Statement of Witness Statement of:- Of:Age of Witness: Over 21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"This statement (consisting of xxx pages each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make it knowing, that if it is tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have willfully stated in it anything which I know to be false or do not believe to be true" 1. XXX is the parent of XXX who was born XXX. S/He is XX years old, a child of compulsory school age and a registered pupil at XXX. 2. XXX’s attendance has been a concern since the beginning of September 2013. A number of supportive measures have been offered to improve attendance such as Support Attendance PanelsXXXX 3. XXX held Support Attendance Panels with the family in the autumn term and agreed action plans to improve XXX’s attendance. There was no improvement and no medical evidence was received to authorise XXX’s absences from school. The school uses the Fast Track to Attendance model to improve attendance in conjunction with the Local Authority. As none of the above interventions had resulted in improved attendance, XXX was entered into the Fast Track process. 4. On XXX, I wrote XXX an invite letter to attend an Initial Fast Track to Attendance Panel meeting (exhibit XX1). Signature of Witness: Dated: This statement complies with the Criminal Justice Act 1967 S.9; Magistrates Court Act 1980, ss.5A(3)(a) and 5B; Criminal Procedures Rules 2005, rule 27.1 Version: August 2014 (1045v1) 5. The Initial Fast Track meeting was held on XXX. The meeting was attended by me, XXX. Unfortunately, XXX did not attend this meeting and did not contact the school to rearrange the date. Her attendance level was XX% at the time of the meeting. A discussion of XXX’s attendance was held with the information the school was aware of. An attendance target of 100% attendance was set. An action plan was agreed as follows: XXX It was agreed that a Review meeting date would be arranged. The minutes of the meeting were signed by those who attended (exhibit XX2). 6. On XXX 2014 I sent XX a copy of the minutes with a covering letter advising him/her of the Review Meeting date (exhibit XX3). 7. On XXX 2014 I wrote to XX inviting him/her to attend the Review Fast Track meeting (exhibit XX4). 8. The Review Fast Track meeting was held on XXX 2014. The meeting was attended by XXXX. XXX did not attend the meeting and did not contact the school to rearrange the meeting. A discussion of XX’s attendance since the initial meeting was held and we saw that XXX had only achieved XX% in that period and she had not fully met attendance targets. A review of the previously set action plan was follows: XXXX XXXX XXXX It was agreed that the matter would be monitored over the next six school weeks with a new attendance target of 100%. A new action plan was agreed as follows: XXX XXX XXX The minutes of the meeting were signed by those who attended (exhibit XX5). 9. On XXX 2014 I sent XX a copy of the minutes with a covering letter (exhibit XX6). Signature of Witness: Dated: This statement complies with the Criminal Justice Act 1967 S.9; Magistrates Court Act 1980, ss.5A(3)(a) and 5B; Criminal Procedures Rules 2005, rule 27.1 Signature of Witness: Dated: This statement complies with the Criminal Justice Act 1967 S.9; Magistrates Court Act 1980, ss.5A(3)(a) and 5B; Criminal Procedures Rules 2005, rule 27.1 Version: August 2014 (1045v1) 10. I have attached the truancy call log relating to XXX and XXX. NUMBER of calls were made to XX and NUMBER were responded to (exhibit XX7). 11. Unfortunately, XXX’s attendance deteriorated from the point of the review meeting and it was agreed that the matter should proceed to prosecution. The school continues to offer support to the family XXX, but XXX continues to have unauthorised absence from school. Signature of Witness: Dated: This statement complies with the Criminal Justice Act 1967 S.9; Magistrates Court Act 1980, ss.5A(3)(a) and 5B; Criminal Procedures Rules 2005, rule 27.1 Signature of Witness: Dated: This statement complies with the Criminal Justice Act 1967 S.9; Magistrates Court Act 1980, ss.5A(3)(a) and 5B; Criminal Procedures Rules 2005, rule 27.1 Version: August 2014 (1045v1)