Publications Wyn Q. Bowen Books o The Global Partnership against WMD: Success and Shortcomings of G8 Threat Reduction since 9/11 (with Alan Heyes and Hugh Chalmers) (Taylor and Francis, September 2011), 133pp (ISBN 0855161787). o Libya and Nuclear Proliferation: Stepping Back from the Brink, (Routledge, 2006), 103pp (ISBN 0-415-41238-2) Arabic version published by the Gulf Research Centre, Dubai, in February 2008 (ISBN 9948-432-89-4, 138pp) o The Politics of Ballistic Missile Non-proliferation (Macmillan Press Ltd, 2000) 276pp (ISBN 0312226187). o American Security Policy in the 1990s: Beyond Containment (with David H. Dunn) (Dartmouth, 1996) 202pp (ISBN 1855216159). o Terrorism in the UK: Broadening the Government’s Counter-Terrorist Response – CONTEST (edited with Andrew Stewart), Occasional Paper No.50, Strategic & Combat Studies Institute (Swindon: Strategic & Combat Studies Institute, 2005), 91pp (ISBN 1874346402). Journal editorship o Founding co-editor of Defence Studies (ISSN 1470-2436), the peer-reviewed journal of the Joint Services Command and Staff College (originally published by Frank Cass Publishers subsequently by Taylor and Francis). Co-edited Volumes 1 and 2 (2001-02) with David Hall. Stepped down in December 2002 to focus on other duties. o Associate Editor of US-based peer reviewed journal The Nonproliferation Review from July 1995 to June 1997. Other publications 2012 o ‘Multilateral Cooperation and the Prevention of Nuclear Terrorism: Pragmatism Over Idealism’ (with Matthew Cottee and Christopher Hobbs), International Affairs, 88/2 (2012), pp.349-368. o ‘Preventing Nuclear Proliferation: the Role and Interests of China’, Foreign and Security Policy, British Embassy Beijing, March 2012, 1 o ‘Intelligence, Interdiction, and Dissuasion: Lessons from the Campaign Against Libyan Proliferation’, in James J. Wirtz and Peter R. Lavoy (eds), Over-theHorizon Threats: WMD Proliferation 2020 (Stanford University Press, 2012), pp.221-239 (ISBN 978 0 8047 7400 0). o ‘Radiological Terrorism: Is There a Role for Deterrence?’ (with Jasper Pandza) in Andreas Wegner and Alex Wilner (eds), Deterring Terrorism: Theory and Practice (Stanford University Press, forthcoming 2012). o ‘Libya, Nuclear Rollback and the Role of Negative and Positive Security Assurances’, in Jeffrey Knopf (ed), Security Assurances (Stanford University Press, forthcoming 2012). 2011 o ‘Iran’s nuclear challenge: nine years and still counting’ (with Jonathan Brewer), International Affairs, 87/4 (2011), pp. 923–943 2010 o ‘How China Can Strengthen International Nuclear Security’ (with Ben Rhode and Shen Dingli), Survival, 52/3 (June-July 2010), pp.11-17. o ‘Silent partnership: The G-8’s nonproliferation program’ (with Alan Heyes), Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, March-April 2010, pp.17-26. o ‘How India and the United Kingdom can cooperate on nuclear and radiological security’ (with Rajiv Nayan, Ben Rhode and C.V. Sastry), IDSA Policy Brief, Institute for Defence and Security Analysis, New Delhi, 2010, 9pp. o ‘Civilian Nuclear Power in the Middle East: The Technical Requirements’ (with James Acton) in Henry Sokolski (ed), Nuclear Power's Global Expansion: Weighing Its Costs and Risks (Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, 2010), pp.423-475 ) (ISBN: 1584874783). o ‘Strengthening the Non-Proliferation Pillar of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty’, in Malcolm Chalmers (ed), Chinese and British Perspectives on the Road to NPT 2010, Workshop Report, Royal United Services Institute (Stephen Austin & Sons Ltd, November 2009), pp.30-36. 2009 o ‘Open Source Intelligence and Nuclear Safeguards’, in Robert Dover and Michael Goodman (eds), Spinning Intelligence: Why Intelligence Needs the Media and Why the Media Need Intelligence (Columbia University Press, 2009), pp.91-104 (ISBN: 9780231701143). 2 o ‘How might states, or the international community, go about implementing the dismantlement of nuclear weapons systems in an accurate way which would engender international confidence?’ (with Andreas Persbo), Research Paper commissioned by the International Commission for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament, February 2009, o ‘Warning Against the Use of Force’, Contemporary Security Policy, 29/3 (December 2008), pp.559-561 (invited response to the findings of an opinion survey published in the same issue of the journal by C. Christine Fair and Stephen M. Shellman, ‘Determinants of Popular Support for Iran’s Nuclear Program: Insights from a Nationally Representative Survey’, pp.538-558. 2008 o ‘Nurturing nuclear neophytes’ (with James Acton), The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 64/4 (September-October 2008), pp. 27-33. o ‘Behind Iran's nuclear weapons "halt"’ (with Michael S. Goodman), The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Online, 20 February 2008, 6pp, o ‘Atoms for Peace in the Middle East: The Technical and Regulatory Requirements (with James Acton)’, NPEC Working Paper Series, Nonproliferation Policy Education Centre, Washington DC, 2008, 31pp. o ‘Military Power and the Enforcement of Non-Proliferation’, World Defence Systems, Volume 2, 2008, pp.166-169. o ‘Nuclear Reaction: The Intelligence on Iran’s Capabilities’, (with Michael Goodman), Jane’s Intelligence Review, March 2008, pp.3-5 o ‘Calming the Crisis’ (with Michael Goodman), Iran-The Nuclear Issue, The World Today (Chatham House), March 2008, pp.9-11. o ‘Libya’, in James Doyle (ed), Nuclear Safeguards, Security and Nonproliferation Achieving Security with Technology and Policy (Elsevier; ButterworthHeinemann, 2008) (ISBN: 978-0-7506-8673-0). 2007 o ‘Indicators and Warnings: A Framework for Assessing the Threat’, in Illicit Nuclear Trafficking: Collective Experience and the Way Forward, Proceedings of an International Atomic Energy Agency Conference held in Edinburgh, 19-22 November 2007, pp.47-59 (ISBN: 9789201034083). 2006 3 o ‘Tracking and Assessing Nuclear Issues in Open Sources: the Case of Libya’, in James A. Russell (ed), Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East: Directions and Policy Options in the New Century (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), pp.145-163 (ISBN 1403970254). o ‘Open source research and nuclear safeguards’ (with Joanna Kidd) in Addressing Verification Challenges, Proceedings of an International Safeguards Symposium held at the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 16-20 October 2006 (ISBN: 9789201047076). o ‘Deterrence and Asymmetry: Non-State Actors and Mass Casualty Terrorism’, in Ian R. Kenyon and John Simpson (eds), Deterrence and the New Global Security Environment (London: Routledge, 2006), pp.46-62 (ISBN 10: 0714683981). 2005 o ‘The Nuclear Capabilities and Ambitions of Iran’s Neighbours’ (with Joanna Kidd), in Henry Sokolski and Patrick Clawson (eds), Getting Ready for a Nuclear-Ready Iran (Carlisle, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College, forthcoming 2005), pp.51-88. (ISBN 158487211X) 2004 o ‘Iraq’s Asymmetric Counter Strategy’, in Paul Cornish (ed), The Conflict in Iraq, 2003 (Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2004), pp.159-171 (ISBN:1403935262). o ‘Deterrence and Asymmetry: Non-State Actors and Mass Casualty Terrorism’, Contemporary Security Policy, 25 (April 2004) (ISSN 13523260). o ‘Iran and Nuclear Safeguards: Establishing the Facts and Seeking Compliance’, Verification Yearbook 2004 (London: Verification Research, Training and Information Centre, forthcoming 2004). o ‘The Iranian Nuclear Challenge’ (with Joanna Kidd), International Affairs, 80/2 (March 2004), pp.257-276 (ISSN 0020-5850). 2002 o ‘Deterring Mass Casualty Terrorism’, in Russell D. Howard and Reid L. Sawyer (eds), Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Understanding the New Security Environment (Guildford, CT: McGraw-Hill, 2002) pp.442-447 (ISBN: 0072873078) o ‘Dimensions of Asymmetric Warfare’, in Andrew Dorman, et al (eds), The Changing Face of Military Power: Joint Warfare in an Expeditionary Era (Palgrave, 2002), pp.15-43 (ISBN: 0333918924). 4 o ‘Deterring Mass Casualty Terrorism’, Joint Force Quarterly, 31 (Summer 2002), pp.25-29 (ISSN 10700692). 2001 o ‘Europe Ponders Ballistic Missile Defence’, Jane’s Intelligence Review, August 2001, pp.49-51 (ISSN 1350-6226). o ‘Missile Defence and the Transatlantic Security Relationship’, International Affairs, 77/3 (July 2001), pp.553-572 (ISSN 0020-5850). o ‘La NMD: vue de la Grande-Bretagne’, Défense, No92, Mars-Avril 2001, pp.3940 (ISSN 0337-9434). o ‘Defending America: National Missile Defence’, Defence Procurement Analysis, Spring 2001, pp.51-55 (ISSN 1462-0243). 2000 o ‘Rogues No More’, The World Today (Chatham House), Aug-Sept 2000, pp.1415 (ISSN 0043-9134). o ‘Missile Defence: Shield Against Rogues’, The World Today (Chatham House), January 2000, pp.4-6 (ISSN 0043-9134). 1999 o ‘Open-source intelligence: a valuable national security resource’, Jane’s Intelligence Review, November 1999, pp.50-54 (ISSN 1350-6226). 1998 o ‘The Missile Technology Control Regime and EU Expansion’, The Nonproliferation Review, Spring-Summer 1998, 5/3, pp.84-88 (ISSN 10736700). 1997 o ‘US Policy on Ballistic Missile Proliferation: the Missile Technology Control Regime’s First Decade (1987-97)’, The Nonproliferation Review, Fall 1997, 5/1, pp.21-39 (ISSN 1073-6700). o ’”One Arrow, Three Stars”: China’s Programme to Develop Multiple-Warhead Missiles, Part II’ (with James A. Lamson), Jane’s Intelligence Review, June 1997, pp.266-269 (ISSN 1350-6226). o ’”One Arrow, Three Stars”: China’s Programme to Develop Multiple-Warhead Missiles, Part I’ (with James A. Lamson), Jane’s Intelligence Review, May 1997, pp.266-269 (ISSN 1350-6226). 5 o ‘Ballistic Missile Shadow Lengthens’ (with Tim McCarthy and Holly Porteous), Jane’s International Defense Review - IDR Extra, February 1997, 8pp (ISSN 002006512). 1996 o ‘Brazil’s Accession to the Missile Technology Control Regime’, The Nonproliferation Review, Spring-Summer 1996, 3/3, pp.86-91 (ISSN 10736700). o ‘Living Under the Red Missile Threat’ (with Stanley Shepard), Jane’s Intelligence Review, December 1996, pp.560-564 (ISSN 1350-6226). o ‘Brazil Embraces Nonproliferation’ (with Andrew Koch), Jane’s Intelligence Review, June 1996, pp.283-287 (ISSN 1350-6226). 1995 o ‘The US National Interest and the Future of Military Intervention’, in Andrew Dorman and Thomas Otte (eds), Military Intervention: From Gunboat Diplomacy to Humanitarian Intervention (Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1995) pp83-107 (ISBN 1 85521 579 9). o ‘The West and the Future of Military Intervention’ (with Andrew Dorman and Thomas Otte), in John Macmillan and Andrew Linklater (eds), Boundaries in Question: New Directions in International Relations (Pinters, 1995) pp176-190 (ISBN 1 85567 266). 6