CUBA: Guantánamo prov

CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
El Yunque, 0.5-1.0 km W of
campismo popular, 20°20.1'N
74°33.6'W, ca. 40-50 m a.s.l.,; Deler-Hernández &
Fikáček lgt.
exposed temporary pools with
gravel and clay bottom and
some algae
horse excrements on the road
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
El Yunque, 2.5-3.3 km SW of
campismo popular, 20°19.4'N
74°34.2'W, ca. 80-100 m a.s.l.,; Deler-Hernández &
Fikáček lgt.
exposed pools at the side of
Duaba river, fine gravel + clay
bottom and many filamentous
wet stones with thin layer of
water covered with decaying
leaves and some algae on the
right tributary of Duaba river
exposed pools with algae and
grasses with fine gravel/clay
bromeliad on the tree trunk with
little bit of water and detritus
accumulated inside
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
El Yunque, ca. 1.4 km W of
campismo popular, 20°20.2'N
74°33.7'W, ca. 60-150 m a.s.l.,; Deler-Hernández &
Fikáček lgt.
cow excrements in the cocoa
plantations shaded by palms
sifting of a debris and decaying
wood below the pile of decaing
skins of coco nuts
decaying trunks of bananas
on the mushrooms on dead tree
shaded muddy pools with
decaying palm leaves
on submerged tree trunk in the
Duaba river
at night on the shallow stony
side-pools of the Duabe river
sifting of slightly wet leaf litter in
the riverine forest on the banks
of the Duaba river close to “La
[collected by Deler-Hernández]
sifting of slightly wet leaf litter in
the riverine forest above the
waterfall “La Cascada”
[collected by Cala-Riqueme]
shaded cow excrements in the
secondary evergreen forest
bromeliads with water on tree
trunks in secondary evergreen
sifting of slightly wet leaf litter in
the secondary evergreen forest
above the right tributary of
Duaba river
[your sample close to FIT]
in bromeliads filled with water
growing on the low trees at the
banks of Santa María river
shaded muddy pool not
connected with the river, with
many decaying leaves at the
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
sifting of slightly wet leaf litter in
El Yunque, ca. 2 km W of campi- the evergreen tropical forest on
smo popular, 20°21'N 74°34'W, limestone
ca. 350 m; CalaRiqueme, Deler-Hernández &
Fikáček lgt.
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
El Yunque, in/around campismo
popular, 20°20.4'N 74°32.9'W
ca. 40 m a.s.l.,
M. Fikáček lgt.
isolated pools at the gravelstone banks of the Duaba river
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
El Yunque, ca. 2.1 km SW of
campismo, 20°19.9'N 74°34'W,
ca. 60 m,; DelerHernánder & Fikáček lgt. MF06
permanent lagoon with moss
and Juncus, partly exposed;
collected in littoral with depth of
water 0-15 cm
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
El Yunque, “La Cascada”, ca.
2.1 km SW of campismo,
20°19.9'N 74°34'W, ca. 60 m,; Cala-Riqueme,
Deler-Hernánder & Fikáček lgt.
deep pools on stones at banks
of left tributary of Duaba river,
exposed or shaded, with
brownish-colored water
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
El Yunque, 3.2 km SW of
campismo, right tributary of
Duabe river, 20°19'N 74°34'W,
ca. 150 m a.s.l.,;
Deler-Hernández & Fikáček lgt.
flight intercept trap at the gravel
banks of the right tributary of
Duaba river, surrounded with
secondary evergreen tropical
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
El Yunque, 3.2 km SW of
campismo, right tributary of
Duabe river, 20°19'N 74°34'W,
ca. 150 m a.s.l.,;
Deler-Hernández & Fikáček lgt.
right tributaries of Duaba river,
surrounded with secondary
evergreen tropical forest, on
water surface, in sand and in
small pools on stones
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
El Yunque, 3.2 km SW of
campismo, right tributary of
Duabe river, 20°19'N 74°34'W,
ca. 150 m a.s.l.,;
Deler-Hernández lgt.
sifting of slightly wet leaf litter in
the riverine forest on the banks
of the Duaba river
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
5 km SSE of Baracoa, area
protegida “Yara-Majayara”
20°20'N 74°27'W, ca. 150 m; Deler-Hernández &
Fikáček lgt.
cave “Perla de Aqua”; sample of
soil + germinating vernalized
seeds + bat guano on the
bottom of the main chamber
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
ca. 5 km SE of Baracoa, ca.
20°19'N 74°27'W, ca. 20 m; Deler-Hernández &
Fikáček lgt.
small shallow exposed lagoon
with muddy bottom, overgrown
with Eichhornia crassipes and
algae, water rather warm
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
PN Humboldt, ca. 1.7 km NW of
Santa María, 20°32'N 74°43'W,
ca. 50 m; DelerHernández & Fikáček lgt. MF13
nearly dried-up stream in
secondary bushes of pines and
thorny palms
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
PN Humboldt, ca. 1.5-3 km SW
of Santa María, “Nuevo Mundo”,
20°30.6'N 74°42.4'W, ca. 100 m; Deler-Hernández
& Fikáček lgt.
sifting of slightly wet old
cow excrements at the banks of
accumulation of flood debris on
Santa María river
side of the road in riverine
evergreen rain forest near Santa
María river
under large decaying tree trunks
on banks of Santa María river
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
PN Humboldt, Bahía de Taco,
administration camp, 20°30.6'N
74°40.3'W, 0-20 m,
2012; Fikáček lgt.
at light inside of the wooden huts beating of vegetation in
for guests
mangroove and around the bay
Bahía de Taco
on the sea surface in the
CUBA: Guantánamo prov.
PN Humboldt, ca. 0.4 km E of
administration camp, 20°30.5'N
74°40'W, 20 m, 2012;
Deler-Hernández & Fikáček lgt.
permanent lagoon with Juncus
and submerged grasses in the
littoral + in littoral of the stream
flowing from the lagoon
CUBA: Santiago de Cuba prov.
El Vivero, 1.3 km NEE of Dos
Caminos, 20°10.9'N 75°46.6'W
ca. 170 m,, CalaRiqueme, Deler-Hernández &
Fikáček lgt.
in small exposed permanent
lagoon with algae, over-grown
with Elodea sp. plus partly with
decaying leaves on bottom
sweeping vegetation around
small exposed permanent
lagoon with algae, over-grown
with Elodea sp. plus partly with
decaying leaves on bottom
yellow pan traps around small
exposed permanent lagoon with
algae, over-grown with Elodea
sp. plus partly with decaying
leaves on bottom
at light
sifting of thin layer of leaf-litter in
the coffee plantation (cafetal)
CUBA: Santiago de Cuba prov.
El Vivero, 1.6 km E of Dos
Caminos, 20°10.8'N 75°46.4'W
ca. 150 m,, DelerHernández & Fikáček lgt. MF18
in littoral of a small slowly
flowing stream
deep shaded pool with decaying
leaves and muddy bottom at the
gravel bank of the Guaninicú
shallow exposed pool with
gravel-stony bottom at gravel
bank of Guaninicú river
sweeping of vegetation on the
banks of Gunaninicú river
sifting of wet leaf litter under a
large bush of bamboo on the
bank of a small stream among
fields and pastures
on the trunks with lichens on the
bank of Duabe river (night
at light in the campismo popular
in cow excrements on the
CUBA: Granma province
flight intercept trap in secondary
PN Turquino, ca. 400 m S by air evergreen forest close to the
of La Platica,20°0.5'N 76°53.3'W mountains stream
ca. 920 m, secondary evergreen
forest,, DelerHernández & Fikáček lgt. MF19
CUBA: Granma province
PN Turquino, on the trail up to
ca. 0.5 km S (by air) from of La
Platica, 20°0.5'N 76°53.3'W, ca.
920 m,, DelerHernández & Fikáček lgt. MF20
shaded small mountains
streams in secondary evergreen
forest [on water surface, in side
pools and directly in the stream]
yellow pan traps along the
mountain streams in secondary
evergreen forest
sweeping of the exposed
vegetation along the trail and
near streams in secondary
evergreen forest
in bromeliads with water growing in fallen decaying citruses in the
on tree trunks in the secondary
area with many banana trees
evergreen forest
amid the secondary evergreen
CUBA: Granma province
PN Turquino, ca. 1 km SE of La
Platica (by air), “La Mariposa”,
20°0.4'N 76°52.9'W, 1130 m,, Deler-Hernández &
Fikáček lgt. MF21
sifting in old secondary
evergreen forest with thick layer
of leaf litter
decaying trunks along the trail in
the secondary evergreen forest,
under bark or in decaying wood
on decaying wood-destroying
fungi on large dead tree trunks
in secondary evergreen forest
in water-filled bromeliads
growing on the tree trunks in the
secondary evergreen forest
CUBA: Granma province
PN Turquino, saddle below La
Mariposa ca. 0.8 km SE of La
Platica (by air),
20°0.5'N 76°52.9'W, 1050 m,
Deler-Hernández & Fikáček lgt.
sifting of leaf litter and decaying
wood in the low secondary
evergreen forest with rather rich
understory vegetation and many
CUBA: Granma province
PN Turquino, slope below Pico
Naranjo ca. 0.4 km N of La Platica (by air), 950m,,
20°0.9'N 76°53.3'W, DelerHernández & Fikáček lgt. MF23
sifting of rather dry leaf litter and
decaying wood in the secondary
bushes with thin litter layer and
rather rich understory (moss,
CUBA: Granma province
PN Turquino, around La Platica,
20°0.7'N 76°53.4'W, 880 m,, Deler-Hernández
& Fikáček lgt.
pig excrements in the settlement in the side pools with sandgravel bottom of larger mountain
under bark of the dry tree trunks
shaded small mountain streams
in secondary evergreen forest
[on water surface, in side pools
and directly in the stream]
CUBA: Santiago de Cuba prov.
PN Turquino, La Siguapa, ca.
1.5 km SE of La Platica (by air),
20°0.2'N 76°52.8'W, 1290 m,, Cala-Riquelme lgt.
sifting of leaf litter in evergreen
sifting of leaf litter and decaying
wood in the secondary forest
with many tree ferns and rich
understory vegetation with many