Hunter College of the City University of New York

Hunter College of the City University of New York
Department of Special Education
SPED 791-01
Alternate Assessment: Learners with Low Incidence Disabilities
Revised Draft
Patricia Tweedy
516 354-4736
Required Texts:
Kleinert, H.L. and Kearns, J.F. (2001). Alternate Assessment - Measuring
Outcomes and Supports for Students with Disabilities. Baltimore: Paul H.
Brookes Publishing Co.
Sacks, S.Z. and Silberman, R.K. (1998). Educating Students Who Have Visual
Impairments with Other Disabilities. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
Students are expected to use additional text and web based resource materials
during the course as recommended by the instructor.
This course has been designed to provide students with a basic knowledge of
assessment as it applies to persons of elementary school age with severe
disabilities, including deaf-blindness. It addresses both the theoretical basis and
use of formal and informal assessment tools. The topics listed under each date
are a guide to the planned class instruction and discussion and are subject to
revision to better meet the needs of the students enrolled in this section. The
course requirements have been selected to provide students with experiences
that will assist them in acquiring the competencies listed below. Students will be
expected to attend all classes and to participate in class discussions and
activities as part of the learning community.
Academic Honesty as defined in the Hunter College graduate catalog is expected
of all students. Any violation will be reported.
Students with Disabilities are urged to explore the supports and services
provided by the Office of Assessability. The instructor will make any reasonable
accommodation in compliance with ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Competency #1
Use informal assessment techniques with learners with severe disabilities.
Performance Criteria
Each student will: construct an ecological inventory and discrepancy analysis of a
learner with severe disabilities in one curricular domain (community, domestic,
leisure/recreation, vocational, motor or functional academics); identify a minimum
of five skill priorities and submit a learning objective for each.
Due: October 21, 2008
(20%) See rubric
Each student will assess a student in either the home or school setting using
informal assessment techniques. In a class presentation each student will
demonstrate how the assessment information will be used to either verify or
modify the current instructional plan.
Due: To be assigned
Competency #2
Express knowledge of specific and relevant normed and criterionreferenced tests for learners with severe disabilities, including those with
Performance Criteria
Each student will prepare a written profile of three assessments available for use
with learners with severe disabilities documenting criteria for selection. At least
one assessment must be available in or standardized on a population for whom
Oral English is not the natural language. The following should be included in
each report: 1)purpose of assessment; 2)suitable population(s) with disabilities;
3)place(s) of administration such as home, workplace, or community; 4)specific
assessment content; 5)administration and scoring procedures; 6)availability of
other than English editions; 7)evaluation of the assessment tool.
Due: November 25, 2008
Each student will obtain a minimum of a "B" grade on an examination covering
the purposes of assessment, legislation related to assessment, types of
assessment models, and specific assessment instruments utilized with learners
with severe disabilities including those with deaf-blindness. Student will
demonstrate proficiency in indicating the purposes of specific test procedures,
scoring procedures and the educational implication of a variety of assessment
Due: December 16, 2008
Competency #3
Select, administer, score and interpret appropriate normed and criterionreferenced tests to assess specific learners with severe disabilities,
including those with deaf-blindness.
Performance Criteria
Each student will select, administer, score and interpret one normed or criterionreferenced test in one of the following areas: ADL skills; cognitive skills;
communication skills; fine/gross motor skills; social interaction skills. This
information, with instructional recommendations based on the assessment
results, will be included in a professionally constructed, "objectively written"
educational evaluation report.
Due: December 2, 2008
(20%) See rubric
Course Requirements
A minimum grade of "B" is acceptable on all assignments. Any assignment submitted
later than the due date will have the mark lowered. (For example, an earned grade of
"A" submitted one week late will receive an "A-" grade etc.)
A student who does not achieve a grade of "B" will have the opportunity to redo each
assignment in order to raise his or her grade. The new grade will be averaged with
the original grade for the assignment. The final examination may not be retaken.
Field experience- A minimum of 15 hours required for this course
The field based assignment for this course requires the student to observe a learner
with a low incidence disability for five minutes and record only observed behaviors as
if using a camera to take photos or video.
 Observe a specific lesson
 Write a task analysis assessment for one component of the lesson
 Conduct a discrepancy analysis on a specific skill area
Due: November 11, 2008
Unacceptable (Score 1)
The non-disabled student
inventory lacks specific
steps in the routine.
Discrepancy Analysis Rubric (1.1)
Marginal (Score 2)
Proficient (Score 3)
The non-disabled student
The non-disabled
inventory has minimum
student inventory has
steps in the routine.
specific steps in the
The inventory is neither
age appropriate nor
typically part of a student
The analysis of the
disabled student’s
performance does not
describe the discrepancy.
The inventory is either age
appropriate or typically
part of a student
The analysis of the
disabled student’s
performance minimally
describes the discrepancy.
The inventory is either
age appropriate or
meaningful for a
The analysis of the
disabled student’s
performance describes
the discrepancy fully.
The skills targeted for
instruction are minimal
and insufficient.
Intervention strategies are
not appropriate for the
student’s needs;
adaptations are
inadequately addressed.
Some of the skills targeted
for instruction are present.
The skills targeted for
instruction are
adequately presented.
Intervention strategies
are accurately
adaptations are
Intervention strategies are
addressed; adaptations
are superficially
Exemplary (Score 4)
The non-disabled
student inventory is
detailed, specific and
clearly defined with
many steps in the
The inventory is both
age appropriate and
meaningful for a
The analysis of the
disabled student’s
performance is
detailed, and clearly
defines the
discrepancies and is
descriptive of the
The skills targeted for
instruction are fully
Intervention strategies
clearly show that the
student’s needs are
met; adaptations are
creative and multi
Assessment Report Rubric (3.1)
Unacceptable (Score 1)
Background description
of the learner is
inadequate, lacking
information on use of
vision and hearing, fine
and gross motor skills,
cognition and
communication skills.
Scoring does not reflect
proper analysis of
Findings are vague and
report contains
extraneous irrelevant
Recommendations for
intervention do not relate
to test findings.
The writing style and
grammar are not yet
acceptable for graduate
Marginal (Score 2)
Proficient (Score 3)
Background description
of the learner is adequate description of the
but lacks details in fine
learner is substantial
and gross motor skills,
and addresses all
cognition skills.
Scoring reflects minimal
Scoring reflects
analysis of information.
accurate analysis of
Report Findings
Findings are specific but
Findings are analyzed
report contains irrelevant and report contains
Recommendations for
Recommendations for
intervention relate to test
intervention relate to
findings, however report
test findings and are
lacks specificity.
specific to content
Writing Proficiency
The writing style and
The writing style and
grammar are adequate
grammar are
but need improvement.
Superior (Score 4)
Background description
of the learner is
comprehensive and
detailed fully describing
all areas.
Scoring reflects in depth
analysis of information.
Findings are fully
analyzed, detailed and
comprehensive and
report contains in-depth
Recommendations for
intervention are in-depth,
reflective, analytical, and
The writing style and
grammar are superior.
SPED 791-01 Fall 2008 Alternate Assessment: Learners with Low Incidence
September 2, 2007
Kleinert: Chapters 1, 2
Sacks: p.128-129, Chapter 2
Introduction and Course Overview
Purposes of Educational Assessment
Linking Assessment and Instruction
“Standardized” vs. “Alternate” Assessment
September 9, 2007
Kleinert: Chapter 3
Sacks: Chapter 3
Authentic Assessment
Formal and Informal Assessment
Formative and Summative Assessment
Current Trends in Assessment
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Looking at the Whole
September 16, 2008
Kleinert: Chapters 4, 5
Sacks: Chapter 3
Assessment Participants
Anticipated Outcome of Collaborative Meetings
Structured Action Plans
Functional Assessment
Alternate Assessment
Decision Making about Assessment
September 23, 2008
Kleinert: Chapters 8, 9
Sacks: Chapter 13
Essential Thinking Skills
Ecological Inventories
Ongoing Alternate Assessment
Discrepancy Analysis
September 30, 2008
No class
October 7, 2008
Kleinert: Chapters 6, 7
Teacher made checklists
Brigance® Inventories
Component Model of Functional Life Routines
Memberships and Relationships
Communication and Preferences
Norm-Referenced Assessment
Criterion-Referenced Assessment
October 14, 2008
No class
October 21, 2008
New York State Standards and Alternate Performance Indicators
Expanded Performance Indicators
District 75 Assessment Considerations Checklist
Implications for instruction and transition
October 28, 2008
Datafolios, Portfolios and Performance Assessment
Assessing Students Whose Natural Language Is Other than English
Electronic Portfolios
Data Collection in Community Settings
November 4, 2008
Formal Assessment Report Format
Planning, Monitoring, Self Evaluation and Performance Based Assessment
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
November 11, 2008
Technology, a tool to evaluate student performance
Ed Performance Series (Scantron)
November 18, 2008
Motivation Assessment Scale
Carolina Scales
November 25, 2008
Choosing Options and Accommodations for Children (COACH)
Assessment, Evaluation and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS)
Peabody Motor Scales
December 2, 2008
Oregon Project
Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment (TPBA)
December 9, 2008
AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scales
December 16, 2008
Course Review
December 23, 2008
Final Examination