19. BEHAVIOR OF SMALL DISPLACEMENTS IN IDEAL MHD We have just studied MHD equilibrium, states in which the forces are exactly in balance. We now begin studies of states that are slightly displaced from equilibrium. We assume that the fluid and magnetic field are in an equilibrium state, F 0 . Now let a fluid element be displaced by a small amount from its equilibrium position. That is, a fluid element with equilibrium position r is displaced slightly to a new position r r , as shown in the figure. After this displacement, the system is no longer in equilibrium, i.e., F 0 . Since F 0 when 0 , we can write F F . (19.1) (The curly bracket notation is standard here.) Further, for small displacements we expect F to be a linear function of . Now suppose that F 0 . Then the displacement and the force are in opposite directions. The force tends to restore the system to its original equilibrium position; it opposes the displacement. In this case we might expect the system to oscillate about its equilibrium position, so that the system can be said to be stable (of course, this must be proven). On the other hand, when F 0 , then the force is in the same direction as the displacement. The force tends to amplify the displacement and drive the system further from its equilibrium position. In this case we might expect the original displacement to grow in time, so that the system can be said to be unstable (again, this must be proven). A third possibility is that F 0 , so that the force and the displacement are orthogonal. The system is then said to be neutrally stable. In ideal MHD, these are the only possibilities. (For example, when F 0 the restoring force could be so large as to amplify the oscillations, leading to growing oscillations. This case is called overstable. We will see that this is not allowed in ideal MHD.) We can be more specific about these concepts. Let the subscript (..)0 denote equilibrium quantities. If the equilibrium is stationary ( V0 0 ) and the displacements are small, we can ignore the quadratic term V V , and the equation of motion is 0 V F . t (19.2) 1 We introduce the displacement vector , defined by V . t (19.3) Then the equation of motion is 0 2 F . t 2 (19.4) In light of the discussion of the previous paragraph, we anticipate that Equation (19.4) will be a wave equation, and that F will be a second order spatial differential operator. We are thus motivated to represent the time dependence of the displacement in terms of wave-like solutions as r,t r ei t c.c. , (19.5) where r is now a complex function, and c.c. denotes the complex conjugate. (This is required to make the physical displacement real. We will often leave it out of the ensuing formulas, but it is always implied. Alternatively, one can interpret the behavior of the physical displacement as being represented by the real part of the formulas.) Introducing the ansatz (19.5) into (19.4), we have 0 2 F . (19.6) Since F is linear in , we can write symbolically F F , so that F is now represented as a tensor (or matrix). Then 0 2 F (19.7) is the linear equation of motion for small displacements from stationary equilibrium. Since is a as yet undetermined function of space and time, F is called a functional of . It is called the ideal MHD force operator. (Heuristically, we can see that if F 0 , this suggests that 2 0 and the motion is oscillatory; and, if F 0 , this suggests that 2 0 , i , and the motion will have exponentially growing behavior. However, this still needs to be proven.) Again, we emphasize that formulas such as Equation (19.7) only have physical meaning when combined with their complex conjugate, or their real part is taken. Equation (19.7) is a linear system of the form A x x , where A ( F) is a linear operator (matrix, tensor, or differential), x ( ) is a vector, and ( 2 ) is a constant. The problem is to find non-trivial solutions for x (i.e., x 0 ). This special important problem is called an eigenvalue problem. Non-trivial solutions are possible only for certain special values of that are roots of the equation det A I x 0 . These special values of are called the eigenvalues of A , and the corresponding nontrivial solutions x are called the eigenvectors of A . Equation (19.7) can be written as the homogenous system 2 F I 0 2 0 (19.9) . This suggests that Equation (19.9) has non-trivial solutions for only for special values of the (negative of the square of the) frequency 2 that satisfy det F 0 2I 0 . (19.10) The frequencies 2 are the eigenvalues of F , and the corresponding displacements are the eigenvectors. We anticipate that, in differential form, F will contain the vector operator . For the important special case of an infinite (or periodic) system, we can let ik , where k is the wave vector in the direction of wave propagation with amplitude k 2 / . (Here is the wavelength, not to be confused with the eigenvalue of the previous paragraph.) Equation (19.8) then becomes a set of linear algebraic equations whose roots can be written as 2 2 (k) . (19.11) This is called the dispersion relation for the system under investigation. The roots (19.11) are also called the “characteristic oscillations”, or the “normal modes” If the system is not spatially periodic, or the substitition ik cannot be made for any other reason, then Equation (19.9) is an ordinary differential equation that must be solved subject to the proper boundary conditions. The procedure for studying the behavior of small displacements from stationary equilibrium in ideal MHD is therefore: 1. Find the functional form F . 2. Determine the eigenvalues of F 0 2I 0 . This may require solving an ordinary differential equation, or the algebraic equation det F 0 2I 0 . 3. Examine the behavior of the eigenvalues of this equation with respect to their implications for oscillatory of exponentially growing behavior. In Section 2 we defined introduced the concept of the adjoint, F† , of an operator F . The adjoint has the property that if u F x , then u* F† x* , where (..)* denotes the complex conjugate. If F is a matrix, then Fij† Fji* . If F F† , then F is said to be selfadjoint. An important property of a self-adjoint operator is that it satisfies dVu * F v dVv* F u . (19.12) (More generally, (u,F v) (v,F u) , where (x, y) denotes an inner product in function space.) We will soon prove that the ideal MHD force operator is self-adjoint. This has important consequences for the behavior of small oscillations in ideal MHD. First, let i 3 be two eigenvectors of F corresponding to the eigenvalues i2 and 2j , respectively, i.e., F i 0 i2 i , (19.13) F j 0 2j j . (19.14) and The complex conjugate of Equation (19.14) is F F * j * j 0 2j j , (19.15) since F is assumed to be self-adjoint. Now dot j with Equation (19.13), and i with Equation (19.15), subtract, and integrate over all space: j F i i F *j dV 0 i2 2j i j dV . (19.15) The left hand side vanishes by Equation (19.12), since F is assumed to be self-adjoint. Therefore, 0 i2 2j i j dV 0 . (19.16) There are two non-trivial possibilities for satisfying Equation (19.16). First, let 2 i j . Then, since i i i 0 because i is a non-trivial solution of Equation (19.9), we require i2 i2 , (19.17) i.e., the eigenvalues of F are real. Therefore, in ideal MHD the normal modes are either purely oscillating or purely growing (or damped). Overstable modes are impossible. If i2 0 , then i i , and the displacement evolves according to ~ eii t , so the normal modes are pure oscillations. If i2 0 , then i i i , the displacement evolves according to ~ e t , and one of the normal modes exhibits pure exponential growth. The second possibility for satisfying Equation (19.16) is that i j and i2 2j . Then i *j dV 0 , (19.18) so that the eigenvectors of F are orthogonal. Further, they can be normalized so that i *j dV ij , (19.20) in which case they are said to be orthonormal. Finally, it can be shown that the eigenvectors i form a complete set. By this we mean that any “piecewise continuous” function (r) can be approximated “in the mean” 4 arbitrarily closely by a linear combination of the eigenfunctions i . That is, for any reasonably behaved displacement (r) , we can write (r,t) ak k (r,t) , (19.21) k 1 where the ak are complex numbers called expansions coefficients. Dotting Equation (19.21) with *j and integrating, we have * * j dV ak j dV , k 1 so that, in light of Equation (19.20), a j *j dV . (19.22) Therefore, the behavior of any arbitrary displacement can be obtained by knowing the behavior of the eigenvectors k . If we find the eigenvectors and eigenvalues, we will know the behavior of the system. Recall that the time dependence of the eigenvectors is given by k (r,t) k (r)ei k t , so that (r,t) ak ei k t k (r) . (19.23) k 1 Therefore, if all of the quantities k are real ( k2 0 ), then the system exhibits oscillatory behavior about its equilibrium position; it is stable. However, if one of the k is imaginary ( k2 0 ), then the system exhibits exponential deviation from its equilibrium position. The existence of a single unstable eigenvector renders the entire system unstable. Now we just need to find the functional form of F , and prove that it is selfadjoint! 5