Behavior support student example

Behavior Support Summary
The best behavior support is to have students engaged in
appropriate activities using the prompt levels necessary to
ensure their success and participation – catch them being
engaged and reinforce that behavior.
Student: Damore
General Personality Profile: Damore is an engaging happy little boy. He likes music
and moving. He enjoys his classmates and loves to play with them.
Independent Daily Living Skills: Damore does use the bathroom and is beginning to
initiate requesting to use the bathroom. Damore eats finger foods and can use a spoon or
fork if needed. He occasionally needs reminders to chew his food (he has a tendency to
suck his food). He can drink from a cup, juice box or water bottle. Damore is
independent in dressing himself and is able to zip his own coat.
Method of Communication: Damore speaks in words, phrases and sentences. He
answers questions and is beginning to ask questions. He likes to play silly word games
and learn new “big” words. During times of stress he is less likely to generate
independent statements about what is happening at the moment.
Prevention and Teaching Strategies:
1. Use a visual schedule and visual supports as needed
2. Keep him engaged in the activity (learning, playing, eating)
3. Read his signals and provide redirection or visuals as needed for extra support
4. Provide directive praise and attention when he is doing what he should be
doing and praise him for using his words appropriately, particularly when he
lets you know his feelings.
5. Use rule scripts with him for what his expectations are in a situation.
6. Have other students model situational behavior
De-escalation Procedure
When a behavior is escalating or interfering with learning, the staff asks Damore to
1. Counting break
2. Stay at the activity
 staff increases positive feedback for appropriate behavior as well as
reinforcing peers modeling appropriate behavior
If Damore makes no choice and continues with interfering behavior – staff verbalizes, “I
see you are showing me you would like to count. Show the Counting visual and walk
through it with him having him be as independent in counting as possible.
• If calm and ready to return to class go back and resume lesson with
supports to success as needed.
• If not calm, cycle through the Counting chart and have him count again.
Cycle through the Counting chart until he is calm and then go back to
the activity supporting him to success as needed.
Behavior: Uses crying to avoid doing things he doesn’t like or want to do (fake crying
with hands over his eyes saying “I’m crying”)
Strategies used to redirect from least to most restrictive
1. Redirect with quiet, calm voice “Damore your hands need to be down,
we’re reading” keep conversation directed toward the activity and remain
calm. If he calms and resumes the activity, give specific praise for task.
2. If his voice raises or he continues crying ask him choose stop crying or to
a. If he chooses to stop crying and goes back to the activity give
directive praise once he has resumed the activity.
b. If he doesn’t choose let him know he is showing you he needs to
count. Follow de-escalation procedure for counting.
Behavior: Standing up, getting out of his chair or throwing himself on the floor during an
Strategies used to redirect from least to most restrictive
1. Calmly without eye contact tell him to “Show me what sitting quietly looks
a. Give verbal direction for what sitting quietly looks like if he is still in
his chair
o Bottom on chair/floor
o Feet on floor
o Hands on lap/table
o Quiet mouth
o Sitting upright in chair
b. Tell him what he is doing right “nice job feet on the floor, you need
to sit in the chair”
2. If he is on the ground give the options to “sit in chair or count”
a. Follow counting procedure if he doesn’t get back up. Once calm tell
him “Sit in chair”
3, Once he is sitting appropriately give directive praise for sitting and
engagement in the activity.
Behavior: Inappropriate initiation for play on the playground or during playtime (going
up behind a peer and hugging them, knocking peers over, standing in front of a peer
blocking their play, knocking over peer’s toys)
Strategies used to redirect from least to most restrictive
1. If he is attempting to initiate play with a peer, model the appropriate verbal
phrase, “Josh do you want to play?”
2. If he knocked down a peer’s toys have him apologize and model asking to join
in play. “Henry can I play with you?”
Behavior: Imitating inappropriate behavior that staff is addressing with another student
Strategies used to redirect from least to most restrictive
1. Ignore if possible
2. Ask him what he should be doing? If he doesn’t saying anything tell him to
show you what he should be doing. “You need to show me writing on your
paper”. Give directive praise once he is appropriately engaged.
Catch him doing things well and praise him