ES 10 Lecture key points and notes: Ecology and ecosystems Some basics: Life: Organized internal structure DNA Capture energy from their environment maintain internal conditions seperate from external arise through reproduction can adapt through mutations and adaptations Life on Earth depends on: One way flow of high quality energy (high to low) Cycling of matter Gravity Basic unit of life is the cell: 1)Eukaryotic (higher orgs-nucleus) 2)Prokaryotic (bacteria, no nuc, small) Differences CELLS: Prokaryotic Bacteria DNA folded into nucleic area Small no membrane bound organelles Thick cell wall RNA Eukaryotic Higher organisms Nucleus w/DNA Organelles Larger Taxonomy: Domains, kingdoms and Lineaus(a person): KPCOFGS. Know the general order with which we classify organisms. Classification of life Domains: Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya Kingdoms (5 major ones) Bacteria (eg. decomposers, many are pathogens) Protista (Eukaryotes, single celled) phyto plankton, diatoms. NOT monophyletic Fungi Eukaryotes: molds, mushrooms, yeasts Plants photosynthesize Animals respire Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores 1 Vertebrates, invertebrates Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Example humans: Animalia Chordata Mammalia Primates Hominidae Homo Sapiens Things are classified by relatedness and similarities Ecology Study of interactions between living things (eg. Competition, predation…) and their nonliving environments (eg. Chemistry of the soil, sunlight, temperature etc) A study of the distribution (eg. Random, systematic, clumped) and abundance of living things. Distribution depends on the availability of resources, and interactions with living and nonliving things. Primary productivity: rate of biomass production (plant) means amount of plant material produced over a certain time (eg. One year). Depends on light, nutrients, temperature, moisture (rainfall). Determines major Biomes, which are described by their vegetation (we’ll get to these later). The amount of primary productivity also affects populations. Complexity of ecosystems: food webs ‘Mature’ ecosystems are those which have had time to stabilize. Complex ecosystems take longer (those with many species at each trophic level, and many niches. Food webs in complex ecosystems are truly complex (see figures in your book) Trophic levels: producers (plants), primary consumers (herbivores or plant eaters), secondary consumers, tertiary consumers (predators). Energy flow through trophic levels: energy is lost at each level. Primary producers use energy directly from the sun, while higher level consumers rely on energy already processed, making them overall less efficient. Food pyrimid: 80-95% loss of energy w/ every level 2nd law of Energy (high to lower state---heat). Better to feed lower on the pyrimid!! 2 No waste! (decomposers) Who eats who? Toxin buildup how it happens (clams,fish etc._, and finally to a top order predator (like us) who end up eating animals who have concentrated the toxin to high levels: Biomagnification Natural selection – A theory ‘discovered’ by Charles Darwin Organisms are subject to the forces of evolution and natural selection which lead to adaptations, and eventually occupation of a specific niche. Adaptation and natural selection is the result of survival and reproductive success over many generations (usually). Traits that are not selected for (or are selected against), are weeded out of the gene pool. So…for example, if environmental conditions are such that members of a species who have excess fat (say a marine mammal) tend to get too hot and may not hunt as well, their offspring will not be as successful (to grow up and breed themselves). Over time, this trait will be weeded out of the population, and those with less fat will have more offspring. Thus the species will adapt over time and have less fat. This process could also progress in the reverse (selecting for fat). Niche: The ‘role’ or ‘house’ or ‘what an organism does’. This includes what they eat, where they eat it, how they eat it, etc. **No two species can occupy the same niche. Problems with introduced species – they often take over existing niches, outcompeting native species. Competitive exclusion principle (resource partitioning, competitive exclusion). Specialists, generalists, opportunistic, pioneer Species and speciation: Natural selection, competition, differential success, geography, hybridization can all lead to speciation. Tolerance limits: Organisms have tolerance limits – usually to abiotic factors such as temperature, rainfall, soil chemistry, salinity (such as in the ocean) etc. This just means that there is an optimal (best) range of (for example) temperature. Below of above that level, the organisms don’t do so well. Many organisms react to critical levels of tolerance. That is, they will slowly decline in numbers until the factor reaches some critical level, and then there will be a sharp decline in populations (this is often true of tolerance to chemicals and toxins). Limiting factor: too much or too little of an abiotic factor can limit or prevent growth even though all other factors are within tolerance range. (terrestrial): temp, water, light, nutrients (phosphorous!), (aquatic) salinity, temp 3 Abiotic/Biotic ABIOTIC (physical and chemical factors) PHYSICAL Sunlight Temperature range Rainfall Wind Latitude Altitude Fire frequency Soil type Water currents Particulate matter (water) Water level CHEMICAL Nutrients Toxins Salinity Dissolved O2 BIOTIC (Living organisms) – Species Interactions These include interactions between organisms, and the impact that has on the ecosystem Competition – for a limited resource. Intra specific – within a species Inter specific – between two species Competitive exclusion – when one wins, and one is outcompeted and either dies off or migrates away. Resource partitioning – sharing a resource – eg. The vultures where the different species feed off different parts of the carcass. Predation Carnivore/herbivore/omnivore. All are predators. Grazing would be included here, but not scavenging (eating dead things). Predators often have a profound effect on an ecosystem(eg mountain lions, deer, and plant communities are all in ‘balance’). Symbiosis: organisms that live in close association Key point: the symbiont and host co-evolve together. Often these relationships are very specific, and in the case of some, they cannot live without each other. For example we have a bacteria (a friendly one) that lives inside of us and helps us process our food. It needs us and we need it. An example of dependant mutualism. Mutualism: both benefit (birds that pick ticks off the backs of rhinos and cattle, or sea anemones and clown fish) Parasitism– One benefits, one is put at a disadvantage (eg ticks and dogs) Commensalism: one benefits and one is not affected. I question whether one is truly not affected though…An example would be the cattle egrets that feed by the feet of cattle who are grazing. The grazing cattle kick up bugs that the egrets eat. Good for the egrets, probably doesn’t affect the cattle much. 4 Defense and/or competitive advantage (eating): Organisms use a variety of strategies to avoid being eaten or to eat better. These include: toxins, body shape/armor, speed, color (can be used to camouflage or to advertise toxicity and reproductive state), spines. Mimicry – steel someone else’s colors and look toxic. Keystone species: a species that has a particularly strong influence on community structure. The Sea otter/kelp bed example. Kelp itself. ‘Minor’ species can also have important roles though… The sea otter/kelp killer whale story: The Aleutian Island studies Sea Urchins eat kelp, especially new recruits If kept in check, they eat drift kelp If populations expand, they will eat established kelp Sea Otters eat urchins, especially exposed ones They will keep sea urchin populations in check Killer whales feed on steller sea lions which feed on Pollack, a type of fish. Humans are overfishing Pollack, which leaves the sea lions with no food. The then hungry killer whales have turned to sea otters, eating them off in large numbers. With no sea otters, urchins have multiplied and are eating all the kelp. That whole ecosystem has now changed, and kelp beds no longer exist in areas where they were once extensive. Wolves in Yellowstone: results of reintroduction The reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park has led to a rebuilding of the ecological communities. By driving the Elk back up into the hills, the wolves have ‘allowed for’ the riparian trees to come back, which has led to the return of songbirds, increased seed dispersal, etc. Populations… population dynamics speciation (what is a species?)-new species develop due to several major driving forces: 1) isolation of populations is an important one. Some barrier develops (such as a climactic barrier, physical such as a mountain range, currents in the ocean etc) which isolates a population. That population adapts to its environment and can become a new species. 2) Another way is species radiation into new niches. Galapagos finches did this-new species developed as a result of niches (such as feeding on different food sources), which allowed new species to develop and adapt to those niches. 5 Endemic species are those found only in a particular area, and nowhere else. Islands often have endemic species, and so are important in preserving and understanding biodiversity and adaptation. Factors affecting populations: Death rate, birth rate, infant mortality, density, age distribution, distribution in space, resources, limiting factors, tolerance limits, biotic and abiotic interactions, male to female ratio. The balance between birth rate, death rate and infant mortality (death in babies) is important in determining population growth rates. Age distribution (eg. The number of young or old members of a population) is also important. Lots of young in a population represents a high potential for population growth (as the young reach reproductive maturity). Conversely, if there are few young and many old members of a population, the population growth rate will be low. Density can have an important effect too (eg. With rabbits where too many causes females to become infertile, or even kill their young). Exponential population growth (multiplicative – also known as J-curve). Potential for growth if nothing were limiting expansion. As opposed to additive or slow growth. Most populations experiencing exponential growth will feel increasing pressure from environmental factors (those things listed above that affect population growth) and the rate will slow. Eventually a limiting factor will cause the population growth to stabilize around the carrying capacity. Carrying capacity: most ecosystems have a limit to the number of any one species that can live there due to limits in food items, nutrients etc. Boom and bust represent an ossilation around the carrying capacity (usually). Some are regular and seasonal, others are episodic and rare (like locusts). The ossilation will generally stabilize a bit over time, but will always vary a little just above and/or below the carrying capacity. Stable population growth is the result of equilibrium between a species’ growth and environmental factors. In many cases a limiting factor will be responsible for this Limiting factor: too much or too little of an abiotic or biotic (usually abiotic) factor can limit or prevent growth even though all other factors are within tolerance range. (terrestrial): temp, water, light, nutrients (phosphorous!), (aquatic) salinity, temp Other limiting factors include things like food and water availability, habitat availability, or any other thing that might limit a population’s ability to grow. K vrs. r adapted species (K= slow growth, long life, reproduce late in life, few offspring, lots of parental care) r(r = short life, fast growth, lots of offspring, little parental care) adapted species. These reproductive strategies are important in determining a species’ susceptibility to things like hunting/fishing pressure, and become important in management decisions. K selected species are very susceptible to overhunting or other factors that lead to population decline and are more prone to extinction (an extreme example are orangutans 6 (an ape) which have one baby every 8 years or so!). r-selected species have a shorter generation time, can usually recover more quickly, and often evolve more quickly. An extreme example are many bacteria which have very short generation times, and within the course of a few days can reproduce and adapt a resistance to antibiotics – a growing problem in human health and disease control. Many animals can use a combination of these though – ie. Rockfish which are long lived, reproduce late in life but produce of offspring into which they put very little parental care. Community disturbance: will an ecosystem always return to its same state after a major disturbance? Why or why not? 7