ELIGIBLE AND INELIGIBLE COSTS FOR ROYAL SOCIETY (POST AWARD MANAGEMENT) The notes below are for guidance only. Some grants may have specific eligible and ineligible costs detailed in the award letter. Guidance documents for all Royal Society grants can be found at: http://royalsociety.org/Funding/ ELIGIBLE COSTS GENERAL: The Royal Society will pay 80% of the salary, oncosts, London weighting (where appropariate), the indirect costs and estate costs that have been agreed by the Society. In addition we will pay 100% of the agreed research support. 1. 1 INELIGIBLE COSTS GENERAL: Costs not specifically required for the research project or adequate records do not exist. Costs incurred outside the period of the grant. Staff salaries Salary costs, full or part time, for those who work directly on the project and whose time can be supported by a full auditable trail (time sheets are not required). Salary costs based on the University’s salary scales. As awards are cash limited, if COLA is higher the additional cost must be met by other sources Costs including basic salary, employer’s contributions, national insurance, incremental progression. For URF awards, no other salaries can be requested. Maternity/ Paternity/ Adoptive leave, however the RS only pay 10% of maternity leave. The rest must be met from other sources. Merit and discretionary awards granted by the University. Administrative support salaries (these must be charged as indirects). Staff can include: Postgraduate and postdoctoral scientists Statisticans Research Nurses Casual workers to work on the project Salary costs of senior collaborative researchers, invited from a recognized centre in the UK or abroad, to work in the UK for up to 1 year if justified in the grant application. Casual workers 2. 2 Material and consumables Materials and consumables required to carry out the research e.g. laboratory chemicals, reagents, isotopes, peptides, enzymes, antibodies, gases, proteins, cell/tissue/bacterial culture, plasticware, glassware and photographic supplies. Materials and consumables not explicitly relating to the project. Costs of preparing and submitting the proposal Costs which cannot be justified 3. 4. Equipment Equipment specifically for the Award Holders research Animal research costs Animal research costs where animal use is essential to the project. Animal and plant license fees 5. Equipment not explicitly relating to the project. Animal costs unrelated to the research Travel Travel costs based on the most suitable and Non-standard travel, unless standard fares are not economical form. Conferences are an allowed cost where attendance will be of direct benefit to the research. available A maximum of 50% of the annual research expenses claim can be spent on travel. Travel for others unrelated to the research Travel unrelated to the research Visits abroad for research and collaborative work, subject to prior permission from the Society where these are for periods of more than three months in any one academic year. 6. 7. Subsistence Cost of insurance for period of time overseas (if applicable). Unreasonable subsistence costs (excessive meal/alcohol consumption) Actual costs incurred (costs must be reasonable and incurred during a period away from home on project-related activity) Minibar charges Fieldwork fees Fieldwork fees / subjects / informants 8. Computing Computing including recurrent costs of computing dedicated to the project only e.g. software licences. 9. Any fieldwork unrelated to the research Publications Publication costs if they incurred during the period of the grant. Computing costs associated with the use of the Centre’s central computing facilities. 10. Consultancy Consultancy fees if justified in the grant application 11. Indirects Non-specific university costs e.g. costs of administration, such as personnel finance, library and some departmental services, charged across all research activities, based on estimates that are not included as Directly allocated 12. The indirect costs for casual staff if they are not employed as research staff on the project. Directly allocated costs Costs of resources that will be shared by other research activities Research staff and technical staff time Charge our costs for major facilities Estates: building and premises costs, basic services and utilities, clerical staff and equipment maintenance or operational costs 13. Other costs Any other actual costs related to project activities including: dissemination, networking, coordination, intellectual property, surveys, promotion of the exploitation of foreground Training costs related to the project Notes The estates costs for casual staff if they are not employed as research staff on the project. Interest or finance charges Commercial exploitation or marketing 1. The tenure of staff recruited for work on a grant must be confined strictly to the period of the grant. 2. Annual leave entitlement to be taken within the period of the grant. 3. All research papers accepted for publication in peer reviewed journal and supported in whole / part by the Royal Society must acknowledge the Royal Society funding 4. Additional funds cannot be supplemented to the grant 5. A no cost extension of time can be requested to fulfill the project workplan, by agreement with the Royal Society 6. Viring between budget headings is not allowable. 7. No balancing payment available