1-17-12 - Elmore County

JANUARY 17, 2012
The Elmore County Commissioners met in regular session on the above date in the
Commissioners Room, basement of the Elmore County Courthouse, 150 South 4th East,
Mountain Home Idaho.
Present at the meeting were Chairman Arlie Shaw, Commissioners Al Hofer and Wes
Wootan. Also present were Civil Attorney Buzz Grant, Clerk Barbara Steele and Deputy
Clerk Shelley Hooper.
Greg Mauer, Dale Curran and Tricia Senger, representing Elmore Medical Center,
appeared to discuss the outlying Quick Response Units in Elmore County. Chairman
Shaw explained the issue with the Atlanta EMS not having a license. He stated Wayne
Denning from Idaho EMS suggested all ambulance services could be under one license
and the Board wondered if it would be possible for Elmore Medical Center to handle the
services. Chairman Shaw is wondering if the licenses are under the County, will that
disrupt the services getting grants. Clerk Steele stated she believes they can get the
grants if they are under the County license. Also discussed was training for the
volunteers and how it would be supervised. Mr. Mauer felt it is a good idea to have a
unified Emergency Medical Services throughout the County with everyone working
together, coordinating and standardizing, to make sure the requirements for training and
inspections are met. Discussion followed. Mr. Mauer will contact Alan Lake of the
Atlanta EMS and set up a meeting to discuss the licensing and then he will follow up
with the Board.
Sheriff Rick Layher and Deputy Laytreda Schultz appeared to discuss matters related to
the operation of the Sheriff’s Office.
Motion by Shaw, second by Hofer, to add to the agenda the discussion of the Atlanta
QRU relating to daily operations.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Motion by Shaw, second by Wootan, to go into Executive Session pursuant to I.C. 672345(b) to discuss a personnel issue. Roll call vote was taken.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Regular session resumed. No decision was made as a result of the Executive Session.
Deputy Laytreda Schultz discussed the Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation Grant
Application for repairs to Malcomson’s Snow Park. It will be used to apply a new roof to
the warming hut and the purchase of paint for the restrooms. The possibility of donations
for the use of the snow park was discussed.
Motion by Hofer, second by Wootan, to have Chairman Shaw sign the Idaho Department
of Parks and Recreation Grant Application for the Malcomson’s Snow Park.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Marty Jones, Central District Health, Chas Ariss, Ryan Morgan, and Steve Olge of
Centra Consulting Inc., appeared to give the Board an update on the landfills in Glenns
Ferry and Bennett Road. He presented a memorandum to the Board outlining the
progress that they have made on the landfills. Glenns Ferry Landfill has a boundary
encroachment issue. Current waste buried along the northern portion of the Glenns Ferry
Landfill intrude into the 200-foot setback requirement. It does not present a public health
issue. Mr. Ariss has been in contact with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the
Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Central District Health Department
(CDHD) to discuss options to resolve the matter. Discussion followed. Centra is trying
to obtain an Arid Exemption for the Bennett Road Landfill. If the landfill has less than
20 tons per day of solid waste they can request an exemption from performing routine
groundwater monitoring. Centra had a meeting with DEQ and CDHD to explore options
for the Exemption. Discussion followed. Mr. Ariss stated that DEQ is aware of the
personnel changes at the landfills and feels there will be flexibility until the issues are
Steve Dye, Juvenile Probation Director, appeared to discuss department issues. Mr. Dye
discussed his department’s Community Service Program. They hire independent
contractors to drive and supervise the juveniles who need to do community service in a
school bus, which is a County vehicle. Mr. Dye inquired what the policy is regarding
non-county employees driving a County vehicle and should he hire them as part time
County Employees instead. Attorney Grant stated there would be a lot involved with
making them part time County employees. Mr. Dye also questioned whether the County
requires a CDL to drive a school bus. Attorney Grant will contact ICRMP regarding the
matters. Mr. Dye stated the school bus is getting old and starting to have mechanical
problems and wondered if the department can purchase another vehicle to replace it.
Discussion followed. Mr. Dye is looking to implement a new Probation Level fee
system. The purpose of the program is to provide juvenile’s and their parents incentives
for completing the terms and conditions of probation timely. Monthly fees will be
adjusted based on performance. Discussion followed. Mr. Dye attended the Hospital
Board meeting. The hospital is conducting a tour of the old jail. They will take three
hundred sixth grade students on the tour, which is part of a program to promote why kids
shouldn’t use drugs and alcohol. The tour has been approved by the Sheriff’s Office. The
Alternative Placement Building, located next to Juvenile Probation, is being used for
several programs other than Juvenile Probation. Juvenile Probation is paying $1,400.00
per year for utilities. Mr. Dye questioned whether his department can recuperate the cost
for the utilities from the others who are using the building. Discussion followed.
Motion by Shaw, second by Hofer, to adjourn for lunch.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Regular session resumed.
Motion by Shaw, second by Hofer, to go into Executive Session pursuant to I.C. 67-2345
(d) – 31-874 to discuss indigent applications. Roll call vote was taken.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Regular session resumed. The following decisions were made as a result of the
Executive Session:
K-01-12-01 Motion by Shaw, second by Hofer, to deny as applicant was Medicaid
eligible for dates of service. Elmore County is not the last resource.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
K-12-11-02 Motion by Wootan, second by Shaw, to deny as incomplete billing and
medical records. Not emergent or medically necessary. Recommend that a medical
review be conducted.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Chairman Shaw recommended holding all billing on case K-11-11-05.
Motion by Hofer, second by Wootan, to approve the minutes for January 9, 2012.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Motion by Hofer, second by Wootan, to approve the Ambulance District Expenses in the
amount of $131.97, payable to Idaho Power.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Motion by Hofer, second by Wootan, to approve the Pest Abatement District Expenses in
the amount of $100.00, payable to Idaho Mosquito & Vector Control Association.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Motion by Hofer, second by Wootan, to add to the agenda and discuss the Snowmobile
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Motion by Shaw, second by Hofer, to approve the Certificates of Residency for Kendra
A. Butterfield.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Commissioner Hofer held discussion on the Snowmobile Fund and how the funds are
spent and reimbursed. He feels the County needs to have more control over how the
funds are disbursed. Payment vouchers should be submitted to the County for payment
instead of reimbursing for bills that are already paid. Discussion followed.
Attorney Grant made some revisions to the Pine Property Purchase and Sales Agreement
and updated the Board on the changes.
Motion by Shaw, second by Hofer, to approve the Fourth Amendment to Real Property
Purchase & Sales Agreement.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
Motion by Shaw, second by Wootan, to adopt Resolution No. 470-12 Elmore County
Commissioners Districts.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
Motion carried and
At a meeting of the Elmore County Board of Commissioners (“Board”), State of
Idaho, on the 17th day of January, 2012, the following Resolution was adopted, to wit:
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Idaho Code §31-704, the Board at a regular meeting
held on January 17, 2012, after due consideration, established commissioner districts
according to Idaho Code §31-704.
WHEREAS, the Board desires to establish the commissioner districts for all
elections in 2012 until further revised as set forth in the attached.
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED, that until this resolution is revoked, the
Elmore County Board of Commissioners approves and adopts the attached:
APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of January, 2012.
/S/ ARLEN O. SHAW, Chairman
/S/ ALBERT HOFER, Commissioner
/S/ WESLEY R. WOOTAN, Commissioner
The War Memorial Fund was discussed. Chairman Shaw stated he did some research
and was told that the disbursement of funds is up to the discretion of the Board. He is
awaiting feedback from other counties and will report back to the Board. Clerk Steele
received an information packet from Wade Baumgardner, Veterans Service Officer to try
and clarify what the requirements are to be considered a “war memorial” and how the
funds are disbursed. Discussion followed. Mr. Baumgardner will appear at the next
meeting to discuss this with the Board. The matter was tabled until the next meeting.
Clerk Steele reminded the Board of the District 3 meeting this Friday January 20th in
Motion by Shaw, second by Hofer, to adjourn.
SHAW........................................................... -AYE
HOFER......................................................... -AYE
WOOTAN.................................................... -AYE
so ordered.
/S/ ARLEN O. SHAW, Chairman
Motion carried and