MultiArea QuickStab® Suggested Reading – Hard-to-Find References
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MultiArea QuickStab® Suggested Reading – Hard-to-Find References
Anderson, P.M., Fouad A.A., "Power System Control and Stability", The Iowa
University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1990
Barbier, C., Barret, J.P., "An Analysis of Phenomena of Voltage Collapse on a
Transmission System", RGE, volume 89, October 1980, pp. 672-690
Barret, J.P., “L’Incident Vu par la Simulation”, RGE, volume 89, April 1980, pp. 315320
Berizzi, A., Bresesti, P., Marannino, P., Granelli, G.P., Montagna, M., “System-Area
Operating Margin Assessment and Security Enhancement Against Voltage Collapse”,
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 11, No 3, August, 1996, pp. 1451-1462
Cahen, F., "Electrotechnique", Ed. Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1962
Cordonnier, G., "Deux incidents a l'etranger", RGE, 1980, vol. 89, No. 4, April 1980, pp.
Crary, S., "Power System Stability. Vol. I: Steady State Stability", General Electric
Series, Third printing, October, 1955
Dandeno, P.L., Hauth, R.L, Schulz, R.P., "Effects of Synchronous Machine Modeling in
Large Scale System Studies", IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.
PAS-92, No.2, pp. 574-582, Mar/Apr, 1973
Dimo, Paul, "Analiza Nodala a Sistemelor Electroenergetice" (Nodal Analysis of Power
Systems, in Romanian language), Editura Academiei, Bucharest, Romania, 1968
Dimo, Paul, "Etude de la Stabilite Statique et du Reglage de Tension", R.G.E., Paris,
1961, Vol. 70, 11, 552-556
Dimo, Paul, "L'Analyse des Reseaux d'Energie par la Methode Nodale des Courrants de
Court-Circuit. L'Image des Noeuds", R.G.E., Paris, 1962, Vol. 71, 3, 151-175
Dimo, Paul, "Nodal Analysis of Power Systems", Abacus Press, Kent, England, 1975
Dimo Paul, Dimo Petre, "Graphic Display Apparatus for Direct Analysis of Power
Systems", U.S. Patent No. 3706073, patented with the U.S. Patent Office on December
12, 1972, and United Kingdom Patent No. 1163147
Dobson, I., L. Liu, "Immediate Change in Stability and Voltage Collapse when Generator
Reactive Power Limits are Encountered", in Proc. of the International Seminar on Bulk
Power System Voltage Phenomena II (pp. 65 - 74)
Dy Liacco, T.E., Savulescu, S.C., Ramarao, K.V., "An On-Line Topological Equivalent
for a Power System", IEEE Trans. on Pow. App. Sys., Vol. PAS-97, Sept-Oct., 1978,
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MultiArea QuickStab® Suggested Reading – Hard-to-Find References
Erwin, S.R., Oatts, M.L., Savulescu, S.C., "Predicting Steady-State Instability", IEEE
Computer Applications in Power, July 1994, pp. 15-22
Fink, L. H. (Editor), "Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena II -- Voltage Stability and
Security", Proc. of the International Seminar, Deep Creek Lake, MD, 4-7 Aug. 1991
Hockman, D. R., Toalston, A. L., Harker, D.C., “Loss Formula Determination by a new
method Which Locates the Equivalent System Load-Point”, IEEE Trans. On Pow. App.
Sys., vol. PAS-80, February 1961, pp. 1090-1101
Ionescu, S., Ungureanu, B., "The Dual Power States and Voltage Collapse Phenomena",
Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Serie Elect. et Energ., Tome 26, No. 4, pp.
Ionescu, S., Savulescu, S.C., "Experimental Networks for Testing Steady-State Stability
equivalents", Joint-Working Session, January 29 - February 2, 1990, Bucharest, Romania
Navarro-Perez, R., Prada, R.B., "Voltage Collapse or Steady-State Stability Limit", in
Proceedings of the International Seminar on Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena II
([16] above, pp. 75 - 84)
Oatts, Erwin, S.R., Hart, J.L., “Application of the REI Equivalent for Operations
Planning Analysis of Interchange Schedules", PICA’89 Conference, IEEE Trans. On
Power Systems, Vol. 5, No. 2, May 1190, pp. 547-555
Press., W.H., Flannery, B., Teukolsky, S. A., Vetterling, W. T., "Numerical Recipes in
C", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, MA, 1988
Sauer, P.W., Pai, M.A., "Power System Steady-State Stability and the Load-Flow
Jacobian", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 5, No. 4, Nov. 1990, pp. 13741383
Savulescu, S.C., "Equivalents for Security Analysis of Power Systems", IEEE Trans. on
PAS, Vol. Pas-100, No. 5, May 1981, pp. 2672-2682
Savulescu, S.C., "Design and Testing Criteria for External Equivalents programs", in
Planning and Operations of Electric Energy Systems", Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1986
Savulescu, S.C., Oatts, M.L., Pruitt, J.G., Williamson, F., Adapa, R., "Fast Steady-State
Stability Assessment for Real-Time and Operations Planning", IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, Volume 8 T-PWRS, November 1993, pp. 1557-1569
Savulescu, S.C., Oatts, M.L., Pruitt, J.G., Williamson, F., Adapa, R., "Closure in Reply to
Discussions of the Paper 'Fast Steady-State Stability Assessment for Real-Time and
Operations Planning', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Volume 8 T-PWRS,
November 1993, pp. 1557-1569
Savulescu, S.C., Leffler, L., “Computation of Parallel Flows and the Total and Available
Transfer Capability”, Tutorial Course Open Access Transmission Impacts on Energy
Scheduling, Pricing and Control, Lecture Notes, PICA’97, May 1997, Columbus, Ohio
Tinney, W.F., Powell, W.I., "The REI Approach to Power Network Equivalents",
PICA'77 Conference, May 1977, Toronto, Canada
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MultiArea QuickStab® Suggested Reading – Hard-to-Find References
Van Cutsem, Th., "Voltage Collapse Mechanisms -- A Case Study", in Proceedings of
the International Seminar on Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena II ([16] above, pp.
85 - 102)
Venikov, V. A., "Transient Processes in Electrical Power Systems", English Translation,
MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1977
Venikov, V.A., Stroev, V.A., Idelchick, V.I., Tarasov, V.I., "Estimation of Electrical
Power System Steady State Stability in Load Flow Calculations", IEEE Trans. on
Pow.App.Sys., Vol. PAS-94, May/June, 1975, pp.1034-1041
Wu, F.F., Narasimhamurti, N., "Necessary Conditions for the REI Reduction to be
Exact", IEEE PES Winter Meeting 1979, Paper A 79 065-4
*** Electricite de France -- Bulletin de la Direction des Etudes et Recherches, Serie B,
No. 2, 1982
***, "Dynamics of Interconnected Power Systems: A Tutorial for System Dispatchers
and Plant Operators", EPRI Report EL-6360-L, Prepared by Power technologies Inc.,
Schenectady, New York, May, 1989
*** IEEE Joint Working Group on Common Format for Exchange of Solved Load-Flow
Data, "Format for Exchange of Solved Load-Flow Data", IEEE Pow. App. Sys., Vol.
PAS-91, No. 5, May, 1972, pp. 1916-1925
*** IEEE Joint Working Group on Determination and Application of Synchronous
Machine Models, "Guide for Synchronous Generator Modeling Practices in Stability
Analysis", IEEE Doc. P1110/D11, 1990
*** "Application Builder Professional 5.1 -- User's Guide and Reference Manuals", SCS
Computer Consulting, Flushing, New York, 1993
*** "PowerView and LFS Support Library and Utilities Version 5.1 -- Software and User
Documentation", SCS Computer Consulting, Flushing, New York, 1993
*** "ALF Load-Flow Archive (Arquivo de Load-Flow). Data, Software and User
Instructions Manual", Document SYD01-RP2473-43 prepared by SYDETECH System
Development Technologies, Inc., Flushing, New York, 1990
*** "Power System Steady-State Stability Monitor Prototype", EPRI Final Report TR100799, July 1992
*** "Power System Steady-State Stability Monitor", EPRI Final Report TR-103169,
December 1993
*** “The Small Signal Stability Program Package", EPRI Final Report EL-5798, Project
2447-1, May 1988
*** “Assessment of CBM and TRM”, EPRI Final Report TR-110766, May 1998,
Prepared by Avramovic, B., Fink, L., Savulescu, S.C.
*** "Available Transfer Capability Definitions and Determination", North American
Electric Reliability Council, June 1996
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MultiArea QuickStab® Suggested Reading – Hard-to-Find References
Hard-to-Find References
Here’s a collection of papers that can help you better understand
the short-circuit currents method for steady-state stability analysis.
Some of those interested in, or intrigued by the intrinsic speed and
reasonable robustness of this approach have complained that the
underlying theoretical background cannot be verified because the
references are hard to find. Now we are filling this void and
presenting you with “hard to find” references that describe:
The Network Model The power system is represented through a short-circuit
currents model, as per the terminology found in the French
literature, or REI Net model, to use Paul Dimo’s terminology. The
two concepts are equivalent.
a. Barbier, C., Barret, J.P., “An Analysis of Phenomena of
Voltage Collapse on a Transmission System”, Revue Generale
de l’Electricite RGE, Vol. 89, No. 10, 1980 -- we included the
Appendix, which provides the equations needed to build the
short-circuit currents model and, subsequently, develop the
formulae for computing the critical voltage and maximum
transfer power at the point of voltage collapse
b. Dimo, Paul, “Nodal Analysis of Power Systems”, Abacus
Press, Kent, 1975 -- we provide the sections 3, “The REI Net”,
and 4, “The Nodal Image”, where the short-circuit currents
model is mapped onto the REI Net and the Nodal Image
The Steady-State Stability Criterion
The practical steady-state stability
criterion dQ/dV is applied to the short-circuit currents model
where the machines have been represented through transient
reactances (with the improvement described in reference h).
This approximate method was good in 1950s - 1960s, when heavy
computing was expensive or prohibitive, and it is still good today,
if you need to perform a quick stability check and cannot wait for
the results of detailed analysis.
Cases found near the limit can subsequently be assessed in detail.
This strategy is very similar to what you do in real-time
contingency evaluation -- first you perform a simple check of all
the cases on your contingency list, then you study in detail those
particular cases that are flagged as potentially causing violations
c. Venikov, V.A. "Transient Processes in Electrical Power
Systems", Edited by V. A. Stroyev, English Translation,
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MultiArea QuickStab® Suggested Reading – Hard-to-Find References
MIR Publishers, Moscow, 1977 -- section 6 of this book
discusses the practical stability criteria. Of particular interest is
the third column of Table 6.1 that illustrates the particular
network topology and the boundary conditions that need to be
met in order to apply the dQ/dV criterion
d. Dimo, Paul, "Nodal Analysis of Power Systems", Abacus Press,
Kent, England, 1975 -- we’ve included the Section 6 which
provides the complete mathematical formulation of the dQ/dV
steady-state stability criterion applied to the short-circuit
currents model (nodal image)
e. Sauer, P. W., Pai, M. A. “Power System Steady-State Stability
and the Load-Flow Jacobian”, IEEE Transactions on Power
Systems, Vol. 5, No. 4, November 1990, pp. 1374 - 1381 -- this
paper and the references f and g establish the following facts:
(i) the maximum loadability is given by the point where the
dynamic Jacobian determinant is singular; (ii) the singularity of
the load-flow Jacobian determinant should be regarded as an
upper bound; (iii) steady-state and voltage stability are related;
and (iv) load-flow calculations diverge near the point of
maximum loadability, but the actual maximum loadability is
probably reached before this point
f. Venikov, V. A., Stroev, V. A., Idelchick, V. I., Tarasov, V. I.,
"Estimation of Electrical Power System Steady-State Stability",
IEEE Trans. on PAS, vol. PAS-94, No. 3, May/June 1975, pp.
g. Navarro-Perez, R., Prada, R. B., "Voltage Collapse or SteadyState Stability Limit", in Proceedings of the International
Seminar on Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena II, (Edited
by L. H. Fink), pp. 75 – 84
h. Vournas, C.D., Sauer, P. W., Pai, M. A. “Power System
Steady-State Stability and the Load-Flow Jacobian”, Electrical
Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 18, No. 8, pp. 493 – 500,
Elsevier Science Ltd. -- this paper and the reference (g) by
Navarro-Perez and Prada clarify the connection between
voltage instability and angle instability and show that both are
just different aspects of the steady-state stability
i. Dobson, I., L. Liu, "Immediate Change in Stability and
Voltage Collapse when Generator Reactive Power Limits are
Encountered", in Proceedings of the International Seminar on
Bulk Power System Voltage Phenomena II (Edited by L. H.
Fink), pp. 65 - 74 -- it is mathematically shown that heavily
loaded generators that reached the Qmax limit can cause
immediate instability. This topic is also addressed by Barbier et
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MultiArea QuickStab® Suggested Reading – Hard-to-Find References
al [a] and Van Cutsem [same proceedings as g and h] who
recommend to represent these generators by a constant e.m.f.
behind the xd reactance
The Overall Algorithm
Reference i summarizes the first of two studies
sponsored by the Southern Company Services and the Electric
Power Research Institute between 1990 - 1993 and documented in
the EPRI Final Reports TR-100799 and TR-103169 (reference j).
Please note, in particular, the discussion by Dr. Sebastian Ionescu
(mathematical proof of the equivalence between the dQ/dV and,
respectively, det D criteria applied to a network that incorporates
the transient reactances of the generators (dynamic Jacobian, rather
than load-flow Jacobian).
On a totally different wavelength, however, the comments
contributed by Professor Pai, a distinguished and internationally
known stability expert, are also quite interesting. They
characteristically pertain to someone who has “serious
reservations” in spite of the method’s theoretical foundations and
the practical evidence amassed during many years of practical use.
We respectfully invite the experts who “don’t believe .. no matter
what”, to get paper and pencil, write down the algorithm, code it in
a computer program, develop a test case, then show us the results,
along with the input data, for independent verification. We’re
ready for this challenge. Any time.
j. Savulescu, S.C., Oatts, M.L., Pruitt, J.G., Williamson, F.,
Adapa, R., "Fast Steady-State Stability Assessment for RealTime and Operations Planning", IEEE Transactions on
Power Systems, Volume 8 T-PWRS, No. 4, November 1993,
pp. 1557-1569
k. *** "Power
System Steady-State Stability
Prototype", EPRI Final Reports EPRI TR-100799, July 1992,
and TR-103169, December 1993
The Single-Load Center
It’s been our experience that as soon as we
pronounce the word “REI”, the audience typically splits into two
groups: those who have studied, coded and used correctly an REI
equivalent, so they do know what REI is all about, and those who
didn’t, so they can wholeheartedly say “it’s no good”...
Our approach entails computing short-circuit currents that flow not
into a specific, physically existing load bus, but into a single-load
center built via the REI reduction. The following reference
provides the mathematical evidence that a “single-load REI” model
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MultiArea QuickStab® Suggested Reading – Hard-to-Find References
with all the generators represented in detail is exact for the base
case and introduces negligible errors for other states.
l. Wu, Felix, Narasimhamurti, N, “Necessary Conditions for REI
Reduction to be Exact", IEEE PES Winter Meeting 1979, Paper
A 79 065-4
Zero Power Balance Network The Zero Power Balance Network concept is a
corner stone of REI-Dimo Nodal Analysis and forms the basis for
building accurate network equivalents.
Reference l provides the algorithm details along with the formulae
you need to understand the technique and, if you want, to develop
your own application:
m. Savulescu, S.C., "Equivalents for Security Analysis of Power
Systems", IEEE Trans. on PAS, Vol. Pas-100, No. 5, May 1981,
pp. 2672-2682
A Recent EPRI Study
A recently published EPRI study discusses the
concepts of Total Transmission Capability (TTC) and Capacity
Benefit Margin (CBM). This reference provides further insight on
our approach to use the short-circuit currents paradigm to solving
the extremely difficult problem of the maximum transfer capability
of a power system network.
n. *** “Assessment of CBM and TRM”, EPRI Final Report TR110766, May 1998, Prepared by Boza Avramovic, Lester Fink
and Savu Savulescu
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