Practice Exam 1 - Iowa State University

Practice Exam 1
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
1. A phylogenetic tree :
a. is an areas of research involved with
grouping things together based in a
hierarchal classification
b. is an ancestreal tree that is responsible for
the oxygen boom ~2 million years ago
c. shares a common ancestor with brown
d. is a representation of a hypothesis about
evolutionary relationships
2. Which is not an example of protist
nutrition/metabolism ?
a. Mixotrophs
b. Chemoautotrophs
c. Photoautotrophs
d. Heterotrophs
3. In the Chromalveolata Kingdom, which
group of unicellular algae have a “shell”
made of silica?
a. Brown algae
b. Diatoms
c. Dianoflagellates
d. Red algae
4. What is the ploidy of a gametophyte and
what does it produce?
a. Diploid, gametes
b. Diploid, oomycetes
c. Haploid, gametes
d. Haploid, oomycetes
5. Which of the following is not one of the 3
a. Eukarya
b. Prokarya
c. Bacteria
d. Archaea
6. The Millder - Urey experiment:
a. demonstrated that under certian conditions,
organic molecues coud be produced from
inorganic molecules
b. showed how prokaryotes evolved from eukaryotes
c. demonstrated how protist like slime mold can
d. explains why some bacteria cannot be stained
7. Which is not a characteristic of protist:
a. they can undergo alternations of generations
b. they are prokaryotes
c. they can be both multicellular and unicellular
d. they have membrane bound organelles and nuclei
8. Binomial nomenclature is:
a. the discipline of naming organisms
b. a characturistic of bacteria that has lead to its great
success as an organism
c. the assignment of a Genus name and specific
“epithet” to each species
d. a group that ins more inclusive than biosphere
9. Which is not a characteristic of prokaryotes that
have helped them be so successful?
a. Motility
b. Reproduction & Adaptation
c. Structure
d. Unicellular
10. Which of the following are not in a Eukaryote?
a. Plasmids
b. Nucleus
c. Organelles
d. Structure that creates energy - Mitochondria or
11. Which group in the Unikonta Kingdom
causes amoebic dysentery?
a. Slime Molds
b. Entamoebas
Supplemental Instruction
1060 Hixson-Lied Student Success Center  294-6624 
c. Gymnamoebas
d. Diatoms
12. Eukaryotic cells are all except:
a. Animals
b. Plants
c. Fungi
d. Archaea
13. In lab you are asked to stain two different types
of prokaryotes. One sample holds the stain and the
other doesn’t. What structural conclusions can you
draw from this?
a. The one that did stain is a protist
b. The one that stained has an outer layer of
c. The one that didn’t stain has an outer layer of
d. The one that didn’t stain is protist
14. Prokaryote’s walls do not consist of what?
a. polysaccharides
b. proteins
c. cellulose
d. peptidogylcan
15. The Endosymbiont theory is supported by all of
the following except:
a. Plastids and mitochondria are generally the same
size as a prokaryotic cells
b. Plastids and mitochondria have linear DNA
c. Plastids and mitochondria have prokaryote like
d. Plastids and mitochondria reproduce by binary
21. Which event is thought to have lead to the
evolution of eukaryote cells?
a. the build up of O2 in the atmosphere, Oxygen
b. Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
c. Meiosis
d. Miller-Urey Experiment
22. In __________ the genetic material in a cell is
altered by the uptake of foreign NA form the
cell’s surroundings.
16. Pfiesteria piscicida is a protist that blooms
when excess fertilizer is exproted into the aquatic
ecosystem. This toxin kills fish and can memory
loss to humans when ingested, which group is
this species a part of?
a. Red algae
b. Brown algae
c. Dinoflagellates
d. Kinetoplastids
17. All of the following are ways prokaryotes
can reproduce except:
a. Conjugation
b. Mitosis
c. Transformation
d. Tranduction
18. Which clade is characterized by membrane
bound sacs in their structure?
a. Alveolata
b. Euglenozoa
c. Diplomonad
d. Parabasalid
19. A diploid cell goes through meiosis:
a. it creates genetically identical daughter cells
that are haploid
b. it creates genetically different daughter cells
that are haploid
c. it creates genetically identical daughter cells
that are diploid
d. it creates genetically different daughter cells
tare are diploid
20. What are the subgroups inside a Class called?
(list from inclusive to exclusive)
a. Species, Genus
b. Family, Genus, Species
c. Phylum, Order, Family, Genus
d. Order, Family, Genus, Species
a. Conjunction
b. Endosymbiosis
c. Transformation
d. Mitosis
23. _______ prokaryotes are poisoned by
a. Facultative Anaerobes
b. Obligate Anaerobes
c. Obligate Aerobes
d. This is only an issue for eukaryotes.
24. In primary endosymbiosis you begin with
a ________ and end with a _________.
a. Ancestral prokaryote, chemoautotroph
b. Heterotrophic eukaryote, protist we have
c. Ancestral prokaryotes, heterotrophic
d. Autotrophic eukaryote, protist we have
25. Which of the following is not a clade in
the Archaeplastida Kingdom?
a. Plants
b. Red Algae
c. Brown Algae
d. Green Algae
26. Trypanosoma causes sleeping sickness.
a. True
b. False
34. Symbiosis:
a. is how a theory on how life began
b. is an intermediate state in alternations of
c. a close association between two organisms
d. is a type of protist
35. Secondary endosymbiosis starts with
________ and ends with ___________.
a. Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes
b. Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes
c. Prokaryotes, Protist we have today
d. Eukaryotes, Protist we have today
27. Which of the following is a reason that protist
are important?
a. They are more complex than Prokaryotes
b. They are the basis of many food webs
c. They were the organisms that lead to the Oxygen
d. They can be used to cure any disease.
28. How do antibiotics work?
a. They effect only viruses
b. They effect only gram positive bacteria
c. They prevent petidoglycan cell walls in Archaea
d. They prevent petidoglycan cross linking
29. A polyphylectic group would include:
a. Sister taxa with an immediate common ancestor
b. Only one node
c. Endosymbiosis
a) contains groups of species with different
common ancestors
30. A haploid cell goes through Mitosis producing:
a. genetically different haploid daughter cells
b. genetically identical haploid daughter cells
c. genetically different diploid daughter cells
d. genetically identical diploid daughter cells
31. What is necessary for Transduction to occur?
a. A eukaryote
b. A bacteriophage
c. A sex pilus
d. Linear DNA
32. Atmospheric nitrogen (N2) ban be metabolized
by almost all organisms.
a. True
b. False
33. A living bacteria is secreting proteins and
making you sick, this is called:
a. Exotoxins
b. Endotoxins
c. Evolution
d. Only viruses make you sick
36. Oomycetes were responsible for the Irish
potato famine.
a. true
b. false
40. All bacteria cause disease and we should work
to get rid of them all.
a. True
b. Flase
37. A paraphyletic group:
a. has no clades
a) are groups that share immediate common
b) contains a common ancestor but not all of
its descendants
a) group that contains a common ancestor and
all of its descendants
41. A zygote is:
a. in the Exacata Kingdom
b. is the diploid organism created through
c. in the Chromalveolata kingodm
d. is an intermediate state in alternations of
38. You can use a _______ to determine if a
dog is more closely related to a wolf or cat.
a. Phylogenetic tree
b. Endosymbiosis
c. Black magic
d. Gram staining
39. Which of the following is not an
a. Halophiles
b. Thermophiles
c. Methanogens
d. Kalvinphiles
47. Which organelles support the
Endosymbiotic Theory?
a. Mitochondria & Ribosomes
b. Ribosomes & Nucleus
c. Chloroplast & Nucleus
d. Chloroplast & Mitochondria
48. Cells are:
a. the lowest level of life that can preform the
actives required for life
b. absent in Prokaryotes
c. have nothing to do with the Endosymbiotic
d. only present in Eukaryotes
49. A bacteria dies and its lipopolysaccharide
membrane begins to break down and make
you sick, this is called:
a. Malaria
b. Tuberculosis
42. Organisms that need to ingest biomass for their
energy are called:
a. Autotrophs
b. Heterotrophs
c. Phototrophs
d. Chemotrophs
43. A hypothesis:
a. is something that has happened
b. explains why things happen
c. is always correct
d. must be falsifiable
44. Alternations of generations:
a. has diploid and haploid cells with both single
and multicellular stages
b. has only haploid single cell stages
c. has diploid and haploid stages but they’re only
ever multicellular celled
d. has diploid and haploid stages but they’re only
ever single celled
45. A vector is
a. a branching point in a phylogenetic tree
b. the evil villain in Despicable me
c. an organism that caries diseases
d. a multicellular protist.
46. The Endosymbiosis theory was first rejected
because it was presented by a woman.
a. true
b. false
c. Endotoxins
d. Exotoxins
50. A specific reasoning is extracted from a
general case and moves from statement to
conclusion, this is an example of:
a. Inductive reasoning
b. Deductive reasoning
c. Hypothesis
d. Theory