SYLLABUS FOR ECE 109 COURSE : INTRODUCTION TO ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING , ECE 109 INSTRUCTOR : R. FRANK SMITH , OFFICE TELEPHONE (909) 869-2528, Room 9-324 e-mail Web page Office Hours Posted outside my office. If you have any questions please come by my office or the photonics lab (9-101) TEXT : Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, Alexander and Sadiku, McGrawHill, 4th Edition. A portion of the material covered in this class is NOT in the textbook. I suggest that you take good notes and use the many references in the library. Reference Text Wolf & Smith, Student Reference Manual for Electronic Instrumentation Labs, 3 ed., Prentice Hall, 1990. Handheld Calculator - I suggest you have an engineering calculator capable of solving sets of linear equations. COURSE OUTLINE The course will cover Chapters 1 through 4. The student will also be responsible for learning Matrix methods for the solution of a set of linear equations and the use of PSpice to solve circuits. PSpice is available in the ECE computer laboratory located in room 9-409. See the ECE website for additional Grading System Four EXAMS ( Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, and Ch. 4) 70%. These are open book and notes. All answers on exams must be supported by correct calculations. Correct answers not supported by correct calculations will not receive credit for the answer. Take Home PSpice and Term Paper Problem. 10% Homework 20% These must be turned in with each exam. (5% for each chapter) Failing to earn at least 70% of the points possible will result in you receiving a failing grade for the course. You must complete all assignments in the course to get a passing grade. A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69). A grade of D is not considered passing this course, and you may not take ECE 207. GENERAL PROCEDURES You must notify the professor ahead of time if it is impossible for you to meet an assignment deadline. Students who fail to do this will receive an automatic zero for the missed assignment, and they will forfeit the right to make it up. The professor reserves the right to not even to listen to the excuses of those who fail to notify. The final grade report may include + and -. Participation The quality of students’ oral contributions in class will be taken into account by the professor in deciding borderline cases when the final grade is calculated. Attendance Students are expected to attend all classes. Absences for any reason, even if necessary, will seriously damage comprehension of the material. “Getting the notes” will not substitute for attending class. If you are forced to miss a class, ask someone to tape record it or reconstruct the content, but the remedies will not excuse you from anything you missed by not being in class. Academic Integrity The university takes an extremely serious view of violations of academic integrity. As member of the academic community, faculty, staff, and students are dedicated to promoting an atmosphere of honesty and are committed to maintaining the academic integrity essential to the educational process. Inherent in the commitment is the belief that academic dishonesty in all forms violates the basic principles in integrity and impedes learning. It is the responsibility of individual faculty members to identify instances of academic dishonesty and recommend penalties to the department chair or college dean in keeping the severity of the violation. Penalties may range from verbal chastisement to a failing grade in the course.. ANY STUDENT THAT VIOLATES UNIVERSITY POLICIES OR REGULATIONS SHALL RECEIVE A GRADE OF F. Cheating on an exam will result in an automatic F for the course. Plagiarism Oral or written material belonging to another author which is not properly documented and which is represented as the student’s own work constitutes plagiarism. This includes both text and graphics. Any student guilty of plagiarism shall automatically be given a failing grade. Use Quotation marks to indicate the exact words of another. Summarizing a passage or rearranging the order of a sentence and changing some of the words is paraphrasing. Each time a source is paraphrased a credit for the source needs to be included in the text. See Campbell/Ballou/Slade, Form and Style Theses, Reports, Term Papers, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, MA. Simply give credit where credit is due. Arrange your bibliography alphabetically by author.