Student Name:
Modifications: Yes
Mandatory Requirements: 5 full pages YES_______ NO ________ TURNITIN.COM RESULTS: Approved: ______ Not Approved: ______ Not Submitted: ______
Guidelines for Using Rubric: Select the indicators that best describe student performance related to each criterion. Students must meet standard on ALL the criterion indicated with an asterisk (*). The majority of indicators within an expectation must meet proficiency if it has an asterisk to be considered a “3” or proficient. A “2” on a criterion of the rubric, which does not contain an asterisk, does not necessarily mean that the paper does not meet proficiency. In order to earn an overall score of “4,” students must exceed proficiency in all criteria.
Purpose and Idea
Analysis &
Synthesis of
Information, and
[R-15, W-6] [W-8]
Exceeds Proficiency
Skillfully conveys purpose by establishing a
Meets Proficiency
Conveys purpose by establishing a topic topic through a variety of formal, literary, and/or technical language appropriate to the through language appropriate to the audience
[W-10-7.1; W-10-7.3] audience and context [W-12-7.1; W-12-7.3]
States a complex controlling States a controlling idea/focus/thesis idea/focus/thesis [W.12-7-7.2]
Maintains a complex controlling idea/focus/thesis [W.12-7-7.2]
Maintains a controlling idea/focus/thesis
Builds a cohesive argument substantiated with compelling evidence
Analysis/ interpretation of information presented is compelling while relevant/valid/credible to the purpose, thesis, and audience [R12-15.2; W-12-8.1]
Specifically addresses readers’ concerns with significant depth of information to support conclusions [W-12-8.2; R-12-15.4]
Conclusion shows evidence of sophisticated synthesis of information from multiple research studies, including primary sources
Uses a text structure that refines the focus/controlling idea or thesis
Maintains consistent organizational structure within paragraphs and throughout text
Uses sophisticated transitional devices to further enhance meaning
Builds a cohesive argument substantiated with supporting evidence [W10-6.4a&b]
Analysis/ interpretation of information presented is accurate, complete, and relevant to purpose, thesis, and audience.
[R10-15.2; W-10-8.1]
Includes sufficient details or facts to support conclusions [W-10-8.2; R-10-15.4]
Conclusion shows evidence of synthesis of information from multiple research studies, including primary sources
[W-10-6.4a. and 4b]
Uses a text structure appropriate to focus/controlling idea or thesis
[W-10-6.1; W-10-1.3]
Maintains organizational structure within paragraphs and throughout text [W10–1.3]
Uses transitional words or phrases appropriate to text structure
[W—10--6.3; W 10-3.4]
Nearly Meets Proficiency
Attempts to establish a topic; however, it is not developed
(e.g., may simply state what is common knowledge or is too broad an issue to address)
Controlling idea/focus/thesis is vague
Controlling idea/focus/thesis is not consistently maintained throughout
Attempts to build an argument; however evidence is lacking
Analysis/ interpretation of information is not entirely accurate, complete, and/or relevant to purpose, thesis, and audience
Includes some facts/details to support ideas presented
Conclusion shows little or no evidence of synthesis of information
Use of text structure is somewhat appropriate to focus/controlling idea or thesis, and/or structure is not maintained throughout
Exhibits some organizational structure within paragraphs and throughout text
Some transitional words or phrases appropriate to text structure
Below Proficiency
States a topic, but lacks purpose and/or development
No evidence of controlling idea/focus/thesis
Shows little comprehension of information and is unable to relate information/evidence to major ideas
Analysis/ interpretation of information is mostly inaccurate, incomplete, and/or irrelevant to purpose, thesis, and audience
Includes little or no facts/details to support ideas presented
Conclusion shows no connection made between purpose/thesis or lacks a conclusion
Lacks a consistent or appropriate text structure for focus/controlling idea or thesis
Exhibits little organizational structure within paragraphs and throughout text
Few or no transitional words or phrases appropriate to text structure
District Academic Expectation Indicators Met: 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, and 4.2 - Updated Dec2011 Class of 2013
Extracted from Rhode Island Diploma System Local Assessment Toolkits -
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Student Name:
Modifications: Yes
Resources Cited
Structures of
Exceeds Proficiency
Exceeds required number and types of sources for researching topic
Source choices, such as peer reviewed journals, reflect a high level of sophistication and strengthen credibility of the research
Lists and cites sources, including Works
Cited Page, using standard MLA format
Demonstrates consistent control of usage, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
[W-12-9.1, W-12-9.2; W-12-9.4; W-12-9.5
Applies sophisticated word choice and text structure (sentences, sentence patterns, text) to enhance meaning for particular contexts, viewpoints, or interpretations
[W10-1.1; W10–1.4]
Skillfully uses varied sentence length and structure to enhance meaning
Smooth integration of textual support
Meets Proficiency
Includes required number and types of sources for researching topic
Sources cited in body of paper or presentation are relevant, accurate, and reliable to main idea/thesis
Lists and cites sources, including Works
Cited Page, with few errors in standard MLA format [W-10-6.5]
Demonstrates control of usage, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
[W-10-9.1, W-10-9.2; W-10-9.4; W-10-9.5
Occasional errors do not interfere with meaning
Text structure is appropriate to purpose, audience, and context [W10–1.4]
Uses varied sentence length and structure to enhance meaning (e.g., including phrases and clauses) [W10-1.1]
Demonstrates integration of textual support
Nearly Meets Proficiency
Number and/or types of sources are nearly sufficient for researching topic
Few sources cited in body of paper or presentation are relevant, or accurate, or reliable to main idea/thesis
Lists and cites sources, including Works Cited Page, with many errors in standard
MLA format
Demonstrates some control of usage, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
Errors begin to interfere with meaning.
Below Proficiency
Significantly insufficient number and/or types of sources used for researching topic
Most sources cited in body of paper or presentation are missing and/or irrelevant and/or inaccurate, and/or unreliable to main idea/thesis
Lists and cites sources, including
Works Cited Page, with major errors in MLA standard format
Demonstrates little control of usage, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling
Numerous errors interfere with meaning
Text structure is not always appropriate to purpose, audience, and context
Uses some variation of sentence length and structure
Attempts integration of textual support
Text structure interferes with meaning and intent
Uses little or no variation of sentence structures
Limited or no integration of textual support
Consistently maintains MLA format with respect to:
Times New Roman, 12 Font
Double Spacing
Header is correctly formatted with last name and number on each page
Heading on page one is correctly formatted
1” Margins
Written in Third Person
Usually maintains MLA format with respect to:
Times New Roman, 12 Font
Double Spacing
Header is correctly formatted with last name and number on each page
Heading on page one is correctly formatted
1” Margins
Written in Third Person
Occasionally maintains MLA format with respect to:
Times New Roman, 12 Font
Double Spacing
Header is correctly formatted with last name and number on each page
Heading on page one is
correctly formatted
1” Margins
Written in Third Person
Rarely maintains MLA format with respect to:
Times New Roman, 12 Font
Double Spacing
Header is correctly formatted with last name and number on each page
Heading on page one is correctly formatted
1” Margins
Written in Third Person
District Academic Expectation Indicators Met: 1.3, 1.5, 2.1, 2.2, and 4.2 - Updated Dec2011 Class of 2013
Extracted from Rhode Island Diploma System Local Assessment Toolkits -
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