July 8, 2013 The regular monthly meeting of the Parksley Town Council was held on Monday July 8, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers on Dunne Ave. Present: Mayor James Eichelberger; Council: Laura Atkins, Steven Atkins and Frank Russell (Parks Phillips arrived at 7:30 p.m.); Dept. of Public Works/Zoning Administrator Fred Matthews and Assistant Clerk Julie Hall Visitors: David Loescher, Tommy Shaw, Edward Armstrong, Melissa Locklear and Nancy Parks Mayor Eichelberger opened the meeting and Councilman Atkins led the Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Councilwoman Atkins made the motion to reappoint Denise Bernard as Clerk, Tommy Carpenter as Chief of Police and Fred Matthews as Zoning Administrator; and re adopt Robert’s Rules of Order. Motion was 2nd by Councilman Atkins. Ayes- L. Atkins, S. Atkins and Russell. No-none. Motion passed unanimously Councilman Atkins made the motion to readopt the VA Code 46.2. Motion was 2nd by Councilman Russell. Ayes- L. Atkins, S. Atkins and Russell. No-none. Motion passed unanimously. The minutes from the June meeting were approved. Councilman Atkins made the motion to pay the bills. Motion was 2nd by Councilman Russell. Motion passed unanimously. Mayor Eichelberger recognized the visitors. Unfinished Business Zoning Administrator Matthews gave the Council a quick rundown of events that have taken place to lead to the vote on Edward Armstrong’s Special Use Permit Application. After meeting with the Board of Zoning Appeals to discuss the specifics of the application the BZA gave the recommendation to the Town Council to approve the Special Use Permit Application. ZA Matthews stated that upon meeting with Mr. Armstrong to discuss possible changes, Mr. Armstrong agreed to the proposed changes and is willing to work with the BZA to help prevent any possible issues that could develop. Councilman Russell made the motion to approve Edward Armstrong’s Special Use Permit Application. Motion was 2nd by Councilman Atkins. Ayes- S. Atkins and Russell. No- L. Atkins. Motion passed. Melissa Locklear would like the Town to support International Walk to School Day which is October 9th. Mrs. Locklear would like to teach the children pedestrian safety and the importance of being physically active. The children would meet at the Pavilion and would walk down Cooke Street and cross County Road as this is the safest route. PTA members would be present to help with the event. Police and Town employees would be needed to help block off the intersections of Cooke Street for approximately 15 – 20 minutes in the morning and again in the afternoon. The Council agreed to support the event and will put Mrs. Locklear in touch with Chief Carpenter to discuss details. Mrs. Locklear also brought to the Council’s attention that the ramps on Dunne Avenue are not in accordance with state law. The ramps should be free flowing so that you can go down the length of a street from sidewalk to sidewalk without 1 July 8, 2013 having to turn out into the street to access the ramps. She also expressed interest in having crosswalks painted on the street so that pedestrian traffic could safely cross the street. DPW Matthews stated that she would have to bring these issues to the attention of VDOT as they are in charge of the Town’s streets. Mayor Eichelberger stated that the Town has received a quote to repair the ladder on the water tower but feels that this amount is too high especially considering this is just a repair and not a replacement of the ladder. DPW Matthews stated that after Scott Edwards got the information needed and got the quote to the Town he never met with DPW Matthews to discuss exactly what the quote covered. Mayor and Council Reports Mayor Eichelberger stated that there were still some issues with Parksley Express Laundromat. The Department of Environmental Quality sent a letter to the owner of the property, Richard Lewis, in regards to the issue of gray water leaking from the holding tank behind the Laundromat and running into a nearby ditch. In early April Mr. Lewis spoke with Mayor Eichelberger and expressed an interest in having the Laundromat hooked to the Town’s sewage system. At this point the Mayor informed him that an analysis of the gray water would have to be done and the results would have to be approved by the engineer of the Town’s sewage system and the Virginia Department of Health. If approved by both groups, the Town Council would then vote on whether or not to connect the Laundromat to the sewage system. Mayor Eichelberger explained that this was by no means a binding agreement. On April 8th, 2013 Mayor Eichelberger sent a letter to Mr. Lewis and met with him the next day to discuss the letter. Addressed within the letter were the problems still occurring at the Laundromat which includes the gray water leaking from the holding tank as well as the lack of cover or fencing surrounding the tank. Mayor Eichelberger stated that to date these issues have still not been corrected. The impression given to Mayor Eichelberger from the DEQ was that when all is said and done the consequences will be major and costly due to the recurrence of the issues. DPW Matthews stated that as a last resort the DEQ will force the Laundromat to get a permit which allows them to discharge their gray water into the ditches but only after the water has been treated. This is a very expensive option due to the water having to be treated. Mayor Eichelberger stated that the Town needs to send Mr. Lewis a letter informing him that he must place a cover on the holding tank or place a fence around the tank in accordance with our zoning ordinances. Councilman Russell asked about the status of our missing decorative streetlights. DPW Matthews informed the Council that the 3 damaged lights were currently being repaired by a local welder. This option saves the Town a large sum of money as new street lights would be very expensive and the design currently used in the Town is no longer available. DPW Matthews said he would look into the cost of slowly replacing all the decorative streetlights with a new design. Councilman Phillips stated that the Parksley Volunteer Fire Company is now a ‘Core Station’. This means that it covers much more area and many more calls than before. Department Reports 2 July 8, 2013 DPW Matthews brought to the Council’s attention that a resident had complained that Tommy Shaw was spraying his yard for mosquitoes using Town equipment and chemicals and that he was spraying too close to a watershed. Mr. Shaw had contacted DPW Matthews and asked if it would be possible to spray his yard one time for a retirement party for himself and his wife and DPW Matthews gave him permission to spray. Mr. Shaw holds a spraying license and is the contractor for the Town who sprays for mosquitoes. Given this information DPW Matthews is certain that Mr. Shaw knows the laws and would not violate them. The Council agreed that DPW Matthews’ decision was appropriate. Also there is a minor leak on Seaside Avenue that will be fixed at 6am on Wednesday, July 10. DPW Matthews said that we are back to the original plan with the sewage system. All additions that had recently been added have been removed to see how the numbers will go. The engineer of the system stated that he has discussed with the VDH the impact the Laundromat would have on the system. He also noted that due to changes in state law it is not possible for the Laundromat to haul the gray water elsewhere for disposal. Councilwoman Atkins made the motion to adjourn. Motion was 2nd by Councilman Russell. Motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. ______________________________________ Assistant Clerk ________________________________ Mayor 3