Group on Earth Observations (GEO) 2006 Activities Task DI-06-02 Area Title Disasters Facilitate improvement of capabilities for global seismographic networks such as GSN, FDSN, DAPHNE, and data sharing among GEO members Relevant Committee Architecture & Data Description of the Work to be Performed (1) Sustain GSN/FDSN operations and maintenance. (2) Expand real-time telemetry capabilities and robustness for the GSN/FDSN stations. (3) Improve operational uptime and data availability of GSN/FDSN. (4) Advocate free, open access to real-time seismic data from GEOSS in-situ Observation Systems and facilitate data sharing among GEOSS members. (5) Facilitate data management coordination within GEOSS for seismological data, metadata, and products. (6) Establish GEOSS 6-year target to develop new very-broad seismometers for seismology and tsunami warning. (7) Advocate and coordinate use of GSN/FDSN as a logical framework for other GEOSS in-situ measurements. (8) Establish GEOSS 10-year target to extend global seismological coverage into the oceans through synergy and shared logistical infrastructure with GEOSS in-situ ocean observing systems. Output & Deliverables Reports on upgrading global seismic networks extension and coordination mechanism to GEO Plenary Calendar (incl. milestones) Start on 2nd Quarter 2006 – Continuous activity Responsible Entity, Participants Leading organizations: USA tbd FDSN (Domenico Giardini, ; Tim Ahern, ; Bernard Dost, ; Seiji Tsuboi, ; Jim Lyons,; Rhett Butler, IRIS Data Management System (Tim Ahern, GSN (IRIS/NSF, Rhett Butler, & USGS, William Leith, Group on Earth Observations (GEO) 2006 Activities Task DI-06-02 Contributing organizations: Japan NIED: National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention JAMSTEC: Japan Agency for Marin-Earth Science Technology (Ikuko Kuriyama (Ms.),; Netherlands KNMI: ORFEUS- Observatory and Research Facilities for EUropean Seismology and VEBSNVirtual European Broadband Seismograph Network; Torild Van Eck and Bernard Dost; contact: Frits Brouwer, EC-projects NERIES (Network of Earthquake Research Institutes for European Seimology) and SAFER (Seimic eArly warning For EuRope) Greece NOA, UoA, AUTH, U.Patras (need definition of acronyms and names/ coordinates of responsible persons) IGOS-P IGOS-Geohazards Team members IOC Masahiro Yamamoto, Germany DLR ( Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfart) Helmut Staudenrausch,, M. Bittner,; GFZ (GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam), Portugal IM (Instituto de Meteorología), Aderito Serrao, Thailand (Thai Meteorological Department: Director, Seismological Bureau, e-mail: and Director, Weather Watch and Warning Bureau, e-mail:; Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Thailand: Mr. Suppapimit PAORIK, e-mail:; Italy (Pierluigi SODDU, Italian Civil Protection Department,; Contributing Users: South Africa (National Disaster Management Centre (NDMC), Mmboneni Muofhe,; Portugal Centro de Geofísica de Évora, University of Évora (Prof. Ana Maria Silva - ) Financial Contributions (from GEO Operations Budget) None Annex Task DI-06-02 GEO Member Potential Contributions Reported to date: Portugal Exchange of broadband seismological data Involvement in data networks, performance and security, information systems for data sharing amongst GEO members. Eventual integration of systems. At present IM collaborates with GSN/FDSN, operating the wide band CMLA station (S. Miguel, Azores), of the IRIS/IDA network, and the MTE station (Manteigas), of the GEOFON network, and also supporting the MTE – IM headquarters data transmission costs. In the framework of expanding and qualitatively improving its seismographic network, IM will enhance its contribution by joining the global monitoring effort, supplying data from 3 wide band stations to be installed in Azores, Madeira and mainland. Spain Project ESEOO: Establecimiento de un Sistema Español de Oceanografía Operacional. The main objective of the project is the Development and implementation of a Spanish Operational Oceanography system able to be used in emergency situations at sea, such us oil spill accidents or tracking of drifting objects. The system will consist in several applications based on numerical modelling and analysis of oceanographic data, both historical and real time. The applications based on numerical models will provide forecast of several Physical parameters, such us winds, currents, sea surface temperature, waves and sea level. ( Netherlands a. KNMI/ORFEUS and global connection (FDSN) Both ORFEUS and the KNMI, Seismology Department are members of the FDSN (Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks). KNMI (Bernard Dost) chairs one of the four working groups of the FDSN (Data exchange and formats). At a high level global seismologists meeting organized by the USGS, NSF and IRIS (at which ORFEUS participated) it was decided that the FDSN will represent seismology and the global seismological networks at GEO. b. KNMI/ORFEUS and European connection (ORFEUS and VEBSN) ORFEUS (Observatories and Research Facilities for EUropean Seismology) coordinates together with the EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Center) in France the earthquake data exchange in Europe and its surroundings ORFEUS coordinates and operates the Virtual European Broadband Seismograph Network (VEBSN), which is the backbone of a European real-time data exchange infrastructure for rapid earthquake warnings to be setup in cooperation with the EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Center). c. ORFEUS/KNMI and the EC (NERIES/SAFER) Both ORFEUS coordinates and the KNMI manages the Infrastructure EC-project NERIES (Network of Earthquake Research Institutes for European Seismology), which intends to build up a comprehensive European earthquake data archiving and exchange infrastructure. The KNMI/ORFEUS will be participating with the VEBSN in a recently approved EC-project SAFER (Seismic eArly warning For EuRope).