SIGNIFICANCE OF SEROCONVERSION IN HBV AND HCV POSITIVE PATIENTS ON HEMODIALYSIS FOR POTENTIAL KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION Gašparovic Vladimir1, Pehar Mario2, Ostojic Rajko3, Grahovac Blazenka4, Gjurašin Mirko1 1 Division of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine and Centre for Hemodialysis, Department of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia 2 Centre for Hemodialysis, Sesvete, Croatia 3 Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia 4 Department of Transfusion Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia SAZETAK Kronično zatajenje bubrega rezultira u nizu specifičnih problema tih bolesnika. Nedostatak eritropoetina, renalna anemija te posljedične transfuzije rezultirale su povećanom učestalošću pozitivnih virusnih markera u krvi kod tih bolesnika. Pozitivna antigenemija u kroničnih bubrežnih bolesnika uobičajeno prolazi bez značajne pridružene hepatalne lezije. Uspješna transplantacija bubrega ima, međutim za posljedicu pogoršanje jetrenog statusa, s razvojem teških lezija sve do smrtnog ishoda. U ovom radu prikazuju se rezultati serokonverzije pozitivne antigenemije bolesnika na hemodijalizi, kako bi po uspješnom odstranjenju virusnog markera bili uključeni na listu čekanja za transplantaciju bubrega. Očekujemo da će odstranjenje pozitivnog virusnog markera iz krvi bolesnika na hemodijalizi rezultirati boljim preživljavanjem bolesnika , bez pridruženog oštećenja jetre. SUMMARY Chronic end-stage renal failure results in various specific problems in these patients. The lack of erythropoietin and need for blood transfusion in hemodialysis units has brought up considerably higher incidence of positive virus markers than would be expected in the given geographic area .. Positive virus marker in patients on hemodialysis commonly has no major clinical implications. In these patients the course of hepatitis does not involve important clinical exacerbation. However, successful kidney transplantation, despite immunosuppression with the aim of keeping the graft, can result in significant deterioration of liver function.. Patients in whom seroconversion was successful were reincluded in the waiting list for renal transplantation. We expect better results and better patients survival rate, without associated hepatic lesion. INTRODUCTION Patients with chronic end-stage renal failure survive due to intermittent hemodialysis performed most commonly three times a week. These procedures of extracorporeal circulation correct high azotemia end eliminate hyperkalemia as a risk factor for malignant heart rhythm disturbances. Renal anemia due to the lack of erythropoietin has previously resulted in blood transfusions and unfortunate transmission of B and C virus markers to hemodialysis units (1). According to the statistics, the incidence of positive virus marker in our country is high (2). Recently there have been attempts of seroconversion in positive antigenemia, with the aim to eliminate the virus from the blood of patients with hepatitis and normal kidneys (3). For patients with chronic end-stage renal failure this is of special importance, because it allows their inclusion in the waiting list for kidney transplantation and enhances the quality of life after successful renal transplantion. PATIENTS AND METHODS In the group of patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis, virus markers for B and C hepatitis were determined (HBsAg, HbeAg, anti-HBc, anti-HBs, anti-Hbe, anti-HCV and HBV RNA, HCV RNA). Determinations were done at three-month periods. In positive patients, virus replication was determined using the PCR technique. According to protocol, in addition to other biochemical parameters, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, AST, ALT and GGT were determined in all patients six months before (-6), three months before (-3), and at the institution of interferon-alpha treatment. Subsequently, virus markers including tests for virus replication were determined at three-month periods. Liver function tests, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, transaminases and GGT were determined at three months (+3, +6, +9, +12). All side effects of interferon-alpha treatment were recorded in the protocol. Patients with positive HCV marker received three times 3,000 units of interferon-alpha s.c. upon completed hemodialysis, and those with positive HBV antigen received three times 5,000 units of interferon-alpha s.c. after hemodialysis. The obtained results are summarized in the table and statistically processed. RESULTS In the group of 16 patients there were 11 males and five females. Average age was 44.7 years. All patients were dialyzed three times a week. Three patients with positive HBV hepatitis were submitted to kidney transplantation without previous attempt of seroconversion with interferon. They died in the period from two years and nine months to eight years and three months later, with severe hepatic lesion (Table 1). Levels of transaminases, AP, GGT, bilirubin and the results of seroconversion are shown on Table 2. These are interim results because the study is still going on. DISCUSSION Chronic end-stage renal failure results in various specific problems in these patients. The lack of erythropoietin and need for blood transfusion in hemodialysis units has brought up considerably higher incidence of positive virus markers than would be expected in the given geographic area (4). Timely vaccination against B virus can only partially solve the problem of B hepatitis spreading in this group of patients, while the problem of C hepatitis remains completely unsolved (5). Positive virus marker in patients on hemodialysis commonly has no major clinical implications. Transaminase levels are mainly normal or moderately elevated, and bilirubinemia is uncommon. In these patients the course of hepatitis does not involve important clinical exacerbation. However, successful kidney transplantation, despite immunosuppression with the aim of keeping the graft, can result in significant deterioration of liver function. This was the case with our three patients who died later because of hepatic failure after successful renal transplantation (6). On the other hand, virus positive patients on hemodialysis are a permanent potential source of infection for their healthy sexual partners, as well as for hemodialysis staff. Viremia in hemodialysis personnel as a rule results in turbulent clinical picture of B or C hepatitis, implying permanent consequences - high incidence of cirrhosis in C hepatitis, possibility of malignant alteration etc. Each year about 3-5% of patients with positive C marker get hepatocellular carcinoma (7). All this points to the importance of seroconversion in HBV and HCV positive patients on hemodialysis. Our patients with positive virus marker on hemodialysis were treated with interferon-alpha. The clearance of virus marker with interferon-alpha is effected via cellular immune response. HBV clearance from blood with interferon is the consequence of the induction of interleukin 12 receptor expression and inflammatory response, and increased expression of MHL callus I antigen. The action of interferon-alpha in HCV infection is less clear, but it acts as a direct antiviral substance, decreasing the HCV titre in peripheral blood (in addition to stimulation of host immune response) (8). Our results indicate that seroconversion in cases of C antigenemia was more successful, i.e. in 54.5% (six out of 11 patients). In five patients seroconversion did not ensue neither after 16 weeks. With regard to various side effects, predominantly flu like syndrome and loss of appetite, the treatment with interferon-alpha has been transiently discontinued before the definitive conclusion about the unsuccessfulness of the treatment. When a number of patients became seronegative, those seropositive showed an additional compliance and willingness to continue with the treatment. It is important to note that in repeated checking of C antigenemia, only a part of the patients are still being followed-up, the percentage of virus replication, remained still negative. Attempts of seroconversion in patients with HBV antigenemia were not successful, despite a higher dose of interferon (3x5,000 units s.c.). It is known that this seroconversion is difficult even in population with healthy kidneys. One of the problems observed in patients with chronic renal failure on hemodialysis, who were treated with interferon-alpha, was the inhibition of control samples by the patient sera. At this moment it is difficult to offer a definite explanation. However, it is possible that the sera of patients with chronic renal failure might contain “like” substances which may give false positive or false negative findings (9). Patients in whom seroconversion was successful were reincluded in the waiting list for renal transplantation. We expect better results and better patients survival rate, without associated hepatic lesion. REFERENCES 1. 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