I. Women and Science Fiction

WS 2006/07
Di 10-12, G25
Prof. Dr. R. Borgmeier
HS: Women and Science Fiction
I. Women and Science Fiction
Albinski, Nan Bowman. Women' s Utopias in British and American Fiction. London/New
York: Routledge, 1988.
F RU 1149
Allen, Virginia, and Paul Terri. "Science and Fiction: Ways of Theorizing about Women".
Erotic Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature. Ed. Donald Palumbo. New York:
Greenwood, 1986.
FH lit Au l.40
Alverio, Anita. "Banished from Eden: Women in Science Fiction". Fantasy Commentator,
1997 Fall; 9 (2 [50]): 104-05.
Bacon-Smith, Camille M. "Enterprising Women: Television, Folklore, and Community".
Dissertations Abstracts International 50,7 (January 1990): 2194A. UB
Barr, Marleen S. Future Females. A Critical Anthology. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State
U Popular P, 1981.
- - - -. "Blurred Generic Conventions: Pregnancy and Power in Feminist Science Fiction".
Reproductive and Genetic Engineering 1,2 (1988): 167-174.
- - - -. "Science Fiction's Invisible Female Man: Feminism, Formula, Word and World in
When It Changed and The Women Men Don't See". Just the Other Day: Essays on the
Suture of the Future. Ed. Luk de Vos. Antwerp: EXA, 1985. 433-437.
F RU 1112
- - - -. "Feminist Fabulation; or, Playing with Patriarchy vs. the Masculinization of
Metafiction". Women's Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal 14.2 (1987): 187-191.
- - - -. "Jews and Independence Day, Women and Independence Day: Science Fiction
Apocalypse Now Evokes Feminism and Nazism". In: Seed, David (ed. and introd.).
Imagining Apocalypse: Studies in Cultural Crisis. Basingstoke, England; New York,
NY: Macmillan; St. Martin's; 2000. 199-214.
F RU 1291
Barr, Marleen, and Nicholas D. Smith, eds. Women and Utopia. Lanham: UP of America,
Bartter, Martha A. "The Hand That Rocks the Cradle". Extrapolation: A Journal of Science
Fiction and Fantasy 30,3 (1989): 254-266.
- - - -. "Science, Science Fiction and Women: A Language of (Tacit) Exclusion". ETC.: A
Review of General Semantics, 1992-1993 Winter; 49 (4): 407-19. folder
Berman, Jeffrey. "Where's All the Fiction in Science Fiction?" Future Females: A Critical
Anthology. Ed. Marleen S. Barr. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State U Popular P,
1981. 164-176.
Bleiler, E. F., ed. Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major Authors from the
Early Nineteenth Century to the Present Day. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1982.
F RU 1083
Borghi, Liana. "Liminaliens and Others-But Mostly Vamps, Dragons and Women's SF". In:
Covi, Giovanna (ed.). Critical Studies on the Feminist Subject. Trento, Italy:
Dipartimento di Scienze Filologiche e Storiche, Università degli Studi di Trento; 1997.
Braswell, Laurel. "The Visionary Voyage in Science Fiction and Medieval Allegory".
Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature. 14,1 (1981): 125-142.
Cioffi, Kathleen. "Types of Feminist Fantasy and Science Fiction". Women Worldwalkers:
New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Jane B. Weedman. Lubbock:
Texas Tech P, 1985. SS-93.
F RU 1115
Clareson, Thomas D., ed. Voices for the Future: Essays on Major Science Fiction Writers. 2
vols. Bowling Green: Bowling Green P, 1979.
F RU 1000
Davin, Eric Leif. "Hidden from History: The Female Counter-Culture of the 1950-1960
Science-Fiction Magazines". Fantasy Commentator, 2003 Spring; 10 (3-4 [55-56]): 13891.
- - - -. "Presumption of Prejudice: Women Writers of the 1926-49 Science-Fiction Magazines
and Their Lost Legacy". Fantasy Commentator, 2001-2002 Winter; 10 (1-2 [53-54]):
Donawerth, Jane. Frankenstein's Daughters: Women Writing Science Fiction. Syracuse, NY:
Syracuse UP; 1997.
F RU 1254
- - - -. "Mothers Are Animals: Women as Aliens in Science Fiction by Women". Graven
Images: A Journal of Culture, Law, and the Sacred, 1995; 2: 237-47. ordered
- - - -. "Woman as Machine in Science Fiction by Women". Extrapolation: A Journal of
Science Fiction and Fantasy, 1995 Fall; 36 (3): 210-21.
- - - -. "Body Parts: Twentieth-Century Science Fiction Short Stories by Women". PMLA:
Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, 2004 May; 119 (3): 47481.
Z 22
DuPont, Denise. Women of Vision. New York: St. Martin's, 1988.
Elgin, Suzette Haden. "Women's Language and Near Future Science Fiction: A Reply".
Women's Studies 14.2 (1987): 175-182.
Fitting, Peter. "Positioning and Closure: On the 'Reading Effect' of Contemporary Utopian
Fiction". Utopian Studies 1 (1987): 23-36.
- - - -. "For Men Only: A Guide to ReadingSingle-Sex Worlds". Women's Studies 14.2 (1987):
Grossman, Kathryn M. "Woman as Temptress. The Way to (Br)otherhood in Science Fiction
Dystopias". Women's Studies 14.2 (1987): 135-146.
Hassler, Donald M., ed. Patterns of the Fantastic. Mercer Island: Starmont House , 1983.
Heldreth, Lillian M. "Speculations on Heterosexual Equality: Morris, McCaffrey, LeGuin".
Erotic Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature. Ed. Donald Palumbo. Westport:
Greenwood, 1986.
FH lit au 1 .40
Hendershot, Cyndy "Feminine Paranoia and Secrecy: I Married a Monster from Outer Space
and Attack of the 50 Ft. Woman". Readerly/Writerly Texts: Essays on Literature,
Literary/Textual Criticism, and Pedagogy 1997 Spring-Summer; 4 (2): 71-86.
Higdon, David Leon. "'A Good Game To Play': Brian Aldiss and the Mother of Science
Fiction". Women Worldwalkers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed.
Jane B. Weedman. Lubbock: Texas Tech P, 1985. SS-93.
F RU 1115
Hollinger, Veronica. "Science Fiction by Women". Science-Fiction Studies. 17,2,51 (July
1990): 152-183.
Z 69
Jones, Gwyneth. "In the Chinks of the World Machine". Foundation: The Review of Science
Fiction 43 (Summer 1988): 59-63.
Keinhorst, Annette. "Emancipatory Projection: An Introduction to Women's Critical Utopias".
Women's Studies 14.2 (1987): 91-100.
Kelso, Sylvia. "Brother Raspberry: Dialogues with the Alien in Recent Women's SF".
Foundation: The International Review of Science Fiction 1997 Autumn; 71: 88-101.
Kidd, Virginia. "Agent First, Anthologist Sometimes, Writer in the Cracks". Women of
Vision. Ed. Denise DuPont. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. 13-19.
Kramarae, Cheris. "Present Problems with the Language of the Future". Women 's Studies
14,2 (1987): 183-186.
Lacombe, Michele. "Feminist Science Fiction: A Commentary". The Sphinx: A Magazine of
Literature and Society 4,2,14 (1982): 138-143.
Law, Richard. "Science Fiction Women: Victims, Rebels, Heroes; Hosted by Millersville
State Coll., Sept. 23-25, 1982". Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of
EAPSCU. Ed. M. Hayward. N. p.: Engl. Assn. of the Pennsylvania State Colls. and
Univ., 1983. 53-58.
- - - -. "Science Fiction Women: Victims, Rebels, Heroes; Academic Programming at Chicon
IV". Patterns of the Fantastic. Ed. Donald M. Hassler. Mercer Island: Starmont House,
1983. 11-20.
Lefanu, Sarah. In the Chinks of the World: Feminism and Science Fiction. London: The
Women's Press, 1988.
F RU 1145
LeGuin, Ursula K. "The Carrier-Bag Theory of Fiction". Women of Vision. Ed. Denise
DuPont. New York: St. Martin's, 1988. 1-12.
- - - -. The Language of the Night: Essays on Fantasy and Science Fiction. New York, 1979.
U LEG 81
- - - -. "Science Fiction and Mrs. Brown". Science Fiction at Large: A Collection of Essays.
Ed. Peter Nicholls. London: Gollancz, 1976. 13-33.
F RU 1011
Maddern, Philippa. "True Stories: Women's Writing in Science Fiction". Meanjin 44,1 (March
1985): 110-123.
Murphy, Patrick. "Feminism Faces the Fantastic". Women's Studies 14.2 (1987): 81-90.
Nicholls, Peter, ed. Science Fiction at Large: A Collection of Essays by Various Hands, about
the Interface between Science Fiction and Reality. London. Gollancz, 1976.
F RU 1011
- - - -. Explorations of the Marvellous: The Science and the Fiction in Science Fiction.
Glasgow: Fontana/Collins, 1978.
F RU 10112
Palumbo, Donald. Erotic Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature. Westport: Greenwood,
FH lit au 1.40
Patraka, Vivian, and Louise A. Tilly, eds. Feminist Re-Visions: What Has Been and Might Be.
Ann Arbor: Studies Program, U of Michigan, 1983.
Pearson, Carol. "Coming Home: Four Feminist Utopias and Patriarchal Experience". Future
Females: A Critical Anthology. Ed. Marleen S. Barr. Bowling Green: Bowling Green
State U Popular P, 1981. 63-70.
Pfaelzer, Jean. "The Changing of the Avant Garde: The Feminist Utopia". Science-Fiction
Studies 10,3,46 (November 1988): 282-294.
Z 69
Rabkin, Eric S. "Science Fiction Women before Liberation", Future Females: A Critical
Anthology. Ed. Marleen S. Barr. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State U Popular P,
1981. 9-25.
Redekop, Ernest H. "Labyrinths in Time and Space". Mosaic 13, iii-iv (1980): 95-113.
Roberts, Robin Ann. "A New Species: The Female Tradition in Science Fiction from Mary
Shelley to Doris Lessing". Dissertations Abstracts International 46,5 (November 1985):
- - - -. "Post-Modernism and Feminist Science Fiction". Science-Fiction Studies 17,2,51 (July
Z 69
Russ, Joanna. "Recent Feminist Utopias". Future Females: A Critical Anthology. Ed. Marleen
S. Barr. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1981. 71-75.
- - - -. To Write Like a Woman: Essays in Feminism and Science Fiction. Bloomington:
Indiana UP; 1995.
Sargent, Lyman Tower. "A New Anarchism: Social and Political Ideas in Some Recent
Feminist Eutopias". Women and Utopia. Eds. Marleen Barr, and Nicholas D. Smith.
Lanham: UP of America, 1983. 3-33.
Sargent, Pamela. "The Profession of Science Fiction, 36: The Writer as Nomad". Foundation:
The Review of Science Fiction 40 (1987). 5-11.
- - - -. "Women in Science Fiction". In: Cornut-Gentille D'Arcy, Chantal (ed. and foreword);
García Landa, José Angel (ed. and introd.). Gender, I-Deology: Essays on Theory,
Fiction and Film. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rodopi; 1996. 225-37.
Schlobin, Roger C. "Farsighted Females: A Selective Checklist of Modern Women Writers of
Science Fiction through 1980". Extrapolation 23.l (1982): 91-107. folder
Shaw, Debra Benita. Women, Science and Fiction: The Frankenstein Inheritance. New York,
NY: Palgrave; 2000.
Shinn, Thelma J. "Worlds of Words and Swords: Suzette Haden Elgin and Joanna Russ at
Work". Women Worldwalkers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed.
Jane B. Weedman. Lubbock: Texas Tech P, 1985. 207-222.
F RU 1115
Spector, Judith. "The Function of Sexuality in the Science Fiction of Russ, Piercy, and
LeGuin". Erotic, Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature. Ed. Donald Palumbo.
New York: Greenwood, 1986. 197-207.
FH lit Au 1.40
Spivack, Charlotte. Merlin's Daughters: Contemporary Women Writers of Fantasy. New
York: Greenwood P, 1987.
F RU 1133
Suvin, Darko, and R. D. Mullen. Science Fiction Studies: Selected Articles on Science Fiction
1973-1975. Boston: Gregg, 1976.
F RU 1009
Staicar, Tom. The Feminine Eye: Science Fiction and the Women Who Write It. New York:
Ungar, 1982.
F RU 1083
Thomas, Anne-Marie. "To Devour and Transform: Viral Metaphors in Science Fiction by
Women". Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy, 2000 Summer; 41
(2): 143-60.
Villani, Jim. "The Woman Science Fiction Writer and the Non-Heroic Male Protagonist:
Academic Programming at Chicon IV". Patterns of the Fantastic. Ed. Donald M.
Hassler. Mercer Island: Starmont House, 1983. 21-30.
Vinge, Joan D. "The Restless Urge to Write". Women of Vision. Ed. Denise DuPont. New
York: St. Martin's, 1988. 109-127.
Vos , Luk de, ed. Just the Other Day: Essays on the Suture of the Future. Antwerp: EXA,
F RU 1112
Webb, Janeen. "Feminism and Science Fiction". Meanjin, 1992 Autumn; 51 (1): 185-98.
Weedman, Jane B. Women Worldwalkers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy.
Lubbock: Texas Tech P, 1985.
F RU 1115
Wiemer, Annegret J. "Foreign L(anguish), Mother Tongue: Concepts of Language in
Contemporary Feminist Science Fiction". Women's Studies 14.2 (1987): 163-174.
Yaszsek, Lisa. "The Women History Doesn't See: Recovering Midcentury Women's SF as a
Literature of Social Critique". Extrapolation: A Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy
2004 Spring; 45 (1): 34-51.
Zaki, Hoda M. "Utopia and Ideology in Daughters of the Coral Dawn and Contemporary
Feminist Utopias". Women's Studies 14.2 (1987): 119-134.
General Literature on the History and Theory of Science Fiction can be found in the
Fachbereichsbibliothek: F RU + Number.
II. The Individual Authors
1. Eleanor Arnason
Arnason, Eloanor. "On Writing Science Fiction". Women of Vision. Ed. Denise DuPont. New
York: St. Martin's, 1988. 98-108.
Brennan, Tom. "The Silver-Haired Maiden Lady vs. the Red-Headed Hussy or the Author's
Revenge in Eleanor Arnason's 'The Warlord of Saturn Moons' (1974)". New York
Review of Science Fiction 1997 Aug; 9 (12 [108]): 12-18.
Gordon, Joan. "Incite/On-Site/Insight: Implications of the Other in Eleanor Arnason's Science
Fiction". In: Barr, Marleen S. (ed.); Gunn, James (foreword); Hellekson, Karen
(foreword); Finch, Sheila (postscript). Future Females, The Next Generation: New
Voices and Velocities in Feminist Science Fiction Criticism. Lanham, MD: Rowman &
Littlefield; 2000. 247-58.
Morehouse, Lyda. "SFC Interview: Eleanor Arnason". Science Fiction Chronicle: The
Monthly Science Fiction & Fantasy Newsmagazine 2001 Aug; 22 (8 [215]): 29-31.
2. Ursula K. LeGuin
Arbur, Rosemarie. "Beyond Feminism, the Self Intact: Women's Place in the Work of Ursula
K. LeGuin". Selected Proceedings of the 1978 Science Fiction Research Association
National Conference. Ed. Thomas J. Remington. Cedar Falls, 1979. 146-163.
- - - -. "LeGuin's "Song" of Inmost Feminism". Extrapolation 21,3 (1980): 223-226.
Bain, Dena C. 'The Tao Te Ching as Background to the Novels of Ursula K. LeGuin".
Extrapolation 21,3 (1980): 209-222.
Barr, Marleen S. "Charles Bronson, Samurai, and Other Feminine Images: A Transactive
Response to The Left Hand of Darkness". Future Females: A Critical Anthology. Ed.
Marleen S. Barr. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1981. 138-154.
Barrow, Craig and Diana. "The Left Hand of Darkness: Feminism for Men". Mosaic 20,1
(1987): 83-96.
Bengels, Barbara. "Sex and the Single Man: The Left Hand of Darkness". Science Fiction 9,1
(1987): 16-18.
Bickman, Martin. "LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness". Future Females: A Critical
Anthology. Ed. Marleen S. Barr. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State U Popular P,
1981. 138-154.
- - - -. "LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness: Form and Content". Science-Fiction Studies 4
(1977): 42-47.
Z 69
Bittner, James W. Approaches to the Fiction of Ursula K. LeGuin. Ann Arbor: UMI Research,
U LEG 845
Bloom, Harold. Ursula K. LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness. Chelsea, 1987.
Braswell, Laurel. "The Visionary Voyage in Science Fiction and Medieval Allegory". Mosaic
14,1 (1981): 125-142.
Brown, Barbara. "The Left Hand of Darkness: Androgyny, Future, Present and Past".
Extrapolation 21,3 (1980): 227-235.
Bucknall, Barbara J. "Androgynes in Outer Space". Critical Encounters: Writers and Themes
in Science Fiction. Ed. Dick Riley. New York, 1978. 56-69.
F RU 1030
- - - -. Ursual K. LeGuin. New York: Ungar, 1982.
U LEG 820
Clements, Anna Valdine. "Art, Myth and Ritual in LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness".
Canadian Review of American Studies 17,4 (1986): 423-436.
Cogell, Elisabeth C. "Setting as Analogue to Characterization in Ursula K. LeGuin".
Extrapolation 8 (1977): 131-141.
- - - -. Ursula K. LeGuin: Primary and Secondary Bibliography. Boston: Hall, 1983.
U LEG 835
Collins, James F. "The High Points So Far: An Annotated Bibliography of Ursula K. LeGuin's
The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed". Bulletin of Bibliography 2001 June;
58 (2): 89-100.
DeBolt, Joe, ed. Ursula K. LeGuin: Voyager to Inner Lands an Outer Space. Port
Washington: Kennikat P, 1979.
U LEG 792
Finney, Kathe Davis. "The Days of Future Past; or, Utopians Lessing and LeGuin Fight
Future Nostalgia: Academic Programming at Chicon IV". Patterns of the Fantastic. Ed.
Donald M. Hassler. Mercer Island: Starmont House, 1983. 31-40.
Frazer, Patricia. "Again, The Left Hand of Darkness: Androgyny or Homophobia?" Erotic
Universe: Sexuality and Fantastic Literature. Ed. Donald Palumbo. New York:
Greenwood, 1986.
FH lit Au l.40
Getz , John. "A Peace-Studies Approach to The Left Hand of Darkness". Mosaic 21,2-3
(1988): 203-214.
Hassler, Donald M. "The Touching of Love and Death in Ursula LeGuin with Comparisons to
Jane Austen". University of Mississippi Studies In English 4 (1983): 168-177.
Holland, Norman N. "You, U. K. LeGuin". Future Females: A Critical Anthology. Ed.
Marleen S. Barr. Bowling Green: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1981. 125-137.
Jones, Libby Falk, and Sarah Webster Goodwin, eds. Feminism, Utopia, and Narrative.
Knoxville: U of Tennessee P, 1990.
ZZ 73/544-32
Kenlen, Margarete. Radical Imagination: Feminist Conceptions of the Future in Ursula K.
LeGuin, Marge Piercy, and Sally Miller Gearhart. Frankfurt/M.: Lang, 1991.
F RU 1184/U LEG 1011*
Ketterer, David. "The Left Hand of Darkness: Ursula K. LeGuin's Archetypal Winter
Journey". Riverside Quarterly 5 (1973): 288-297.
Khouri, Nadia. "The Dialectics of Power: Utopia in the Science Fiction of LeGuin, Jeury, and
Piercy". Science-Fiction Studies 7 (1980): 49-60.
Z 69
Klein, Gérard. "LeGuin's 'Aberrant' Opus: Escaping the Traps of Discontent". Science-Fiction
Studies 4 (1977): 287-295.
Z 69
Lake, David J. "LeGuin's Twofold Vision: Contrary Image-Sets in The Left Hand of
Darkness". Science-Fiction Studies 8,2,24 (1981): 156-164.
Z 69
LeGuin, Ursula K. "A Response to the LeGuin Issue". Science-Fiction Studies 3 (1976): 4346.
Z 69
McCaffery, Larry, and Sinda Gregory. "An Interview with Ursula K. LeGuin". The Missoury
Review 7,2 (1984): 64-85.
McCaffery, Larry, ed. Alive and Writinq: Interviews with American Authors of the 1980s.
Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1987.
U LEG 871
Moylan, Tom. "Beyond Negation: The Critical Utopias of Ursula K. Le Guin and Samuel R.
Delany". Extrapolation 21.3 (1980). 236-253.
Mull, Keith N. "What is Human? Ursula K. LeGuin and Science Fiction's Great Theme".
Modern Fiction Studies 32,1 (1986): 65-74.
FH lit Z
Myers, Victoria. "Conversational Technique in Ursula LeGuin: A Speech-Act Analysis".
Science-Fiction Studies 10,3,31 (November 1983): 306-316.
Z 69
Olander , Joseph D., ed. Ursula K. LeGuin. New York: Taplinger, 1979. U LEG 791
Parrinder, Patrick. "Characterization in Science Fiction: Two Approaches. 2. The Allen
Encounter, or Mrs. Brown and Mrs. LeGuin". Science Fiction: A Critical Guide. Ed.
Patrick Parrinder. London: Longman, 1979. 148-161.
F RU 1038
Pegg, Barry. "Down to Earth: Terrain, Territory, and the Language of Realism in Ursula K.
LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness and The Dispossessed". Michigan Academician,
1995 Aug; 27 (4): 481-92.
Peel, Ellen Susan, "Both Ends of the Candle: Feminist Narrative Structures in the Novels by
Stael, Lessing, and LeGuin". Dissertations Abstracts International 43,12 (1983):
3903A. UB
- - - -. "Utopian Feminism, Skeptical Feminism, and Narrative Energy". Feminism, Utopia,
and Narrative. Eds. Libby Falk Jones, and Sarah Webster Goodwin. Knoxville: U of
Tennessee P, 1990. 34-49.
ZZ 73/544-32
Plank, Robert. "Ursula K. LeGuin and the Decline of Romantic Love". Science-Fiction
Studies 3 (1976): 36-43.
Z 69
Rabkin, Eric S. "Determinism, Free Will, and Point of View in LeGuin's The Left Hand of
Darkness". Extrapolation 20,1 (1979): 5-19.
Remington, Thomas J., and Robert Galbreath. "Lagniappe: An Informal Dialogue with Ursula
K. LeGuin". Selected Proceedings of the 1978 Science Fiction Research Association
National Conference. Ed. Thomas J. Remington. Cedar Falls, 1979. 269-281.
- - - -. "A Touch of Difference, a Touch of Love". Extrapolation 18 (1976): 28-41.
Rhodes, Jewell Parker. "Ursula LeGuin's The Left Hand of Darkness: Androgyny and the
Feminist Utopia". Women and Utopia. Eds. Marleen Barr, and Nicholas D. Smith.
Lanharn: UP of America, 1983. 108-120.
Scholes, Robert. "The Good Witch of the West". Structural Fabulation: An Essay on the
Fiction of the Future. Notre Dame: U of Notre Dame P, 1975. 77-99.
F RU 989
- - - -. "John Brunner and Ursula K. LeGuin: Science Fiction as Conscience". The New
Republic 175 (October 1976): 38-40.
Selinger, Bernard. LeGuin and Identity in Contemporary Fiction. Ann Arbor: UMI Research,
U LEG 884
Sinclair, Karen. "Solitary Being: The Hero as Anthropologist". Ursula K. LeGuin: Voyager to
Inner Lands and to Outer Space. Ed. Joe DeBolt. Port Washington: Kennikat P, 1979.
U LEG 792
Slusser, George Edgar. The Farthest Shores of Ursula K. LeGuin. San Bernadino: The Borgo
P, 1976.
U LEG 751
Spivack, Charlotte. Ursula K. LeGuin. Boston: Twayne, 1984.
U LEG 841
Stone-Blackburn, Susan. "Adult Telepathy: Babel-17 and The Left Hand of Darkness".
Extrapolation 30,3 (1989): 243-253.
Suvin, Darko. "The Science Fiction of Ursula K. LeGuin". Science-Fiction Studies 2,3
(1975): 203-274.
Z 69
Tschachler, Heinz. Ursula K. LeGuin. Boise: Boise State University; 2001.
Walker, Jeanne Murray. "Myth, Exchange, and History in The Left Hand of Darkness".
Science-Fiction Studies 6 (1979): 180-189.
Z 69
Wickes, George, and Louise Westling. "Dialogue with Ursula K. LeGuin". Northwestern
Review 20, 2-3 (1982): 147-159.
Wood, Susan. "Discovering Worlds: The Fiction of Ursula K. LeGuin". Voices for the Future:
Essays on Major Science Fiction Writers. Ed. Thomas D. Clareson. Bowling Green:
Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1979. 154-179.
F RU 1000
Yoke, Carl. "Precious Metal in White City". Extrapolation 21,3 (1980): 197-209.
3. Vonda N. Mclntyre
Brame, Gloria Glickstein. "The Business of Science Fiction at the Verge of the New
Millennium: An Interview with Vonda N. McIntyre". ELF: Eclectic Literary Forum
1996 Winter; 6 (4): 6-12.
Jarneson, Fredric. "Science Fiction as a Spatial Genre: Generic Discontinuities and the
Problem of Figuration in Vonda Mclntyre's The Exile Waiting". Science-Fiction Studies
14,1,41 ( I987) : 44-59.
Z 69
Kilgore, De Witt Douglas. "Changing Regimes: Vonda N. McIntyre's Parodic Astrofuturism".
Science Fiction Studies 2000 July; 27 (2 [81]): 256-77.
Z 69
King, T. Jackson. "Vonda N. McIntyre". Science Fiction Chronicle 1993 May; 14 (8): 5, 3032.
Wendell, Carolyn. "Responsible Rebellion in Vonda N. Mclntyre's Fireflood, Dreamsnake,
and Exile Waiting". Critical Encounters II: Writers and Themes in Science Fiction. Ed.
Tom Staicar. New York: Ungar, 1982. 125-144.
Wood, Diane S. "Family Ties in the Novels of Vonda N. Mclntyre". Extrapolation 29,2
(1988): 112-127.
- - - -. "Breaking the Code: Vonda N. Mclntyre's Dreamsnake". Extrapolation 31,1 (1990):
4. Joanna Russ
Ayres, Susan. "The 'Straight Mind' in Russ's The Female Man". Science-Fiction Studies, 1995
Mar; 22 (1): 22-34.
Z 69
Barbour , Douglas. "Joanna Russ's The Female Man: An Appreciation ". The Sphinx 4,1
(1981): 67-75.
Barr, Marleen. "Science Fiction's Invisible Female Man: Feminism, Formula, Word, and
World in When It Changed and The Women Men Don't See". Just the Other Day: Essays
on the Suture of the Future. Ed. Luk de Vos . Antwerp: EXA, 1985. 433-437.
Bartkowski, Frances. "Toward a Feminist Eros: Readings in Feminist Utopian Fiction".
Dissertations Abstracts International 43,4 (1982) : 1 I37A.
Boulter, Amanda. "Unnatural Acts: American Feminism and Joanna Russ's The Female
Man". Women: A Cultural Review, 1999 Summer; 10 (2): 151-66. folder
Crowder, Diane Griffin. "Separatism and Feminist Utopian Fiction". In: Wolfe, Susan J. (ed.);
Penelope, Julia (ed.). Sexual Practice, Textual Theory: Lesbian Cultural Criticism.
Cambridge, MA: Blackwell; 1993. 237-50.
Delany, Samuel R. "Orders of Chaos: The Science Fiction of Joanna Russ". Women
Worldwalkers: New Dimensions of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Jane B. Weedman.
Lubbock: Texas Tech P, 1985. SS-93.
F RU 1115
Gardiner, Judith Kegan. "Empathic Ways of Reading: Narcissism, Cultural Politics, and
Russ's Female Man". Feminist Studies, 1994 Spring; 20 (1): 87-111.
Hollinger, Veronica. "(Re)Reading Queerly: Science Fiction, Feminism, and the
Defamiliarization of Gender". In: Flanagan, Mary (ed.); Booth, Austin (ed.). Reload:
Rethinking Women and Cyberculture. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 2002. 301-20.
Holt, Marilyn J. "No Docile Daughters: A Study of Two Novels by Joanna Russ". Room of
One's Own 6, 1-2 (1981): 92-99.
- - - -. "Joanna Russ, 1937-". In: Science Fiction Writers: Critical Studies of the Major
Authors from the Early Nineteenth Century to the Present Day. Ed. Everett Franklin
Bleiler. New York: Scribner's, 1982. 483-490.
F RU 1083
Howard, June. "Widening the Dialogue on Feminist Science Fiction". Feminist Re-Visions:
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