A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 Ohio Standards Connection Writing Process Benchmark C Use a variety of strategies to revise content, organization and style, and to improve word choice, sentence variety, clarity and consistency of writing. Indicator 7 Use a variety of sentence structures and lengths (e.g., simple, compound and complex sentence, parallel or repetitive sentence structure). Lesson Summary: In this lesson, students work in groups to develop two new versions of a fairy tale or children’s story – one demonstrates a patterned sequence of the three verbals and the other demonstrates a patterned sequence of sentence structures. Estimated Duration: About five hours Commentary: This lesson adds appeal to the often mundane task of teaching grammar. Students move from a paper/pencil review to composition of their own story versions which include specific grammatical structures. “This lesson addresses that frequently-observed characteristic of student writing: lack of variety in sentence structure.” Writing Conventions Benchmark C Demonstrate understanding of the grammatical conventions of the English language. Indicator 3 Use correct grammar (e.g., verb tenses, parallel structure, indefinite and relative pronouns). Pre-Assessment: Observe students’ use of verbals and subordinate clauses in prior ongoing assignments. Give individual students the pre-assessment paper and pencil quizzes entitled Reviewing Verbals, Attachment A, and Reviewing Sentence Structures, Attachment B. Score these quizzes with Answer Key, Attachment C. Use the results to guide a classroom review of verbals and sentence structures. Use an overhead projector to show some sample sentences as the class creates them. The sentences should contain examples of all types of verbals and all sentence structures. Scoring Guidelines: Observe and support students as they take the pre-assessment quizzes. Note students who show mastery of this knowledge and those who will benefit from working in a heterogeneous group. Record the scores from the pre-assessment quizzes to assist the formation of groups. Post-Assessment: Ask each heterogeneous group, with the benefit of a word processing program, to type and print its children’s story in a verbal version like Attachment D and in a version that repeats varied sentence structures like Attachment E. Specify that the story be double-spaced. 1 A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 Instruct each group to use parentheses to mark the verbal phrases on their verbal stories and to use brackets to mark the subordinate clauses on the story with varied sentence structures. Instructional Tip: Some teachers may require students to label the type of verbal phrase (participles, infinitives or gerunds) and the type of subordinate clause (noun, adjective or adverb). Require each group to print enough copies of its stories to hand out to the other groups in the class. Instruct each group to assess the accuracy of the grammar components of the stories from the other groups. Move around the room to monitor this process. Use an overhead projector to show any questionable sentences. Allow the class to work together to identify and correct any errors. Scoring Guidelines: Provide students with feedback on the accuracy of the sentences in the stories they wrote and on the accuracy of their assessments of the stories from other groups. Instructional Procedures: 1. Distribute and read aloud Sleeping Beauty, A Verbal Version, Attachment D, and Sleeping Beauty, A Version with Varied Sentence Structures, Attachment E. 2. Discuss Attachments D and E, making sure that all students recognize the distinguishing characteristics of each type of verbal and subordinate clause. 3. Separate students into small, heterogeneous groups, being sure to include a strong grammar student in each one. 4. Provide students with an assortment of fairy tales and children’s story books. 5. Ask each group to select a well-known fairy tale or children’s story. Each group rewrites its chosen story twice. In the verbal version, sentences demonstrate a repeated series of participles, infinitives and gerunds like the version in Attachment D. In the version with varied sentence structures, the sentences demonstrate a repeated pattern of sentences that are simple, complex, compound and compound-complex. See Attachment E for reference. 6. If desired, allow groups to share their stories aloud with the class. Instructional Tips: Alternatively, show a video of a children’s story and ask the students to rewrite that story. Encourage willing students to create their own stories rather than select a well-known one. Differentiated Instructional Support: Instruction is differentiated according to learner needs, to help all learners either meet the intent of the specified indicator(s) or, if the indicator is already met, to advance beyond the specified indicator(s). Rather than mark verbal phrases with parentheses and subordinate clauses with brackets, some visual learners may prefer to use colored highlighters. For example, a pink highlighter could indicate a verbal phrase and a blue highlighter could indicate a subordinate clause. 2 A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 Tactile learners may prefer to physically manipulate the sentence parts in order to examine how they combine to form various sentence structures. Type sentences and cut them apart into pieces so that each piece is a verbal or an independent clause or a subordinate clause. Ask students to rearrange the pieces to create different sentence types. Extensions: Use the next writing assignment to extend this lesson. Ask students to examine their writing styles on their rough drafts by using parentheses to mark the verbals and brackets to mark the subordinate clauses. This reveals overused patterns and neglected options. Their final drafts should reflect a more balanced and varied style. Ask students to use this same procedure to identify the structural styles of different authors. To extend the grammar applications, ask students to identify the punctuation rules which govern each of the verbals and clauses. Home Connection: Magazines or newspapers read at home provide samples of different writing styles. Suggest that students analyze the structural styles of these periodicals and compare them to authors in literature textbooks. Interdisciplinary Connections: Foreign Language Standard: Comparisons: Develop insight into the nature of language and culture Benchmark: B. Analyze and explain how the target language and English express meaning through variations in style. Indicator: 2. Analyze and explain how the target language and English express such forms as time and tense relationships (e.g., conditional clauses, use of subjunctive versus simple indicative). Materials and Resources: The inclusion of a specific resource in any lesson formulated by the Ohio Department of Education should not be interpreted as an endorsement of that particular resource, or any of its contents, by the Ohio Department of Education. The Ohio Department of Education does not endorse any particular resource. The Web addresses listed are for a given site’s main page, therefore, it may be necessary to search within that site to find the specific information required for a given lesson. Please note that information published on the Internet changes over time, therefore the links provided may no longer contain the specific information related to a given lesson. Teachers are advised to preview all sites before using them with students. For the teacher: overhead projector, transparencies, pencils, video tape or DVD player For the students: papers, pencils, computer with a word-processing program Vocabulary: complex sentence compound-complex sentence 3 A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 compound sentence gerund infinitive participle subordinate clause simple sentence Technology Connections: Students demonstrate knowledge and use of a word processing program in order to create their two versions of the story. Require an overhead projector and a video tape or DVD player to facilitate the review of content. Research Connections: Atwell, Nancie. In the Middle: Writing, Reading and Learning with Adolescents. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers, 1987. Mini-lessons are 15- to 30-minute direct-instruction lessons designed to help students learn literacy skills and become more strategic readers and writers. In these lessons students and the teacher are focused on a single goal; students are aware of why it is important to learn the skill or strategy through modeling, explanation and practice. Then independent application takes place using authentic literacy materials. Use the Index of Research on Effective Instructional Strategies provided. Cut and paste the reference and the applicable summary notes that support strategies and materials used in the lesson. Marzano, Robert J., Jane E. Pollock and Debra Pickering. Classroom Instruction that Works: Research-Based Strategies for Increasing Student Achievement, Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2001. 1. Cooperative learning grouping has a powerful effect on student learning. This grouping includes the following elements: Positive interdependence Face-to-face interaction Individual and group accountability Interpersonal and small group skills Group processing 2. Setting objectives and providing feedback establishes a direction for learning and a way to monitor progress. This provides focus on learning targets and specific information to allow the student to make needed adjustments during the learning process, resulting in increased student learning. Torrance, E. Paul. The Search for Satori and Creativity. Buffalo, NY: Creative Education Foundation, 1979. 4 A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 Category Fluency Flexibility Focus Generate many ideas Think of alternative to the conventional Originality Conceive innovations unique to context Elaboration Extend new ideas; provide details for application Evaluation Assess performance; examine gaps; exercise judgment Process Free association, brainstorming Imagining, integrating subjects Reviewing alternatives, imagining, combining Testing; analyzing, synthesizing Analyzing, comparing, experimenting, fine-tuning General Tip: Be prepared to answer questions about complicated structures that the students may discover. Often verbals are embedded within clauses which, for example, may be embedded inside another clause. Attachments: Attachment A, Pre-assessment; Reviewing Verbals Attachment B, Pre-assessment; Reviewing Sentence Structures Attachment C, Answer Key Attachment D, Sleeping Beauty, A Verbal Version Attachment E, Sleeping Beauty, A Version with Varied Sentence Structures 5 A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 Attachment A Pre-Assessment: Reviewing Verbals Match the term to its definition. 1. ____ infinitive 2. ____ gerund 3. ____ participle 4. ____ verbal phrase A. a verb form ending in “ing” that is always used as a noun B. the verbal and all the words that belong with it, such as its direct object, predicate words and adverbial modifiers C. a verb form used as an adjective. This verbal often ends in “ing,” “d,” “ed,” or “t” D. a verbal formed by “to” and a present form of a verb. It is used as a noun, adjective or adverb. IDENTIFY THE WORD OR PHRASE ENCLOSED IN PARENTHESES AS AN INFINITIVE (I), A GERUND (G), OR A PARTICIPLE (P). 1. ____ Jon needed (to improve his English grades.) 2. ____ (Earning high scores) seemed easy for Maria, who sat next to Jon in class. 3. ____ (Leaning closer to her), Jon asked for help with the essay that he was writing. 4. ____ Maria smiled and kindly offered (to be of assistance.) 5. ____ Jon suggested (meeting in the library) so they could write an essay together. 6. ____ In the library, (enjoying each other’s company), they sat side-by-side. 7. ____ (To start the essay), Jon wrote a rough draft. 8. ____ Maria offered suggestions and patiently checked his (writing) for errors. 9. ____ Jon was already looking forward to other opportunities (to work together.) 10. ____ It was an assignment in (essay writing) that made all of this possible. 6 A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 Attachment B Pre-Assessment: Reviewing Sentence Structures Match the term to its definition. 1. ____ simple sentence 2. ____ compound sentence 3. ____ complex sentence 4. ____ compound-complex sentence A. a sentence containing two or more independent clauses B. a sentence containing one independent and one or more subordinate clauses C. a sentence containing two or more independent clauses and one or more subordinate clauses D. a sentence containing one independent clause IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES ACCORDING TO STRUCTURE. USE THESE ABBREVIATIONS: SIMPLE (S), COMPOUND (C), COMPLEX (CX), AND COMPOUNDCOMPLEX (CCX). 1. ____ Although he had never spoken about it, Carlos had always liked Dolores, who lived in his neighborhood. 2. ____ Dolores, however, never seemed to notice Carlos. 3. ____ One day at school Carlos complimented Dolores on her new hairstyle, but she barely even looked at him. 4. ____ Carlos wondered what he could do to win her affection. 5. ____ He offered to help her with her math, but Dolores just ignored him. 6. ____ Carlos had a new idea that she was sure to enjoy; he left a rose on her desk with his name on it. 7. ____ Dolores put the rose on the floor and never even thanked him! 8. ____ When Carlos wrote some poetry and delivered it to her, Dolores read his writing, but then she never mentioned it. 9. ____ As a last resort Carlos handed her a box of delicious chocolates in a box wrapped with red paper. 10. ____Carlos was awed by the power of chocolate when Dolores opened the box and turned toward him with a delighted, warm smile. 7 A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 Attachment C Answer Key Key for Attachment A, Reviewing Verbals 1. I 2. G 3. P 4. I 5. G 6. P 7. I 8. G 9. I 10. G Key for Attachment B, Reviewing Sentence Structures 1. CX 2. S 3. C 4. CX 5. C 6. CCX 7. S 8. CCX 9. S 10. CX 8 A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 Attachment D Sleeping Beauty, A Verbal Version The following version of the well-known story of Sleeping Beauty has a special feature. It provides a review of verbals—participles, infinitives and gerunds. The sentences follow a sequence wherein the first sentence contains a participle, the second sentence contains an infinitive and the third sentence contains a gerund. The sequence repeats throughout the story. Each verbal phrase is in parentheses. This is a story about a lovely princess (named Aurora.) At her birth the king and queen invited everyone (to attend a gala celebration.) (Forgetting an invitation for one wicked fairy) was, however, a serious mistake. This fairy, (uninvited), arrived anyway. (To vent her anger), she issued a disastrous curse upon Princess Aurora. (Pricking her finger on a spinning wheel) would cause Aurora’s death at the age of 16. (Moderating this evil prediction), good fairies changed the outcome from death to a 100-year, death-like sleep. It was impossible for Princess Aurora (to avoid her fate.) (Pricking her finger on a spinning wheel) sent the young princess into a deep sleep. The good fairies, (being helpful), put the entire kingdom into a similar state. This caused the 100 years (to pass quickly.) (Waiting) was easy. Finally, a charming young prince, (seeking his fortune,) rode his horse into the strange, silent kingdom. He was astonished (to see so many unconscious people.) He could not resist (kissing one particularly beautiful, young woman.) The kiss, (given in true love), woke Princess Aurora from the wicked fairy’s curse. Everyone instantly awoke (to celebrate the union of this delightful couple.) (The ringing of bells) sounded throughout the kingdom. (Hoping for a free meal and cake), the townspeople joyously dashed to the wedding. Only in a fairy tale could such a rushed marriage turn out (to be happy ever after.) 9 A Gimmick to Review Grammar – Grade 11 Attachment E Sleeping Beauty, A Version with Varied Sentence Structures The following version of the well-known story of Sleeping Beauty has a special feature. It provides a review of sentence structures—simple, complex, compound and compound-complex. The sentences follow a sequence wherein the first sentence is simple, the second sentence is complex, the third sentence is compound and the fourth sentence is compound-complex. The sequence is repeated throughout the story. Each subordinate clause is in brackets. Once upon a time a lovely baby was born to a king and queen. With great joy, they named her Aurora, [which means “dawn.”] To celebrate her birth, they invited everyone to a gala party, but they forgot to include one crabby, old, evil fairy. Unfortunately, the evil fairy came anyway, and she struck Princess Aurora with a curse [that grieved the whole kingdom.] At the age of 16, Aurora would prick her finger on a spinning wheel and die! Some comfort was immediately provided by good fairies [who modified this curse.] Princess Aurora would not die at that untimely age; she would only fall into a deep sleep lasting 100 years. As predicted, at age 16 Aurora pricked her finger on a spinning wheel, and she instantly fell into a deep sleep [that resembled death.] To soften the predicament, the good fairies put everyone else in the kingdom to sleep also. The fairies guarded the sleeping kingdom [until 100 years had passed.] Finally, one happy day a charming prince rode his noble steed into the silent kingdom; he found it to be most peculiar. He rode past one sleeping person after another, and suddenly he saw an enchanting young woman [whom he could not resist.] Overcome by love, he placed a tender kiss on her lips. This kiss of true love woke Princess Aurora, [who melted into the prince’s embrace.] Instantly, the entire kingdom awoke [as though no time had passed at all], and they rejoiced at the fortuitous union of the loving couple. Of course Aurora and the prince lived happily ever after. 10