Northeast Feltmakers Guild Minutes of the April 2nd and 3rd 2011 Meeting held in Glen Falls, NY at Robin’s Luckystone Feltworks Studio Meeting was hosted by Robin Blakney-Carlson and Susan Blakney. The topic was Mounting and Display Techniques & Considerations for Feltwork. Those present were: Cheryl Christner, Patricia Bronstein, Piroska Toth, Temple Fawcett, Gloria Scannell, Nan Travers, Laura Vaccari, Diane Hensler, Lynn Ocone, Jeanne Noordsy, Donna Reilly, Roz Spier, June Adinah, Sherry Horn, Marjolaine Arsenault, Virginia Hinchman, Susan Blakney, Sandy Denh, Sonia Emelianoff, Robin BlakneyCarlson, Cher Benda, Diane Christian, Linda Van Alstyne, Carol Ingram, Althea Bilodeau, Irene Dizes, Linda Wright, Flo Rosenstock, Donna Corio Our outgoing president Linda Van Alstyne called the meeting to order at 9:20am April 3, 2011. Treasurer’s Report: We currently have $6, 346.65 in our checking account. The income from April 1, 2010 to present was $ 4, 470 and the expenses were $2, 390. Secretary Report: We currently have 94 members. Three new members were introduced at the meeting. Program Chair: Carol Ingram stated that the 2011 workshop “Illuminating Felt” taught by member Sharon Costello was a huge success. Members’ work from the class was displayed in the meeting room. Two workshops were held with twelve students in each. The first was March 19th and 20th held in Portland Ct. The second March 26th and 27th was held at Sharon’s studio in Rensselaerville, NY. The next Northeast Feltmakers Guild meeting will be held Aug 6 and 7, 2011 in New Boston, NH. The hostess will be Cheryl Christner. The program will be given by Nan Travers and will be Dye Painting on Silk. The Nov 5 and 6, 2011 meeting will be held in western, Mass. Nov 5th will be at Webbs and Nov 6th at New England Feltmaking Supply for the business meeting. The pot luck site Sat night has not yet been determind. Flo Rosenstock will be hosting the meeting and also demonstrating Shibori Silk Dyeing. Irene Dizes, the new program chair will start to send the messages about programs to the website and Yahoo group. Carol then discussed the way participants in the workshop were chosen. In the past everyone who wished to attend was able to do so. Our membership is increasing and for the first time we needed to hold a lottery this year. 30 members sent in money for 24 spots. She wondered if this was a fair way to determine who attended since the first person she received money from was not chosen and the last person to send in their money was picked in the lottery. Would a first come first serve approach have been better. But it was stated that this would also have drawbacks. A possible solution would be that if you attended the workshop this year, you would be put on the bottom of the list for consideration next year. It was unanimously agreed that if a member is hosting the workshop they should automatically be enrolled in it. Linda Van Alstyne said further discussion will be needed and that the decision of how to handle the situation should be left up to the new board. Web Master: Linda Wright stated 3 or 4 more members have sent in photos and personal statements to be added to the website. This is good for potential dealings with galleries. She needs about a two week lead time to get the info online. We have 68 people on Face Book Lynn Ocone maintains our blog. Instructors may send class info to her. The Yahoo calendar may also be a place to list all classes Exhibition Committee: Temple Fawcett, Patricia Bronstein, Kris Sandoy, Jeanne Noordsy, and Linda Van Alstyne. Temple reported that the first CD of “Creation Myths” pieces is ready to be sent to potential gallery show sites. But along with with the CD paperwork from each artist is needed to be sent. The deadline for this paperwork is April 6th. It appears each gallery wants different paperwork. Examples of paperwork requested were a Bio, Artist’s statement, Resume, Curatorial statement, date of creation, price. Would these be a lengthy statement or only one small paragraph. Would we be uniform and all use first person or third. Temple will post some examples she has already received from members. Diane Christian, Carol Ingram, and Patricia Bronstein will be on a committee to clarify what types of paperwork must accompany the CD to the galleries. A poll was taken online to see if more members would be submitting pieces for “Creation Myths”. Many said yes or maybe. Patricia Bronstein will be accepting info about these pieces from Sept 1 to Sept 30th. The minutes of the November 14th, 2010 Meeting were accepted. Patricia Bronstein then proceeded to read the draft of NEFG DEFINITION OF FELT Felt is both a noun and verb; felt, the textile (fabric), can be created by either “wet felting” or “needle felting” (dry felting) or a combination of both. Felt is loose wool or other animal fiber that is made into a textile with a haphazard fiber structure by using a combination of some of the following: pressure, agitation, water, soap, heat and needles. Wet felting is a two staged process: felting occurs first by using moisture, pressure and/or agitation to form a loose textile(soft felt) where the fibers have become enmeshed; fulling then occurs by applying further agitation and/or pressure, and perhaps heat which causes the “soft felted” textile to shrink and become firmer. Nuno-felt (laminated felt) is wool or other animal fiber enmeshed or embedded into nonhaphazard textile (such as woven, crocheted, knotted or knitted silk, cotton, rayon, or wool) using the wet felting process. Needle felting is a technique which uses barbed needles to entangle loose wool or animal fiber into a cohesive textile structure. Felt is not a textile where the primary structure is knitted, woven, crocheted or knotted A motion was made and passed to accept this Definition of Felt with one correction being made to add animal with the word fiber in two places. Patricia then proceeded to read the draft of EXHIBITION STANDARDS Work submitted the Northeast Feltmakers Guild members for a guild show (exhibit) should reflect quality commensurate with the intent and/or purpose of the piece. Functional pieces should reflect technical mastery to fulfill its functions. Concept work, where the idea predominates (“art piece”), should be presented in/on an appropriate staging (frame, box, stand, or rack). All pieces submitted should be ready for display with mounting structure, when required, of professional appearance and durability. Requirements will vary with each individual show and venue. All submissions, both felt and ancillary material, should arrive within specified dates. Accompanying material, when required, should be of high standard; this includes high resolution images of good quality, and well written bios and artist statements. Specific information will be given for each exhibit and posted on the NEFG Yahoo site under Exhibition Information A motion was made and passed to accept this draft of exhibition standards. Questions arose about insurance for pieces entered into shows. Robin Blakney-Carlson and Sue Blakney will investigate insurance. Fiber Festivals: At the April 2010 meeting certain members volunteered to investigate fiber festivals being held in their areas or states and how the guild could participate in them. After verbal and written correspondence about festivals Linda determined it was too difficult for the guild as a whole to participle in the festivals citing transportation of goods, cost to participate, sitting the shows as some of her reasons for reaching this conclusion. If a member is interested in listing a Fiber Festival they can go directly to the calendar on the Yahoo group site and post it or send the info to the secretary, Donna Corio, and she will post it. Trip tik: Nan Travers and Diane Christian are working on a trip tik project for the guild. Their goal is to have members research and write a short piece about different aspects of felting. When completed the written work would be posted on our website with Guild access only. Pre-set flyers would be there for download or you could pick and choose to create your own with a template. Travelling Posters will be available to go along with major events or to borrow. All material will have a Guild Copyright. They passed around a sign-up sheet for members to choose a topic to research. Linda Van Alstyne and Carol Ingram were then thanked for their years of service to the Guild. They were given gifts of collage wall hangings made from members individual pieces of felted work. They introduced the new board. Co-Presidents Althea Bilodeau and Linda Wright, Vice President/Program Chair Irene Dizes, Treasurer Cheryl Christner, Membership Alexa Ginsburg, Secretary Donna Corio. Linda and Carol then thanked the membership for some great years of learning and friendship and stated that they just couldn’t stop being involved with felting and that they would be taking over the Felters’ Fling in 2013. We celebrated with them with a champagne toast and coffee cake at a short break. New Business: Althea and Linda introduced each other. They want more verbal rather than email communication between the board, members of committees, and other members of the guild as needed. Suggestions were made to use webinars, Skype, conference calls. Nan Travers and Cheryl Christner will check into what their work places use and see if we can be connected through them. A motion was passed to set aside $100 for Linda and Althea to use to study and implement a type of conferencing system to be used by the Guild. Guild Award: The Feltmakers Guild was approached by the Philadelphia Handweaver’s Guild to have our guild name associated with an award for feltmaking to be given at their show. They have asked for the guild to send them a definition of felting, which we just approved, and a standard of excellence, which we have been somewhat working on with the passage of our exhibition standards. The Feltmakers Guild would have no financial responsibility for the award nor would one of our members be judging the pieces. This was tabled for the time being until we can receive more information. Robin will contact the weaver’s guild and get more info. “Cheer” Carol Ingram is in charge of sending cards to members. She has sent get well cards to Sheryl Amaral, Myra Lenburg, and Renate. She also sent a thank-you to the Portland Senior Center and a $100 check for use of their facilities for our March workshop. She will now also send a get well to Zoe. A motion was passed to spend no more than $100 to have Carol Ingram take photos of members works from our website and make a collage which will them be made into a guild card to be used for “Cheer” and other necessary correspondence. Dues: Linda Wright commented that since our first meeting of the year is in April and that our fiscal year runs from April to April it would be better to change the date dues are due to April 1st. A motion was passed to change the date. Membership Growth: Our guild is growing and this is effecting our program presentation, site accommodations and housing options. Suggestions were discussed about how to deal with these problems. Should we limit membership to 100 and if more people are interested in joining put them on a wait list. We now have 94 members. Maybe we could try to have a few smaller regional meetings throughout the year and then one large yearly meeting. Will not providing housing prohibit some members from attending the meetings. Workshops may not be able to be as hands on. It was also stated that this might not be the time to make any changes since organizations always seem to go through membership cycles and eventually plateau. We should be aware of the attendance at events in the next few years and then make a decision if necessary. Sherry Horn volunteered to compile a list of the geographic areas where members live to help determine places for meetings. The Vice President/Program Chair handles the yearly workshop. Do we need to expand this to a committee. Nan Travers talked about the Aug 2011 meeting where she will be teaching us to paint on silk. This will be very messy. Wear old clothes. More info to follow as we get closer to meeting dates. Scholarships: Carol Ingram would like to have the guild establish a scholarship fund. Members mentioned the possibility of awarding money to a graduating high school senior who will pursue studies in a textile related field, or to give the award to a student already in college. Possibly the guild could partially fund a member to attend the fling. Althea and Lynn Ocone will research how other organizations set up scholarships. Contact Althea if you have any info about this. Guild’s 10th Anniversary in 2012: How do we celebrate our anniversary? Suggestions: Put an article about the guild In Fiber Arts Magazine Create a Resource Book to sell to other fiber groups using info from our Trip Tik Have a big party Have a felters retreat for members Linda Van Alystne will look into using Silver Bay or Snow Farm Nan Travers will check other venues A motion was passed to put an undetermined amount of money aside to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of the Northeast Feltmakers Guild in 2012. Non-profit. We have not become a non-profit organization. This needs to be done. Donna Reilly, a new member, talked about her artist co-op in Balston Spa wanting felt pieces for an Exhibit to be held in June. She was told to put her request on the Yahoo group and to work directly with anyone who replied. Carol Ingram mentioned members receiving recognition and classes being offered. Diane Christian has her landscape pictured in the latest issue of Fiber Arts magazine in an article about United Felt Latest IFS magazine, Felt Matters, Issue 102, March 2011 has an article about felter’s retreat at Hyuck Preserve organized by Sharon Costello. This featured images of the work of Linda Van Alystne, Kris Sandoy, Carol Ingram, Joei Bassett and Lynn Ocone. Maybe the guild should get one membership to IFA. It is $87.50 for the year. Classes: Linda Veilleux Aug 13 and 14 marbling with Laura Sims Linda Van Alystne Oct 22nd and 23rd in Portland Ct teaching a slipper class Robin Blakney-Carlson is also having classes. Check her website. Suggested states for meetings in 2012 are Ct, Maine and Vt. It was discussed that Maine has few members and because of weather problems and summer traffic it can be difficult to get there. Ct Carol Ingram volunteered Vt Lynn Ocone NJ Piroska Toth Nan Travers works at a NY State College. There are meeting rooms available at her location or in others throughout the system Topics for Meetings: Making samples of different types of wool felt studying the shrinkage, crimp, curl Maybe a two day class. First day talk about wool, second day dye wool Have Linda Van Alystne teach ergonomics for felters The meeting was adjourned. The post card swap was conducted and members lunched on leftover goodies before heading home.