BAC Fire Impairment Notice Fire System Isolation Permit Complete this permit before any impairment. Display the permit in a very visible location as directed. Notify the Building Facilities Team at least two working days prior to a planned impairment. 1. Impairment Complete Section (A) of permit and email form to the following: - and email or fax to FM Global Fax (03) 9602 5882 2. De-isolation Complete Section (B) of this permit following De-isolation and send to email as above Call BAC Building Compliance Coordinator (07) 3406 5711 for any questions or further clarification on the Impairment Procedures in normal business working hours Monday to Friday. SECTION (A) To be completed by BAC approved Fire Contractor carrying out isolation: Technician Name: Date: Time: Fax permit to FM Global: (03) 9602 5882 Company: To be completed by Company requesting isolation: Applicant : e-mail: Phone number: Company Name: City / state & country: Type of impairment Maintenance Repair Building Works System shut off Sprinkler Fire pump Fire Hydrant Alarm/detection system Special extinguishing system - CO2 or Gas system Other Building and Location of Impairment and Type of Operation Reason for and description of impairment Specific systems shut off or out of service Time shut off: a.m. p.m. Date: Expected duration of impairment: Will work continue until system(s) are fully restored? Yes No Has a Hot Works Permit been completed? Yes No Hot Works Permit Number if applicable: _______________________ (If hot work is being carried out as part of the isolation a 4hr minimum fire watch is required following completion of hot works) BAC Fire Impairment Notice Precautions being taken Hot work prohibited? Smoking controlled? Work during idle period? Hazardous operations shut down? Aviation Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF) notified? Duty Terminal Manager Notified? Fire extinguishers or small hose available? Fire watch or watchmen provided? Emergency procedures reviewed and in place? Other Comments Part B Time restored: a.m. p.m. Date: Your name: BAC Fire Impairment Notice BAC Impairment Procedures 1. Complete a fire system isolation permit for every impairment. Additional permits are available by calling the phone number listed on the permit. 2. Fax, email, or provide the information as requested 3. Fire Impairments must be arranged two working days prior to the permit being required. Emergency Impairments will incur additional costs. 4. Permit display requirements; a. ITB – To be displayed on the front of the mimic EWIS panel in the Duty Terminal Managers office b. DTB - To be displayed on the front of the mimic EWIS panel in the Alarm Monitoring Offices office c. All other BAC Buildings –Permit must be displayed on the front of the buildings fire panel. 5. Expedite the work. Workers, materials, equipment and tools should be ready before any system is shut off. Return protection to service quickly. 6. Schedule the work during idle periods when fewer ignition sources exist or plan to work on fire protection when the facility is not operating. 7. Notify the following prior to fire service isolation; a. Aviation Rescue & Fire Fighting (ARFF) 07 3860 3210 that fire protection systems or water supplies is out of service. b. ITB Duty Terminal Manager on 07 3406 3171 and Alarm Monitoring Office 07 3406 3312 for all BAC building isolations 8. Prohibit all hot work including cutting, welding or the like. If hot work is essential to complete the work, discuss in advance with BAC 9. Keep as much protection in service as possible. 10. Completed Impairment Notices must be signed off as complete and left in the location of the original permit. 11. Only companies specifically approved by BAC are allowed to carry out fire isolations. Precautions 1. Shut down hazardous processes and other sources of ignition including cutting and welding. 2. Prohibit smoking in the impaired area. 3. Provide a continuous patrol for the affected area to check on housekeeping and special hazards. 4. Station someone at or near closed sprinkler control valves. They should be prepared to quickly reopen the valve if fire is discovered. 5. Provide additional fire extinguishers in the affected area. Small hose lines can be charged and laid out for quick use by trained personnel. 6. Additional BAC advice or direction will be provided for long impairments. 7. As much as possible, partially or fully restore systems to service overnight for work that continues for several days. Restoration 1. Verify all valves are left wide open and secured. 2. Clear the impairment with the ARFF, Duty Terminal Manager and Alarm Monitoring Officer 4. Complete the permit and fax, email, or provide the completion information as requested.