The Church in San Antonio News Letter

The Church in San Antonio
5400 Callaghan, San Antonio, TX 78228
I. The Defense and Security of the Lord’s Recovery
The February 2003 issue of Christianity Today (pages 24 & 25) has an article titled “Local
Church Fights for Evangelical ID Card.” It is concerning the libel lawsuit between the Lord’s
recovery and Harvest House Publishers. Many Christians care about the process and results of this
lawsuit. This report is quite positive toward the Lord’s recovery. We encourage saints to read it and
be equipped for defense if other Christians bring this matter up. Because Christianity Today has to
show neutrality, it reported E. Calvin Beisner’s negative-side critics. One of the three items Beisner
proposed is “[the Lord’s recovery] has a tendency to sue its critics, “entirely out of keeping” with the
apostle Paul’s advice in 1 Corinthians.” The other two are doctrinal comments. We would like to
examine 1 Corinthians and the background of this law case. Because doctrinally wrong would make
me an unbeliever, but integrity deficiency would make me worse than unbeliever—I lost credibility.
See October 2002 Affirmation & Critique for the answer to Beisner’s two doctrinal critics.
Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:1-6 reproved the Corinthians for bringing their controversies before
heathen judges which they ought to decide among themselves. In verse 5, Paul said “Is there not a
wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brothers? (KJV)” Paul said
both the defrauding one (v. 8) and the defrauded one (v. 7) are wrong. By reading the context, it is
evident that the case was not related to gospel truth or naming as a cult but probably to monetary or
property dispute between brothers. We are in full agreement with Paul that a Christian brother
should not defraud anyone, either unbeliever or Christian, and if a brother is defrauded by a brother
he should take the loss on account of Christ. But for the perfecting of the defrauding brother, the
defrauded may follow Matthews 18:15-17. First talk to the defrauding one, then with one or two
brothers talk to him, and finally go before the church. Even though we should count the one who
neglects the church as a heathen man and a Publican, very harsh words, Jesus still charges us to pray
for him and forgive seventy times seven (vv. 21-27).
What is the difference between 1 Corinthians 6’s legal dispute and Acts 25:10 and 11 where
Paul said to Roman governor Festus “I stand at Caesar’s judgment seat where I ought to be
judged…I appeal to Caesar?” In 24:14 Paul defended that “But this I confess unto thee [Governor
Felix], that after the way which they [the Judaizers and High Priest] call heresy, so worship I the
God of my fathers…” Paul was defending his life and doctrine as Matthew Pooles (1624-1679)
commented (see his note in front of Acts 24), because he was broadcasted as preaching heresy. Paul
was not defending some brother who swindled his money or forfeited his contract, or something like
Charles Colson (1996) wrote the book The Body. On page 228 the 5th paragraph, it states that
“In 1520, after appealing in vain to the pope, Luther put his case before the civil authority of his day,
Emperor Charles V: ‘I protest myself before your Imperial Majesty. I have published books which
have alienated many, but I have done so because driven by others, for I would prefer nothing more
than to remain in obscurity. For three years I have sought peace in vain. I have but one recourse. I
appeal to Caesar.’
Could Paul and Martin Luther find not a “wise man (1 Corinthians 6:5)” to solve their problems
but had to resort to Caesars? Worse, Rome was an oppressor of the Jews, of whom Paul was one. If
Paul did not appeal to the Roman judicial system, we would not have the heart of the Bible. i.e.,
Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians. Today, we are the same as apostle Paul and
Martin Luther by appealing to today’s Caesar. After many years’ effort trying to resolve the issues,
we have no other choices. That book, named Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions, first
published in 1999, categorizes the Lord’s recovery as a cult and is heretical. Before taking the legal
action, Living Stream Ministry brothers had contacted the two authors and the publishers many times
and provided documents that we do advocate for our Lord Jesus Christ’s person and work, asking for
face-to-face fellowship, but they refused. We wanted them to delete the Lord’s recovery from the
cult category. Based on the Godman book experience in the early 1980’s, in the US the culture is if
someone says you are a cult and you do not take an action to clear it, it equals that you tacitly admit
that you are a cult. This hinders gospel preaching and the advance of the Lord’s recovery. To be a
prudent and faithful servant of the Lord (Matthews 24: 46), we are forced to appeal to today’s Caesar.
II. Schedule of Conferences:
International Chinese New Year Conference
College Conference
Chinese-speaking Spring Conference
Jr./Sr. High Conferences
International Elders & Coworkers Training
Memorial Day Conference
2003 Summer Training
International Elders & Coworkers Training
Thanksgiving Day Conference
2003 Winter Training
Anaheim, CA
Latham Springs Camp, TX
Richardson, TX
OKC, Arlington, Houston
Anaheim, CA
Irving, TX
Anaheim, CA
London, England
Washington DC
Anaheim, CA
III. Daily Constitution by the Word
A. Morning Revival: We will cover Week 8 of the Morning Revival book entitled The Knowing of the
Body, beginning on February 3, 2003. Week 8 is on “the Intrinsic Element of Our Work .” Please contact
Sr. Cleo Whitington (641-0465) for copies of the Morning Revival. We have English, Spanish, Korean
and Chinese versions.
B. HPDR In February 2003 our reading schedule for the High Peak of the Divine Revelation (HPDR)
includes messages 1 to 6 of the 1993 Blending Conference Messages concerning the Lord’s Recovery and
Our Present Need.
To read along with the HPDR, one can access the Living Stream Ministry website at This
website provides the daily portion of the reading. If you so desire, LSM can automatically E-mail you
daily. Please check the website.
IV. Reports and Supplications (Act locally, view globally)
A. Local
Baptism No one was baptized in January. (Cumulative baptisms of the year 2003 are 0.)
Campus Gospel In the beginning of this year the Lord had a new move at UT-SA. The fulltimers and some saints initiated labor in this campus .At least 3,000 tracts (invitations) were
passed out On January 16th and 23rd two welcome dinners were held at night in the University
Center. Over 50, of which 7 each time were new students, took part in the welcome dinners. The
full-timers also plan to contact and nourish new ones by individual and group Bible Study. For
the sake of the Lord’s interest , please PRAY for this and for our financial offering (for support of
the full-time workers here and in Germany) so that students will be added to His church!
Hospitalization and Caring 1. Sr. Paula Lemons is really sick. Br. Paul Lemons said that
she will be checked into a hospital in Fredricksberg. Please pray for her health and call her (830868-4811). 2. Continue your prayer for Sr. Sara Collins. Br. Mike Collins said that Sr. Sarah
may have to go to hospital daily in February for dialysis rather than 3 times a week. 3. The father
of Br. Ramiro Guierra’s sister-in-law Linda Guerra, Joe Mojica, is in Santa Rosa Hospital due to
liver hardening. The prognosis is quite dire. 4. Br. George Angulo was discharged from Wilford
Hall Hospital after being hospitalized for irregular heart beat. He is on special medication.
5. UTSA student Jennifer Burke is back in University Hospital again for digestive problems; pray
for her and call her there! Remember what Paul says that “We then that are strong [i.e., healthy]
ought to bear the infirmities of the weak and not to please ourselves (Romans 15:1). Pray for the
patients and pray for the relatives.
Chinese-speaking Conference Br. John Yu (654-8280) is responsible for local registration
and coordination of hospitality of this one of the seven annual blending conferences and trainings.
For the past 20-years, this conference was held at the LSM station/campus. See Item II of this
newsletter. Cut off date for hospitality is 1/31/03, but the church in San Antonio may get one
week grace time.
Steve Clark Steve and Carol Clark will fellowship with us on 2/2/03 and 2/9/03 on the
Middle Age Training and the children’s work in homes. Steve was from the church in
San Antonio and is serving at the LSM and the church in Cypress, CA now.
Church’s Annual Business Meeting According to the Federal and State law, the church
as a nonprofit organization has to have an annual meeting and the meeting record. For
2003, the annual meeting will be held on 2/9/03, Lord’s day. Please do attend.
Young People’s Meeting For the past two Saturdays, college graduated saints spoke in the
young people’s meeting. Young people are the future of the church. Guidance and mentoring are
quite crucial in their upbringing. The testimonies of the young people on the 1/26/03 Lord’s day
meeting that “don’t limit yourself so that you don’t limit God.” In other words, if you stop
education at junior high, you probably only will be attractive to junior high graduates for the
gospel. But if you are a college graduate, you can talk on equal footing with a college-educated
unbeliever, plus high school graduate, junior high, and uneducated. Young people appreciate the
exhortation of the college graduate saints and their focus on God, education, and character. Brs.
Joe Tinnon and Tony Steele may contact other professional brothers and sisters to attend in the
coming weeks.
Br. & Sr. Tien-zhu Hsu moved to Keesler AFB, Bixoli, Mississippi on 1/30/03 and continue
his training. Br. Hsu will join Br. Ted Tien at Keesler AFB. Sr. Hsu was baptized here. Before
coming to the States from Taiwan, Br. Hsu stopped meeting with the saints for quite a while. They
are very positive about the church here.
Spanish-speaking Meeting More than 20 people were in the home meeting at George and
Nellie Angulo’s home on 1/10/03. It was marvelous! We also have several first time visitors on
the Lord’s day of 1/26/03. May the Lord enlarge the Spanish-speaking group.
Remembering John Nabers John started his second semester in college in Charlotte,
North Carolina. The Steele’s sent him a care package. We do not have many church kids
in college away from home. Your call or a post card will encourage this young man a lot.
Good Soldiers of Jesus Christ (2 Timothy 2:3) Brs. Cassiday and Witcraft are in Fort
Sam Houston for training. Br. Seth of Spokane, Washington is also in the nurse training
at Fort Sam Houston and came to the Lord’s day meeting on 1/26/03. Please do
remember these brothers in the military, greet them and invite them for a meal. We
should treat them as we would other people treat our kids in the military.
B. Extra-Local
Guatemala, Central America
Sr. Lupita Castillo is back in Guatemala City on 1/16/03. She is staying with her son and will
move in with her daughter in another area of the city. Continue your prayer for the propagation of
the truth there and our dear sister Lupita.
Brs. George Whitington and Brad Nabers spoke at the
Guatemala City conference on 1/18-19/03. The topic was The Service Necessary for the Reality
and Practice of the One New Man. About 150 saints participated. Some came from the
neighboring churches in Mixco, Villa Nueva, and Esquipulas Br. George also spoke on the radio
at Guatemala City and Esquipulas. Praise the Lord, six radio listeners came for the conference.
V. Statistics of the Lord’s Day Attendees:
The Church in San Antonio
5400 Callaghan Road
San Antonio, TX 78228