February 25, 2008 - West Hills Community College District

Working Together for Student Success
President- James Preston (Present)
Vice-President- Ron Oxford (Present)
Secretary/Historian- Neomi Daniels (Present)
Learning Center Senators
 Social Sciences- Ron Oxford (Present)
 Arts & Letters- Neomi Daniels (Present)
 Counseling- A. Tos (Present)
 Math/Science- Jameson Birrell (Present)
 Career Technical Education (CTE)- Stephanie Droker- (Present)
 Health and Wellness- Joel Rogers (Present)
Administration Present: D. Bolt
Student Government Present:
Others Present: M. Hendrickson, L. Howard, J. Shehorn, and R.
1.0 Call to Order- 12:07 pm
2.0 Changes to the agenda3.0 Public Comments- None
4.0 Approval of the Minutes from Monday, February 11, 2008- S. Droker made a
motion to approve the minutes with one correction, regarding proposed time of workshop
as noon-2pm. A. Tos made a second. The motion passed.
5.0 Senate President Updates
5.1- Resolution Workshop-Friday, March 7th-12:00-2:00pmThe workshop format allows more time to discuss resolutions proposed.
5.2 Brown Bag Part 2- Tuesday, March 4th-Noon-12:50-Room 231- The first
Brown Bag was on a Wednesday; therefore, it will run again with the same topic
and facilitator on Tuesday. The brown bag meetings will alternate. The
information will be made available through the Academic Senate webpage.
5.3 BP/AP 3430/4020 Updates- The first read of BP 3430 was completed by the
board last Tuesday. The second read included the suggestions. PGC accepted. The
suggestions for BP 4020 regarding the curriculum flow language were accepted
by the DLC and the board will make its determination.
6.0 Senate Representative Reports- None
7.0 Committees and Reports
7.1 Administration- Summer/ Fall schedule is being completed as well as the
catalogue. D. Bolt received an email on behalf of the state wide Academic Senate
President regarding a contact person for SLO Committee in an attempt to observe
SLOs for English 1A as well as one level below and above.
The statewide budget for this year is “negligible.” Money from 2005-08 was
recovered and the information is going back to the legislature to make up money.
It could be “darker” next year.
D. Bolt thanked the curriculum for their hard work with the nursing program
curriculum. The program was approved. Once WASC gives its approval, WHCL
will fully advertise the program.
7.2 Student Government7.3 Curriculum Committee7.4 Planning and Governance- BP/AP changes were discussed. There was
discussion about the Liberal Arts degree and the changes to be made. R. Sanchez
summarized; the State Chancellor’s Office found all liberal arts degrees in
California are out of compliance. However, students have catalogue rights, but if
changes aren’t made there will not be a degree in the fall semester. She stressed
85% of our students get a degree in liberal arts; many intend to transfer. She
hopes to be able to “tweak” the degree.
For example, CSUF requires 18 units of lower division coursework for the
education program. The goal is to have students be able to get a liberal arts degree
that includes the 18 units CSUF accepts. A. Tos stated Business Administration is
already doing this. Students would be required to take a specific 18 units and
recommended to take other courses.
J. Shehorn stated no schools would have a general liberal arts degree. M.
Hendrickson stated the degree had to have an emphasis.
7.5 President’s Cabinet7.6 Budget Committee7.7 Equivalency Committee-
7.8 Technology Advisory Team7.9 District Leadership Council Meeting7.10 Facilities Committee7.11 Distance Education Taskforce- L. Howard stated the taskforce goal is to
make online education more effective. The first project includes creating a
handbook for all online instructors. The second project includes proctoring at
other locations.
J. Birrell suggested proctoring organizations that charge to provide the service.
The taskforce meets again on Monday, March 10th at noon in room 433.
7.12 Student Success Committee7.13 Employee Success and Development Committee7.14 Student Learning Outcome Committee- The first meeting will be on
Thursday, February 28th.
8.0 Action Items
8.1- Tenure Resolution for R. Oxford- The Social Science learning area submitted a
resolution in support of R. Oxford. N. Daniels made a motion to approve. A. Tos
made a second and the motion passed.
J. Preston will write a letter in support for D. Warkentin to take to the executive
cabinet. From there, it will go to the board. D. Warkentin will communicate the
decision with R. Oxford.
8.2 Committee Appointments- A. Tos made a motion to approve C. Raia to the
Facilities Area Budget Committee. R. Oxford made a second. The motion passed.
9.0 New Business and Discussion Item
9.1 Prerequisite Challenge Process- A. Tos and M. Hendrickson presented issues
with the current process. The catalogue doesn’t provide a clear process for the
challenge. A. Tos distributed Title V regulations to support the need for a clear
process. A. Tos proposed changing the form. She also described the current
process. Counselors will be attending area meetings to share the information.
Items for discussion included: a training session for faculty, “conflict of interest”
situations, one designated person in each area to handle the challenge process, and
the number of students who drop a course they challenge, possibility of students
retaking the placement test, lack of follow through on behalf of students providing
transcripts in 5 days, and increase of challenges.
J. Preston will discuss the form change with D. Warkentin and D. Bolt. Counselors
will attend learning area meetings to gather information about how each area
wants to handle prerequisite challenges.
9.2 AP/BP 3720 Computer and Network Use- J. Preston provided AP/BP 3720
packets and asked senators to get feedback from their areas to take action next
meeting. J. Shehorn stated many faculty members participated in the revise
through committees such as TAT.
9.3 Smoking on campus- J. Rogers brought forward the smoking issue. He stated
smoke was often in his office. He proposed a smoke free campus or smoking
being limited to certain areas. He provided information regarding smoking as
well as a list of colleges that are smoke free. He also stressed his concern about
the minors on campus. Education Code prohibits tobacco use at high schools.
Suggestions were made to be sure to move ash trays 20 feet from doors, shelters
for smokers, health risks, and second hand smoke risks.
J. Preston suggested further discussion at the workshop.
9.4 Term Limits for Senate/Curriculum/SLO- Senate term limits are in the
constitution however the term for curriculum is not a written document. R.
Sanchez suggested 2 years, staggered from curriculum and 2 years not staggered
for SLO.
Future Agenda Items
10.1 Bookstore Taskforce Committee
10.2 Adjunct representation on Senate
10.3 Senate Resolutions (Envirofriendly and 50%)
10.4 BP/AP 7211 (Minimum Qualifications and Equivalency)
10.5 Senate constitution revisions
10. 9 Next meeting on Friday, March 7th at noon
11.0 Adjournment-1:03pm