than both mitochondrial 16S rRNA and nuclear ITS-2 to detect population structure at a 263 small geographic scale in the Gulf of Naples (maximum sampled distance <80 km). On the 264 contrary, our results for 16S rRNA provided a stronger signal of population differentiation 265 between Atlantic and Mediterranean basins than that observed for COI by Duran et al. (2004) at a 266 similar geographic scale. In our study, differentiation between basins explained 11.2% of the 267 total variance while it only accounted for 1.5% in Duran et al. (2004). The 16S rRNA data reveal 268 significant differentiation between groups (basins) but differentiation is negligible among 269 populations between groups (Table 2). The reverse pattern occurred for ANT data. This 270 apparently counter-intuitive result can be explained by the high mutation rate observed for ANT, 271 that may lead to saturation and thus lack of signal when comparing the more divergent 272 populations at both sides of the Gibraltar divide, while some signal is still appreciable between 273 populations that have diverged less (i.e., within basins). 274 Following the Messinian salinity crisis, populations of marine species in the 275 Mediterranean became for the most part extinct, since this basin was reduced to an assemblage 276 of hypersaline lakes (Hsü 1972; Briggs 1974; Blondel and Aronson 1999; Duggen et al. 2003). 277 After the opening of the Strait (5.33 Mya) the Mediterranean was refilled with Atlantic waters, 278 with the concomitant entry of biota. For many species, therefore, current Mediterranean 279 populations are at most around 5 Myr old. It is unlikely that the Mediterranean hosted the 280 common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus or its ancestors during the Messinian episode due to 281 the strict saline conditions following the closure of the Strait of Gibraltar, especially considering 282 the poor osmoregulatory abilities of echinoderms. Taking into account that the only other 9 283 species of the same genus, P. gaimardi (de Blainville, 1825), inhabits both coasts of the 284 Southern Atlantic Ocean (Mortensen 1943), the most likely hypothesis is that P. lividus 285 originated from an Atlantic stock that colonised the Mediterranean after the salinity crisis. 286 Population growth generates an excess of (recent) mutations and therefore an excess of 287 singletons (Avise et al. 1984; Watterson 1984; Tajima 1989a,b; Slatkin and Hudson 1991; 288 Ramos-Onsins and Rozas 2002). The pattern observed in our data of few frequent haplotypes 289 and many low-frequency haplotypes with few differences, similar to that observed by Duran et 290 al. (2004) and also found in other marine invertebrates (e.g., Edmands et al. 1996; Zane et al. 291 2000; Lejeusne and Chevaldonné 2006), is compatible with this prediction. Neutrality tests and 292 mismatch distributions are also sensitive to such excess of low frequency haplotypes. Ramos- 293 Onsins and Rozas (2002) suggested that Fs and R2 are more powerful tests than Tajima’s D in 294 detecting population changes, a prediction confirmed by our results (Table 3). These significant 295 values can be due to changes in demographic parameters but also a consequence of selection 296 acting upon the studied genes. In our case, the agreement between data from unlinked markers, 297 including an intron, points to demographic changes and not selection as the most likely 298 explanation for the pattern found. 299 Mismatch distribution analyses for both markers also suggest that demographic 300 expansions took place in Paracentrotus lividus (Figure 4 and Table 4), after becoming 301 established in the Mediterranean, corroborating the data from Duran et al. (2004). Interestingly, 302 when the mismatch distribution is tested for populations one by one using 16S rRNA, only 303 Roscoff and Cádiz seem to have experienced an expansion in the Atlantic basin whereas all 304 populations in the Mediterranean show a unimodal distribution indicative of population growth 305 (data not shown). This indicates that the expansion may have been more important in the 306 Mediterranean than in the Atlantic basin. Our data suggest that expansions occurred some 307 300,000 years ago, corresponding to the Mindel-Riss interglaciary period (Kukla 2005), and 308 possibly earlier in the Mediterranean than in the Atlantic. These expansions may have been 309 determinant of the present-day genetic structure of the common sea urchin along its 310 distributional range. In particular, the lower haplotypic and nucleotidic diversity of 16S rRNA in 311 the Atlantic basin could be the result of the arrival of Mediterranean lineages into the Atlantic 312 during this expansion episode, which may have erased the genetic signal of older Atlantic 313 populations. 314 In conclusion, the origin of the populations of Paracentrotus lividus in the area studied 315 probably dates back to the end of the Messinian period and, afterwards, the interplay of glacial 316 and interglacial periods during the Quaternary and associated demographic changes would have 317 shaped the present-day distribution of the species. 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Two 515 anonymous reviewers and Associate Editor Thorsten Reusch provided comments that helped to 516 improve this manuscript. This study was funded by projects CTM2004-05265 and CTM2007- 517 66635 of the Spanish Government and by internal funds from the Museum of Comparative 518 Zoology, Harvard University. We declare that all the experiments done comply with current 519 Spanish laws. 520 16 521 Figure captions 522 Figure 1. Sampling scheme for Paracentrotus lividus. Codes for populations: 1) Ros: Roscoff; 523 2) San: Santander; 3) Fer: Ferrol; 4) Lis: Lisbon; 5) Cdz: Cádiz; 6) Tfe: Tenerife; 7) Ceu: Ceuta; 524 8) Tar: Tarifa; 9) Gata: Gata; 10) Nao: Nao; 11) Tos: Tossa de Mar; 13) Cad: Cadaqués; 14) 525 Cab: Cabrera; 15) Cor: Corsica; 16); Gre: Greece. 526 Figure 2. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) for 16S rRNA (a) and ANT (b). Open circles 527 represent Atlantic populations (including Ceuta and Tarifa) whereas filled circles represent 528 Mediterranean populations. 529 Figure 3. Minimum Spanning Network for 16S rRNA. Circles represent the 38 haplotypes 530 observed in our sample. Areas of the circles are proportional to the number of sampled 531 individuals. Partitions inside the circles represent the proportion of each population within each 532 haplotype. Red dots represent missing, probably unsampled haplotypes or extinct sequences. 533 Figure 4. Mismatch distribution for 16S rRNA and ANT for each basin. The dashed line 534 represents the expected distribution under a sudden expansion model; the solid line represents 535 the observed distribution. Ceuta and Melilla are considered as belonging to the Atlantic 536 group of populations. 537 17 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 Ros 45ºN Fer San Cor Cad Tos Col Lis Nao Tar Cdz Gata Ceu Cab Gre Tfe 0º 15ºE 18 Pairwise nucleotide differences (a) (b) 568 569 19 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 Roscoff Santander Ferrol Lisbon Cádiz Tenerife Ceuta Tarifa Gata Nao Columbretes Tossa Cadaqués Cabrera Corsica Greece 20 581 16S (Atlantic) 1200 Observed Expected 1000 Frequency 800 600 400 200 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pairwise differences 582 16S (Mediterranean) 1000 Observed Expected 800 Frequency 600 400 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Pairwise differences 583 ANT (Atlantic) 1800 Observed Expected 1600 1400 Frequency 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 584 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Pairwise differences 21 585 ANT (Mediterranean) 2000 Observed Expected Frequency 1500 1000 500 0 0 586 587 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Pairwise differences 22 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 Table 1. Diversity measures for the populations of Paracentrotus lividus studied. Number of individuals per population (N). Number of haplotypes per population (Nh), out of which the number of private alleles is shown in brackets. Two haplotypes in the Atlantic and 5 in the Mediterranean are exclusive from each basin, but shared by more than one population. Haplotypic (H) and nucleotidic (π) diversity, with standard deviations presented in brackets. Inbreeding coefficient for ANT. Asterisks represent significant coefficients at p<0.05. H exp represents the expected heterozygosity and Hobs represents the observed heterozygosity. Ceuta and Tarifa were considered in the Atlantic group of populations following results from SAMOVA (see text). Population 16S N H 0.563 (±0.062) 0.839 Roscoff 9 (±0.110) 0.378 Santander 10 (±0.181) 0.733 Ferrol 10 (±0.101) 0.564 Lisbon 11 (±0.134) 0.818 Cádiz 11 (±0.119) 0.250 Tenerife 8 (±0.18) 0.533 Ceuta 10 (±0.180) 0.200 Tarifa 10 (±0.154) 0.839 79 MED (±0.020) 0.667 Gata 10 (±0.163) 0.952 Nao 7 (±0.96) 0.894 Columbretes 12 (±0.63) 0.885 Tossa 13 (±0.064) 0.929 Cadaqués 8 (±0.084) 0.944 Cabrera 9 (±0.070) 0.929 Corsica 8 (±0.84) 0.970 Greece 12 (±0.044) 158 0.785 Total (±0.032) ATL 79 Π 0.00189 (±0.00027) 0.00239 (±0.00057) 0.00072 (±0.00037) 0.00259 (±0.00057) 0.00184 (±0.00049) 0.00262 (±0.00067) 0.00043 (±0.00031) 0.00179 (±0.00075) 0.0076 (±0.00058) 0.00407 (±0.00028) 0.00261 (±0.00102) 0.00375 (±0.00080) 0.00390 (±0.00052) 0.00406 (±0.00064) 0.00413 (±0.00070) 0.00466 (±0.00076) 0.00429 (±0.00068) 0.00374 (±0.00066) 0.00333 (±0.00025) ANT Nh (private) N H Π 16 (9) 75 4 (1) 9 4 9 7 (2) 10 4 10 7 (3) 11 3 8 6 10 3 (1) 8 29 (22) 76 7 (4) 10 7 6 7 (1) 11 7 (4) 13 6 (2) 8 7 (2) 9 6 8 10 (4) 11 38 151 0.975 (±0.006) 0.961 (±0.034) 0.928 (±0.040) 0.968 (±0.028) 1 (±0.016) 0.961 (±0.028) 0.933 (±0.48) 0.995 (±0.018) 0.992 (±0.025) 0.959 (±0.011) 0.953 (±0.028) 0.939 (±0.058) 0.931 (±0.046) 0.975 (±0.021) 0.958 (±0.036) 0.958 (±0.033) 0.942 (±0.048) 0.961 (±0.024) 0.9672 (±0.0060) 0.01397 (±0.00058) 0.01360 (±0.00191) 0.01267 (±0.00185) 0.01367 (±0.00162) 0.01623 (±0.00149) 0.01330 (±0.00118) 0.01026 (±0.00112) 0.01486 (±0.00131) 0.01442 (±0.00193) 0.01230 (±0.00064) 0.01014 (±0.00141) 0.00577 (±0.00077) 0.01072 (±0.00180) 0.01259 (±0.00131) 0.01164 (±0.00148) 0.01409 (±0.00189) 0.01099 (±0.00110) 0.01608 (±0.00168) 0.01316 (±0.00044) Nh Inbreeding H exp. (private) Coefficient 87 (60) 0.0621* 0.913 H obs. 0.8108 14 (5) 0.200* 0.9074 0.778 11 (6) 0.045 0.8765 0.889 16 (5) 0.182* 0.920 0.800 20 (12) -0.006 0.945 1.000 16 (8) 0.349* 0.917 0.636 11 (4) 0.611* 0.867 0.375 19 (10) -0.006 0.945 1.000 15 (4) -0.0091 0.930 1.000 82 (56) 0.098* 0,901 0.803 13 (3) 0.383* 0.905 0.600 9 (2) -0.071 0.861 1.000 16 (8) 0.024 0.888 0.909 21 (12) 0.143* 0.944 0.846 12 (3) 0.229* 0.898 0.750 15 (8) 0.069 0.915 0.900 12 (9) 0.075 0.883 0.875 15 (10) 0.444* 0.917 0.546 142 0.080* 0.907 0.806 595 596 23 597 598 599 Table 2. Analyses of Molecular Variance for 16S rRNA (a) and ANT (b). Ceuta and Tarifa were considered as 600 (a) 16S Source of variation belonging to the Atlantic group of populations. Asterisks represent significant tests at p<0.05 after 10,000 permutations. Va, Vb and Vc are the associate covariance components. FSC, FST and FCT are the F-statistics. Df Sum of squares Variance components % of variation Fixation indices AMOVA between basins Among groups 1 10.646 0.12237 Va 11.20* FCT: 0.00086 Among populations within groups 14 13.689 0.00084 Vb 0.08 FSC: 0.11275 Within populations 142 137.678 0.96956 Vc 88.72* FST: 0.11198 Total 157 162.013 1.09277 Among populations without groups 15 24.335 0.06622 Va 6.39* FST: 0.06393 Within populations 142 137.678 0.96956 Vb 93.61 Total 157 162.013 1.03578 AMOVA without groups 601 602 (b) ANT Source of variation Df Sum of squares Variance components % of variation Fixation indices Among groups 1 3.561 0.00207 Va 0.10 FCT: 0.02848 Among populations within groups 14 44.924 0.06050 Vb 2.84* FSC: 0.02942 Within populations 288 594.455 2.06408 Vc 97.06* FST: 0.00098 Total 303 642.941 2.12665 Among populations without groups 15 47.260 0.05706 Va 2.68* FST: 0.02684 Within populations 288 595.782 2.06869 Vb 97.32 Total 303 643.043 2.12575 AMOVA between basins AMOVA without groups 603 24 604 605 Table 3. Tests of neutrality for 16S rRNA and ANT. Ceuta and Tarifa were considered as belonging to the Atlantic group of populations. Asterisks represent significant results: * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.002. 16S Atlantic Mediterranean Total Tajima’s D -1.73683 -1.65461 -1.90111* Fu’s Fs -7.010*** -18.888*** -30.171*** R2 0.042* 0.043* 0.029* ANT Atlantic Mediterranean Total Tajima’s D -1.47953 -1.89368 -1.85294* Fu’s Fs -123.389*** -116.093*** -246.361*** R2 0.0501 0.0395* 0.0369* 606 607 25 608 609 610 611 Table 4. Parameters of population expansion for both markers, for each basin separately and for the whole sample. Ceuta and Tarifa were considered as belonging to the Atlantic group of populations. Parameters are estimated with a confidence interval of 0.01 for 10,000 bootstrap replicates. SDD (sum of square deviations) with its respective p values in brackets. 16S Parameters ANT Atlantic Mediterranean Total Atlantic Mediterranean Total Τ 1.581 2.097 2.043 4.544 4.176 4.510 Θo 0.113 0.217 0.159 0.643 0.580 0.560 Θ1 2031.363 4330.372 3687.971 1379.746 1149.083 1210.135 0.003005 (0.14) 0.000574 (0.12) 0.00057 (0.080) 0.002188 (0.29) 0.0016 (0.34) 0.001098 (0.61) 0.0013 (054) 0.001279 (0.42) 0.0017 (0.39) Goodness-of-fit test (SDD) Demographic expansion Spatial expansion 0.00108 (0.54) 0.000982 (0.60) ------- 612 26 613 APPENDIX 614 Table 1. Absolute haplotype frequencies for 16S. Population codes correspond to codes in Figure 1. 615 Hapl Ros San Fer Lis Cdz Tfe Ceu Tar ATL Gata Nao Col Tos Cad Cab Cor Gre MED 1 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 3 2 4 1 3 4 5 5 3 8 36 1 6 4 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 12 8 1 1 9 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 12 1 1 12 1 1 13 1 1 14 1 1 1 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 11 1 1 3 1 1 4 2 2 14 1 1 17 1 1 1 2 4 2 19 1 1 2 2 20 1 18 2 10 1 16 1 4 7 15 1 1 5 10 4 2 2 10 3 1 1 6 21 1 1 22 1 1 3 1 23 2 2 24 1 1 25 1 1 26 1 1 27 1 1 28 1 1 29 1 1 30 1 1 31 1 1 32 1 1 33 1 1 34 1 1 35 1 1 36 1 1 27 37 1 1 38 1 1 Total 9 10 11 10 11 8 10 10 79 10 7 12 13 8 9 8 12 79 616 617 28 618 619 Table 2. Haplotypic phase for each individual form results obtained with PHASE. Homozygotic individuals are marked with an asterisk. Population codes correspond to codes in Figure 1. ATLANTIC Individual Haplotye Individual Haplotye ROSCOFF CÁDIZ H1, H2 H8, H49 Ros1 Cdz1 MEDITERRANEAN Individual Haplotye Individual Haplotye GATA CADAQUÉS H134, H135 Cad2 H7, H85 Gata2 H3, H4 Ros2 H5, H6 Ros3 H7, H7 Ros4* H8, H9 Ros5 H10, H10 Ros6* H11, H12 Ros8 H7, H13 Ros9 H10, H14 Ros10 SANTANDER H1, H15 San2 H7, H10 San3 H16, H17 San4 H18, H18 San5* H19, H20 San7 H21, 22 San8 H1, H7 San9 H7, H17 San10 H7, H17 San11 FERROL H1, H23 Fer1 H7, H7 Fer2* H24, H25 Fer3 H11, H26 Fer4 H1, H1 Fer5* H27, H28 Fer9 H7, H17 Fer11 H29, H30 Fer13 H31, H32 Fer14 H33, H34 Fer17 LISBON H7, H27 Lis2 H35, H36 Lis3 H10, H37 Lis6 H34, H38 Lis7 H39, H40 Lis8 H41, H42 Lis9 H8, H42 Lis10 H43, H44 Lis15 H45, H46 Lis16 H47, H48 Lis17 Gata3 Gata4 Gata10* Gata11* Gata13 Gata15 Gata16 Gata17* Gata18 H8, H50 H26, H51 H7, H7 H52, H52 H53, H53 H8, H8 H54, H55 H56, H57 H10, H58 H29, H59 TENERIFE H7, H60 Tfe1 H12, H61 Tfe3 H10, H62 Tfe4 H1, H1 Tfe6* H63, H63 Tfe7* H1, H1 Tfe10* H64, H64 Tfe11* H65, H65 Tfe13* CEUTA H66, H67 Ceu1 H28, H68 Ceu2 H69, H70 Ceu4 H17, H71 Ceu6 H72, H73 Ceu8 H7, H74 Ceu11 H75, H76 Ceu12 H12, H77 Ceu13 H49, H78 Ceu14 H7, H79 Ceu15 TARIFA H1, H7 Tar1 H7, H80 Tar2 H28, H68 Tar3 H81, H82 Tar4 H83, H84 Tar5 H12, H49 Tar7 H10, H85 Tar9 H29, H86 Tar14 Cdz2 Cdz3 Cdz4* Cdz5* Cdz6* Cdz7* Cdz8 Cdz9 Cdz10 Cdz11 H68, H136 H137, H137 H68, H68 H1, H1 H7, H138 H7, H139 H7, H140 H141, H141 H2, H142 NAO H7, H85 Nao5 H96, H97 Nao6 H31, H85 Nao11 H10, H37 Nao12 H17, H83 Nao14 H10, H85 Nao20 COLUMBRETES H7, H8 Col1 H7, H91 Col3 H92, H93 Col4 H7, H87 Col8 H31, H88 Col9 H31, H85 Col10 H89, H90 Col12 H10, H94 Col15 H72, H95 Col16 H7, H7 Col17* H7, H28 Col18 TOSSA H85, H98 Tos1 H92, H92 Tos2* H8, H12 Tos4 H7, H99 Tos5 H100, H101 Tos6 H1, H102 Tos7 H103, H104 Tos8 H105, H106 Tos9 H8, H84 Tos10 H22, H53 Tos11 H17, H107 Tos18 H7, H7 Tos33* H108, H109 Tos34 H1, H110 Cad4 H17, H17 Cad10* H8, H51 Cad15 H7, H7 Cad17* H13, H51 Cad18 H111, H112 Cad19 H9, H61 Cad23 CABRERA H7, H83 Cab19 H113, H114 Cab22 H7, H9 Cab23 H38, H115 Cab24 H116, H117 Cab25 H118, H119 Cab26 H7, H120 Cab27 H7, H8 Cab34 H72, H72 Cab40* CORSICA H7, H7 Cor5* H7, H8 Cor6 H92, H131 Cor12 H31, H85 Cor13 H132, H133 Cor17 H8, H30 Cor18 H1, H2 Cor19 H7, H17 Cor20 GREECE H7, H7 Gre1* H121, H121 Gre2* H122, H123 Gre5 H7,H60 Gre7 H124, H125 Gre8 H1, H1 Gre9* H126, H127 Gre10 H128, H128 Gre12* H129, H129 Gre14* H34, H73 Gre16 H1, H130 Gre17 620 29 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 Table 3. Absolute frequencies of each ANT haplotype per basin. Haplotype ATL MED Total Haplotype ATL MED Total Haplotype ATL MED To 11 8 19 1 1 2 1 1 H1 H37 H73 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 H2 H38 H74 1 1 1 1 1 H3 H39 H75 1 1 1 1 1 H4 H40 H76 1 1 1 1 1 H5 H41 H77 1 1 2 2 1 H6 H42 H78 18 27 45 1 1 1 H7 H43 H79 6 7 13 1 1 1 H8 H44 H80 1 2 3 1 1 1 H9 H45 H81 8 3 11 1 1 1 H10 H46 H82 2 2 1 1 1 2 H11 H47 H83 4 1 5 1 1 1 1 H12 H48 H84 1 1 2 3 3 1 7 H13 H49 H85 1 1 1 1 1 H14 H50 H86 1 1 1 2 3 1 H15 H51 H87 1 1 2 2 1 H16 H52 H88 5 5 10 2 1 3 1 H17 H53 H89 2 2 1 1 1 H18 H54 H90 1 1 1 1 1 H19 H55 H91 1 1 1 1 4 H20 H56 H92 1 1 1 1 1 H21 H57 H93 1 1 2 1 1 1 H22 H58 H94 1 1 1 1 1 H23 H59 H95 1 1 1 1 2 1 H24 H60 H96 1 1 1 1 2 1 H25 H61 H97 2 2 1 1 1 H26 H62 H98 2 2 2 2 1 H27 H63 H99 3 1 4 2 2 1 H28 H64 H100 3 3 2 2 1 H29 H65 H101 1 1 2 1 1 1 H30 H66 H102 1 4 5 1 1 1 H31 H67 H103 1 1 2 3 5 1 H32 H68 H104 1 1 1 1 1 H33 H69 H105 2 1 3 1 1 1 H34 H70 H106 1 1 1 1 1 H35 H71 H107 1 1 1 3 4 1 H36 H72 H108 Table 4. FST values for 16S (lower diagonal) and for ANT (upper diagonal) based on pairwise nucleotide differences. Population codes correspond to codes in Figure 1. Values in bold represent significant comparisons for p<0.05. The empty diagonal represents FST=0. Note that, for 16S (lower diagonal) more than 50% of comparisons among basins are significant whereas only when comparing Ferrol to Santander and Tarifa in the Atlantic FST values were significant within basins. As for ANT, Nao shows a striking difference with all other populations, all comparisons being significant. -0.00235 -0.01301 -0.00096 0.04941 -0.02116 0.03136 0.00810 0.16986 0.01153 -0.07614 0.06913 -0.02859 -0.02640 -0.01190 0.07542 -0.00100 0.06756 0.03762 0.06147 0.08728 -0.00596 0.00192 -0.02138 0.00801 0.07553 0.01111 -0.02075 0.01399 -0.01079 0.01868 -0.02204 0.04769 0.01527 0.08201 0.05606 0.04582 0.01231 0.02500 0.07672 0.04519 -0.01875 0. -0.00307 -0.0 0.01228 -0.0 0.04081 0.0 0.04909 0.0 0.10380 0.14511 0.17063 0.15730 0.17424 30 0.02391 -0.07781 -0.01734 -0.00168 0.05868 0.06504 0.05262 0.02597 0.07612 0.13354 0.12152 0.10075 0.08484 0.11534 0.17250 0.21468 0.16156 0.16475 0.15419 0.15304 0.02811 0.03854 Ros San 0.15995 0.07407 0.22087 0.15500 0.19000 0.19393 0.17737 0.25810 0.22565 0.21641 0.12745 Fer 0.04469 -0.06833 0.04238 0.00362 0.03855 0.24229 0.03381 0.0 -0.02882 -0.03894 -0.04876 -0.02963 0.08477 0.14719 0.02407 0.0 0.07231 -0.00458 -0.02132 0.00383 0.05282 0.13716 0.00021 -0.0 0.06420 0.01650 -0.01112 -0.00473 0.01961 0.17311 0.03043 0.0 0.10487 0.03466 0.07082 0.02015 0.09386 -0.04184 0.06629 0.1 0.09510 0.07812 0.08016 0.10733 -0.03670 -0.05160 0.13220 -0.0 0.10061 0.07158 0.06797 0.04523 0.06030 -0.02893 -0.03872 0.00282 0.20163 0.17081 0.19481 0.12778 0.22381 0.01189 -0.02028 -0.00445 -0.0 0.17570 0.13886 0.14214 0.13680 0.18024 0.01538 -0.02448 -0.04575 0.0 0.16740 0.12880 0.13393 0.09005 0.17764 -0.04002 -0.04965 -0.07413 -0.0 0.04849 0.02787 0.00836 -0.01103 0.03115 -0.05117 0.00128 0.02273 -0.0 Lis Cdz Tfe Ceu Tar Gata Nao Col T 629 630 631 31