Executive Summary The Climate Prediction and its Application to Society (CliPAS) team is an international research project of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Climate Center (APCC). Its goals is to provide APCC with frontier research in climate predictability and prediction and to facilitate APCC’s effort in developing first-rate model tools and technologies and continuously improving APCC operational forecast system. The strategy of APCC/CliPAS is to coordinate leading climate scientists in 12 institutions through well designed research projects and to share their expertise in climate prediction and its application. The project in 2007 has been devoted to improving APCC operational multimodel ensemble (MME) seasonal prediction system through (1) providing one-tier predictions using coupled models developed by three non-operational institutions in APCC/CliPAS team and (2) implementing new MME scheme (MME-SPPM) to APCC. Three coupled model predictions from FRCGC, SNU, and UH was delivered to APCC, targeting 6-month lead coupled predictions, initiated from Nov 1, 2007. The MME-SPPM was implemented to APCC. In addition, the APCC/CliPAS team completed the coordinated multi-institutional retrospective forecast experiments for advancing our understanding of climate predictability and determining the capability and limitations of the MME prediction. 1 1. The Summary of 2007 Achievements Plan Progress Achievement Improvement of MME Test and Evaluation of the MME Kug, Lee, Kang, Wang, method 3.1 (the MME method based on and SPPM v2) using Park (2007, APCC submitted to GRL) operational predictions. Draft manuscript APCC for operational prediction Case Study of the Case study was done for DJF Draft causes of manuscript the 1989/90, MAM 1994, SON 2003, APCC seasonal forecast for DJF 2003/04 using for operational APCC prediction which most models operational prediction failed Evaluating operational with a APCC A hierarchy of models designed metrics to was Report on a hierarcy of evaluate metrics, newly intraseasonal-to-seasonal Technical designed hierarchy of prediction. metrics report evaluating on APCC APCC operational prediction was operational prediction evaluated using metrics on mean states (annual mean and cycle) and interannual precipitation. modes of variability of The dominant A-AM monsoon variability in APCC MME and individual models were also investigated. One-Tier predictions The CliPAS multi-institutional Three coupled with coupled models hindcast experiments consist of 7 predictions model from from non-operational two-tier and 6 one-tier predictions FRCGC, SNU, and UH center for 1981-2004. Among the one- was delivered to APCC, tier prediction models, two are targeting 6-month lead operational (NCEP 2 CFS, and coupled predictions, BMRC). Among 5 non-operational initiated coupled models, 3 from Nov 1, models 2007. implemented to APCC. Multi-institutional The multi-institutional Wang, retrospective forecast retrospective experiments forecast Shukla, Lee, Park Kang, and co experiments were updated and authors (2007, will be completed for four seasons. submitted to J. Climate) APCC CliPAS team collected 7 one-tier and 7 two-tier predictions APCC operational The APCC operational two-tier Draft two-tier MME manuscript and MME prediction was compared comparison APCC/CliPAS one-tier with APCC/CliPAS one-tier MME one-tier MME prediction and for between two-tier prediction for the Boreal summer MME prediction precipitation and atmospheric circulation Predictability of Predictability of ENSO and global Jin, Kinter, Wang, and co ENSO and precipitation in coupled models authors (2007, accepted predictability of were investigated. to Clim. Dyn.) global precipitation in Jin and Kinter (2007, coupled models submitted to Clim. Dyn.) Wang, Lee, Kang, Shukla, Hameed, Park (2007, CLIVAR Exchanges 12, 4, 17-18) Experimental Experimental hindcasts of MJO Fu, Wang, Bao, Liu, and prediction of ISO with and Boreal summer ISO have Yang (2007, submitted to a hybrid model coupled been produced using UH hybrid GRL) coupled GCM 3 4 2. Highlighting Achievements (1) Improvement of MME method The MME-SPPM, which developed in 2006 project, was tested on prediction of 850 hPa temperature and precipitation using APCC hindcast data for the period 1983-2003 and operational forecast data for 2006 and 2007. The MME-SPPM code has been transferred to APCC for operational use. The major advantage of the new MME system is to improve the skill of seasonal precipitation over extratropical continental regions. Compared to other MME predictions, MME-SPPM offers better skill over the regions in which the average of individual model skill is poor. (2) Case Study of the causes of the seasonal forecast for which most models failed Anomaly correlation skill for seasonal precipitation using APCC operational prediction system reveals several interesting points. First, although the MME-SPPM prediction has better skill in seasonal precipitation over the globe (0-360E, 50S50N) than the equal weighting MME prediction (MME 1), its interannual skill varies in a very similar way as that of MME 1. Second, the interannual skill variation is season-dependent. Third, the year-to-year variation in overall skill depends on ENSO variability. The worst years tend to occur during transition or normal ENSO phase. The major failures in prediction of DJF precipitation tended to occur one year before (after) the mature phases of El Nino (La Nina). Fourth, it is noted that in some seasons, majority of models failed prediction (correlation skill of MME 1 prediction below 0.1. For these seasons, it is likely that the MME-SPPM is not able to improve the forecast skill regardless of application of statistical correlation 5 methods. Finally, the prediction skill in winter season is strongly related to that in previous fall season during recent decade. The case studies for those seasons reveal that most of coupled models failed to predict SST anomalies over Tropical Oceans as well as extratropical Oceans, resulting in the failure in predicting atmospheric circulation and precipitation. For all cases, large temperature anomalies were found over the subtropical and extratropical region rather that tropical Eastern Pacific in observation, while models cannot capture the observed anomalies. For all cases, the spatial pattern of predicted anomalies was significantly different among models, resulting in very weak anomalies of MME prediction all over the globe. (3) Evaluating APCC operational models with a hierarchy of metrics A hierarchy of metrics have been designed (Appendix I) for gauging climate models performance on intraseasonal-to-seasonal prediction and a selected set of metrics has been applied to evaluate APCC climate models’ performance (Appendix II), which can offer feedbacks to the participating institutions to facilitate further improvement of the participating models and the APCC operational prediction system. The metrics have been used for assessing the annual modes of precipitation include long-term annual mean, the two leading modes of annual variations, and monsoon domain. Temporal correlation skill was calculated to verify model’s general performance on interannual variability of precipitation for four seasons. In addition, Season-reliant EOF 6 (SEOF) analysis is used as the metrics for gauging model’s performance on interannual variability of Asian-Australian monsoon (A-AM) precipitation. (4) One-tier predictions from non-operational centers The CliPAS multi-institutional hindcast experiments consist of 7 two-tier and 6 one-tier predictions for 1981-2004. Among the one-tier prediction models, two are operational (NCEP CFS, and BMRC). Among 5 non-operational coupled models, 3 models implemented to APCC for real-time 6-month lead prediction initiated from Nov 1, 2007. These three models are from FRCGC in Japan, UH in USA, and SNU in Korea. It is expected that the APCC operational MME prediction, which is currently mainly consisting of two-tier predictions can be improved through including more one-tier predictions. (5) Multi-institutional retrospective forecast experiments The APCC/CliPAS team has completed the four-season multi-institutional retrospective forecast experiments for the period 1979-2004. We collected 7 twotier and 7 one-tier predictions from 12 institutions in Korea, USA, Japan, China, and Australia. This is an extremely valuable dataset for advancing our understanding of climate predictability and determining the capability and limitations of the MME forecast. The APCC/CliPAS team has made comprehensive analyses of 21 state-ofthe art climate models’ two-decade long hindcast datasets. These 21 models 7 include 14 from APCC/CliPAS and 7 from DEMETER. The analysis results have significantly advanced our knowledge on what can be expected to be predicted and what the current level of forecast skills is. The analysis also revealed some forefront climate prediction issues to be addressed by the climate prediction community. (6) APCC operational two-tier MME vs APCC/CliPAS one-tier MME prediction The APCC operational two-tier MME prediction was compared with the APCC/CliPAS one-tier MME prediction for JJA precipitation. The APCC two-tier MME consists of CWB, GCPS/SNU, GDAPS/KMA, METRI/KMA, JMA, and MGO and the CliPAS one-tier MME consists of NASA, CFS/NCEP, SINTEX-F, SNU, UH, GFDL, POAMA/BMRC. In JJA, the CliPAS one-tier MME system has better skill than two-tier MME for seasonal climate prediction as well as simulation of mean and annual cycle. On the contrary, the skill difference between two MME systems is very small in DJF. (7) Predictability of ENSO and predictability of global precipitation in coupled models Predictability of ENSO-monsoon relationship has been studied using the simplified numerical experiments in order to understand the role of possible sources to degrade the predictability of ENSO-monsoon relationship in CGCM forecast. In CGCM retrospective forecasts, the predictability of lead-lag ENSO-monsoon relationship drops with respect to lead month. Systematic errors of couple models is major factor of limiting predictability (mean error, phase error, amplitude error, 8 seasonal cycle). In this study, we investigate the model capability in long simulation is the one key to understand the behavior of forecast error. The relative role of systematic errors of remote forcing and other sources including air-sea coupling, ocean dynamics, and SST outside the tropical eastern Pacific on ENSO-monsoon relationship are investigated by performing idealized experiments. The pacemaker, control, coupled, and AMIP run are performed and compared. Pacemaker run shows the higher predictability comparing to the control and AMIP run suggesting the air-sea coupling can improve to reproduce the atmospheric bridge coming from the remote forcing. However, the western North Pacific summer monsoon index associated with low-level anticyclone does not change much regardless of existence of air-sea coupling. How to measure the predictability in coupled climate system, where no atmospheric lower boundary forcing given, is an open issue. We have shown that the prediction skill of the coupled model MME basically comes from the skill in prediction of the first three major modes of interannual variations in the global tropical precipitation. The three modes together account for about 54% of the total interannual variance averaged over the tropics in observation. This portion of the variation may be considered as practically predictable part of the precipitation variability, because the MME can capture these four major modes reasonably well but cannot capture the rest higher modes. This result leads to a new approach to estimate the practical predictability of the tropical seasonal precipitation in the coupled climate models; i.e., we can quantify the “predictability” by the fractional variance that is accounted for by the “predictable” leading modes in observation. 9 Such “predictable” modes can be determined by examining models’ hindcast results such as the performance. (8) Experimental prediction of ISO with a hybrid coupled model Experimental hindcasts of MJO and ISO have been produced using UH hybrid coupled GCM. For MJO experiments, the model was initialized with TOGACOARE observations from January 1, 1993, and allowed to run freely for 2 months. A comparison of daily rainfall from the observation and from a 100-ensemble-mean model output reveals that the model was able to “forecast” the eastward movement and associated rainfall of the MJO beyond one month fairly accurately. For boreal summer monsoon ISO experiments, the model was initialized with NCEP reanalysis data on Jun 11, 2006. The model also was able to predict the northward movement and associated rainfall of the ISO quite realistically. 3. Achievement from APCC/CliPAS Multi-Institutional Retrospective Forecast Experiment (1) Prediction of Equatorial SST The equatorial sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies are the primary sources of climate predictability worldwide. The MME one-month lead hindcast can predict, with high fidelity, the spatial-temporal structures of the first two leading EOF modes for both JJA and DJF seasons, which accounts for about 80-90% of the total variance. The major bias is a westward shift of the SSTA between the dateline and 120E, which results in a significant error in the western Pacific SST and potentially 10 degrades the teleconnection associated with the western Pacific SSTA. The temporal correlation coefficient (TCC) skill of the MME forecast of Nino 3.4 index at a 6-month lead reaches 0.81 and 0.85 for boreal summer and winter seasons, respectively. The TCC for SST predictions over the equatorial eastern Indian Ocean (EIO) reaches about 0.68 at a 6-month lead forecast. However, the TCC skill for Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) index drops below 0.4 at the 3-month lead forecast for both the May and November initiations. There exist IOD prediction barriers across January and July. (2) Prediction of Atmospheric Circulation, Precipitation, and Temperature Prediction of 850 hPa streamfunction field shows high skills over Western Pacific and Asian continents in JJA, and in the eastern Pacific (east of 180E) and North America, as well as maritime continent in DJF. The 200 hPa streamfunction shows good or very good TCC skill almost everywhere between 40S and 60N except in the equatorial region. At 500 hPa, the geopotential height shows a high prediction skill confining to the global tropics with a north-south seasonal migration. The DJF skills are considerably higher than JJA for all three levels. The prediction of atmospheric circulation shows higher temporal correlation skill than precipitation and may provide more reliable large scale signals for downscaling to regional scale precipitation. The season-dependence and spatial patterns of the circulation forecast skills can be well explained in terms of the ENSO impacts. The variations in the spatial patterns and the seasonality of the correlation skills strongly suggest that ENSO variability is the primarily source of the global 11 seasonal prediction skill. Prediction of air temperature is considerably superior to the persistence skill in the warm pool oceans, but not over the continental areas. The precipitation prediction in Asian-Pacific monsoon region has moderate skill in cold seasons but little skill over the continental summer monsoon regions. The seasonal march of the thermal equator seems to add predictability to local summer hemisphere and change of the westerly jet location can, to some extents, provide prediction skill by influencing Rossby wave activity. (3) Comparative assessment of the one-tier and two-tier MME prediction One-tier and two-tier MME predictions have been compared using 7 one-tier and 7 two-tier predictions in APCC/CliPAS project. In JJA, the one-tier MME system has better skill than two-tier MME for seasonal climate prediction as well as simulation of mean and annual cycle. On the contrary, the skill difference between two MME systems is very small in DJF. NCEP two-tier prediction was forced by predicted SST using NCEP one-tier system. The comparison of NCEP one-tier and two-tier prediction supports the necessity to use one-tier system for predicting summer rainfall. NCEP one-tier prediction shows increased feedback from local SST to some extent, although it bears similar systematic error as two-tier, especially over East China Sea and Western North Pacific. NCEP one-tier prediction shows improved ENSO-monsoon teleconnection over Indian Ocean, while it remains unrealistic in JJA precipitation prediction over the Western North Pacific in the following SON and DJF. Two-tier MME shows distinctive difference from one-tier prediction during El 12 Nino onset and decaying summers. Precipitation error is large over South Asia in one-tier prediction during El Nino onset summers. Two-tier MME has large errors over the same regions during El Nino decaying summers. (4) Impacts of the systematic errors on ENSO-monsoon relationship Previous studies have shown that improvements in a coupled model’s mean climatology generally lead to a more realistic simulation of ENSO-monsoon teleconnection. Using 13 coupled retrospective forecasts, it is shown that the systematic bias of SST mean state degrades the skill in predicting SST anomaly and the ENSO-monsoon relationship. The errors in El Nino amplitude, phase, and the location of the maximum variability in the coupled models are associated with the mean state errors such as colder equatorial Pacific SST and stronger easterly wind over western equatorial Pacific. The breaking relationship between ENSO and Indian monsoon is evident in observation, whilst the MME produces robust negative relationship, which is mainly due to the SST anomaly bias. The anomalous precipitation and circulation are predicted better in the ENSO decaying JJA than ENSO developing JJA. 13