Mental Health Nursing Pre

Mental Health Nursing Pre-Registration Curriculum
Working Therapeutically with People with Mental Health Needs – Theory
Knowledge and understanding
define mental disorder
assess and develop one's own beliefs and attitudes, qualities and
levels of self awareness toward mental disorder and the use of
effective therapeutic communication
discuss issues of stigma; stereotyping and prejudice in relation to
mental disorder
identify the classification of mental disorders in the United Kingdom
discuss mental disorder from a variety of perspectives: service user;
carer; nurse; medical and biological
discuss the components of effective communication skills when
working therapeutically with people with a mental disorder
discuss the importance of therapeutic relationships in relation to the
use of boundaries, and the use of support mechanisms to facilitate
reflection on therapeutic working
discuss psychosocial factors that may influence the experience of
mental disorder by the individual and carer
discuss issues of diversity related to the care of an individual with a
mental disorder
Subject / Professional and Practical skills
identify the ethical and legal frameworks that underpin mental health
nursing care
development of therapeutic skills required in the initiating, maintaining
and ending of therapeutic relationships
demonstrate an awareness of the role of other professionals involved
in the care of individuals with a mental health disorder
Transferable skills
identify the skills required to engage effectively with different serviceuser groups in different care settings
identify the importance of evidence based care in mental health nursing
discuss the role and responsibilities of the nurse within mental health
care settings
Mental Health Nursing Practice One – Practice Module
Knowledge and Understanding
Recognise biological, psychosocial and spiritual needs of clients in
their care
Describe the role of the nurse in mental health promotion
Identify the stages of the nursing process
Outline mental health nurses role in caring for people
demonstrate an awareness of other health and social care workers
Intellectual Skills
Discuss the principles underpinning ethical nursing practice
Subject/professional and practice skills
Identify skills required to reflect upon and integrate theoretical
knowledge in the practice of mental health nursing
Practice skills required to engage with service users, carers and other
Demonstrate the application of specific assessment tools
Identify risk factors in the care and management of service users and
demonstrate skills of safe practice in the provision of care
Participate in the administration of medication
Perform basic calculations necessary for the safe administration of
Acknowledge importance of clinical supervision and reflection in the
provision and maintenance of quality care
Discuss the implications of nursing people who are detained under
Mental Health legislation
Develop an awareness of the role of service users and carers in care
Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Aspects of Mental Health Nursing Theory Module
Knowledge and Understanding
Recognise the cognitions, behaviour and affect in adaptive or
maladaptive coping strategies.
Discuss the development of coping strategies and individual
differences throughout the life span.
Describe a range of decision-making problem solving strategies and
behaviours which adaptively assist service users to optimise mental
Intellectual Skills
Assess the concepts of normal and abnormal dynamics in mental
health contexts.
Review the family as a dynamic system.
Subject, Professional and Practice Skills
Reflect upon personal coping strategies of an adaptive and
maladaptive nature.
Compare and contrast individual, interpersonal and group dynamics in
mental health nursing contexts.
Transferable Skills & Other Attributes
Understand statistics commonly presented in research papers.
Critically appraise or make use of relevant knowledge bases including
research based evidence to inform judgements and decision making in
professional practice.
Apply different sources of evidence to inform practice and contribute to
effective collaborative work within the care setting.
Social Context of Mental Health Nursing – Theory Module
Knowledge and Understanding
Explore the nature, scope and significance of social policy in the field of
health and social care.
Recognise and explore the implications of social inequalities and social
diversity for service users and service provision.
Demonstrate understanding of sociological theories and their
application to mental health care.
Intellectual skills
Demonstrate critical awareness of various sociological explanations for
mental health and illness.
Evaluate the impact of social policies on the provision and delivery of
services for service users and their carers.
Subject/Professional and Practical skills
Explore the use of reflexivity in challenging and changing practice in
order to redress power imbalance between mental health providers,
users and carers.
Transferable skills and other attributes
Use appropriate information technology packages to aid efficient
searching, handling, communication and presentation of information
Nursing Therapeutics Two – Theory Module
Knowledge and Understanding
Discuss the concepts and complexities of therapeutic relationships with
service users.
Demonstrate key aspects of working systemically with families, children
and young people
Critically evaluate research findings in therapeutic work and the use of
models for working with service users from diverse backgrounds
Discuss the challenges of offering support through telephone and other
Subject/Professional and Practical Skills
Analyse factors that may impede the therapeutic process.
Analyse key aspects of Egan’s 3 stage model of counselling and the
creation of the helping relationship.
Analyse the key aspects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and their
implications for practice.
Demonstrate adaptive and flexible skills of therapeutic interventions
with service users of differing culture, ethnicity, age, gender and social
Intellectual Skills
Discuss and critique the psychotherapeutic process
Mental Health Nursing Practice Two – Practice Module
Knowledge and Understanding
Discuss the application of complementary therapies in a mental health
Discuss assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care
of specific client groups including organic and puerperal mental
Discuss the role of the mental health nurse working with the mentally
disordered offender.
Discuss the role of early intervention as a strategy for care.
Subject/Professional and Practical Skills
Demonstrate skills in medication management.
Explain the role of the nurse during a psychiatric emergency.
Identify the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to effectively
monitor standards of care.
Demonstrate the skills required to teach fellow professionals, service
users and carers.
Intellectual Skills
Discuss ethical dilemmas which the mental health nurse faces
Review the application of theory to practice
Transferable Skills
Review the role of the nurse in utilising evidence in practice.
Discuss the nurses role as a case manager
Nursing Therapeutics Three – Theory Module
Knowledge and Understanding
Review the evidence in support of specific psychotherapeutic
interventions with specific service users groups.
Intellectual Skills
Discuss the impact of culture, ethnicity, social and professional status,
age and gender on their own therapeutic practice.
Subject/Professional Skills
Analyse the skills necessary to receive effective clinical supervision.
Transferable Skills
To review, through reflection, their own specific therapeutic skills and
identify skill limitation and growth.
Mental Health Nursing Practice Three – Practice Module
Knowledge and Understanding
Evaluate the effectiveness of quality assurance systems
Demonstrate an understanding of current ethical and legal
mechanisms to protect the service user, carer and the public
Review the skills of case management
Intellectual Skills
Describe conflict resolution skills
Evaluate the assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of
the care of service users
Discuss research evidence within a professional context
Transferable Skills and Other Attributes
Identify and utilise skills of inter-professional and interagency working
Utilise skills to teach and supervise others
Subject, Professional and Practice Skills
Demonstrate the ability to be flexible and innovative in meeting the
biological, psycho-social and spiritual needs of service users and
deliver high quality care within a multicultural framework
Demonstrate the involvement of service users in the construction of
their own care programme
Under supervision, manage the care for a group of service users over a
span of duty, demonstrating skills of effective delegation and
professional liaison
Review the skills required for continued professional development
through recording in personal Portfolio of Learning Achievement
Utilise appropriate communication skills to work collaboratively with
service users and carers
Areas 1 to 5 are classified as those in which placements are likely to be:
Area 1: Service users with acute mental health needs including the suicidal
service user, the service user client and those in need of urgent nursing
Area 2: Service users with severe and enduring mental health needs.
Area 3: Service users receiving care in their own home or attending day
hospital, resource centre or other community based facility.
Area 4: Service users who are under the care of services for the older person.
Area 5: Service users in need of specialist services (Specialist Service
Provision), for example alcohol and drug services, forensic services or child
and adolescent mental health services.
Study collections