Alliteration Worksheet: Practice & Examples

Name: ____________________________
Alliteration Worksheet
1. Define alliteration & alphabet alliteration
2. Identify the sound being repeated in the following examples:
a. The summer sun slid down behind the ridge.
b. In the distance, Horatio heard a horn blow.
c. Betty bought the baubles at the beauty parlor.
d. Rosa Parks raised a rallying cry for racial equality. ______
3. Now write some alliteration of your own. Think of a noun that starts with the same sound
as each of these adjectives. Your noun can be a person, an animal, a fruit or vegetable or
anything else you want.
b big __book_________
n nasty________________
c cold________________
p polite________________
d dressy______________
q quiet________________
f friendly_____________
r red_________________
g green_______________
s silly_________________
h hot_________________
t two_________________
j jolly________________
v violet________________
k kind________________
w worried______________
l lazy_________________
4. Create your own ALPHABET alliteration phrase! Remember that each word must start
with the same letter. Your alphabet alliteration should begin with the first letter of your
first name. This phrase should be at least 5 words.
5. Now write another ALPHABET alliteration phrase that begins with the first letter of your
last name. Remember to begin each word with the same letter; at least 5 words.
6. Now write an alliterative phrase. Remember that most of the words in the sentence or
phrase must begin with the same SOUND! Use a letter or sound that you haven’t used.
This phrase should be at least 7 words.
7. Now write another alliterative phrase. Remember that most of the words in the sentence
or phrase must begin with the same SOUND! Use a letter or sound that you haven’t
used. This phrase should be at least 7 words.