Tongkat Ali Plus is a modern scientific formulation containing the following
herbal extracts:
Eurycoma longifolia root extract (20:1)
Tinospora cordifolia stem extract (20:1)
Glycyrrhiza glabra root extract (20:1)
Centella asiatica leaf extract (15:1)
Tongkat Ali Plus is scientifically formulated by experts in the fields of phytopharmacology and herbal medicine, incorporating principles of modern science and
traditional medicine to maintain therapeutic efficacy as well as overall balance and
synergy of the constituents. The concentrated extracts used in Tongkat Ali Plus are
equivalent to over 5,000 mg of dried herb per capsule. Together these herbs and the
substances within them combine to assist:
For the elderly when sexual ability has reduced
Impotency, erectile dysfunction and inability to maintain erection
Premature discharge
Those who feel fatigue after sexual activities
The four herbal ingredients are:
Eurycoma longifolia. Known in Malaysia as Tongkat Ali (Ali’s walking stick), it has
been used for centuries to increase male virility and sexual prowess. Tongkat Ali Plus
contains the highest quality 20:1 standardized extract with Glyco saponins 5% and
polysaccharides 10%. Recently it has been the subject of exhaustive laboratory and
clinical studies in Malaysia, Japan and the United States of America, following the
impressive success of animal control studies. It has been proven to increase the
formation of testosterone by 4.4 times, double DHEA levels, as well as to increase sperm
production, improved sperm motility and increased fertility (with a 3:1 ratio of male to
female offspring in animal studies). It was found to increase the number of times and
length of sexual performance of the animals under study. Other studies have shown that
Eurycoma increases the production of stress hormones and helps in relieving stress.
Eurycoma also has been found to have anti-cancer and anti-HIV properties and in the
latest research one of its compounds was found to have a direct action on assisting the
facilitation of penile erection by directly inducing the vasodilatation and relaxation of
penile corpus cavernosum.
Tinospora cordifolia. A well-known bitter tonic herb throughout Asia. It is renown as
an aphrodisiac, and for strengthening the immune system and rejuvenating the tissues
and organs. Safely taken by all individuals for most ailments with associated weakness.
Used by healthy individuals to promote vitality. In Malaysia it is used in numerous
conditions, such as; weakness, indigestion, fevers, low sperm count, urinary infections,
jaundice, skin diseases & rheumatism. Clinical studies have confirmed the plant
possesses hypoglycemic, anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating properties.
Glycyrrhiza glabra. Among its many useful actions, this herb is a most effective tonic
for improving vitality and stamina, both physically and mentally. Its well-researched
action is believed to be due to the presence of triterpenoid saponins that have a
beneficial effect on the hormonal glands and adrenals.
Centella asiatica. Many Asian traditions use Centella as a tonic for the nervous
system, to improve memory, assist learning and reduce conditions of premature aging.
Modern research has verified that the active constituents, the asiaticosides, improve the
health and tone of the circulatory system and relieve anxiety.
Uses: Stress, lethargy, sports, low libido, insomnia, memory loss, poor
immunity, low back pain.
Suggested Dosage
2 capsules before bed.
Contraindications: None. As an extract of tonic herbs, it may temporarily
increase body warmth. As such, it is recommended to drink plenty of water
Tongkat Ali Power is a specially formulated product containing the
most potent Asian herbs to enhance natural testosterone levels,
leading to improved sexual functioning.
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