Side By Side Handbook of Teaching Strategies by Steven J. Molinsky and Bill Blass LONGMAN correlated to Side By Side Books 1, 2, & 3 by Steven J. Molinsky and Bill Blass Side By Side Handbook of Teaching Strategies LONGMAN correlated to Side By Side Books 1, 2, & 3 SIDE BY SIDE HANDBOOK OF TEACHING STRATEGIES SIDE BY SIDE BOOK 1 1. Ask Me a Question, page 1 2. Associations, page 2 3. Beanbag Toss, page 2 35, 40, 90-93, 109, 117-119, 143 17, 45, 55-57, 58-59 7-8, 17, 34, 45, 55, 67, 117, 149 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Bleep! page 3 Board Game, page 4 Build Your Vocabulary, page 5 Can You Hear the Difference, page5 Category Dictation, page 6 Chain Game, page 7 Chain Story, page 7 Change the Sentence, page 8 Clap in Rhythm, page 8 Class Discussion, page 9 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Class Story, page 9 Concentration, page 10 Conversation Framework, page 12 Correct the Statement, page 13 Describe the Picture, page 14 Dialog Builder, page 14 Dictate and Discuss, page 15 Dictation Game, page 15 7-8, 17, 34, 45, 67, 149 36-37, 56-57, 68-69 All lessons 11, 36-37, 101, 118-121 17, 35, 55, 114, 118 35 & 45 together, 70, 87, 125 18-19, 45-48, 51, 61, 142 36-37, 91, 101 7-8, 17, 34, 45, 55, 67, 117, 149 25-26, 53-54, 77-78, 97-98, 115-116, 139-140 26, 54, 78, 98, 116, 140 80-81, 107-109, 118-121 41, 74, 100-101 37, 82, 118-119 61, 35, 79-81, 107-108 70-71, 80, 89 115 Works for most lessons, see 9, 56-61, 71-71, and 90-91. 31 61, 68, 70 Throughout the book, for example: 4, 8, 10, 67, and 107-109. 20-21, 56-57, 108-109 35-37, 56-57, 80-81 22. Do You Remember, page 16 23. Draw, Write, and Read, page 16 24. Drawing Game, page 17 25. Expand the Sentence, page 18 26. Find the Right Person, page 18-19 1 SIDE BY SIDE BOOK 2 11-13, 49-51, 55-57, 64-66 49-51, 71-75 1, 11, 19, 27, 39, 61, 71, 93, 103, 115, 125 11, 19, 27, 39, 93, 103, 115, 125 24, 62-65 All lessons 31, 48, 80, 116 11, 19, 49, 61 19, 50-51, 61, 64, 105 23, 62-65, 107-108, 117-118 9, 23, 51, 116 1, 11, 19, 27, 39, 61, 71, 93, 103 27-28, 59-60, 81-82, 103-104, 137138 28, 60, 82, 104, 138 13, 19, 78-79 23, 47, 67, 132 64, 94 11/19, 49, 93, 105 23, 35, 88, 117 27-28, 103, 137 Works for most lessons, see 3, 12, 20, 24, and 64. 63-64 62-67, 115-116 Throughout the book, for example: 11, and 115. 45-47, 87-89 17, 50-51, 62-63, 72-73 SIDE BY SIDE BOOK 3 37-41, 67, 95 51, 95 1, 11, 37, 51, 69, 81, 95, 115 11, 37, 51, 69, 81, 95, 115 37-41, 81-85 All lessons 46, 101, 116-117 10, 37, 95 1, 37, 95, 115 19, 37, 96-97 23, 41, 71, 101 1, 11, 37, 51, 69, 81, 95, 115 33-36, 65-68, 111-114, 145-148 34, 66, 112, 146 17, 36, 116-117 9, 39-40, 74-75, 99 40, 84 37, 51, 81 74, 104, 122, 133, 142 34, 65, 145-147 Works for most lessons, see 16, 31, and 85. Teacher extrapolation 2-4, 72 Throughout the book, for example: 1-4, and 11. 25-27, 40-43, 51-61, 70-72 22-23, 38-41 27. Finish the Sentence, page 20 28. Finish the Sentence Line-Up, page 21 29. Grammar Chain, page 22 30-31, 56-57, 69-71, 100-101 56-58, 110-101, 108-109 8, 18, 28-30, 56-57, 80-81, 90-91 30. Group Story, page 22 31. Guess the Word, page 23 33, 48, 67-71, 90-91, 141-143 Throughout the book, see 8, 79, 107, 117, and 149. 100, 109, 130-134, 153 Can be applied to most lessons. 25-26, 53-54, 77-78, 97-98, 115-116, 139-140 56-57, 59-61, 68-71, 8889 46-47, 55-57, 88-89 Teacher extrapolation throughout the book. 60, 109, 132, 154 64, 71, 85, 94, 108-109 58, 67-69, 117 36-37, 59-60, 68-71, 100-101 80-81 59-61, 68-71, 80-81 18-19, 28-30, 87, 90, 107 108 35-38, 62, 108-109 110-111, 122-123, 134-135 Will work with all lessons. 46-47, 68-71, 95, 120-121 56-57 36-39, 84-85 46-48, 88, 90, 100-101 Teacher extrapolation of 35, 67-68, 95, and 107. 48, 61, 68, 90 95, 103 88-91, 100-101 56, 146 20-21, 100-101, 108-109 89, 101, 133 Throughout the book. 56, 146 Throughout the book. 58-61, 95, 109 46-47, 62-63, 70-71 36-37, 80-81, 94-95 17, 35, 55, 114, 118 32. How Many Questions, page 23 33. How Many Sentences, page 24 34. In Your Opinion, page 25 35. Information Gap Handouts, page 26 36. Information Gap Role-play, page 27 37. Information Search, page 28 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Interview, page 28 Key Word Role Play, page 28 Letter Game, page 29 Match the Conversations, page 30 Match the Sentences, page 31 Memory Chain, page 32 Miming, page 32 Mystery Conversations, page 33 Mystery Word, page 34 Pantomime Role Play, page 35 Pick-a-Sentence, page 35 Picture Story, page 36 Picture This, page 39 Question Game, page 38 Question the Answers, page 39 Ranking, page 39 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. Realia, page 40 Same and Different, page 40 Scrambled Sentences, page 42 Scrambled Story, page 43 Sense or Nonsense, page 44 Sentence Cues, page 45 Sentences Alive, page 46 Sequences, page 47 Student-Led Dictation, page 48 Survey, page 48 Telephone, page 48 Tell a Story, page 49 Tic Tac Definitions, 49 2 30, 50-51 20-24, 77, 83-89 50-51, 72-74, 88-89, 115-117, 126127 62-64, 106-111, 121 11, 19, 49, 74-75 88-89, 103 74-77, 122-125 26, 84, 97, 116-117 42-43, 64-67, 105-107, 122 Can be applied to most lessons. 27-28, 59-60, 81-82, 103-104, 137138 12-21, 108-109 35, 42-43, 50-53, 74 Teacher extrapolation throughout the book. 11-13, 32, 52-53 42-43, 76, 89, 134 11, 71, 81, 93 47, 76, 98 76-77, 87 45, 76, 93-94, 405-407 49-51, 72-73, 115-116 45, 76-77 77, 94-95, 101 74, 88-89, 108-109 Will work with all lessons. 17, 64-65, 88-91, 168-169 64-68 31-33, 89, 122 14, 33, 73, 76 Teacher extrapolation of 11, and 109. 19-20, 42, 62-63 17, 49-50 42-43, 76-77 91, 100 23, 35, 76-77 40-41, 76-77, 128-129 Throughout the book. 91, 100 Throughout the book. 104, 108-109, 138 24, 25, 64, 108 30-33 11, 19, 49, 61 56-58, 70-71, 96-97, 124 Can be applied to most lessons. 33-36, 65-68, 111-114, 145-148 30, 56-61, 103, 143 11, 51 40-41, 54-55, 118 28-29, 54-55, 122-123, 132-133 Teacher extrapolation throughout the book. 58, 84, 99 52-53, 73, 84, 88-89, 127 51 40-41, 56-59, 100-101, 119, 138-139 56-59, 122-123 45, 75, 116-117 1, 2-3, 13, 37, 67, 95 41, 75, 106-108 38-39, 67 76-77, 83-85, 106-107 Will work with all lessons. 31, 38-41, 70-72, 116-119, 132-137 13 8, 53, 96 14, 53, 70-71 Teacher extrapolation of 21, and 37. 18-19 40, 77, 82-85, 133-134 25, 38-39, 76, 96 79, 129 29 40-41, 76-77, 105, 117 Throughout the book. 79, 129 Throughout the book. 33-34, 82, 147 49, 123 18-19, 116-117 10, 37, 95 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. Tic Tac Grammar, page50 Tic Tac Question Formation, page 51 Tic Tac Question the Answer, page 52 Tic Tac Vocabulary, page 53 Time Line, page 54 True or False, page 54 73. True or False Memory Game, page 55 74. What Came Before, page 55 75. What’s Wrong, page 56 76. Which One Isn’t True, page 56 80-81, 151 82-83 100, 109, 130-134, 153 17, 35, 55, 114, 118 108-110 For many lessons, including 30-33, 56-57, 68-71, and 80-81. Could be used with most lessons, for example 35-37. Many lessons, including 134-135. Throughout the book. 36-39, 46-47, 100-101 3 19-21, 108-109 84-85 42-43, 64-67, 105-107, 122 11, 19, 49, 61 116-117 For many lessons, including 50-51, and 94-95. Could be used with most lessons, for example 11-12. Many lessons, including 120-123. Throughout the book. 49-51, 93-95 38-43, 67, 115-117 134-135 56-58, 70-71, 96-97, 124 10, 37, 95 21-25, 52-53 For many lessons, including 18-19, and 116-117. Could be used with most lessons, for example 132-133. Many lessons, including 134-135. Throughout the book. 56-57, 104-105, 132-133