Graduate Theses in Geological Sciences, University of Manitoba 1915-2005 Compiled by: William M. Last Graduate Chair (please contact WML regarding errors or omissions) Author Title Diagenesis and porosity development of Mission Canyon Ahmed,Mushfique reservoir interval in 07 43B pool, Pierson Field, Manitoba A study of the effect of soil forming processes on Allen,Clifford Marsden serpentine rock at Clangula Lake, Manitoba Diagenesis and porosity evolution within the Upper Alley,Hugh Alexander Shunda and Turner Valley formations, Moose Dome area, Alberta Amukun,Samuel Petrography of the gold-bearing vein rocks from Bissett Erasmus area, southeastern Manitoba Spatial reasoning and integration techniques for An,Ping geophysical and geological exploration data Geochemistry, mineralogy and petrology of the Cross Anderson,Alan Lake pegmatite field, central Manitoba The distribution of copper and nickel in magmatic Anderson,D. T. sulphides The distribution of nickel, copper, and cobalt in igneous Anderson,D. T. rocks and in synthetic sulphide-silicate melts An expanding spread seismic reflection survey across the Anderson,Neil Lennart Snake Bay-Kakagi Lake Greenstone Belt, northwest Ontario Rubidium-strontium age determinations from the Anderson,Richard Kime Churchill Province of northern Manitoba The petrology, chemistry and sulphide mineralogy of the Andrews,Douglas James Dixie 150-17B, 18 and 19 pyritic Cu-Zn-Ag prospects, Red Lake, northwestern Ontario Chemical characteristics of some volcanic rocks of the Andrews,Peter William Superior Province of the Canadian Shield Mineral paragenesis and pegmatite formation associated Arden,Kyla M. with the Eden Lake syenite complex, northern Manitoba A study of some radioactive minerals by X-ray diffraction, Arnott,Ronald James with special reference to the oxides containing columbium, tantalum, and titanium A developmental near-vertical reflection seismic study of Baer,David Walter the upper crust in the Canadian Shield near Kenora The geology and geochemistry of the Pilot-Smuggler Bailes,A. H. shear zone, Rice Lake area, Manitoba Sedimentology and metamorphism of a proterozoic Bailes,A. H. volcaniclastic turbidite suite that crosses the boundary between the Flin Flon and Kisseynew belts, File Lake, Year Pages 1985 237 M.Sc. 1950 63 M.Sc. 1982 104 M.Sc. 1970 136 M.Sc. 1993 280 Ph.D. 1984 250 M.Sc. 1959 96 M.Sc. 1964 204 Ph.D. 1979 156 M.Sc. 1974 51 M.Sc. 1979 185 M.Sc. 1964 243 M.Sc. 1995 85 M.Sc. 1949 61 M.Sc. 1972 101 M.Sc. 1969 117 M.Sc. 1979 154 Ph.D. 2 Bailes,Richard James Baillie,Andrew D. Bakhtiari,Hamid Bald,Roberta C. Baldwin,David Arthur Baldwin,David Arthur Bamburak,J. D. Bannatyne,B. B. Bari,Shah Fazlul Barker,Gerald Saunderson Barrett,Kent R. Barrett,Vernon August Bates,Allan Clifford Beakhouse,G. P. Bell,Kenneth William Beswick,Barry Thomas Binda,Louis S. Birse,Donald John Black,Cherylee Margaret Blewett,Kenneth William Bond,W. D. Boulet,Michelle Paulette Boyce,Barry James Boyce,Trevor T. M. Bridge,Dane Alexander Bristol,Calvert Clark Manitoba, Canada The cariboo-bell alkaline stock, British Columbia Devonian stratigraphy of Lake Manitoba-Lake Winnipegosis area, Manitoba Hydrogeologic and digital model studies of a shallow unconfined aquifer in the Souris River Basin, Manitoba Petrogenesis of early Archean, gneissic tonalitegranodionite from the English River Subprovince, Gundy Lake area, northwestern Ontario Garnet-cordierite-anthophyllite rocks at Rat Lake, Manitoba Physical volcanology of the northwest segment of the Karsakuwigamak Block, Proterozoic Rusty Lake metavolcanic belt, northern Manitoba The Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene stratigraphy of Turtle Mountain, Manitoba The geology of the Rankin Inlet area and North Rankin Nickel Mines, Limited, Northwest Territories An analysis of air photo lineaments in Gundy and Broderick Townships, Ontario An investigation of the ore zone and other basic intrusions at Populus Lake, Kenora, Ontario The volcanology and sedimentology of the Kaminak Group, Carr Lake District of Keewatin, N.W.T. Mineralogical study and crystal structure refinement of Canadian sodalite Upper mantle structure deduced from seismic records acquired during Project Edzoe in Southern Saskatchewan and Western Manitoba between distances of about 790 kilometers and 1285 kilometers A structural analysis of the Nelson Lake area Pebble deformation in the San Antonio formation, Rice Lake area, Manitoba A multi-component hydrogeologic evaluation of a shallow groundwater flow system in glacial drift Petrology of the "Archaean" sediments in the West Hawk Lake area Dolomitization processes in the Palaeozoic horizons of Manitoba Physical indicators of ice-jam induced flooding and the history of flood frequency in cores taken from lakes within the Peace-Athabasca Delta, northern Alberta, Canada Sydney Lake gneiss and sulphide deposit : northwestern Ontario The ovoid anorthositic gabbro at Bernic Lake, Manitoba A comparative mineralogical and geochemical study of sulphide mine-tailings at two sites in New Mexico, USA. Four Devonian pinnacles in the Windfall Reef Complex, central Alberta, facies analysis, paleoecology and reef development Finite element modelling for marine electromagnetic petroleum exploration The geology and geochemistry of cassiterite as a minor constituent of the zinc-copper massive sulphide deposit at South Bay Mines, Confederation Lake, Ontario An investigation of ore textures using the vacuum heating 1977 47 M.Sc. 1950 103 M.Sc. 1971 176 M.Sc. 1981 120 M.Sc. 1971 53 M.Sc. 1987 438 Ph.D. 1973 110 M.Sc. 1958 83 M.Sc. 1967 36 M.Sc. 1962 53 M.Sc. 1981 63 M.Sc. 1969 95 M.Sc. 1971 82 M.Sc. 1974 95 M.Sc. 1968 78 M.Sc. 1971 209 M.Sc. 1953 46 M.Sc. 1928 48 M.Sc. 2004 265 M.Sc. 1976 68 M.Sc. 1973 66 M.Sc. 1997 135 M.Sc. 1974 158 M.Sc. 1996 136 M.Sc. 1972 59 M.Sc. 1962 91 M.Sc. 3 Bristol,Calvert Clark Bristol,Norma Agnes Brown,Bruce Alexander Brown,Jarrod A. Brown,Robert James Brownell,G. M. Buck,Peter Stanley Buckingham,James Gordon stage The quantitative X-ray powder diffraction determination of minerals in some metamorphosed volcanic rocks An X-ray powder examination of some pegmatite minerals from Southeastern Manitoba The role of granite diapirism in the deformational history of Archean greenstones of the central Lake of the Woods area, northwestern Ontario Mineralogy and geochemistry of alkali feldspars from the Tanco pegmatite, southeastern Manitoba Isostasy and crustal structure in the English River gneissic belt Stability relationships of the silicates of alumina in metamorphosed argillaceous rocks A caldera sequence in the early precambrian, favourable lake volcanic complex, northwestern Ontario An investigation of the folding in Forgie township, Ontario Detailed stratigraphy of the Slave Point Formation in the Nabesche River area, northeastern British Columbia Burns,Peter C. The stereochemistry of Cu2+ Butler,Roy Leslie The geology of Madsen Red Lake gold mine Metamorphic petrology of the Bird Lake area, Butrenchuk,S. B. southeastern Manitoba A study of the sickle conglomerate with special reference Caldwell,Charles Keith to the zircon content Calich,Rade A study of Precambrian banded iron formation Allochthonous carbonate debris deposits adjacent to the Cameron,Peter Forrest Southesk-Cairn carbonate complex (Upper Devonian), Wapiabi Gap, Alberta Sedimentation and stratigraphy of part of the Rice Lake Campbell,F. H. A. Group, Manitoba Mineralization in the Canoe Lake stock, Lake of the Campbell,Susan Wendy Woods-Shoal Lake area, northwestern Ontario A volcaniclastic sequence on the flank of an early Car,Dwayne Peter Precambrian stratovolcano, Lake of the Woods, northwestern Ontario A multioffset vertical seismic profiling experiment for the Carswell,Allan mapping of fracture zones Mineralogy and paragenesis of amblygonite-montebrasite Cerná, Ivanka with special reference to the Tanco (Chemalloy) pegmatite, Bernic Lake, Manitoba Mineralogy, geochemistry and petrology of pegmatitic Chackowsky,Leonard granites and pegmatites at Red Sucker Lake, Eugene northeastern Manitoba Resistivity and seismic refraction surveys over Chagarlamudi,Pakiraiah Pleistocene deposits in Southern Manitoba Chagarlamudi,Pakiraiah Mapping rock outcrops from landsat digital data Rubidium-strontium whole-rock ages from the Oxford Cheung,Sha-Pak Lake-Knee Lake Greenstone Belt, northern Manitoba An investigation of the genetic relationships in the Flin Childerhose,Allan Jerome Flon, Mandy, and Oiseau River ore deposits The petrology of the Myrna Lake and Fraser Lake basic Childs,Gerald DeWitt intrusive bodies Chute,Michael Earl Geochemistry of the Aulneau granitic batholith, District of Budrevics,Valdis 1966 82 Ph.D. 1963 175 M.Sc. 1984 176 Ph.D. 2001 281 M.Sc. 1968 50 M.Sc. 1925 70 M.Sc. 1978 140 M.Sc. 1967 52 M.Sc. 1974 170 M.Sc. 1994 1955 508 138 Ph.D. M.Sc. 1970 66 M.Sc. 1950 89 M.Sc. 1954 104 M.Sc. 1975 95 M.Sc. 1971 201 Ph.D. 1973 213 M.Sc. 1980 111 M.Sc. 1985 295 M.Sc. 1970 104 M.Sc. 1987 159 M.Sc. 1971 115 M.Sc. 1980 270 Ph.D. 1978 41 M.Sc. 1928 29 M.Sc. 1950 10 M.Sc. 1977 95 M.Sc. 4 Kenora, Ontario, Canada Aspects of the crystal chemistry of the tourmaline-group minerals An investigation of the crystal structure of thomsenolite Clark,Patricia Jean NaCaAlF6H20 Geology in the vicinity of the Grenville Front, Mount Clarke,Peter J. Wright district, Quebec Hydrogeology of a subsurface radioactive waste Clister,William Eugene management site in a shallow groundwater flow system Coats,Colin John Alastair Serpentinized ultramafic rocks of the Manitoba nickel belt Colcleugh,Victor Dunbar Geology of the Brookbank gold deposit A thermomagnetic analysis of rocks (20-700 degrees C.) Coles,Richard Leslie : the design and construction of measuring apparatus, and its application to rocks from the Whiteshell area Relationships between measured rock magnetizations Coles,Richard Leslie and interpretations of longer wavelength anomalies in the Superior Province of the Canadian Shield Sedimentology of Pleistocene carbonates from Big Pine Coniglio,Mario Key, Florida Surficial geology and stratigraphy of the KillarneyConley,Glenn G. Holmfield area, southwestern Manitoba Cooper,Mark Alan The crystal chemistry of kornerupine A study of the geology of the sulphide ore bodies at South Corkery,M. Timothy Bay Mines, Northwestern Ontario Geology, provenance and depositional environment of the Cortis,Anthony L. Keewaywin Formation, Sandy Lake greenstone belt, northwestern Ontario Ordovician and silurian stratigraphy in the Interlake Area, Cowan,John R. Manitoba Cranstone,D. A. Petrology of the Granville Lake Gabbro Quartz-sillimanite knots and metamorphism at Southern Cranstone,John Ronald Indian Lake, Manitoba Biogeochemistry of iron in small Precambrian Shield Curtis,Paul Jefferson lakes at the Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario The origin of the Cree Lake "intrusives" and basic Davies,James F. gneisses of the Kisseynew series, Sherridon area, Manitoba Davies,John C. The petrology of the Fisher Lake area district Kenora, On The petrology and geochemistry of basic intrusive rocks, Davies,John C. Kakagi Lake-Wabigoon Lake area, District of Kenora, Ontario Deep seismic sounding in southern Manitoba and De Landro,Wanda-Lee Saskatchewan Geology of the tarefare fluorspar deposits: St. Lawrence, DeLancey,Peter Ross Newfoundland Geochemical and isotopic investigation of magmatism in Desharnais,Guy the Fox River Belt : tectonic and economic implications A reinterpretation of regional seismic surveys in northern Ontario and eastern Manitoba between distances of 127 Desmarais,Ralph John kilometers and 775 kilometers using seismic model studies of the crust and upper mantle A regional study of central and western Canada from Dillistone,Christopher R. multipath Rayleigh wave dispersion Physical volcanology of the Early Proterozoic Bear Lake Dolozi,Michael B. mafic metavolcanic succession, Flin Flon, Manitoba Clark McCracken,Christine M. 2002 183 Ph.D. 1951 64 M.Sc. 1964 196 Ph.D. 1973 139 M.Sc. 1966 1946 280 40 Ph.D. M.Sc. 1970 85 M.Sc. 1973 285 Ph.D. 1981 261 M.Sc. 1986 165 M.Sc. 1997 341 M.Sc. 1977 97 M.Sc. 1992 265 M.Sc. 1977 73 M.Sc. 1964 150 M.Sc. 1971 49 M.Sc. 1991 263 Ph.D. 1948 67 M.Sc. 1956 64 M.Sc. 1966 199 Ph.D. 1981 126 M.Sc. 1970 112 M.Sc. 2006 207 Ph.D. 1976 141 M.Sc. 1987 301 M.Sc. 1988 373 Ph.D. 5 The development and testing of a portable single-trace seismic recording system for crustal studies A study of the sulphides and oxides of the nickel-copper Dornian,Nicholas deposits of Lynn Lake, Manitoba A metallogenic study of the central Virginian gold-pyrite Duke,Norman Albert belt Mesoscopic fractures, microscopic fractures and tensile Duncan,E. J. Scott strength characteristics of the Shield granite : southeastern Manitoba Petrology of the English River Gneissic Belt, Dwibedi,Kamalakanta Northwestern Ontario and Southeastern Manitoba Copper oxysalts : the Jahn-Teller effect and its structural Eby,Raymond K. implications Sedimentology and diagenesis of the Bakken Formation Edwards,W. Ward in Daly Field, southwest Manitoba Mineralological aspects of hypersaline lakes in southern Egan,D. Martin Saskatchewan Adsorption of Cs on the fracture filling clay minerals of the Ejeckam,Reginald Lac du Bonnet batholith, southeastern Manitoba : Beluolisa implications for nuclear fuel waste disposal Crystal structure analysis of wodginite from Bernic Lake, Elphick,Patricia Margaret Manitoba Elphick,Stephen Conrad Metamorphic petrology of the Gillam area, Manitoba Age determination of accessory zircon from granitic rocks Emslie,R. F. of the Kenora area, Ontario Enns,Steve Gerhard A nickel deposit in southern British Columbia The simpsonite paragenesis : the crystal chemistry and Ercit,Timothy Scott geochemistry of extreme Ta fractionation An analysis of the influence of waterlevel fluctuations on Farrell,David Anthony the dispersion process at the Borden aquifer The pleistocene stratigraphy and surficial geology of the Fenton,Mark Macdonald Assiniboine River to Lake Manitoba area, Manitoba The mineralogy and geochemistry of the Lower Tanco Ferreira,K. J. pegmatite, Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada A physical comparison of subaerial and subaqueous Ferreira,William Scanlon eruptive environments in the Proterozoic Amisk Group, Saskatchewan, Canada Geological setting of gold mineralization in the vicinity of Fieldhouse,Ian the New Britannia Mine, Snow Lake, Manitoba The Lang Lake copper-molybdenum deposit, Findlay,Donald James northwestern Ontario : a possible early Precambrian porphyry deposit Precious metal mineralization related to the Falcon Lake Fingler,Janice Lynn Intrusive Complex, southeastern Manitoba Fraser,Horace John An experimental study of varves and varve deposition The petrogenesis of the paragneisses, Quesnel Lake, Freund,Harold Herbert Manitoba Development of the processing capability for crustal Friesen,George Henry exploration on the Canadian Shield by the near vertical reflection technique Structural history and plutonic and metamorphic geology Frohlinger,T. G. of the Central Southern Indian Lake Area, Mb Distribution of gold mineralization at the New Britannia Fulton,Pamela J. Mine in Snow Lake, Manitoba: implications for exploration and processing Gaboury,Bernard Emile Geochemical elucidation of gneiss-hosted massive Dorn,Thomas Franz 1974 104 M.Sc. 1950 98 M.Sc. 1984 497 Ph.D. 1987 136 M.Sc. 1967 151 Ph.D. 1988 304 M.Sc. 1993 186 M.Sc. 1984 192 M.Sc. 2003 146 M.Sc. 1972 77 M.Sc. 1970 96 M.Sc. 1958 30 M.Sc. 1971 88 M.Sc. 1986 471 Ph.D. 1993 168 M.Sc. 1970 121 M.Sc. 1984 239 M.Sc. 1984 199 M.Sc. 1999 136 M.Sc. 1981 94 M.Sc. 1991 145 M.Sc. 1927 37 M.Sc. 1968 60 M.Sc. 1974 73 M.Sc. 1973 112 M.Sc. 1999 207 M.Sc. 1986 209 M.Sc. 6 Gait,Robert Irwin Gait,Robert Irwin Genik,Gerard Julian Giesbrecht,Karl Otto Gilliland,John Alexander Glenday,Keith Stuart Goad,Bruce Elliott Goff,K. J. Gordanier,Wayne Derek Green,Nathan Louis Grice,Joel Grice,Joel Groat,Lee Andrew Grove,Gary Dale Gurbuz,Behic M. Hajnal,Zoltan Hanneson,Donna L. Hanneson,James E. Hansen,Beverly J. Hanson,George Hargreaves,Roy Haugh,Ian Healy,Raymond E. Hillary,Elizabeth Mussen Hinds,Ronald C. sulfide deposits The mineralogy of the chrome spinels of the Bird River Sill, Manitoba Computer calculated electrostatic charge distributions in the structures of the feldspars low albite, high albite and anorthite A regional study of the Winnipeg formation The deformational history of a portion of the Oxford Lake Subgroup, God's Lake Narrows, Manitoba A proposed ore control at the Coronation Mine derived from examination of the quantitative mineralogy Deposition and diagenesis of the upper Mount Head Formation (Mississippian), Highwood River, Alberta Pegmatitic granites of the Winnipeg River area, southeastern Manitoba Hydrology and chemistry of the Shoal Lakes basin, Interlake area, Manitoba Sedimentology and relationship to volcanology of Formation K, Favourable Lake metavolcanicmetasedimentary belt, northwestern Ontario The volcanic stratigraphy and petrochemistry of the Gods Lake Subgroup, Knee Lake, Manitoba and the diagram MgO/Al2O3 versus (Na2O + K2O)/(Total FeO + TiO2) : a distinct separation of the calc-alkaline and tholeiitic rock series The nature and distribution of the tantalum minerals in the Tanco (Chemalloy) Mine pegmatite at Bernic Lake, Mb Crystal structures of the tantalum oxide minerals tantalite and wodginite, and of millerite NiS The crystal chemistry of vesuvianite Consolidation as a delayed yield factor in confined aquifer response Structure of the earth's crust and upper mantle under a portion of Canadian Shield deduced from travel-times and spectral amplitudes of body waves using data from Project Early Rise A continuous deep-crustal seismic refraction and nearvertical reflection profile in the Canadian shield interpreted by digital processing techniques Deposition and diagenesis of a middle to upper Devonian carbonate buildup, Kaybob South area, Alta The horizontal loop EM response of a thin vertical conductor in a conductive half-space Sedimentology and reservoir potential of the Lower Amaranth Member, southwestern Manitoba The Star Lake gold district of Manitoba Morphology and chemistry of early precambrian metabasalt flows, Utik Lake, Manitoba A petrofabric study of the Falcon Lake stock, Eastern Manitoba Ore petrology and applied mineralogy of the Trout Lake massive sulfide deposit, Flin Flon, Manitoba Metamorphosed trondhjemitic basement beneath the archean Favourable Lake volcanic complex, northwestern Ontario A regional travel time and relative amplitude study using 1964 64 M.Sc. 1967 185 M.Sc. 1952 186 M.Sc. 1972 66 M.Sc. 1965 102 M.Sc. 1981 141 M.Sc. 1984 301 M.Sc. 1971 117 M.Sc. 1982 90 M.Sc. 1973 199 M.Sc. 1970 82 M.Sc. 1973 193 Ph.D. 1988 337 Ph.D. 1969 79 M.Sc. 1970 166 M.Sc. 1970 280 Ph.D. 1981 234 M.Sc. 1981 180 Ph.D. 1988 179 M.Sc. 1915 22 M.A. 1978 82 M.Sc. 1963 85 M.Sc. 1991 309 M.Sc. 1980 101 M.Sc. 1983 249 M.Sc. 7 ray tracing on a subducted lithospheric slab model The geology of the Kenora airport area A near-vertical-incidence reflection survey conducted over the Precambrian Shield of Southeastern Manitoba A bond-valence approach to the structure, chemistry and Huminicki,Danielle M. C. paragenesis of complex hydroxy-hydrated phosphate oxysalt minerals The deformational history of the south central portion of Humiski,Robert Nicholas the Munro Lake greenstone belt, northern Manitoba Geological investigations of the Lynn Lake basic intrusive Hunter,Hugh Edwards body, northern Manitoba Petrography and diagenesis of the Mississippian Hutnik,Frank T. A. Livingstone formation (Rundle Group), SW Alberta The application of deconvolution to field recorded CDP Ingram,Ruth M. reflection data An investigation of the geology of a part of the Emo area Irvine,Thomas Neil district of Rainy River, Ontario Well log analysis in Taber Mannville 'D' pool, Taber Field, Islam,Nazrul Alberta, Canada Stratigraphy and geochemistry of the Rusty Lake Jackson,Michael Ralph Greenstone Belt adjacent to the Ruttan Mine, Manitoba James,David Richard The Ann Group copper deposit, Meridian Lake, NWT James,Michael Norman A two-dimensional refinement of the crystal structure of George sillimanite An investigation of brecciation associated with the Jardine,Donald Edwin Sullivan mine orebody at Kimberley, B.C. Imaging of the Sudbury Structure, Ontario, Canada, using Jiao,Lingxiu the seismic reflection and refraction method Geology, mineral chemistry and petrogenesis of the Jobin-Bevans,L. Scott Pipestone Lake Anorthosite Complex Johnson,Harold Rock alteration and metamorphism at Cochemour Alexander Craigie Willans gold mine, Red Lake, Ontario Metamorphism across the English River gneissic belt, Jones,Robert Douglas along the Red Lake Road Rubidium-strontium age determinations from the FileJosse,Genic Raymond Morton-Woosey Lakes area of the Flin Flon volcanic belt, west central Manitoba Geology and origin of copper-nickel sulphide deposits of Juhas,Allan Paul the Bird River area of Manitoba Keatinge,Penelope Late Quaternary till stratigraphy of southeastern Manitoba Rosanna Gann based on clast lithology Paleomagnetism of Archean rocks from the English River Khan,Mohammad Sheraz and Uchi subprovinces, northwestern Ontario, and polar wandering path from North America An investigation of the origin of pyrrhotite by synthesis Kilburn,Lionel Clarence with hydrogen sulfide and a microscopic study of some natural pyrrhotites from the N.W.T. The nickel, cobalt, copper, zinc, lead and sulphur content Kilburn,Lionel Clarence of some North American base metal sulfide ores Processing and imaging of reflection seismic data from Kim,Ji Soo crystalline rock terranes The stratigraphy of the interlake group (Silurian) in King,Kenneth Ross Manitoba Late Ordovician solitary rugose corals of the Beaverfoot Knapp,Caroline J. Formation, southern Rocky Mountains, British Columbia and Alberta Hodgkinson,John Morris Homeniuk,Leonard Anthony 1968 77 M.Sc. 1972 115 M.Sc. 2002 288 M.Sc. 1974 78 M.Sc. 1950 97 M.Sc. 1978 102 M.Sc. 1979 92 M.Sc. 1955 113 M.Sc. 1972 90 M.Sc. 1979 125 M.Sc. 1972 82 M.Sc. 1964 189 M.Sc. 1967 121 M.Sc. 2001 337 Ph.D. 1997 392 M.Sc. 1948 105 M.Sc. 1973 60 M.Sc. 1974 100 M.Sc. 1973 285 Ph.D. 1975 96 M.Sc. 1982 164 M.Sc. 1953 229 M.Sc. 1960 135 Ph.D. 1993 246 Ph.D. 1964 118 M.Sc. 1985 171 M.Sc. 8 Stratigraphy and mineralogy of a zinc-rich sillimanite gneiss near Maysville, Chaffee County, Colorado Knutson,Robert Alfred Activation analysis for silica in igneous rocks The geological and hydrological environment of the Kohut,Alan P. Whitewater Lake Basin, Manitoba Synthesis of pyrrhotite by hydrogen sulphide in iron Koop,Walter John bearing silicates Heavy mineral analysis in late Wisconsinan tills of Kor,Philip S. G. southeastern Manitoba A structural interpretation of the Russick Lake area, Kornik,Leslie Joseph Manitoba Dolomite and dolomitization in the Middle Devonian Kostelnyk,Eli Winnipegosis Formation, North Dakota Upper Cretaceous oil shales of Manitoba and Kovac,Larry J. Saskatchewan : sedimentology, mineralogy, geochemistry and organic diagenesis The geology of the Trout Bay nickel deposits, Red Lake Kuryliw,Chester Jerald district, northwestern Ontario Kushnir,Donald William Sediments in the south basin of Lake Winnipeg Structural analysis of similar-type fold: Booster Lake, Lamb,Craig Forbes Manitoba Lambo,Wilfrid Antony Geology of the Silver Plains gypsum deposit Lane,Harry Campbell Radioactivity and geothermotics Study of a titaniferous iron deposit and surrounding Lapointe,Guy country rocks in La Li_NDA_NH vre area, Quebec Clay mineralogy and stratigraphy of offshore Lake Last,William Agassiz sediments in southern Manitoba Last,William Sedimentology and post-glacial history of Lake Manitoba The distribution and mutual relation of copper, lead, zinc, Laznika, P. gold and silver deposits in the world Quantitative aspects in the distribution of base and Laznika, P. precious metal deposits of the world Structural geology of the vein system in the San Antonio Lau,Meng Hoo Sebastian Gold Mine, Bissett, Manitoba, Canada An evaluation of the performance and applicability of LeBel,Laurence J. battery induced polarization systems The South Heninga Lake copper-zinc deposit district of Leggett,Sidney R. Keewatin, N.W.T. A stratigraphical study of the Coloradoan of the Manitoba Leith,Edward Isaac escarpment with special reference to certain of the calcareous horizons Late glacial history, paleoecology and sedimentation in Lemoine,Richard M. J. the Lake Nipigon basin, Ontario Mineralogy and petrology of the Buck claim lithium Lenton,Paul G. pegmatite, Bernic Lake, southeastern Manitoba Mineralogical and geochemical investigation of the Leroux,Marc V. cordierite-anthophyllite rocks at Star Lake, near Sherridon, Manitoba Discriminating lithology in arctic environments from earth Leverington,David orbit : an evaluation of satellite imagery and classification William algorithms Application of remote sensing techniques for the seismoLi,Bo tectonic study of Nahanni earthquake area Liang,Jian-Jie Lead exchange into zeolite and clay minerals Crystal-chemical studies of fine-grained materials using Liang,Jian-Jie powder-diffraction methods and computer simulation Knight,David Cooper 1981 94 M.Sc. 1954 49 M.Sc. 1972 295 M.Sc. 1956 52 M.Sc. 1976 105 M.Sc. 1966 71 M.Sc. 1998 252 M.Sc. 1985 181 M.Sc. 1966 108 M.Sc. 1971 92 M.Sc. 1974 56 M.Sc. 1964 1934 91 31 M.Sc. M.Sc. 1960 96 M.Sc. 1974 183 M.Sc. 1980 687 Ph.D. 1968 228 M.Sc. 1971 725 Ph.D. 1988 154 M.Sc. 1973 64 M.Sc. 1980 67 M.Sc. 1929 55 M.Sc. 1989 218 M.Sc. 1979 164 M.Sc. 1989 202 M.Sc. 2001 554 Ph.D. 1993 218 M.Sc. 1992 116 M.Sc. 1996 254 Ph.D. 9 Post-magmatic modification of the sulphide deposits from the Thompson Nickel Belt, Manitoba, Canada The distribution and mutual relation of copper, lead, zinc, Laznika, P. gold and silver deposits in the world Quantitative aspects in the distribution of base and Laznika, P. precious metal deposits of the world Development of detailed ground magnetic survey Loiselle,James Richard instrumentation and its role in mineral exploration Lowther,Jack The Solomon sandstone in the foothills of central Alberta Lustig,Gary Norman Geology of the Fox orebody, northern Manitoba Macauley,George The Winnipeg formation in Manitoba A comparative study of the petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of kimberlite-like and carbonatitic rocks MacBride,Lyndsey M. from Kontozero (Kola Peninsula, Russia) and bona fide kimberlites New determination curves for albitetwinned plagioclase Macek,Josef Jan feldspars based on an analysis of optical crystallographic scatter Petrogenesis of the Lac Turgeon granite and uranium Mackie,Bruce W. occurrences near Baie Johan Beetz, Quebec The reconstruction and testing of subsistence and Malainey,Mary E. settlement strategies for the plains, parkland and southern boreal forest Strain analysis of boudinage and ptygmatic folding in the Manchuk,Barry Lily Pond Lake area, Manitoba Primary structures of the Falcon Lake Intrusive Complex, Mandziuk,William Stanley southeastern Manitoba Using ostracodes and sediments in paleolagoons behind Mann,Jason D. the Upper Campbell beach of glacial Lake Agassiz to reconstruct its history during the Emerson phase Mare,Marius P. H. Alteration zones in the Flin Flon area, Manitoba Electromagnetic geophysical surveys of geoMaris,Virginia environmental targets in southern Manitoba Petrology of the "northern granitic rocks" : Wanipigow Marr,John Munro River area, southeast Manitoba Deposition and diagenesis of the Salter Member, Lower Masson,Arthur Guy Mount Head Formation, Southwest Alberta The concentration and distribution of trace elements in otoliths collected from fish from Eden Lake, Northern Mathers,Karen H. Manitoba : a link between the lacustrine fauna and regional geochemistry Copper, zinc and lead distribution in the rocks near Matthews,Robert Norman Revelstoke, B.C. A crustal seismic survey in the Red Lake-Ear Falls area Maxwell,Brian A. of northwestern Ontario using quarry blasts as the source Uppermost Ordovician and lowermost Silurian McAuley,Robert J. stratigraphy and solitary rugose corals of the east-central United States McCabe,H. R. Lyleton and Amaranth red beds in southwestern Manitoba McCartney,Garnet A petrographic study of various sand horizons of Chester Manitoba and eastern Saskatchewan A petrological study of the Cuthbert Lake ultrabasic and McDonald,John Angus basic dyke swarm : a comparison of the Cuthbert Lake ultrabasic rocks to the Moak Lake-type Serpentinite A field examination of radioactive occurrences in the McGowan,Edwin Byron Caddy Lake area of Manitoba Liwanag,Janice 2001 207 M.Sc. 1968 228 M.Sc. 1971 725 Ph.D. 1980 108 M.Sc. 1957 1979 1952 88 87 115 M.Sc. M.Sc. M.Sc. 2005 364 M.Sc. 1979 287 Ph.D. 1978 84 M.Sc. 1997 344 Ph.D. 1972 50 M.Sc. 1989 103 M.Sc. 1999 293 M.Sc. 1988 113 M.Sc. 2000 411 M.Sc. 1970 93 M.Sc. 1978 97 M.Sc. 1999 202 M.Sc. 1978 65 M.Sc. 1986 231 M.Sc. 1985 243 M.Sc. 1956 133 M.Sc. 1928 33 M.Sc. 1960 172 M.Sc. 1981 117 M.Sc. 10 Characterization of granitic and pegmatitic K-feldspars from Lac du Bonnet, southeastern Manitoba and Dryden, McGregor,Catherine Rae northwestern Ontario by rapid X-ray diffraction and chemical methods McKennitt,Douglas Barry The middle Devonian Elk Point Group in Manitoba Pleistocene stratigraphy of the Winnipeg River in the Pine McPherson,Robert A. Falls-Seven Sisters Falls area, Manitoba McPherson,Robert A. Pleistocene geology of the Beausejour area, Manitoba The geology of Whiterocks Mountain alkalic complex in Mehner,David T. south-central British Columbia The mineralogy and geochemistry of the granitoid rocks and related pegmatites of the Yellowknife pegmatite field, Northwest Territories Rugose corals of the Late Ordovician to earliest Silurian Melzak,Adam A. Vaur_NDA_NSal, Ellis Bay and Becscie formations, Anticosti Island, Qu_NDA_NSbec Deformation of the metavolcanic rocks around the Menzies,Douglas George eastern nose of the Alneau Batholith District of Kenora, Ontario, Canada The function of gels in the formation of pegmatites, and of Merritt,Clifford Addison quartz and carbonate veins Seismic approaches for mineral exploration in the Messfin,Derbew Sudbury Basin of Ontario, Canada Metcalfe,Paul Petrogenesis of the Klondike Formation, Yukon Territory Integrated seismic study of the Sudbury structure and Miao,Xiao Gui surrounding area Integrating geologic data from the Thompson Nickel Belt Michalak,Dianne into a GIS Structural geology and petrology of the Lily Pond area, Michalkow,Albert Manitoba Integrated remote sensing of the Amisk Lake-Wekusko Misra,Kiran S. Lake area in Manitoba Moorhouse,Michael The geology of a part of the California Lake Area, David Manitoba Morin,James A. Petrology of the clotty granite, Perrault Falls, Ontario The occurrence of tin at the Dickstone No. 2 Orebody, Morrice,Martin Gray northern Manitoba Geophysical investigation of shear flow at the top of the Morrish,John Stanley earth's outer core Muhammad,Mir Jan Geology of the till in a part of Southeastern Manitoba Mwanang'onze,Elimelech Base metal distribution in gossans of the Kakagi Lake Hanakumbo Bulowa archean volcanic rocks, northwestern Ontario Stratigraphy and petrochemistry of the host rocks of Mwanang'onze,Elimelech copper-zinc deposits in the Flin Flon-Snow Lake Hanakumbo Bulowa Greenstone Belt The chemistry and mineralogy of the Homewood Mysyk,Walter K. (Manitoba) meteorite MAGSAT anomalies and crustal structure of the Noble,Ian Arthur Churchill-Superior boundary zone Structural and metamorphic evolution of the North Star Norquay,Lawrence I. Lake area, Manitoba Obinna,Fortunatus The geology and some genetic aspects of Fox mine Chigozi mineralization, Northern Manitoba Oddy,Richard William Trace elements in cretaceous rocks of Manitoba Odwar,Henry Dilah Combined MAGSAT and aeromagnetic investigation of Meintzer,Robert Ells 1984 212 M.Sc. 1962 113 M.Sc. 1968 61 M.Sc. 1970 153 Ph.D. 1982 89 M.Sc. 1987 521 Ph.D. 2004 550 Ph.D. 1978 75 M.Sc. 1924 28 M.Sc. 1984 151 M.Sc. 1981 103 M.Sc. 1995 281 Ph.D. 2001 168 M.Sc. 1954 96 M.Sc. 1983 172 Ph.D. 1956 83 M.Sc. 1970 63 M.Sc. 1974 42 M.Sc. 1994 204 Ph.D. 1973 75 M.Sc. 1974 67 M.Sc. 1978 402 Ph.D. 1978 76 M.Sc. 1983 160 M.Sc. 1997 244 M.Sc. 1974 96 M.Sc. 1966 1993 36 155 M.Sc. M.Sc. 11 Oliver,Thomas Albert Olson,Philip Eugene Organ,David William Orlikow,Lionel Osborne,Thomas C. Owusu,John Cobbinah Paul,Brian James Paulus,George Edmund Pearse,G. H. K. Pedora,John Michael Penner,Alvin Paul Pollock,Gerald Douglas Pollock,Gerald Douglas Porter,D. Raegan Posehn,Gary Arnold Prest,V. K. Procter,Richard Malcolm Provins,Dean Allen Pryslak,Anthony Paul Putt,David John Quaraishi,Abul Ata Quinn,Reay Pullar Rao,Govindaraju Suresh Kumar Raudsepp,Mati Raudsepp,Mati Rayburn,John A. Rector,Roger Joseph Render,Francis William the Alpha Ridge crust A study of the effect of uralitization upon the chemical composition of the Sudbury norite The stratigraphy, structural geology and geochemistry of the Fox Lake massive sulfide deposit Pleistocene gravels of the Red River valley A survey of the reform movement in Manitoba, 1910-1920 Petrography and petrogenesis of the Bird River chromitebearing sill On the geophysical well log studies of subsurface fracture zones in a granitic batholith Mineralogy and petrochemistry of the Huron Claim pegmatite, southeastern Manitoba The petrography of the Rice Lake Batholith Origin of the band of quartzofeldspathic rocks along the north shore of Falcon Lake, Manitoba Mineralization of the high lake pluton and adjacent country rocks Rubidium-strontium age determinations in the Bird River area, southeastern Manitoba Age determination of granitic rocks from Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario by the lead-alpha method Petrology, mineralogy and structural geology of the Duval Lake area, Manitoba Paleoenvironmental and paleoecological reconstruction of the Chemahawin Member (Cedar Lake Formation; Silurian) at Lundar, Manitoba The environment of deposition of the Booster Lake conglomerate and greywacke The investigation of the Pre-Cambrian volcanic centers of the Flin Flon area Trilobites, cephalopods, and brachiopods of the Stony Mountain formation, Manitoba Interpretation scheme formulation for the DPM series of EM prospecting tools using a simple model Structural geology of Tustin and Bridges townships, District of Kenora, Northwestern Ontario Phase relations on the join Mg0.6Ca0.4SiO3Fe0.6Ca0.4SiO3 Petrology of the Elbow Lake stock : Elbow Lake-Grass River area, Manitoba An investigation of the physical and chemical properties of Manitoba and Saskatchewan sands Application of probability theory to integrated geological mapping from remotely sensed data of the Precambrian Shield (Manitoba, Canada) Petrology and emplacement of a differentiated subvolcanic mafic sill complex in the early Precambrian favourable Lake Volcanic Complex, Northwestern Ontario Evaluation of amphibole synthesis and product characterization Correlation of the Campbell strandlines along the northwestern margin of glacial Lake Agassiz A structural analysis of the San Antonio Formation, Rice Lake area, Manitoba Groundwater development and electric and digital 1949 53 M.Sc. 1987 220 Ph.D. 1952 1955 89 233 M.Sc. M.Sc. 1949 66 M.Sc. 1984 181 M.Sc. 1984 363 M.Sc. 1968 57 M.Sc. 1969 80 M.Sc. 1976 60 M.Sc. 1970 50 M.Sc. 1960 45 M.Sc. 1965 178 Ph.D. 2005 284 M.Sc. 1976 99 M.Sc. 1936 40 M.Sc. 1957 115 M.Sc. 1971 75 M.Sc. 1971 85 M.Sc. 1969 47 M.Sc. 1967 90 M.Sc. 1928 30 M.Sc. 1995 213 Ph.D. 1979 115 M.Sc. 1984 297 Ph.D. 1997 189 M.Sc. 1966 80 M.Sc. 1970 88 M.Sc. 12 Riley,Colin James Rinaldi,Romano Ristau,Johannes P. Ritchie,Paul M. H. Rogge,Derek M. Root,Samuel Rosenthal,Lorne Richard Philip Rousell,Don Herbert Ruttan,George Douglas Sack,Lisa A. M. Salzsauler,Kristin Andrea Santos,Rebecca R. Saunderson,Carol Patricia Schmidt,Hans Guenter Schwartz,Franklin Walter Schweyen,Timothy H. Scoates,Reginald Francis Jon Scoates,Reginald Francis Jon Seabrook,Randall Bentley Shawn Seccombe,Philip Kenneth Selway,Julie Beryl Seneshen,David Michael Serzu,Mulugeta H. Shang,Yuqiang modelling of the Upper Carbonate aquifer, Metropolitan Winnipeg area A gravity survey of the Kenora area, Ontario Crystallography and chemistry of Li-Rb-Cs bearing micas from the Tanco (Chemalloy) pegmatite, Bernic Lake, Manitoba Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry in the study of the Nahanni earthquake region A study of the copper-nickel-zinc deposit of Bird River Mines Co. Ltd., Southeastern Manitoba Application of data fusion for mineralization potential modeling, Lynn Lake Greenstone Belt, Manitoba, Canada The Paleozoic geology of the Canal Flats area, British Columbia The stratigraphy, sedimentology and petrography of the Jurassic-Early Cretaceous clastic wedge in w Alberta The petrology of Archean and Proterozoic rocks at Cross Lake, Manitoba and the effects of the Hudsonian orogeny The development of a Gneiss zone in the Flin Flon area Sedimentology and dolomitization of the Middle Devonian (Givetian) Slave Point Formation, Cranberry Field, northwestern Alberta, Canada A mineralogical and geochemical study of arsenic in alteration products of sulfide-rich, arsenopyrite-bearing mine waste, Snow Lake, Manitoba An attempt towards an interpretation of a continuous crustal seismic refraction survey in Manitoba An investigation of the crystal structure of anhydrous lithium acetate The relation of amplitudes of conventional seismic reflection records to the stratigraphy of the Shaunavon Formation of Southwestern Saskatchewan Geohydrology and hydrogeochemistry of groundwater : streamflow systems in the Wilson Creek Experimental Watershed, Manitoba The sedimentology and paleohydrology of Waldsea Lake, Saskatchewan, an ectogenic meromictic saline lake The distribution of copper and nickel and related platinum group metals in ore-bodies at Gordon Lake, Ontario Ultrafamic rocks and associated copper-nickel sulphide ores, Gordon Lake, Ontario Determination of subsurface structure through interpretation of aeromagnetic and gravity data : the Benue trough, Nigeria Sulphur isotope and trace element geochemistry of sulphide mineralisation in the Birch-Uchi greenstone belt, Northwestern Ontario Compositional evolution of tourmaline in granitic pegmatites The genesis of Archean pyroclastic rocks of the Manigotagan River Formation, southeastern Manitoba Application of High Resolution Seismic Technique in precambrian terrain (Sudbury, Ontario) Mineralogy, lithostratigraphy and geochemistry of North Ingebright Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada 1965 27 M.Sc. 1970 64 M.Sc. 1999 175 M.Sc. 1973 69 M.Sc. 2002 246 M.Sc. 1955 132 M.Sc. 1989 508 Ph.D. 1965 178 Ph.D. 1936 22 M.Sc. 2000 264 M.Sc. 2004 202 M.Sc. 1976 98 M.Sc. 1960 80 M.Sc. 1967 61 M.Sc. 1970 124 M.Sc. 1984 159 M.Sc. 1963 151 M.Sc. 1972 206 Ph.D. 1989 106 M.Sc. 1973 349 Ph.D. 1999 336 Ph.D. 1990 173 M.Sc. 1990 226 M.Sc. 2001 389 Ph.D. 13 Shemeliuk,Virginia Anne Bowen Shemeluk,Edward M. Shepherd,Jackson Howard Sherwood,Herbert Gordon Sherwood,Herbert Gordon Shymanski,Mark Michael Walter Sibiya,Victor Silversides,David A. Simpson,Frederick Muir Slezak,Laurie Smith,Donald Leigh Smith,Scott Raymond Solohub,James Theodore Solonyka,Edward Richard Sopuck,Vladimir Joseph Spector,Israel Henry Spivack,Joe Spratt,Joseph Grant Staubo,John Peder Steeves,Michael Albert Stephenson,John Francis Stevens,Kevin Maxwell Stilling,Andrew B. Stott,D. F. Strobel,Guye Sun,Chuanyu (Stephen) Sun,Chuanyu (Stephen) Compositional variations in an iron-rich sequence of carbonate and siliceous sediments, Turquetil Lake area, N.W.T. A practical application and evaluation of the DPM-2 electromagnetic method A study of certain rocks of the California Lake map area, northern Manitoba The significance of Cu, Pb, Zn, Au, and Ag distributions in Canadian base metal deposits The quantitative mineralogy of forty-five Canadian base metal sulphide ore deposits Geographic information system modelling of the subsurface geology of Gull Lake, Manitoba The surface geochemistry of the Tletletsi area, southeastern Botswana Petrology and molybdenite mineralization of the Lucky Ship igneous complex The mineralogy of pollucite and beryl from the Tanco pegmatite at Bernic Lake, Manitoba Modern sedimentary environments and early sediment diagenesis of Freefight Lake in southwestern Saskatchewan A lithologic study of the Stony Mountain and Stonewall formations in southern Manitoba Deposition and diagenesis of the Upper Mount Head Formation (Loomis, Marston and Carnarvon Members), Plateau Mountain, Alberta Grand Beach : a test of grain-size distribution statistics as indicators of depositional environments Mink Narrows copper deposit, Lake Athapapuskow, Manitoba Structural geology in the Birch Lake-Uchi Lake metavolcanic-metasedimentary belt, Mitchell Township, Ontario Manganese deposits in the Riding Mountain area, Manitoba The interpretation of geothermal gradients Some heavy mineral investigations of the Turner Valley oil and gas field, Alberta The Viking Formation in southeastern Saskatchewan : a tidal current deposit The petrology of the metavolcanic rocks of the Rusty Lake area, Manitoba Gold deposits of the Rice Lake-Beresford Lake area, Southeastern Manitoba The interpretation of magnetotelluric measurements from the Glennie Domain to the Flin Flon Belt, eastern Saskatchewan : part of the LITHOPROBE, Trans-Hudson Orogen transect Bulk composition of the Tanco pegmatite at Bernic Lake, Manitoba, Canada The Jurassic stratigraphy of Manitoba Palaeomagnetic analyses of the Leaf Rapids area in Mb Quaternary geology and stratigraphy of the Assiniboine fan delta area, southwestern Manitoba Sedimentology and geomorphology of the glacial Lake 1976 98 M.Sc. 1973 60 M.Sc. 1954 68 M.Sc. 1964 230 M.Sc. 1968 271 Ph.D. 2001 152 M.A. 1982 200 M.Sc. 1968 88 M.Sc. 1974 71 M.Sc. 1989 178 M.Sc. 1963 219 M.Sc. 1978 159 M.Sc. 1967 118 M.Sc. 1974 69 M.Sc. 1971 69 M.Sc. 1941 61 M.Sc. 1934 53 M.Sc. 1928 36 M.A. 1970 75 M.Sc. 1972 72 M.Sc. 1972 294 Ph.D. 1999 274 M.Sc. 1998 76 M.Sc. 1954 1988 131 245 M.Sc. M.Sc. 1993 180 M.Sc. 1996 245 Ph.D. 14 Tait,Kimberly T. Tang,Alan Mo-Sum Tang,Roger Cheung Wai Taylor,James Robert Teertstra,David K. Teertstra,David K. Thomas,M. W. Thompson,Lucas Gilbert Thorleifson,L. Harvey Tirschmann,Patricia A. Tomascak,Paul Brian Trembath,Gerald Douglas Trembath,Lowell Thomas Troop,Andrew John Trueman,David Lawrence Trueman,David Lawrence Tugulea,Anca-Maria Turnock,A. C. Ucakuwun,Elias Kerukaba Ushah,Abdurrazag M. Ali Vagt,G. O. Venour,Eric Ralph Wadien,Rita Wallace,Garnet Cecil Grant Ward,George Warman,Timothy A. Webb,John Benwell Wennberg,Grant Hind area, southwestern Manitoba, Canada The crystal chemistry of the alluaudite-group minerals The processing and interpretation of long wavelength aeromagnetic anomalies Ocean bottom friction study using hydrodynamic modelling and SEASAT-ALT data Structural geology of the sickle and wasekwan groups, Mynarski Lakes, Manitoba Compositional heterogeneity and alteration of pollucite Reactions of (K-Rb)-feldspars from rare-element granitic pegmatites Structural geology of a gneissic terrain, Laurie Lake, northern Manitoba An investigation of rock alteration in the Flin Flon orebody The eastern outlets of Lake Agassiz Geochemistry and fractional crystallization history of the Falcon Lake Intrusive Complex Granites and rare-element pegmatites of the Aylmer Lake pegmatite field, Slave structural Province, N.W.T. : petrochemistry, mineralogy, and exploration guidelines The compositional variation of staurolite in the area of Anderson Lake Mine, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada A study of the potassium feldspare in some igneous and metamorphic rocks from the Moak-Thompson map area, Manitoba The geology of the Ogama-Rockland gold mine Petrological, structural and magnetic studies of a layered basic intrusion, Bird River Sill, Manitoba Stratigraphy, structure and metamorphic petrology of the Archean greenstone belt at Bird River, Manitoba Soil humic and fulvic acids interaction with clay-mineral surfaces The analysis of aluminum and sodium in igneous rocks by induced radioactivity The pegmatities and granitoid rocks of the Dryden Area, northwestern Ontario Application of Hilbert transform in geophysics The tectonic significance of some intrusive rocks in the Kenora-West Hawk Lake area, Ontario The Swan River formation in Manitoba Mineralogical and chemical characteristics of hydrothermal alteration associated with the Proterozoic Vamp Lake Cu-Zn sulfide deposit, Flin Flon area Deposition and diagenesis of the Upper Red River formation (Upper Fort Garry Member) and Stony Mountain formation (Upper Ordovidian) north and west of Winnipeg, Manitoba Seasonal variations in the composition of the Red River Sedimentology and history of deglaciation in the Dryden, Ontario are, and their bearing on the history of Lake Agassiz Stratigraphy and structure of the foothills belt, western Alberta, between Highwood and Berland Rivers Magnetotelluric response of the Northern Cordillera : interpretation of the lithospheric structure of the 2003 298 M.Sc. 1980 117 M.Sc. 1985 192 M.Sc. 1978 60 M.Sc. 1992 225 M.Sc. 1997 302 Ph.D. 1980 59 M.Sc. 1924 56 M.Sc. 1983 87 M.Sc. 1992 191 M.Sc. 1991 215 M.Sc. 1986 187 M.Sc. 1962 53 M.Sc. 1950 61 M.Sc. 1971 67 M.Sc. 1980 151 Ph.D. 2005 188 Ph.D. 1956 88 M.Sc. 1981 149 M.Sc. 1986 201 M.Sc. 1969 78 M.Sc. 1958 101 M.Sc. 1993 233 M.Sc. 1979 170 M.Sc. 1926 12 M.Sc. 1991 256 M.Sc. 1930 47 M.Sc. 2003 278 M.Sc. 15 Wicks,Frederick John Wiebe,Naomi S. Wise,Michael Anthony Wolfe,Brent Won,Joong Sun Wong,Simon Wu,Xianghong Xu,Zhi Yarwood,Walter Samuel Young,Jeffrey Zakus,Paul David Zaleski,Eva Zhou,Bing Ziehlke,Daniel V. Zwanzig,H. V. SNORCLE Transect, Line 2A and connector line Differential thermal analysis of the sediments of the Lake Agassiz basin in Metropolitan Winnipeg, Manitoba Sedimentology and organic petrology of the carbonate ramp and reef foreslope successions in the Middle Devonian Keg River Formation, Rainbow and Zama subbasins, northwestern Alberta, Canada Geochemistry and crystal chemistry of Nb, Ta and Sn minerals from the Yellowknife pegmatite field, N.W.T. Geological history of glacial Lake Assiniboine, Saskatchewan Inversion of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data using Born approximation and SAR image enhancement for geological application Paleoenvironmental and paleoecological reconstruction of the Tyndall Stone, Selkirk Member, Red River Formation (Late Ordovician), southern Manitoba Determination of near-surface, crustal and lithospheric structures in the Canadian Precambrian Shield using time-domain electromagnetic and magnetotelluric methods NMR investigation of quadrupolar nuclei in mineralogy Colloids in iron and ore sedimentation with special reference to a pisolitic hematite deposit on Black Island, Manitoba Petrology of selected Ultramafic Layers in the Reed Lake Pluton, Flin Flon-Snow Lake Greenstone Belt, Manitoba The sedimentary petrography and stratigraphy of the MIssissippian Whitewater Lake Member of Southwestern Manitoba Metamorphism, structure and petrogenesis of the Linda volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada Quantum calculations of quadrupolar interaction parameters for NMR spectroscopy and their significance for mineral structures Structural geology of a Sickle outlier near Notigi Lake, Manitoba Structural geology of the Long Lake area, Manitoba 1965 232 M.Sc. 2004 192 M.Sc. 1987 356 Ph.D. 1993 391 M.Sc. 1993 190 Ph.D. 2002 343 M.Sc. 2001 506 Ph.D. 1993 126 M.Sc. 1924 34 M.Sc. 1992 267 M.Sc. 1967 91 M.Sc. 1989 344 Ph.D. 2003 176 M.Sc. 1973 54 M.Sc. 1969 74 M.Sc. 16