Diploma exam and assessment policies in the East Riding of Yorkshire . 1 Policy introduction This consortium exam policy covers many management functions that will affect learners’ progress in Diploma achievements. In order for all staff to understand and participate effectively, we have designated exam-related policies to be common across the consortium. We have also indicated within this document areas where policies are delegated to centres – often with guidelines on what those policies should cover and how they should operate. An up-to-date copy of the consortium policy will be available on the East Riding Diploma Handbook website. It is the responsibility of everyone involved in the consortium exam processes to read, understand and implement this policy. 2 Policy scope This section describes the scope of the policy in terms of centres, lines of learning and timescale. 2.1 Details of centres This policy covers the following centres: Centre Type Centre number Beverley Grammar School 11–18 44107 Beverley High School 11–18 44109 Bishop Burton College Further education college 44101 Bridlington Sports College 11–18 44117 Cottingham High School 11–18 44123 Driffield School 11–18 44129 East Riding College Further education college 44103 East Riding College Further education college 44113 Goole College Further education college 44318 Headlands School 11–18 44115 Hessle High School 11–18 44133 Hornsea school and Language College 11–18 44135 Howden School and Technology College 11–18 44137 Longcroft School and Performing Arts College 11–18 44217 South Holderness Technology College 11–18 44221 South Hunsley 11–18 44213 The Market Weighton School 11–18 44211 The Snaith School 11–16 44375 Vermuyden School 11–18 44317 Withernsea High School 11–18 44223 Woldgate College 11–18 44219 Wolfreton School 11–18 44207 Hull College Further education college 44147 2.2 Lines of learning covered by this policy This policy covers the following Diploma lines of learning at the levels indicated at the following centres: Diploma line of learning Level Lead centre Creative and media Higher Longcroft School and Performing Arts College Information technology Foundation Goole High School Information technology Higher Goole High School Information technology Advanced Goole High School Business, administration and finance Foundation East Riding College Business, administration and finance Higher East Riding College Hospitality - East Riding College Public services - Bishop Burton College Sport and active leisure - Bishop Burton College Society, health and development - East Riding College Travel and tourism - East Riding College Retail business - Hull College Creative and media Higher Longcroft School and Performing Arts College Construction and the built environment Foundation Hull College Construction and the built environment Higher Hull College Environmental and land-based studies Foundation Bishop Burton College Environmental and land-based studies Higher Bishop Burton College Hair and beauty studies Foundation East Riding College Hair and beauty studies Higher East Riding College Engineering Foundation Withernsea High School Engineering Higher Withernsea High School 2.3 Duration of this policy This exam policy is effective from September 2009. This exam policy will be reviewed in July 2010. 3 Policy maintenance 3.1 Policy implementation The overall authority for implementing this policy rests with: Centre Name Position Telephone Email Consortiumwide John Seaman 14-19 Senior advisor 01482 392410 john.seaman@eastriding.gov.uk 3.2 Policy maintenance The overall authority for maintaining and amending this policy rests with the 14-19 Action Group: Operational responsibility Jean Johnson 14-19 LA Lead Officer jean.johnson@eastriding.gov.uk 01482 391339 in association with Cathy Henworth, Examinations Officer representative for 14-19 Action group. Cathryn.henworth@bishopburton.ac.uk 01964 553000 and Kate Mills, Lead Assessor kate.mills@eastriding.gov.uk 3.3 Responsibilities within centres The individuals responsible for policy matters, by centre, are: Centre Name Positio n Telephon e Email Beverley Grammar School G Hodson Deputy head 01482 881531 g.hodson@beverleygrammar.co.uk Beverley Amanda Deputy 01482 a.martin-walker@beverleyhigh.net High School Martin Walker Bishop Burton College Ron Chambers Bridlington Sports College P Atkinson Cottingha m High School Driffield School head 881658 01964 553000 Ron.chambers@bishopburton.ac.uk Deputy head 01262 672593 atkinsonp@bscampus.net G Barber Deputy head 01482 847498 barberg@cottinghamhigh.net S Jones Deputy head 01377 253631 sjones@driffield.e-riding.sch.uk 01482 306600 Alison.Gray@eastridingcollege.ac.uk East Riding Alison Gray College Goole College Headlands School J Gunning Deputy head 01262 676198 james.gunning@headlands.eril.net Hessle High School D.Emmerson Deputy head 01482 648604 emm@hesslehigh.net Hornsea school and Language College A Bennett Deputy head 01964 532727 bennetta@hslc.co.uk Howden School and L Woollen Technolog y College Deputy head 01430 430870 LWoollen@howdenschool.net Longcroft School and I Performing Hollingswort Arts h College Deputy head 01482 862171 ian.hollingsworth@longcroft.eriding.n et South Holderness I Odonnell Technolog y College Deputy head 01482 899315 odonelli@shtc.org.uk South Hunsley Deputy head 01482 631208 karen.dow@shunsley.eril.net The Market Weighton C Smith School Deputy head 01430 873450 csmith@tmws.co.uk The Snaith School R Woollen Deputy head 01405 860327 roger.woolen@tss.eriding.net Vermuyde D Flowitt Deputy 01405 flowittd@vscampus.net K Dow n School head 768621 Withernsea High B Wardman School Deputy head 01964 613133 wardmanb@wscampus.net Woldgate College F Holland Deputy head 01759 302395 Fiona.Holland@woldgate.eril.net Wolfreton School K Thorpe Deputy head 01482 659356 kath,thorpe@wolfreton.eril.net Except where specified in a specific policy section, these individuals are responsible for implementation of the policy within their centre. 3.4 Responsibilities for lines of learning The individuals responsible for policy matters, by line of learning and centre, are: Line of learning Centre Name Positi on Telepho ne Email Creative and media Longcrof t School and Performi ng Arts College Ian Hollingswo rth Deputy head 01482 862171 ian.hollingsworth@longcroft.eri ding.net Constructio n and the built environme nt Hull College Caren Wright 01482 329943 cwright@hull-college.ac.uk Environme ntal and land-based studies Bishop Burton College Ron Chambers 01964 553000 Ron.chambers@bishopburton.a c.uk Hair and beauty studies East Riding College Alison Gray 01482 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.a c.uk Engineerin g Witherns ea High School Bob Wardman Deputy head 01964 613133 wardmanb@wscampus.net Vermuyd Information en technology School Dave Flowitt Deputy head 01405 768621 flowittd@vscampus.net Business, administrat ion and finance Alison Gray 01262 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.a c.uk East Riding College Hospitality East Riding College Alison Gray 01482 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.a c.uk Public services Bishop Burton College Ron Chambers 01964 553000 Ron.chambers@bishopburton.a c.uk Sport and active leisure Bishop Burton College Ron Chambers 01964 553000 Ron.chambers@bishopburton.a c.uk Society, health and developme nt East Riding College Alison Gray 01482 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.a c.uk Travel and tourism East Riding College Alison Gray 01482 306600 alison.gray@eastridingcollege.a c.uk Retail business Hull College Lynne Richardson 01482 329943 Lrichardson@huul-college.ac.uk All queries about policies or their implementation should be referred to centre or line of learning representatives as listed in sections 3.3 and 3.4. They will determine whether exceptions are appropriate and should be allowed or whether the policy should be reviewed locally or escalated to a higher level. Except where specified in a specific policy section, these individuals are responsible for implementation of the policy within their line of learning. 3.5 Communication and data sharing The individuals responsible for communication and data sharing, by centre, are: TBC – work ongoing The consortium will uphold the terms of the current Data Protection Act in order to ensure that data processing and sharing can take place in a way that helps deliver objectives as regards education and training, furthers the interests of the individuals involved and the public more generally, while still respecting people’s legitimate expectations and rights in relation to the privacy and confidentiality of their personal information. 4 Consortium timescales and deadlines 4.1 Line of Learning delivery plans Delivery plans are developed for each line of learning as part of a consortium’s Gateway application. Once line of learning approvals have been received, the consortium line of learning leaders will communicate their plans to the consortium. These will include the specifications to be followed for principal learning, the centres that will lead teaching and assessments and the likely volumes of learners at each level that can be accommodated. They will also lead any awarding body approvals that must take place. The timetable for the consortium delivery centres for all lines of learning is as follows: Task Date task must be completed Identification of consortium delivery centres for all lines of learning July 2009 Consortium agreements on specifications and delivery September 2010 4.2 Learner participation decisions Home centres will determine whether they will offer participation in the Diploma lines of learning to their learners. Those that do so will provide details of learners by line and level to all consortium centres and will maintain accurate Diploma learner group details. The timetable for learner participation decisions is as follows: Task Date task must be completed Learner forecasts Easter Preliminary Diploma learner groups July Complete Diploma learner groups Beginning of September 5 Consortium exam and assessment policies 5.1 Learner contracts Approach Each home centre is expected to require Diploma learners to sign a contract. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The individual(s) that all Diploma learners are required to inform regarding changes in their Diploma learning plans is the person in each centre responsible for the delivery of the diploma as a qualification. Learners may be responsible for fees for assessments for which they are entered but which they do not take. Learners are required to agree to and sign an information-sharing agreement. The learner agreement policy can be found at each centre. 5.2 Specification and awarding body selections, Diploma awarding bodies and component awarding bodies Approach Principal learning specifications are determined by the Consortium line of learning leader Functional skills specifications are determined by Home centre Project and/or extended project specifications are determined by Home centre Additional and specialist learning choices are determined by the Home centre Diploma awarding bodies will be determined by Consortium leaders Learners will be advised of the choice available by the Home centre. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information Choices of Diploma components on offer to learners will be published in Home school prospectus information. The individual(s) with whom learners should review the choices available is the appropriate person in each home centre responsible for diploma delivery. The individual(s) whom learners should inform of their choices is/are: All qualifications that are delivered collaboratively will have a single individual (for example, head of department) responsible for advising learners, teachers and administrators on the characteristics of the specification and in particular the nature of assessments. All home centres are expected to maintain an up-to-date record of choices available to learners and learners’ choices and to provide access to this information to their exams office. 5.3 Prior achievement Approach The consortium policy for prior achievement is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body prior achievement guidelines. The learner should be advised of the information they must supply (for example learner name and identifier, qualification, level, reference code, awarding body, date of achievement, centre where achieved, copy of certificate as evidence.). The exams office should process claims for valid prior achievement and monitor whether these achievements are credited to the correct learner account in the Diploma aggregation service. It is advisable to set deadlines for these processes to take place. The individual(s) responsible for advising learners that they might have valid prior achievement when they select a Diploma line and level for study is the Exam officer at each centre – see below Centre Name Position Telephone Email South Hunsley Pauline Appleton Exams Officer 01482 631208 pauline.appleton@shunsley.eril.net Beverley Grammar School Peter Smith Exams Officer 01482 881531 p.smith@beverleygrammar.co.uk Bishop Burton College Cathy Henworth Exams Officer 01964 553000 cathryn.henworth@bishopbcollege.ac.uk Bridlington Sports College Sarah Grosse Exams Officer 01262 672593 grosses@bscampus.net Cottingham Joanne High School Tuffs Exams Officer 01482 847498 joanne.tuffs@chs.eriding.net Driffield School Lisa Noble Exams Officer 01377 253631 lnoble@driffield.e-riding.sch.uk East Riding College Lynne Barber Exams Officer 01482 306600 lynne.barber@eastridingcollege.ac.uk East Riding College Lynne Dennis Exams Officer 01262 852000 Lynne.Dennis@eastridingcollege.ac.uk Goole College David Caldicott Exams Officer 01405 dcaldicott@hull-college.ac.uk Headlands School Helen Keyworth Exams Officer 01262 676198 helen.keyworth@headlands.eril.net Hessle High Janie School Brunton Exams Officer 01482 648604 bru@hesslehigh.net Hornsea school and Language College Angela Suret Exams Officer 01964 532727 sureta@hslc.co.uk Howden School and Technology College Kim Gill Exams Officer 01430 430870 exams.office@howdenschool.net South Hunsley Pauline Appleton Exams Officer 01482 631208 pauline.appleton@shunsley.eril.net South Holderness Technology College Angie Tevenan Exams Officer 01482 899315 tevenana@shtc.org.uk Longcroft School and Performing Arts College Steve Hugill Exams Officer 01482 862171 steve.hugill@longcroft.eriding.net The Market Weighton School Jackie Woods Exams Officer 01430 873450 jwood@tmws.co.uk The Snaith School Nick Allcock Exams Officer 01405 860327 nick.allcock@tss.eriding.net Vermuyden School Jackie Exams Sunderland Officer 01405 768621 officere@vscampus.net Withernsea Roger High School Crawforth Exams Officer 01964 613133 crawforthr@wscampus.net Woldgate College Diane Hollows Exams Officer 01759 302395 diane.hollows@woldgate.eril.net Wolfreton School Diana powell Exams Officer 01482 659356 diana.powell@wolfreton.eril.net Exams manager 01482 329943 sleach@hull-college.ac.uk Hull College Sara Leach The individual(s) responsible for confirming that qualifications already achieved are in fact valid is the exams officer at the home centre. The consortium policy for prior achievement – TBC work in progress 5.4 Information sharing and use of the unique learner number Approach The consortium policy for information sharing and use of the unique learner number is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body information sharing and use of the unique learner number guidelines. The consortium policy covers all centres as indicated in section 2.1. All Diploma learners will be allocated a unique learner number. 5.5 Registrations and entries Approach The consortium policy for registrations and entries is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information All entries for all Diploma learners must be made using the unique learner number. The centres should adhere to awarding body registration and entry guidelines. All qualifications that are delivered collaboratively will have a single individual (for example, Domain Assessor, head of department) responsible for advising learners, teachers and administrators on the characteristics of the qualification and in particular the nature of assessments. This is clearly true for principal learning but is also necessary for ‘conventional’ qualifications where learners will move centres. Where entries are of interest to centres other than those at which they are made, they will be communicated accordingly. In particular, entries for any units or specifications that are made away from the home centre will be confirmed to the home centre exams office. Copies of entries will be forwarded to the home centre by the assessment centre exams officer. Learner plans for all Diploma learners will be distributed to other centres in the autumn term by the home centre. It is the responsibility of the Line of Learning leader to complete a learner plan for principal learning and the project if delivered by the assessment centre. It is then the responsibility of the home centre exams officer to complete this for Functional Skills and any Additional and Specialist Learning (ASL). The procedure for confirming entries made away from the home centre to the home centre exams office will be as follows: Copies of registration and entry details 5.6 Access arrangements Approach The consortium policy for access arrangements is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body access arrangement guidelines. Where the arrangement is substantial, unless otherwise agreed it is the home centre’s responsibility to provide the arrangement. Where modified papers may be required, unless otherwise agreed it is the home centre’s responsibility to inform the centre where the assessment will be carried out ahead of any deadlines. All evidence needed to support the provision of access arrangements is the responsibility of the home centre. Home centres are responsible for informing other relevant centres of any access arrangement granted. They require the learner’s permission to share this information. 5.7 Internal assessment and record keeping Approach The consortium policy for internal assessment and record keeping is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body internal assessment and record keeping guidelines. Centres where local assessments are made are responsible for all marking, standardisation and moderation processes. Centres are advised that after enquiries about results are complete, i.e. after 20 th September work may be given to candidates, unless awaiting the outcome of an enquiry about Results. The arrangements for communicating relevant marks to exams offices in learner’s home centres are: Copies of results info. 5.8 Personal, learning and thinking skills and work experience confirmations Approach The consortium policy for personal, learning and thinking skills and work experience confirmations is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body personal, learning and thinking skills and work experience confirmations guidelines. Confirmation of personal, learning and thinking skills achievement and appropriate record keeping is the responsibility of the line of learning leaders. Each line of learning leader will identify the individual(s) responsible for this confirmation and inform all home centres. Confirmation of work experience achievement and appropriate record keeping is the responsibility of the home centre. 5.9 Timetabled exams in principal learning The centres should adhere to awarding body guidelines. Timetabled written exams will take place at the home centre, unless specialist equipment/resources are needed for the written exam and in this case it would probably require all learners to sit the exam at one centre. The centre where the exam is to be taken needs to make the entries. Agreements to the contrary will be taken by line of learning leaders, who will communicate these to the exams office in learners’ home centres. 5.10 Finance: awarding body fees Approach The consortium policy for awarding body fees is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body guidelines. Awarding body charges, where applicable, will follow where the entry has been made. Home centres will be invoiced by the assessment centre as and when required. 5.11 Special consideration Approach The consortium policy for special consideration is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body special consideration guidelines. Where special consideration claims are required for a single assessment on behalf of a number of learners, the centre where the assessment takes place would need to inform the centres where the entry was made. Home centres will inform the assessment centre of any individual known issues that may impact on a student's performance and the home centre will make the application. 5.12 Results Approach The consortium policy for results is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body results guidelines. Results for all qualifications achieved by all learners studying for the Diploma will be credited to their home centre. Where results for qualifications and units are of interest to centres other than those that receive them, they will be communicated to the other centre. The individual responsible for communicating these results to other centres is the exams officer – see section 5.3 The other arrangements for results are 5.13 Enquiries about results Approach The consortium policy for enquiries about results is enforced across all centres and lines of learning. Ownership See section 3.3 ‘Responsibilities within centres’ for clarification of who maintains this policy area. Additional information The centres should adhere to awarding body guidelines. Where fees are required for enquires about results these fees are to be paid by the home centre. The individual, responsible for coordinating enquiries about results to all parties, by line of learning are the exams officer at each centre – see section 5.3 Signatures [sign here] [date signed] G Hodson, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] S Pashely, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] [sign here] [date signed] , P Atkinson, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] G Barber, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] S Jones, Deputy head [sign here] , [date signed] [sign here] [date signed] [sign here] [date signed] , J Gunning, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] Emmerson, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] A Bennetta, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] L Woollen, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] I Hollingsworth, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] I Odonnell, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] K Dow, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] C Smith, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] R Woollen, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] D Flowitt, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] B Wardman, Deputy head [sign here] [date signed] F Holland, Deputy head [sign here] K Thorpe, Deputy head [date signed]