Routes to professional recognition of competence with the Business Continuity Institute Until 2008 the BCI existed only as a membership organisation where understanding of, and competence in, business continuity management was reflected in the seniority of membership grades ie Associate (ABCI), Specialist (SBCI), Member (MBCI) and Fellow (FBCI). All members within these professional grades have had to demonstrate knowledge and experience of working as a business continuity practitioner (or in an associated discipline for SBCI). In 2007 the Business Continuity Institute introduced the BCI Certificate which presented the opportunity of offering a credential, not linked to membership, which proves understanding of the principles and methodology of business continuity management. Candidates for the BCI Certificate need to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the Business Continuity Institute’s Good Practice Guidelines (GPG). Experience of working as a business continuity practitioner is not a prerequisite to sit the examination although experienced practitioners may find it beneficial to draw upon their experience. New Credential - CBCI From April 2008 the BCI introduce the post nominal credential of: CBCI (Certified by the Business Continuity Institute) Awarded to successful candidates who achieve a “Pass” or a “Pass with Merit” in the BCI Certificate examination. CBCIs will have the opportunity to be placed on a register of those holding this credential (an annual fee is payable). They will also be invited to apply for professional membership of the Business Continuity Institute if they are able to demonstrate sufficient practical application of their knowledge. Professional Grades of BCI Membership From April 2008 all new applicants for professional grades of membership and upgrades between the grades are required to hold the BCI Certificate. Experience criteria to allow entry into professional membership have been changed and the Specialist (SBCI) category has been overhauled to enable it to better reflect the roles of those working within associated disciplines. 10 Professional Certification Standards become 6 The Business Continuity Institute has a long established set of 10 competencies that applicants for professional grades of the Institute have been assessed against. These required skills are the ability to: Initiate and Manage the need for a Business Continuity Management (BCM) Process or Function; Conduct a Business Impact Analysis; Carry out Risk Evaluation and Control; Develop Business Continuity Management Strategies; Establish Emergency Response and Operations; Develop and Implement Business Continuity and Crisis Management Plans; Raise Awareness and develop Training Programmes; Maintain and Exercise Business Continuity and Crisis Managements Plans; Establish Crisis Communications capability; and Establish procedure and policies for Co-ordination with External Agencies. Applicants for professional membership will still need experience within these fundamental skills but, to maintain consistency with the BCM Lifecycle, they have been mapped against different stages of the Lifecycle and are now presented as 6 Certification Standards. A subject overview is outlined below: 1. BCM Policy and Programme Management Establishing the need for a Business Continuity Management (BCM) Process, including: resilience strategies, recovery objectives, business continuity and incident management plans, obtaining management support for such a process. Organising and managing the formulation of the function or process either in collaboration with, or as a key component of an integrated risk management initiative. Developing, co-ordinating, evaluating and creating plans and procedures to communicate with external stakeholders, including the media, during incidents. 2. Understanding the Organisation Business impact analysis (BIA): Identifying the impacts resulting from disruptions and disaster scenarios that can affect the organisation and developing techniques that can be used to quantify and qualify such impacts. Establishing critical functions, their recovery priorities and inter-dependencies so that recovery time objectives can be set. Risk evaluation and control: Determining the events and environmental surroundings that can adversely affect the organisation and its facilities with disruption and/or disaster and understanding the damage such events can cause. Establishing the controls needed to prevent or minimise the effects of potential loss. Providing cost-benefit analysis to justify investment in controls to mitigate risks. 3. Determining Business Continuity Management strategies Determining and guiding the selection of alternative business recovery operating strategies for continuation of business within recovery time and/or recovery point objectives, while maintaining the organisation’s critical functions. Delivering solutions for continuation of business within the recovery time and/or recovery point objectives, whilst maintaining the organisation’s critical functions. Developing, coordinating, evaluating and creating plans and procedures to communicate with internal stakeholders during incidents. The provision of post-incident support and guidance for employees and their families. 4. Developing and Implementing a BCM Response Developing and implementing emergency response procedures for responding to and stabilising the situation following an incident or event. Establishing and managing an Emergency Operations Centre to be used as a command centre during the emergency. Practical experience in handling incidents/emergencies. Designing, developing and implementing business continuity and incident management plans that provide continuity within recovery time and/or recovery point objectives. 5. Exercising, Maintenance and Review Pre-planning and coordinating plan walkthroughs/exercises. Evaluating, updating, improving and documenting the results of exercises. Developing processes to maintain the currency of continuity capabilities, business continuity and incident management plans in accordance with the organisation’s strategic direction. Establishing appropriate policies and procedures for coordinating incidents, continuity and restoration activities with external agencies whilst ensuring compliance with applicable statutes and/or regulations. Practical experience in dealing with external agencies. 6. Embedding Business Continuity Management within the Organisation’s Culture Preparing a programme to create and maintain corporate awareness and enhance the skills required to develop and implement the business continuity management programme or process and its supporting activities. ABCI to AMBCI Associate members of the BCI were previously given the post nominal designation of ABCI. From April 2008 this will become AMBCI in recognition that they have now become Statutory Members giving them the same voting rights and eligibility to stand for office as all other categories of professional membership. Revised entry criteria for AMBCI are: Hold the CBCI at “Pass” or “Pass with Merit” One years full time experience as a business continuity practitioner* Provision of 2 referees** * this is self-certified by completing an application form and the submission of a comprehensive cv – between 5 and 10% of applications will be audited to confirm eligibility ** between 5 and 10% of references will be taken up SBCI From April 2008 the previous discipline based Specialist Faculties of Crisis and Emergency Management; Human Resources; Information Security; Insurance; Physical Protection and Security; Property and Facilities Management; PR and Media Management; Risk Management; Salvage and Restoration; and Technology Recovery have been replaced with 6 new skills based Faculties which reflect stages within the BCM Lifecycle: Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty of of of of of of Policy and Management Analyst Strategic Services Response, Planning & Support Exercising & Auditing Education & Training Revised entry criteria for SBCI are: Hold the CBCI at “Pass” or “Pass with Merit” Two years full time experience either as a specialist business continuity practitioner or in a related discipline* Professional membership of, or certification, by a relevant professional body in an associated discipline** Provision of 2 referees*** * this is self-certified by completing an application form and the submission of a comprehensive cv – between 5 and 10% of applications will be audited to confirm eligibility ** current documentation must be provided *** references will be taken up in all cases MBCI Applicants for the senior grade of Member (MBCI) need to demonstrate practical application of their knowledge by submitting a further professional application form which will be scored assessed by a panel of their peers appointed by the BCI’s Membership Council. Revised entry criteria for MBCI are: Hold the CBCI at “Pass with Merit” Three years full time experience as business continuity practitioner Completion and submission of evidence which supports and demonstrates this experience (this is the evidence that will be scored assessed) Provision of 2 referees* * references will be taken up in all cases FBCI Applicants or nominations for Fellowship of the BCI are accepted MBCI or SBCI with appropriate experience and responsibility. Direct entry into FBCI is not accepted. A minimum requirement of 6 years experience as a business continuity practitioner is required. FBCI should not be perceived as an automatic step from MBCI or SBCI but should reflect a higher level of responsibility, specific experience and a significant contribution to BCM and the BCI. Summary of BCI Credentials and Membership Grades FBCI (Fellow BCI) 3 years additional senior responsibility MBCI (Member BCI) Pass with Merit 3 years experience 2 years additional experience 4 years additional senior responsibility 1 Year SBCI (Specialist BCI) 2 years experience (total) AMBCI (Associate Member BCI) 1 Year experience CBCI (Certified by BCI) Examination pass Examination success entitles award of certificate and entry onto list of certificate holders Subject to re-examination after 3 years unless there is an upgrade to AMBCI, MBCI or SBCI. All professional grade BCI Members will be expected to demonstrate a commitment to CPD. Affiliates and Students – Non-professional membership