Amendment 39-Finch-St-Beechworth

9 OCTOBER 1974
VHR H353
Heritage Place
To amend the existing registration for VHR H353 in accordance with s.54 of the Heritage Act 1995 by:
 Clarifying the extent of registration
 Adding a permit policy and permit exemptions in accordance with s.42(4) of the Act.
Reasons for the proposed amendment:
The registration of the Residence at 39 Finch Street, which was gazetted in 1974, requires updating. No
land was able to be registered under the Historic Buildings Act until 1982. For places added before that
time, only the buildings are included in the registration, not the land on which they sit or an appropriate
curtilage. Places registered since 1982 include both buildings and land. Early registrations are currently
being updated to reflect this change.
The existing registration documentation is provided at Attachment 1 of this report.
Executive Director
Recommendation Date:
13 March 2015
All of the place shown hatched on Diagram 353 encompassing all of Lot 1 on Title Plan 11356.
The extent of registration of the Residence at 39 Finch Street on the Victorian Heritage Register affects the
whole place shown on Diagram 353 including the land, all buildings (including the interiors and exteriors),
and other features.
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
What is significant?
The Residence at 39 Finch Street, Beechworth consisting of a brick house and outbuilding built c1862 and the
later kitchen building, now joined to the house, which was added in 1867.
History Summary
The Residence at 39 Finch Street was built c1862 for Alexander Greig. The ratebooks note that in 1861-62
the land was cultivated and fenced, and by 1863 there were two buildings on the site: a 26ft x 17ft [7.9 x
5.2m] brick structure with a shingle roof, and a separate 13ft x 9ft [4.0 x 2.7m] kitchen of similar
construction. Another 9ft x 17ft [2.7 x 5.2m] brick structure was added in 1867 closer to the house, and was
later used as the kitchen. An 1875 photo shows the house with a verandah at the front, which by the 1970s
had been removed, but a new verandah has since been added. Greig was a master builder who came from
England to the goldfields in the late 1850s, and set up a business as a building contractor. In the 1860s he
established the firm of Greig & Wilson, dealing in hardware and builders' supplies, and became one of
Beechworth's most respected early citizens. The house has been used as a residence since it was built.
Description Summary
The Residence at 39 Finch Street is a single storey Picturesque Gothic Revival style house of rendered brick
on granite footings. It has an L-shaped plan and a steeply-pitched gable roof. The two gables each has a
small lancet window and decorative timber bargeboards. There is a French window on the ground floor
opening into the garden. All the joints in the timber roof frame are mortised or bolted together, with no
nails used. The original shingles remain under the corrugated iron roof. There is an attic bedroom in the
rear wing of the c1862 house, with a rear balcony added to it in recent years, but there is no attic room in
the front section. The original c1862 detached brick kitchen building is a few metres south-west of the back
entrance to the house. The 1867 detached brick structure is now used as the kitchen and bathroom, and
the original open breezeway separating it from the house has been roofed. The original front verandah has
been replaced.
How is it significant?
The Residence at 39 Finch Street is of architectural and historical significance to the State of Victoria. It
satisfies the following criterion for inclusion in the Victorian Heritage Register:
Criterion A
Importance to the course, or pattern, of Victoria’s cultural history.
Criterion D
Importance in demonstrating the principal characteristics of a class of cultural places and objects.
Why is it significant?
The Residence at 39 Finch Street, Beechworth is significant at the State level for the following reasons:
The Residence at 39 Finch Street is historically significant as a largely intact example of a residence dating
from the gold rush period. It is an outstanding example of the modest houses built in rural Victoria in the
mid-nineteenth century, and assists in an understanding of housing conditions in rural Victoria during that
time. [Criterion A]
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
The Residence at 39 Finch Street is architecturally significant as a largely intact example of the Picturesque
Gothic Revival style houses built in country Victoria in the gold rush period of the mid-nineteenth century.
The kitchen buildings demonstrate the contemporary practice of constructing kitchens detached from the
rest of the house. The house is architecturally significant for its construction techniques, especially in the
roof framing, and for its Gothic Revival style detailing. [Criterion D]
The Residence at 39 Finch Street is also significant for the following reasons, but not at the State level:
The Residence at 39 Finch Street is one of Beechworth’s oldest surviving houses and is a reminder of the
town’s gold rush prosperity. Built in c 1862 and added to in 1867, it demonstrates the typical form of many
of Beechworth’s early houses. The house is significant for its association with Alexander Greig, a master
builder who came from England to the goldfields in the late 1850s, and became one of Beechworth's most
respected early citizens. The house is prominently located on a corner site and is an essential element of the
Beechworth streetscape.
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
The purpose of the Permit Policy is to assist when considering or making decisions regarding works to a
registered place. It is recommended that any proposed works be discussed with an officer of Heritage
Victoria prior to making a permit application. Discussing proposed works will assist in answering questions
the owner may have and aid any decisions regarding works to the place.
The extent of registration of the Residence at 39 Finch Street on the Victorian Heritage Register affects the
whole place shown on Diagram 353 including the land, all buildings, trees, landscape elements and other
features. Under the Heritage Act 1995 a person must not remove or demolish, damage or despoil, develop
or alter or excavate, relocate or disturb the position of any part of a registered place or object without
approval. It is acknowledged, however, that alterations and other works may be required to keep places and
objects in good repair and adapt them for use into the future.
If a person wishes to undertake works or activities in relation to a registered place or registered object, they
must apply to the Executive Director, Heritage Victoria for a permit. The purpose of a permit is to enable
appropriate change to a place and to effectively manage adverse impacts on the cultural heritage
significance of a place as a consequence of change. If an owner is uncertain whether a heritage permit is
required, it is recommended that Heritage Victoria be contacted.
Permits are required for anything which alters the place or object, unless a permit exemption is granted.
Permit exemptions usually cover routine maintenance and upkeep issues faced by owners as well as minor
works. They may include appropriate works that are specified in a conservation management plan. Permit
exemptions can be granted at the time of registration (under s.42 of the Heritage Act) or after registration
(under s.66 of the Heritage Act).
It should be noted that the addition of new buildings to the registered place, as well as alterations to the
interior and exterior of existing buildings requires a permit, unless a specific permit exemption is granted.
Cultural heritage management plans
It is recommended that a Conservation Management Plan is developed to manage the place in a manner
which respects its cultural heritage significance.
Cultural heritage significance
Overview of significance
The cultural heritage significance of Residence at 39 Finch Street, Beechworth lies in being a largely intact
example of the Picturesque Gothic Revival style houses built in country Victoria in the mid-nineteenth
century. The kitchen buildings demonstrate the contemporary practice of constructing kitchens detached
from the rest of the house. It is notable for its construction techniques, especially in the roof framing, and
for its Gothic Revival detailing.
All of the buildings listed here are of primary cultural heritage significance in the context of the
place. A permit is required for most works or alterations. See Permit Exemptions section for specific
permit exempt activities:
All of the residence, including the two detached kitchen buildings.
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
The following buildings and features are of no cultural heritage significance:
The balcony added to the attic bedroom.
Archaeological: Ground disturbance may affect the archaeological significance of the place and,
subject to the exemptions stated in this document, requires a permit.
It should be noted that Permit Exemptions can be granted at the time of registration (under s.42(4) of the
Heritage Act). Permit Exemptions can also be applied for and granted after registration (under s.66 of the
Heritage Act)
General Condition 1
All exempted alterations are to be planned and carried out in a manner which prevents damage to the fabric
of the registered place or object.
General Condition 2
Should it become apparent during further inspection or the carrying out of works that original or previously
hidden or inaccessible details of the place or object are revealed which relate to the significance of the place
or object, then the exemption covering such works shall cease and Heritage Victoria shall be notified as soon
as possible.
General Condition 3
All works should be informed by Conservation Management Plans prepared for the place. The Executive
Director is not bound by any Conservation Management Plan, and permits still must be obtained for works
suggested in any Conservation Management Plan.
General Condition 4
Nothing in this determination prevents the Heritage Council from amending or rescinding all or any of the
permit exemptions.
General Condition 5
Nothing in this determination exempts owners or their agents from the responsibility to seek relevant
planning or building permits from the relevant responsible authority, where applicable.
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
Minor repairs and maintenance which replace like with like.
Removal of non-original items such as air conditioners, pipe work, ducting, wiring, antennae, aerials
etc and making good in a manner not detrimental to the cultural heritage significance of the place.
Installation or removal of external fixtures and fittings such as hot water services and taps a manner
not detrimental to the cultural heritage significance of the place.
Repair and removal of non-original fences and gates in a manner not detrimental to the cultural
heritage significance of the place.
Installation or repair of damp-proofing by either injection method or grouted pocket method in a
manner which does not affect the cultural heritage significance of the place.
Painting of previously painted walls and ceilings provided that preparation or painting does not
remove evidence of any original paint or other decorative scheme.
Installation, removal or replacement of non-original carpets and/or flexible floor coverings.
Installation, removal or replacement of non-original curtain tracks, rods and blinds.
Installation, removal or replacement of hooks, nails and other devices for the hanging of mirrors,
paintings and other wall mounted art.
Demolition or removal of the following non-original features: stud/partition walls, suspended
ceilings or wall linings (including plasterboard, laminate and Masonite), flush panel or part-glazed
laminated doors.
Removal of non-original door and window furniture including, hinges, locks, knobsets and sash lifts.
Refurbishment of existing bathrooms, toilets and kitchens including removal, installation or
replacement of sanitary fixtures and associated piping, mirrors, wall and floor coverings.
Removal of tiling or concrete slabs in wet areas provided there is no damage to or alteration of
original structure or fabric.
Installation, removal or replacement of ducted, hydronic or concealed radiant type heating provided
that the installation does not damage existing skirtings and architraves and that the central plant is
concealed, and is done in a manner not detrimental to the cultural heritage significance of the place.
Installation, removal or replacement of electrical wiring provided that all new wiring is fully
concealed and any original light switches, pull cords, push buttons or power outlets are retained insitu. Note: if wiring original to the place was carried in timber conduits then the conduits should
remain in situ.
Installation of new built-in cupboards providing no alteration to the structure is required.
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
Heritage Overlay:
Other listing:
Classified by the National Trust at State level (B2999)
Contextual history
History of Beechworth:
Beechworth owes its existence to the discovery of gold in 1852. The Beechworth area was first settled by
squatters from 1837, but the discovery of gold resulted in a rush of miners to the area, with about 8,000
arriving by November that year. The Ovens was an important river system in north-east Victoria and gave its
name to the goldfields in this area. The town developed around the Gold Commissioner’s Camp, established
in 1852 on the granite hill on the north bank of Spring Creek. The township was first known as Mayday Hills,
but when surveyed in 1853, it was named Beechworth. The main overland route between Melbourne and
Sydney passed through the town until the 1870s (when the railway was built further to the west), and until
then Beechworth was one of the richest towns in Victoria and the financial and administrative centre of the
Until the mid-1850s most buildings in the town were constructed of wood, bark or canvas, but following the
election of a town council in 1856 building regulations were introduced. Many of the town’s major buildings
were erected during the following five years, including the Ovens District Hospital (1856, VHR H358) and the
Burke Museum (VHR H345, begun in 1857 by the Young Men’s Association as a hall and library). The first
town hall was built in 1859. By the early 1860s a group of important administrative buildings, known as the
Beechworth Justice Precinct (VHR H1464), had been completed along the south side of Ford Street, and a
large gaol (VHR H1549) was begun to the north of this in 1858. The Beechworth Lunatic Asylum, later the
Mayday Hills Hospital (VHR H1864-67) was built in 1864-67, and the landmark post office (VHR H867) was
completed in 1870.
The Ovens gold rushes peaked in 1857, and during the following two decades the population of Beechworth
decreased (though the last mining company in the district only closed in 1956). Despite the decline in the
gold industry the town was sustained well into the twentieth century by the presence of the government
institutions founded in the 1850s and 1860s: the asylum and the gaol.
Tourism has now become a major industry in Beechworth. Tourism began in the 1880s with the town’s
reputation as a health resort and picturesque beauty spot. The declining prosperity of the town had the
advantage that the post-World War II development that led to the destruction of so much of Victoria’s
nineteenth century fabric between the 1950s and 1970s was avoided. At this time there was an increasing
awareness of the importance of Victoria’s early history and heritage. In the 1960s the National Trust was
active in classifying Beechworth’s early buildings, and efforts began to restore buildings which had fallen into
disrepair. The retention of much of the town’s historic character has now made it a popular tourist
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
Beechworth’s early houses
With the introduction of building regulations in 1856, the standard of buildings in Beechworth improved
markedly, and new houses increasingly replaced the tents which had been used as residences even in the
central part of the town. The first brick houses had appeared early in 1855 in Camp Street, but after 1856
increasing numbers of brick and stone homes as well as rows of weatherboard cottages appeared. During
the 1860s-70s, new houses continued to be built and many early makeshift houses were converted into
more substantial structures. The number of houses in the town was about 750 in 1868. Camp, Finch and
Loch streets were preferred for residences, and gradually filled with rows of houses of weatherboard or brick
, and occasionally granite, with gables or hipped roofs, often decorated with ornamental bargeboards in the
gables or iron lacework on the verandahs. Occasional grander residences were built.
History of place
According to ratebooks, the site of 39 Finch Street was owned in 1856 by J Manson. The 1861-62 ratebooks
note that the land was by then owned by Alex Greig and was cultivated and fenced. The Residence at 39
Finch Street was built in 1862 for Alexander Greig. The 1862-63 the ratebooks describe the buildings on the
site as a 26ft x 17ft brick structure with a shingle roof, and a 13ft x 9ft kitchen of similar construction.
Another 9ft x 17ft brick structure was added to the side in 1867 (now the kitchen and bathroom). An 1875
photo shows the house with a verandah at the front (this was later removed).
Greig was a master builder who came from England to the goldfields in the late 1850s, and set up a business
as a building contractor. In the 1860s he established the firm of Greig & Wilson, dealing in hardware and
builders' supplies. He became one of Beechworth's most respected early citizens.
The house has been used as a residence since it was built.
Peopling Victoria’s places and landscapes
Migrating and making a home
Building towns, cities and the garden state
Living in country towns
The Residence at 39 Finch Street is a Picturesque Gothic Revival style single storey rendered brick house on
granite footings, with an L-shaped plan and a steeply-pitched gable roof. The two gables each has a small
lancet window and decorative timber bargeboards. There is a French window on the ground floor opening
into the garden. All the joints in the timber roof are mortised or bolted together, with no nails used. The
original shingles remain under the corrugated iron roof. There is an attic bedroom within the roof of the
rear (north-west) wing of the house, but not above the wing facing Finch Street (despite the presence of the
lancet window in this gable, which is purely decorative. The original (c1862) detached brick rectangular plan
kitchen is a few metres south-west of the back entrance to the house. The 1867 detached brick structure is
the present kitchen and bathroom, and the original breezeway between it and the house has been roofed.
The house is largely intact, although the original verandah has been replaced.
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
The house is substantially intact and the original form can be easily read, but there have been a number of
changes made over the years. The original verandah, which appears in an 1870 photo, has been removed
and later replaced. The original breezeway between the house and the 1867 kitchen has been roofed over
at some time in the past, with a French windows opening into the garden, and part of the adjacent kitchen
wall has been removed to open it up to this area. A spiral staircase has been added to provide access to an
attic bedroom at the rear (north-west) of the house. A balcony to the attic bedroom has been constructed
over the roofed breezeway area. The boundary fence is not original. [January 2015]
The house has been renovated in recent years, remains in use as a residence, and is in excellent condition.
[January 2015]
This Picturesque Gothic style house and detached kitchen were built in c1862 by the master builder
Alexander Greig, a respected early citizen of Beechworth, and it was added to in 1867. It is typical of the
modest houses of the period.
Carole Woods, Beechworth A Titan’s Field, North Melbourne 1985.
Peter Freeman Pty Ltd, ‘Indigo Shire Heritage Study’, vol 2, June 2000.
Transcriptions of Beechworth ratebooks (1856-70) held in Burke Museum.
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
Aerial view, showing 39 Finch Street (H0353) on the corner and the adjacent house Bellevue (H0355).
39 Finch Street in 1973, then without a verandah.
2015 view of the house
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
View of rear of house in 1983
Northern façade (facing William Street): the wing on the left is part of the main house, the right hand wing
(shown in more detail in the photo on the right) is the 1867 addition, which now contains a kitchen and
bathroom, with the original breezeway between the two now roofed. There is an attic bedroom (marked
by the lancet window) shown in the photo on the left.
The brick walls rest on granite footings.
A few metres from the back door is the original
detached kitchen, built in 1861-62, at the same time as
the main house.
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
United Shire of Beechworth. No.353. Building, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth.
[Victoria Government Gazette No 100 Wednesday, October 9 1974 p.3650]
[There is no current plan showing the Extent of Registration.]
What is significant?
The house at 39 Finch Street, Beechworth was built in 1862 for the carpenter Alexander Greig. Greig was a
master builder who came from England to the goldfields in the late 1850s, and set up a business as a building
contractor. In the 1860s he established the firm of Greig & Wilson, dealing in hardware and builders'
supplies. He became one of Beechworth's most respected early citizens. This house is one of a number of
similar picturesque cottages in Beechworth, several of which survive in Finch Street. These houses reflect the
increasing prosperity of Beechworth after the gold rushes, when it became the administrative and
commercial centre of north-east Victoria, and was also on the overland route from Melbourne to Sydney.
Until the mid 1850s most buildings were of temporary materials, but this changed after the election of a
Council in 1856, and most of the major buildings in the town were built in the next five years. After this the
dominance of the gold field towns diminished, and Beechworth went into a decline, which preserved much
of its early historic fabric.
The house at 39 Finch Street Beechworth is a single storey rendered brick house in a picturesque Victorian
Gothic style, with an attic and steeply pitched gable roof. The gables are decorated with timber bargeboards
and inset with a small lancet window. The roof was originally covered with shingles, which are now covered
by iron. The roof is framed with jarrah, and all the joists are mortised or bolted together; no nails were used.
The 1862 ratebooks described the house as a 26ft x 17 ft brick and shingle roof structure with a 13 ft x 9 ft
kitchen of similar construction. A further 9ft x 17 ft brick structure was added in 1867. An 1875 photo shows
a verandah at the front, which has since been removed, but no other substantial changes have been made
since that time.
How is it significant?
The house at 39 Finch Street Beechworth is architecturally and historically significant to the State of Victoria.
Why is it significant?
The house at 39 Finch Street Beechworth is architecturally significant as a notable example of a picturesque
Gothic mid-nineteenth century cottage of which there are several examples in this part of Beechworth. It is
of interest also for the roof construction, in which no nails were used, and for its place in a substantially
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102
intact nineteenth century streetscape.
The house at 39 Finch Street Beechworth is historically significant as a reflection of the early prosperity of
the goldfields town of Beechworth. It is also significant for its association with Alexander Greig, a typical
example of an immigrant who made it good in the colony, was able to build a substantial house for himself,
and became a respected local businessman and citizen.
There is no current Permit Policy.
General Conditions: 1. All exempted alterations are to be planned and carried out in a manner which
prevents damage to the fabric of the registered place or object.
General Conditions: 2. Should it become apparent during further inspection or the carrying out of works that
original or previously hidden or inaccessible details of the place or object are revealed which relate to the
significance of the place or object, then the exemption covering such works shall cease and Heritage Victoria
shall be notified as soon as possible. Note: All archaeological places have the potential to contain significant
sub-surface artefacts and other remains. In most cases it will be necessary to obtain approval from the
Executive Director, Heritage Victoria before the undertaking any works that have a significant sub-surface
General Conditions: 3. If there is a conservation policy and planall works shall be in accordance with it. Note:
A Conservation Management Plan or a Heritage Action Plan provides guidance for the management of the
heritage values associated with the site. It may not be necessary to obtain a heritage permit for certain
works specified in the management plan.
General Conditions: 4. Nothing in this determination prevents the Executive Director from amending or
rescinding all or any of the permit exemptions.
General Conditions: 5. Nothing in this determination exempts owners or their agents from the responsibility
to seek relevant planning or building permits from the responsible authorities where applicable.
Minor Works : Note: Any Minor Works that in the opinion of the Executive Director will not adversely affect
the heritage significance of the place may be exempt from the permit requirements of the Heritage Act. A
person proposing to undertake minor works must submit a proposal to the Executive Director. If the
Executive Director is satisfied that the proposed works will not adversely affect the heritage values of the
site, the applicant may be exempted from the requirement to obtain a heritage permit. If an applicant is
uncertain whether a heritage permit is required, it is recommended that the permits co-ordinator be
Name: Residence, 39 Finch Street, Beechworth
VHR number: VHR H353
Hermes number: 102