ASA002P - provincial sand golf expenses 2015 09

Student Activities
Form ASA002P: Application for Funding
Please fill and append this form to your
Sr. Sand Golf (ASA002) funding form
(if any member of your team competed at Provincials)
Location and Date of Provincials:
Punnichy, Sept. 25 & 26
A. Provincial Sand Golf TRAVEL Expenses
Travel expenses for any team(s) or individual(s) advancing to the SHSAA Provincial Sand
Golf Championship will be reimbursed at pre-approved rates and in accordance with
the following policy:
Total number of athletes and approved coaches* in 1 vehicle = 1:
Total number of athletes and approved coaches* in 1 vehicle = 2:
Total number of athletes and approved coaches* in 1 vehicle = 3 or more:
*approved coach as per Horizon School Division Protocol
Mileage rate for division-owned/school-operated 12- or 15-passenger vans shall be $0.84/km when the number of
approved athletes and approved coaches* in the vehicle justify the use of a larger vehicle such as this.
 Remember, the number of people claimed in a vehicle includes only athletes and the approved coach.
 You may claim $0.42/km with less than 3 athletes and approved coaches in the vehicle provided an acceptable
explanation is provided in the explanations box (next page)
Calculate distance traveled from town to town (or site) only, as opposed to mileage on the odometer. Use the
distances as published on distance charts by Horizon School Division, a Province of Saskatchewan Road Map, or
Google Maps. If your driver(s) did not utilize the shortest reasonable route, please provide the reason in the
explanations box (next page). If the reason is acceptable, the higher mileage will be approved.
Carpooling is an expectation when two or less athletes/approved coaches from one school are attending Provincials in
golf. Schools must make every attempt to carpool with another HSD school as a means of keeping costs reasonable.
When circumstances make this impossible, a vehicle with less than a total of 3 athletes/approved coaches may claim
$0.42/km. Provide details in the explanations box (next page).
Please claim drivers for YOUR school only. If your athlete(s)/approved coach(es) rode with a driver from another
school, THAT school shall claim the driver on THEIR form.
If, in an attempt to carpool, a driver travels to another school and picks up more athletes/coaches at the other school,
you may claim the rate for the higher number of athletes/coaches for the entire trip.
In the event you plan to use any mode of transportation other than parent/coach drivers in private vehicles, prior
approval must be obtained from the ASA (Brian Grest) so expenses can be examined and justified.
Name of Owner/Driver
(if private vehicles used)
In the event a division-owned/school-operated van
was utilized, indicate so, and who reimbursement
should be made to (e.g. school or SRC)
Total number of
athletes and
coaches in
No. of
from other school(s)
in vehicle (if
applicable) and
name of their school
No. of km
traveled (refer
to notes above)
Funding Request
(refer to rates
ASA002P – Provincial Sand Golf Expenses (Revised: 2015-09-24)
Explanations (if necessary):
In the event a VAN was rented, please ATTACH A COPY OF THE INVOICE (keep original on file at the
school) and also indicate below:
- school(s) involved, number of athletes/coaches from each school, cheque number & account from which bill was paid
Do not pay your drivers claimed in the chart (previous page and above). HSD
(and not your school) will cut the cheques for them.
Schools may request that “Provincials Expenses” vehicle mileage be paid to the
school (instead of the drivers) in the “Explanations” box above (to allow them to
distribute mileage money for the entire season in a more equitable manner).
B. Provincials Sand Golf ACCOMMODATION Expenses
Accommodations expenses for any team(s) or individual(s) advancing to the SHSAA
Provincial Grass Golf Championship play will be reimbursed at pre-approved rates and
in accordance with the following policy:
Accommodations for Provincial Grass Golf are deemed necessary when:
- the Provincial host site is more than 80km away and
- the start time would necessitate an unreasonably early morning departure.
Notwithstanding the previous point, accommodation for Provincial Grass Golf is approved for Friday night, and also
Thursday night when the team chooses to play a practice round.
Exceptions to the previous two points (80km or less, more nights than listed above) MUST be PRE-APPROVED
(contact the ASA, Brian Grest). Teams failing to attain pre-approval may forfeit the right to accommodation
reimbursement for night(s) not pre-approved.
Approved accommodation will be covered to a maximum of $140 per room per night with the assumptions that:
- four athletes of the same gender will share a room where possible. In golf, this includes athletes from more
than one school
- two approved coaches of the same gender from different schools will share a room at Provincial golf
- if the above arrangements are not possible, an acceptable explanation shall be provided in the explanations
box on this page, and if acceptable, the full cost of the room (up to $140 per room per night) will be covered
- where an athlete utilizes accommodations with their parent/guardian, only partial reimbursement for the
room shall be approved (e.g. 25% of room cost per approved athlete in room; max. room cost $140)
- all accommodation claims must be accompanied by a copy of the receipt (keep original on file at the school)
Name of Approved Coach that accompanied team to Provincials (maximum one):
Name (and school) of coach with whom accommodation was shared:
ASA002P – Provincial Sand Golf Expenses (Revised: 2015-09-24)
Number of Registered Athletes from YOUR school that Attended Competition:
Number of rooms used by Registered Athlete(s):
Accommodation Expenses Payable to the following (must be supported with a copy of receipts):
Name of
(max. $125/room/night)
Total Accommodation Expenses (must be supported with original receipts):
Accommodation expenses will have been paid by the team or representative of the
team. Reimbursement will be issued directly to the person or persons whose name
appears on the receipt. Do not pay these persons. HSD (and not your school) will
issue reimbursement to them (at pre-approved rates).
C. Provincial Sand Golf PRACTICE ROUND Expenses
The cost of one practice round per competitor advancing to the SHSAA Provincial Sand
Golf Championship will be reimbursed in accordance with the following policy:
The practice round must have taken place on the course which is hosting the SHSAA Provincial Sand Golf
A coach must have accompanied the golfer(s) to the course (it is not a “practice” if a coach is not present).
A copy of the receipts must be submitted with this form (keep the originals on file at the school)
Name of coach
attending practice
Date of
Number of
practice round
Cost per
payable to (attach
D. Provincial Sand Golf FACILITATOR CART Expenses
When a coach is required to act as a “facilitator” at Provincials and the power carts
required to do so are not provided free of charge, the cost of the cart rental will be
reimbursed in accordance with the following policy:
ASA002P – Provincial Sand Golf Expenses (Revised: 2015-09-24)
There will be no reimbursement for carts for practice rounds.
It is expected the cost of facilitators’ carts will be shared if there are two facilitators on the cart and one is not from
HSD (e.g. if possible, you pay for one day and the other person pay for the other day).
A copy of the receipt must be submitted with this form (keep the original on file at the school)
Date(s) of facilitator
cart rental
Name(s) and school(s)
Cost per
of person(s) with whom
cart(s) was shared
payable to (attach
E. Verification (by Coach or Teacher-Supervisor)
“I verify all information on this form is, to the best of my knowledge, correct and accurate”
Coach (or Supervisor) Name
Coach (or Supervisor) Signature
ASA002P – Provincial Sand Golf Expenses (Revised: 2015-09-24)