Survey on Governance and Institutional Decision

NOTE: We provide this survey here as an example of the
work underway. We request that no one use the survey
without the written permission of the Director of the Center.
Findings from the survey will be available in Fall, 2002.
Survey on Governance and Institutional Decision-Making
Drs. William G. Tierney and James T. Minor in the Center for Higher Education
Policy Analysis (CHEPA) at the University of Southern California are conducting a
study to better inform the academic community about the current structure,
function, and effectiveness of faculty governance. You are invited to participate in
this study because of your role in governance at a four-year college or university.
The survey is completely voluntary, and all personal and institutional information is
confidential. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete. Should you
have any questions concerning the administration of the survey, please feel free to
contact CHEPA at the phone number/e-mail below. We look forward to your
participation and appreciate your support in this important effort.
The information from this survey will be analyzed and used to formulate reports,
conduct presentations, and develop research aimed at improving academic
governance and decision-making in higher education. If you would like a report
that provides summative responses to the questionnaire please indicate in the
space provided at the end of the survey, and we will mail a report to you at the
conclusion of the study.
If you would prefer to print and mail this survey, please send it to CHEPA at the
address below.
James T. Minor, Ph.D., Research Associate
Center for Higher Education Policy Analysis
Rossier School of Education, WPH 701
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0031
Consent to Participate in Research:
I understand that any information I share will remain confidential and that when the
results of the research are published or discussed in conferences, no information
will be included that would reveal my identity or that of my institution. I am
eighteen years of age or older. By agreeing to continue with the survey and
submit a response to CHEPA, I am giving consent to participate in this research
I consent to participate in this survey:
☐ Yes
☐ No
A comment on terminology:
“President” refers to the chief executive officer of the institution.
“Academic Vice President” refers to the chief academic officer.
“Governing board” refers to the board of trustees, regents, or directors on
your campus.
“Faculty Senate” generically refers to the formal institutional faculty
governing body.
I. Background Information: In this section of the survey we gather general
information about your position within your institution.
1. Survey password:
(*your password can be found in your e-mail)
2. Your position:
☐ Academic Vice President
☐ Chair/President of the Faculty Senate
☐ Faculty Member
3. How long have you been affiliated with the campus where you currently work?
☐ More than 20 years
☐ 16 to 20 years
☐ 11 to 15 years
☐ 6 to 10 years
☐ Less than 5 years
4. What is your status as a participant in the formal faculty governing body that
participates in governance activities (i.e. Faculty/Academic Senate)?
☐ Current member
☐ Former member
☐ Have never been a member
5. How involved are you in the governance process on your campus?
☐ A great deal
☐ Somewhat
☐ Not much
☐ Not at all
II. Institutional Context: Governance in higher education functions within a
variety of institutional contexts. In this section we ask about your opinion
concerning the context in which governance takes place at your institution.
6. To what degree is “shared governance” an important part of the institution’s
value and identity?
☐ Very important
☐ Important
☐ Not so important
☐ Not at all important
☐ Don’t know
7. Please offer your own brief definition of shared governance.
8. What level of trust exists between the faculty and the president?
☐ A great deal
☐ Sufficient to move forward
☐ Not much
☐ None at all
☐ Don’t know
9. Please rate the quality of communication that takes place between governing
board members, the president (or senior officers who represent them) and the
☐ Very good
☐ Sufficient to make progress
☐ Not very good
☐ Not good at all
☐ Don’t know
10. Faculty governance functions somewhat differently at each institution. Which
of the following models best describes the Faculty Senate/governing body at your
institution? (Check all that apply)
☐ Check and Balance- Faculty governance mainly functions as a check and
balance for presidential and administrative authority.
☐ Legislative- Faculty governance introduces initiatives and serves as a
legitimate part of decision-making on campus.
☐ Dormant- Faculty participation in governance is relatively inactive and
☐ Cultural- Faculty participation in governance is exercised outside of formal
structures and is based on informal processes and interpersonal relationships.
☐ Don’t Know
11. What is the most critical challenge to successful faculty participation in
governance at your institution?
III. Venue of Faculty Participation: Faculty participate in governance and
decision-making in multiple ways. In this section we ask you to consider how
faculty participate at your institution.
12. Using a scale of 1 to 5, where (1) is minimal and (5) is substantial, rate the
various means by which faculty participate in governance. (na) =not applicable
Participation in the faculty senate
Participation in a system-wide senate
Participation in collective bargaining or labor union
Participation in the academic department
Participation in school/college governance
Participation in standing faculty committees assigned to specific
tasks (e.g. promotion and tenure)
Participation in standing administration-faculty committees (e.g.
budget planning).
Participation in ad-hoc committees
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
IV. Domain of Faculty Influence: Faculty have varying levels of power or
influence depending on the issue. In this section we ask you to gauge the level of
influence faculty have across various issues at your institution.
13. Using the same scale, where (1) is minimal and (5) is substantial:
Rate the level of influence faculty have concerning the following issues at your
Undergraduate educational policy (e.g. admission
Graduate education policy
Undergraduate curriculum (e.g. general education)
General standards and issues concerning promotion
and tenure (e.g. tenure clock policies).
Standards for post-tenure review
Standards for evaluating teaching
1 2 3 4 5 na
Evaluation of the performance of the President
Evaluation of the performance of the Academic Vice
Evaluation of the quality of academic programs
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
Selection of the President
Selection of the Academic Vice President
Setting strategic priorities
Setting budget priorities
Institutional involvement with distance learning
Policies pertaining to intellectual property
Faculty-related personnel policies (e.g. merit pay, health
care, retirement benefits, grievance policies)
Policies pertaining to athletics on campus
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
1 2 3 4 5 na
V. Nature of Influence: Faculty also have varying ways by which their influence
is exerted. In this section please indicate the ways in which faculty influence is
expressed and/or exercised at your institution.
14. Using the same set of topics, rate the nature of faculty influence according to
the following scale:
(A) =faculty have veto power over administrative initiatives
(B) =faculty have formal influence through voting
(C) =faculty have informal influence through deliberation and recommendation
(D) =faculty have no influence in decision-making
(E) =faculty have influence through refusal to cooperate
(na) =not applicable
Undergraduate educational policy (e.g. admission
Graduate education policy
Undergraduate curriculum (e.g. general education)
General standards and issues concerning promotion
and tenure (e.g. tenure clock policies)
Standards for post-tenure review
Standards for evaluating teaching
A B C D E na
Evaluation of the performance of the President
Evaluation of the performance of the Academic Vice
Evaluation of the quality of academic programs
A B C D E na
A B C D E na
Selection of the President
Selection of the Academic Vice President
Setting strategic priorities
Setting budget priorities
Institutional involvement with distance learning
Policies pertaining to intellectual property
Faculty-related personnel policies (e.g. merit pay, health
care, retirement benefits, grievance policies)
Policies pertaining to athletics on campus
A B C D E na
A B C D E na
A B C D E na
A B C D E na
A B C D E na
A B C D E na
A B C D E na
A B C D E na
E na
E na
E na
E na
A B C D E na
A B C D E na
VI. Opinions of the Faculty Senate: Faculty have varying perceptions about the
function, role, and importance of their Senate. In this section of the survey we ask
you to consider how faculty view the Senate (or faculty governing body) at your
15. The Faculty Senate is an important governing body at my institution.
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Agree
☐ Disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Don’t know
16. Faculty at my institution believe their views are represented in the Senate.
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Agree
☐ Disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Don’t know
17. Faculty involvement in Senate-related activities is highly valued among
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Agree
☐ Disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Don’t know
18. Most faculty have a high level of interest in the activities of the Senate.
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Agree
☐ Disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Don’t know
19. Faculty at my institution are satisfied with the structure and function of the
Faculty Senate.
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Agree
☐ Disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Don’t know
20. The goals of the Faculty Senate are clearly defined.
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Agree
☐ Disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Don’t know
21. The Faculty Senate has been successful at achieving its goals.
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Agree
☐ Disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Don’t know
22. During major college/university decisions, the Faculty Senate is effective in
helping to reach a resolution to issues under consideration.
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Agree
☐ Disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Don’t know
23. Others from the campus community (administrators, students, governing board
members) view the Faculty Senate as powerful.
☐ Strongly agree
☐ Agree
☐ Disagree
☐ Strongly disagree
☐ Don’t know
24. In a few words, please cite one of the Faculty Senate’s most important
contributions made within the past two years.
VII. Structure of Faculty Senates: In this last section of the survey we ask you to
delineate the structure of the Faculty Senate/governing body at your institution.
25. How many times a year does the voting membership of the Faculty Senate
☐ 0-2
☐ 3-5
☐ 6 or more
☐ Don’t Know
26. How large is the voting membership of the Faculty Senate?
☐ More than 100 members
☐ 50 to 99 members
☐ 25 to 49 members
☐ 11 to 24 members
☐ 10 or fewer members
☐ Don’t know
27. How is membership to the Senate determined? (Check all that apply)
☐ All tenure-track faculty serve
☐ All faculty serve
☐ At-large election of all tenure track faculty
☐ At-large election of all faculty
☐ Representational by school/college/department
☐ Selected by current Senate members
☐ Other ________________________
☐ Don’t know
28. If an Executive Committee of the Senate exists, how are its members
☐ At-large election
☐ Representational by school/college/department
☐ Selected by current Senate members
☐ Selected by prior Executive Committee members
☐ Other ________________________
☐ Don’t know
☐ Does not exist
29. If an Executive Committee of the Senate exists, how many times a year does
it meet?
☐ 0-2
☐ 3-5
☐ 6 or more
☐ Don’t Know
30. Who chairs the Senate?
☐ An elected faculty member
☐ The College/University President
☐ The Academic Vice President
☐ Other ________________________
☐ Don’t know
31. What support does the university offer the Faculty Senate for its operations?
[Check all that apply]
☐ Release time and/or stipend for Senate Chair
☐ Secretarial support
☐ Budgetary support
☐ No support at all
☐ Don’t know
32. The Senate’s Executive Committee and/or the Senate Chair have regular
meetings with the College/University President or Academic Vice President:
☐ Once a month
☐ Once a semester
☐ Once a year
☐ Irregularly
☐ Never
☐ Don’t know
33. The Senate’s Executive Committee and/or Senate Chair, have regular
meetings with the Governing Board:
☐ Once a month
☐ Once a semester
☐ Once a year
☐ Irregularly
☐ Never
☐ Don’t know
33. Activities and decisions of the Senate are communicated by (check all that
☐ Newsletter
☐ Senate-run listserv
☐ Institution-run listserv
☐ Reports by campus representatives to constituencies
☐ Word-of-mouth
☐ Other ________________________
☐ Don’t know
☐ None of the above
We welcome additional comments:
Thank you for completing the survey. We appreciate your cooperation. If you
would like a final report sent to you please provide your name, mailing
address, and email address here: