MNCH TWG Monthly Meeting Dates: 2 September 2014 Venue

TWG Updates 2014
MNCH TWG Monthly Meeting
Dates: 2 September 2014
Time: 09:35 – 1:45 pm
Participants: MOHSW (RCHS); UNFPA, UNICEF, CHAI1; Evidence for Action (E4A);
USAID; Pathfinder and Jhpiego.
1. Opening (by the chair Dr. Msemo)
2. One Plan II Write up (2016-2020)
3. Roll out of Sharpened One Plan
 Achievements, challenges and Lessons learnt
 Plans to roll out in the remaining regions
4. AOB
 Writing of RCHS Policy Guidelines (Postponed)
 Renovation of Third floor ceiling (postponed)
 SOWMy 2014
 TSPA, DHS, Score card
 Integrated Measles/Rubella campaign
Discussion and Way forward
1. One Plan II Write up
1. The meeting reviewed and finalized the draft ToRs for the local consultant. The
consultancy is expected to last for 25 days between 8th Sept and 17th October 2014.
Three CVs are being solicited to facilitate recruitment process. The MNCH TWG will
guide the process and Jhpiego will support the financial piece of the consultancy.
Editorial team of 10 people was appointed to proof read, edit and refine every chapter
of the plan as submitted by the consultant. The editorial team include both RCHS and
partners. It was noted that the costing of the One Plan two will be done by the
consultant who will be working on HSSP IV costing but the operational framework
including the M&E matrix is included in the ToRs of this consultancy.
2. Roll out of Sharpened One Plan
The initial plan was to first roll out in the Lake and western Zones which are the targets
of the Sharpened One Plan. However due to increased momentum from other
Clinton HIV and AIDS Initiatives
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TWG Updates 2014
regions/zones it was agreed that support will be provided to any region that is ready to
go. A pool of facilitators was trained centrally; and a roll out plan developed. The
financial support for the roll-out has mainly been from development partners working
in respective areas since there was no budget line set by the government in the MTEF.
Three regions namely Kagera, Lindi and Mara have been completed and region
specific plans in place. Kagera and Mara were financially supported by Jhpiego
while CHAI supported Lindi. Four regions are planning to do in the next two
weeks which are Mtwara (EGPAF); Iringa (UNICEF); Tabora (Care International
through ‘Tabasamu Project’) and Kigoma (World Lung Foundation).
Five days proposed in the roll out plan practically are not enough
Priority regions in Lake and Western zones (Mwanza, Kigoma, Shinyanga,
Simiyu, Geita, Tabora) are not yet covered due to lack of funds.
Inadequate facilitators – only 6 were available to be trained as opposed to 15
required in the roll-out plan.
The deadline (end of Sept) seems not to be feasible due to delay and availability
of funds.
Inadequate preparation, division of roles and responsibilities especially during
the process in Kagera
Lessons Learnt
 If the region is prepared there’s ownership of RHMT/RMO/RC. This has
contributed even in mobilizing partners and local resources (a case of Lindi).
 Flexibility in terms of planning some of the activities in the roll-out plan to
allow local leadership and ownership.
1. Prioritize the LW zones for impact since they are the focus of the Sharpened One
2. MNCH TWG agreed to extend the time to end October.
3. Solicit funds, invite partners to table the agenda since the anticipated funds are not
yet to be realized.
4. Identify potential facilitators from the regions preferable members of RHMT, CHMT,
Health secretary, HMIS to be trained. Training dates 15-22 September.
5. Prepare facilitation and advocacy package
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TWG Updates 2014
 BRN – Health Lab will be conducted from 22 sept – 30th Oct (six weeks) – MNCH is
an overarching key action. The lab will work on feasible, implementable actions.
Partners will be invited but also at different stages some expertise will be invited to
guide on specific action areas.
 TSPA – Testing of tools will be done prior to ToT that is scheduled for middle Sept.
The assessment will include: Hospitals - 256 (100%); Health centres 354 (50%); 105
working clinics and 480 dispensaries. To ensure that information on EmONC will be
available the tools have included all 9 signal functions of EmONC and equipment.
An additional $ 100,000 will be required to accommodate some of the increased
elements of the assessment.
 DHS - Module has changed to accommodate current change where malaria has been
moved from THMIS. Therefore the DHS will now be known as DHS-MIS. The
Tanzania HIV Indicator survey will only include AIDS indicators, Viral load and
 RMNCH Score Card – Reporting has increased from 86 – 96% which may be due to
many factors. These include President’s emphasis during the launch in May, over
reporting or increased accountability at different levels!. The HMIS will share the
final score card on 3rd Sept.
 SOWMy 2014 – On behalf of RCHS, UNFPA shared the processes and launch of the
Tanzania report. The launch was officially done by the Minister of Health and Social
Welfare Hon. Seif Seleman Rashid on 13 August. The way forward and actions were
presented and will be submitted to the minister after consolidating additional points.
 Integrated Measles/Rubella campaign – will take place from 24 Sept – 30 sept and
will involve children from 9 months to adolescent of up to 15 years. The campaign
will be preceded by an Advocacy meeting for stakeholders and DPs on 4th Sept at
BOT conference.
 Quality of Oxytocin – Update was shared on the efficacy of the currently produced
oxytocin that requires temperature of 2-8 degree centigrade that necessitates effective
cold chain. Realizing the challenges of the cold chain in the country it was suggested
the MOHSW write a letter to partners (WHO, UNFPA and UNICEF) to request
procurement of heat stable oxytocin.
 Misoprostol – Some members shared concerns on increasing re-purposing of miso in
different areas of the country. Since there is no documented evidence the MOHSW
was advised to conduct a quick assessment to determine the factors for re-purposing
and others related to use of miso in Tanzania. This can be complemented by other
systematic reviews that have been published by various journals.
Next meeting – Tuesday of first week of October, however and ad hoc meeting will be called
to facilitate the write up of One Plan II.
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