Summer 2015 Driver Education

Eastern Illinois University
2015 Summer Driver Education Course Offerings for Certification
College of Education and Professional Studies
Department of Health Studies
HST 3300-600 - Principles of Accident Prevention. 2 SH. Instructor: Anita Sego. Begins June 15, ends July 24. Class is INTERNET.
HST 3310-001 – Driver Task Analysis. 3 SH. Instructor: Dr. Richard Cavanaugh. June 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, July 6. Class meets Mondays and
Tuesdays (Lab) 8 AM - 8:50 AM & (Classroom) 9 AM – 11:00 AM plus INTERNET throughout the dates. Extra lab and lecture times will be
added by instructor. Location: 1150 Lantz. HYBRID COURSE
HST 3320-001 – Intro to Classroom Methods in Driver Education. 3 SH. Instructor: Dr. Richard Cavanaugh. Location: PHYS 1131.
Dates: June 19-20, 26-27, July 10-11. Times: Fridays 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM, Saturdays 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
HST 3330-700 - Advanced Driving Maneuvers. 2 SH. Instructor: Dr. Robert Bates. Location: Rantoul Octave Chanute Air Museum, 1011
Pacesetter Dr., Rantoul, IL. Dates: May 15 & 16 and June 5 & 6. Times: Fridays 3:00 PM – 10:00 PM, Saturdays 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
HST 3360-031 - Classroom and Behind-the-Wheel Teaching Methods for Driver Education. 4 SH Instructor: Dr. Robert Bates. Location:
Lantz 1402, Begins July 8 – ends Aug. 7, M-F. Times: Lab 8 - 8:50 AM, and Classroom 9 -10:50 AM.
HST 4800-600 – Drugs and Society. 3 SH. Instructor: Lauri DeRuiter-Willems. Begins May 18, ends June 12. INTERNET
HST 4800-601 – Drugs and Society. 3 SH. Instructor: Dr. Kathy Phillips. Begins May 31, ends July 15. INTERNET
HST 4900–031 - Multi-Phase Driver Education. 3 SH. Instructor: Dr. Richard Cavanaugh. Location: Lantz 1402.
Dates: July 17-18, 24-25, 31, Aug. 1. Times: Fridays 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM, Saturdays 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM.
Continuing Education
Registration for On Campus Summer Courses:
Non-degree seeking students that have not completed Bachelor’s degree: Current EIU students use regular registration process through
the PAWS system. Non-EIU students contact Admissions 217-581-2223. Persons that have completed B.S. degree:
Past EIU students contact Records Office 217-581-3511. Non-EIU students contact Graduate School 217-581-2220
Registration for Continuing Education Courses:
Waitlist through PAWS. You will be added after approval by HST department chair. Continuing Education sponsored credit* courses are
billed separately and paid to Continuing Education. 217-581-5114 or 1-800-446-8918, FAX 217-581-6697.
Course Descriptions
HST 3120 -
American Red Cross Instructor. (3-Arr.-4) Certification through the American Red Cross (ARC) in Instructor Candidate Training (ICT),
and as a Community First Aid and Safety Instructor which prepares individuals to teach Community First Aid and Safety, Standard
First Aid, Community CPR, Adult CPR, and Infant and Child CPR.
HST 3300 -
Principles of Accident Prevention. (2-0-2) Safety problems of modern life in the home, school, during recreation, on the highway, and at
work. The student will develop risk assessment strategies on a personal and societal level.
HST 3310 -
Driver Task Analysis. (3-1-3) A foundation course in Driver Education teacher preparation that pertains to the highway transportation
system, traffic problems, the driving task, perception and implementation of the driver education program. Behind the wheel laboratory
experience is included. Course restricted to Teacher Education Majors. Prerequisites & Notes:
A valid driver’s license with a good driving record.
HST 3320 -
Introduction to Classroom Methods in Driver Education. (3-0-3) A foundation course in Driver Education teacher preparation that
explores and develops classroom content, skills, and methodologies for driver education teachers. Current rules and regulations governing
driver education administration, organization, and evaluation are included. Course restricted to Teacher Education Majors. Prerequisites &
Notes: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in HST 3310.
HST 3330 -
Advanced Driving Maneuvers. (1-2-2) Designed to teach emergency procedures and evasive actions and to help students better
understand their capabilities and limitations as drivers, and the capabilities and limitations of the vehicles they drive.
HST 3360-
Classroom and Behind-the-Wheel Teaching Methods for Driver Education. (3-2-4) This course is designed to provide the prospective
driver education teacher with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully conduct classroom and behind-the-wheel instruction,
provide a safe learning environment while doing so and evaluate new driver performance. Learning activities will focus on preparing the
prospective driver educator to conduct activities which develop vehicle operational skills for a novice driver. Course restricted to Teacher
Education Majors. Prerequisites & Notes: Valid driving license; good-driving record, HST 3310 and HST 3320 or concurrent enrollment with
HST 3360 with the permission of the chair.
HST 4800 -
Drugs and Society. (3-0-3) A study of drugs and drug use from an historical, biological and social perspective with emphasis on the
physiological and pharmacological action of drugs in the body.
HST 4900 -
Multi-Phase Driver Education. (2-2-3) The first-phase driver education curriculum. Actual practice with multi-media equipmentsimulators, student response systems and the multi-car range. Prerequisite: Health Studies 3310 or concurrent enrollment or
permission of the instructor.
State Requirements for Illinois Driver Education Endorsement
Section 252.40(a)
Qualifications of Teachers – All persons who teach a driver education course, whether reimbursable or nonreimbursable, must meet the applicable standards of this subsection (a).
1) A driver education instructor who teaches in a public school district shall hold a secondary teaching certificate
and either have an endorsement for safety and driver education or meet the requirements of 23 Ill. Adm. Code
1.730(q) through January 31, 2012. Each individual first assigned to teach safety and driver education on or after
February 1, 2012 shall be required to hold a certificate valid for the secondary grades and an endorsement
received pursuant to 23 Ill. Adm. Code 25.100(n) . (see below)
2) A driver education instructor who teaches in a nonpublic school is not required to be certified but must hold a
baccalaureate degree, or equivalent as determined by the employing school, and meet the requirements of Ill
Admin Code 1.730(q).
3) A driver education instructor who teaches either in a public school district or in a nonpublic school must
A) possess good physical health as determined in accordance with Section 24-5 of the School Code [105
ILCS 5/24-5]; and
B) hold a valid driver's license in good standing. For the purposes of this subsection (a)(3)(B), a driver’s
license shall not be considered valid and in good standing if it is revoked, suspended, expired or
cancelled as described in Sections 6-201 through 6-209 of the Illinois Driver Licensing Law [625 ILCS
5/6-201 through 6-209] or if restrictions have been placed on driving privileges through either a
restricted driver permit (see 625 ILCS 5/6-205) or judicial driving permit (see 625 ILCS 5/6-206.1).
Section 25.100(n) [effective February 1, 2012]
An endorsement in safety and driver education shall be issued when the applicant provides evidence of having
completed 24 semester hours of college credit in the field, with at least 12 semester hours (SH) at the upper-division or
graduate level, as defined by the institution offering the coursework, distributed as follows:
1) 3 semester hours in injury prevention or safety; HST 3300 (2 SH), HST3340 (2 SH)
2) 12 semester hours in driver education that include:
A) driving task analysis (introduction to driver education); HST 3310 (3 SH)
B) teaching driver education in the classroom; HST 3320 (3 SH)
C) teaching the laboratory portion of the driver education course, including:
i) on-street teaching under supervision of a qualified driver education teacher; HST 3360 (4 SH)
ii) the equivalent of at least one semester hour’s preparation in and use of driving simulation;
iii) the equivalent of at least one semester hour’s preparation in and use of multiple-car
programs; and [ii and iii are covered by HST 4900 (3 SH)]
D) advanced driver education and emergency evasive driving; HST 3330 (2 SH)
3) 3 semester hours in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation; and HST 2320 (3 SH)
4) 6 semester hours chosen in any combination from:
the use of technology in instruction;
safety issues related to alcohol and other drugs; HST 4800 (3 SH)
driver education for students with disabilities; and
any other safety-related area. HST 3350 (2 SH)
Administrative Rule: 23 Ill. Admin. Code Sections 252.40(a) and 25.100(n)
For information regarding Safety and Driver Education contact:
Dr. Richard Cavanaugh
(217) 581-6205
Dr. Robert Bates
(217) 581-5761