General context The general objective of PRIMO is to deconvoluate the relative influences of physical and biogeochemical processes, in the formation and dynamics of the OMZ off Chile-Peru, at various temporal and spatial scales (see introduction). Physical and biogeochemical studies will be undertaken, and integrated in the regional model described in the section “integration”, to address the general objective of PRIMO. In this biogeochemistry section, we will focus on original studies that will be undertaken, from an experimental point of view but in the perspective of fuelling the regional model, to understand the impact of the OMZ on production and mineralization processes, both in the water column and at the sediment-water interface. 1. Vertical structures as influenced by the OMZ During the PRIMO cruise, stocks and fluxes of biogenic elements through the water column will be measured along transects, and the community structure will be described. This includes profiles (as sampled by Go-Flo bottles) of dissolved constituents (macro- and microinorganic nutrients, dissolved organic matter), and particulate matter (POC, PON, POP, BSi, lithogenic constituents), as well as flux measurements (as sampled by sediment traps and estimated from U-Th disequilibria) of sinking biogenic matter. These are classical measurements that will be undertaken above, within and below the OMZ, with detailed description where gradients are the sharpest. It is well established that most of the sinking flux occurs, for particulate matter, in the form of zooplankton faecal pellets and aggregates (Turner, 2002). These are difficult to sample and the mode of transport of biogenic particles through the water column will be explored through the use of a marine video profiler (add zooscan ?) which will provide essential information on the size spectra of the particles and their viability. The vertical structure of communities will also be described, as these play a major role in the mineralization of biogenic matter. Bacteria have been described in section on PP and the focus here will be on zooplankton and the role of the OMZ in structuring zooplankton communities. Exhibiting several types of trophic status, zooplankton are a key component of the pelagic ecosystem. Specifically, they could be important consumers of primary production (see section on PP) but also high contributors to and modifiers of the vertical flux of organic matter. Even if sporadic hypoxia is deleterious on the pelagic fauna, a permanent structure as an OMZ have fauna adapted to low O2. Three types of organisms could be found within an OMZ, 1) the permanent residents which are physiologically and morphologically adapted to low O2 levels, 2) organisms in diapause which will leave the OMZ to feed, grow and reproduce, and, finally 3) diel migrants staying in the OMZ for short time (but trying to avoid this water mass). Obviously, the kind of organisms present will have incidence on the exportation of particulate matter. Thus, the occurrence of a permanent and relatively shallow OMZ has implications on the distribution and functioning of the zooplankton community, and, in turn, on the fate of the organic matter produced. To improve our understanding of the evolution of the OMZ and its role in the, the part played by this community should be specified. Several questions arise: How does the size structure of the zooplankton community evolve in time and space? According to the dominant size class, the potential export will be affected. Is a specific community be observed in the OMZ and above/below it? The mid-water zooplankton (i.e. in the euphotic layer) feed and act as repackagers, and influence the type of sinking particles. If falling particles are not eaten within the OMZ (due to the potential scarcity of consumers), this food source can fuel the deeper zooplankton. In this case, what are their physiological features (diet, ingestion, egestion, remineralisation) and their incidence on the transfer of matter? As we know that oxygen levels determine the vertical distribution of zooplankton, how do the space and time variability of the OMZ govern the vertical distribution of zooplankton, as well on a daily base as a seasonal one? Is there an association between zooplankton biomass and O2 concentration? How does it influence the species diversity? 2. Original process studies to be undertaken Numerous original process studies can be undertaken in an area with such specific properties as the OMZ of the SEP. In this section, the focus will be on processes that impact O2 concentrations which is the primary objective of PRIMO. However, most of these processes are strongly impacted by the presence of the OMZ itself, and this influence of the OMZ needs to be accounted for in the 3D regional model and thus, in the experimental design of all process studies to be undertaken in this context. Original process studies have thus been selected, which will be needed and designed with the objective of fuelling the 3D model described elsewhere. They concern (i) remineralization rates of organic matter and associated ballast minerals (Armstrong et al., 2002), (ii) the complex reactions of the N cycle (denitrification, nitrification, ammonification …) and (iii) trace metal speciation. 2.1. Impact of OMZ on mineralization processes It is believed that the intensity of OM recycling in the water column is a key control of OMZ formation and dynamics (ref). Thus, understanding the functioning of the OMZ implies to improve our knowledge on the processes that control the intensity of OM recycling, be it POM or DOM. This intensity depends upon (i) the timing and magnitude of the vertical fluxes of POM and DOM, (ii) the mode of transport through the water column (aggregates, faecal pellets), (iii) the community structure encountered during sinking, (iv) the quality of the material sinking and in particular, its degradation degree, and (v) the degree of association with ballast minerals (CaCO3, BSiO2). As seen in section 1., bottles, in situ pumps, sediment traps and a PVM will be deployed to quantify the timing and magnitude of OM fluxes, characterize their mode of transport through the water column ; community structures, as influenced by O2 concentrations, will also be described from surface waters down to the sediment-water interface, from microbes to zooplankton species. The process studies that will be undertaken deal with the influence of O2 concentration on the degradation of POM and DOM as well as on the decoupling of biogeochemical cycles (C, N, Si, Fe, P?) during degradation/dissolution processes. These original experiments will be performed during the cruise, on samples collected at various levels of oxygen concentrations. They need to be designed in close collaboration with modellers, to ensure complementarity with the model developments necessary to account for changes in OM lability and ballast dissolution properties with O2 concentrations. Preliminary experiments need to be conducted in the lab, long before the cruise, because they require specific experimental conditions and training. Do we need to detail more the experimental design at this stage ? We could briefly describe, either isotopic experiments such as those conducted in Marseille and in Brest (ORFOIS project), or combined degradation of OM / dissolution of ballasts experiments (involving biomarkers: project MedFlux). Biogeochemistry Objective 1 (BO)1 – to understand and quantify the influence of the OMZ on the mineralization of OM and associated ballast minerals. 2.2. Impact of OMZ on N cycle The OMZ of SEP is a unique area where the combination of strong upwelling, high productivity, intense oxygen minimum and presence of this minimum in the euphotic zone induces the cohabitation of a whole consortium of organisms with mutual benefit: phytoplankton and autotrophic bacteria (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, yielding a subsurface chlorophyll maximum), chemiolitothrophic and heterotrophic bacteria. The presence of these microbial organisms has a strong impact on the N cycle in this area, much more complicated than previously thought, as well as on N2O and CO2 production. Model improvement are presently ongoing (Ph.D., C. Bonhomme), to improve the parameterization of the N cycle in the 3D regional model (see modelling section). This improvement will be fuelled by process studies which will be conducted during the PRIMO cruise. These include the classical direct measurements of new (NO3 and N2) and regenerated (NH4) production , as well as regeneration of NH4, all in surface waters. These also include the uptake of NO3 and NH4 by bacteria as well as direct measurements of nitrification, denitrification, ammonification, NOD excretion, from surface waters down to deep waters, through the OMZ. BO2 – to understand and quantify the complex mechanisms controlling the N cycle across this OMZ inhabited by a complex consortium of autotrophic and heterotrophic communities. 2.3. Impact of OMZ on trace metals speciation In coastal upwelling regions, rich in macronutrients, trace metals have the potential to regulate the dynamics of primary production, as already shown for Fe (Bruland et al., 2001; Hutchins et al., 2002). Consequently, the cycle of these trace elements need to be studied as they may influence the dynamics of the OMZ through their influence on biological productivity and export fluxes (see “production” section). Interestingly enough, the OMZ can in turn affect the cycling of these trace elements by modifying the redox conditions which are known to affect the speciation of these elements. For example, Fe is very soluble in seawater under anoxic or reducing conditions (Bruland et al., 1991). It has even been suggested that vertical advection of Fe from the OMZ could constitute the principal source of Fe for surface waters in Peru, impacting primary production and the composition of phytoplankton assemblages which are dependent upon the speciation and biodisponibility of Fe in this area (Hutchins et al., 2002). Trace metal (Fe, Zn, Co and Cd) speciation (redox, organic, and size fractionation) will be studied during the PRIMO cruise throughout the whole water column, with a particular focus where oxygen gradients are the sharpest. On-board incubations with phytoplankton and bacteria communities will also be performed to study the interactions between metals (chemistry, (co)-limitation, substitutions) and biological activity. On-deck incubations (kinetic studies) of samples collected in metal-limited and metal-rich areas will allow to investigate the recent hypotheses of limitation by or natural fertilization in trace metals in the Chilean coastal upwelling. BO3 – to unsderstand and quantify trace metal speciation (Fe, Zn, Co, Cd) and their interactions with the trophic network in the OMZ and the surface oxic layer.