Grammar Sentence Questions

Grammar Sentence Questions
Level 1: Parts of Speech
Label the parts of speech for each word in the grammar sentence.
Level 2: Parts of a Sentence
1. What are the 2 parts of a sentence that are in every sentence?
2. What part of a sentence can only be a verb?
3. What part of a sentence can be a noun or a pronoun?
4. Write the subject(s).
5. Write the predicate(s).
Level 3: Phrases
1. What is a phrase?
2. A phrase can act like which three parts of speech?
3. What are the three types of phrases?
4. Prepositional phrases can act like which two parts of speech?
5. Write the prepositional phrase(s) in the grammar sentence. (Write the number of the words.)
6. Write the appositive phrase(s) in the grammar sentence. (Write the number of the words.)
Level 4: Clauses
1. What makes up a clause?
2. If you have more than one clause what else must you have in the sentence?
3. How many clauses are in this grammar sentence?
4. What are the 4 types of sentences?
5. What type of sentence is this grammar sentence?
6. Is this sentence a simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex sentence?
7. Write the clauses and tell what type of clause. (Write the number of the words.)