Petroleum Development Oman L.L.C. Document Title: Process Leak Management Document ID Document Type Security Discipline Owner Issue Date Revision PR-1961 Procedure Unrestricted Engineering and Operations UOP – Functional Operations Manager November 2010 1.0 Keywords: This document is the property of Petroleum Development Oman, LLC. Neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed to others or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means (electronic, mechanical, reprographic recording or otherwise) without prior written consent of the owner. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 This page was intentionally left blank Page 2 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC i Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Document Authorisation Authorised For Issue – November 2010 Page 3 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 ii Revision History The following is a brief summary of the 4 most recent revisions to this document. Details of all revisions prior to these are held on file by the issuing department. Revision No. Date Author Scope / Remarks Apr-11 Robin Norman UOP6 Added Section 1.7 ALARP 1.0 Nov-10 Robin Norman UOP6 1st Issue of Approved Procedure Draft Oct-10 Robin Norman UOP6 New Document iii Related Business Processes Code Business Process (EPBM 4.0) EP.71 Produce Hydrocarbons EP.72 Maintain and Assure Facilities Integrity iv Related Corporate Management Frame Work (CMF) Documents The related CMF Documents can be retrieved from the CMF Business Control Portal. Refer to Appendix 3 Page 4 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 6 1.1 Background ...................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 6 1.3 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 6 1.4 Distribution / Target Audience .......................................................................................... 6 1.5 Changes to the Document................................................................................................ 6 1.6 Step-out Approval ............................................................................................................. 7 1.7 ALARP .............................................................................................................................. 7 2 Roles and Responsibilities ..................................................................................................... 8 3 Process Leak Management ................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Performance Standard ..................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Definition for Weeps and Seeps ....................................................................................... 9 3.3 Direct Response to Hydrocarbon Releases ..................................................................... 9 3.4 Delayed Repair of Weeps / Seeps ................................................................................. 10 3.5 Process Leak Management Charts ................................................................................ 11 3.5.1 Categorising the Leak ................................................................................... 11 3.5.2 Address the Leak .......................................................................................... 11 3.5.3 Repair the Leak ............................................................................................ 12 3.5.4 Register of Temporary Leak Repairs ........................................................... 13 3.6 Incident Recording and Reporting .................................................................................. 13 Appendix 1 - Monitoring Sheet for Weep / Seep Leaks (Delayed Repair) .................................. 14 Appendix 2 - Abbreviations.......................................................................................................... 15 Appendix 3 – Reference Material ................................................................................................ 16 Appendix 4 - User Feedback Page ............................................................................................. 17 Page 5 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 High level response procedures for Oil or Gas pipeline leaks is covered in PR-1066 Emergency Response Document Part III Contingency Plan Volume III - Production Operations Sections 3.1.5 and 3.1.6. The details in these sections are for a major emergency i.e. pipeline failure, where the immediate involvement of the Local Emergency Base Controller (LEBC) would be notified and appropriate actions followed as described in these sections. Leaks within the facilities or in the immediate area of the facilities that would be identified by operations as a normal part of their working routine are not effectively covered in the Emergency Response Document and therefore a requirement exists to address this situation and put in place contingency for dealing with such incidents. 1.2 Purpose To provide concise instructions for indentifying, quantifying and addressing hydrocarbon leaks within the facilities and associated flowlines. NOTE: A sound awareness of the requirements of PR-1066 - Emergency Response Document Part III Contingency Plan Volume III - Production Operations Sections 3.1.5 and 3.1.6 is required when using this procedure. 1.3 Scope The scope of this procedure is; 1.4 To ensure a uniform approach is applied to dealing with hydrocarbon leaks and seeps / weeps To fulfil the PDO Corporate requirement for reporting leaks To ensure the safety of personnel and assets at all times when investigating leaks Distribution / Target Audience The procedure shall be used by all Operations and Contract staff when indentifying and reporting leaks (including 2 phase) on facilities, equipment and flowlines. 1.5 Changes to the Document Responsibility for the upkeep of the Document shall be with the Functional Operations Team Leader UOP, the Owner. Changes to this document shall only be authorised and approved by the Owner. Users of the Document who identify inaccuracy or ambiguity can notify the Custodian or his/her delegate and request changes be initiated. The Requests shall be forwarded to the Custodian using the “User Feedback Page” provided in this Document. The Document Owner and the Document Custodian should ensure review and reverification of this document every 3 years. Page 6 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 1.6 Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Step-out Approval Not applicable to this document. 1.7 ALARP ALARP is the acronym for ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’ which simplified means, ‘reducing the risk to a level at which the cost and effort (time and trouble) of further risk reduction are grossly disproportionate to the risk reduction achieved’. Full Compliance to PDO Standards and Procedures is a key element in achieving ALARP. For more details refer to ALARP Definition Page 7 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 2 Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Roles and Responsibilities Operations Manager Authorise repairs on major process leaks TA2 Pipelines and Static Equipment Review repair method proposals for major and minor process leaks and approve Production Coordinator Review repair proposals for weeps and seeps and approve Oversee the Process Leak Management process at the location of the leak Assist the Production Coordinator to review repair proposals Take control of leak management major and minor leaks Control and monitor the activities of the investigation teams during leak identification and location Assist the Production Supervisor in the control of leak management major and minor leaks Ensure site evacuation when required is carried out and all personnel are mustered Shutdown process or systems / equipment as required / instructed Ensure weeps and seeps are monitored and recorded correctly Production Supervisor Area Authority Page 8 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 3 Process Leak Management 3.1 Performance Standard Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 No accidental breach of the hydrocarbon envelope / loss of containment is acceptable Zero tolerance to hydrocarbon leaks WARNING: All gas leaks have a flammable volume in proximity to the leak source. 3.2 Definition for Weeps and Seeps Hydrocarbon releases below a defined level are termed ‘weeps’ or ‘seeps’. Such releases are sufficiently small that immediate action may not be required. Gas (and 2 phase) <20% LEL measured at 0.1m from the leak source OR <0.1 litre per second (0.0001m 3/sec) Liquid <4 drops per minute OR <1 litre per 24 hour period 3.3 Direct Response to Hydrocarbon Releases IMPORTANT Personal safety is paramount at all times in the event of hydrocarbon releases If there is any doubt about the atmosphere, work parties should withdraw immediately from the affected area. This action shall be immediate if a gas detector has gone into alarm 1. In the event of an alarm on portable monitors or fixed detection equipment, personnel shall immediately evacuate the area of a suspected leak and initiate a process shutdown if required. The detected or suspected leak must be immediately reported to the Station Control Room or the Central Control Room, the Production Supervisor and the Production Coordinator. 2. Risk assessment shall be carried out by the production Supervisor and Area Authority / Senior Operator to determine the safest method of ongoing response; a. Isolate equipment in affected area (if possible) or; b. Obtain suitable safety equipment and investigate the source of the leak The risk assessment shall consider the type of leak, accumulation possibilities (gas) especially in enclosed modules; the availability of escape routes; wind strength and direction NOTE: If the leak is gas and it contains H2S urgent action shall be taken to reduce the potential risks (where detection indicates the release is greater than the allowed weep / weep level and the wind strength and direction would direct the cloud to populated areas. Page 9 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 WARNING: Personnel shall not investigate any gas leak, which has initiated a process or station Shutdown, until the Production Coordinator has given authorisation that the area is safe to enter. A minimum of two persons shall investigate, appropriate PPE and safety equipment i.e. SCBA, masks, face visors etc, shall be worn as necessary. One person must be an authorised gas tester and carry a portable flammable gas detector to detect the leak. This shall be in compliance with PR-1154 - Gas Testing Procedure. The investigation team will remain in close proximity of each other. The personal monitors shall ensure that each person’s atmosphere is monitored as breathable. This will help identifying borders of Hazardous Zone. If at any time the monitors alarm, either because the breathable atmosphere reaches 10% LEL, or through detection from the leak, then the area shall be evacuated and the location recorded. Once the leak is detected; surrounding area should be barricaded and marked with adequate warning signs. Considering the wind direction gas detection shall be established outside the barricaded area to insure limitation of exposure. NOTE: When investigating a suspected hydrocarbon leak, radio contact shall be maintained with the Station Control Room or Production Supervisor / Coordinator overseeing the operation. The investigation team shall ensure that they are safe at all times whilst investigating the source of the leak and that they have identified a direct escape route in the event that the situation deteriorates. If any portable gas detector fails (or cannot be trusted), the team will evacuate to a safe area and replace it. 3. 3.4 If the source of the leak cannot be located or conditions surrounding the leak get worse then the investigation team shall be recalled and the situation re-assessed. This may require handing the incident over to the LEBC as detailed in PR-1066 Emergency Response Document Part III Contingency Plan, Volume III Production Operations Delayed Repair of Weeps / Seeps Continued operation of a system or item of equipment shall not be permitted unless; A local Risk Assessment has been completed and approved; The leak rate / volume meets the criteria stated in Section 3.2 of this procedure; Any gas or vapour emissions cannot accumulate; A repair plan has been prepared and SAP work orders entered; The leak has a low potential of getting bigger; All potential ignition sources within the area are identified and isolated; Hot work activities are stopped within the potential area of the leak; Regular monitoring has been arranged and barriers erected to stop or contain access, and; The leak is recorded and the record readily available to all operations personnel on-site. The record shall show mitigating measures / deviation in force (where applicable) Repair of hydrocarbon leaks should only take place on a de-pressurised system, except in circumstances where the equipment has been designed specifically for online repair (for example some valve stem packing systems.) Page 10 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Petroleum Development Oman LLC 3.5 3.5.1 Process Leak Management Charts Categorising the Leak Leak Medium Major leak Minor leak Weep / Seep leak Flammable Gas > 1m3 OR >0.1 m3/s for more than 5 minutes < 1 m3 OR 0.1 m3/s for < 2 minutes <20% LEL measured at 0.1m from the leak source OR <0.1 litre per second (0.0001m3/sec) Hydrogen Sulphide ≥100ppm H2S measured at 1m from leak (or further away) ≥5ppm and <100ppm H2S measured at 1m from leak (or further away) Rotten eggs smell or <5ppm H2S measured at 1m from leak Crude oil (excluding water cut) > 60ltrs OR >0.2ltrs/s for > 5 minutes < 60ltrs OR 0.2ltrs/s for < 5 minutes <4 drops per minute OR <1 litre per 24 hour period Water Injection > 60ltrs OR >0.2ltrs/s for > 5 minutes < 60ltrs OR 0.2ltrs/s for < 5 minutes <4 drops per minute OR <1 litre per 24 hour period NOTES: 1.) A leak is ANY escape of fluid or gas from a process system 2.) Water injection systems include DWD, SWD and pressurised water injection 3.5.2 Address the Leak Location of Leak Major leak Minor leak Weep / Seep leak Pipeline Offand On-Plot Shut in system Report in FIM Repair before start up Flowline OffPlot NOTE: if the leak is near to an ignition source (e.g. OHLs), road, wadi or building, then treat as a Pipeline. Page 11 Evacuate affected area (personnel, ignition sources) Initiate ER if required (PR-1066) Shut in system Report in FIM (tick API-reportable) Investigation (PR1418) Evacuate affected area (personnel, ignition sources) and assess if ER is required Shut in system Report in FIM Investigation (PR1418) Repair before start up DTL to sign Statement of Fitness before start up Evacuate affected area (personnel, ignition sources) Evacuate affected area (personnel, ignition sources) Continue operating the flowline Record in leak log Initiate ER if required (PR-1066) Shut in system Report in FIM Raise SAP notification for repair Shut in system Report in FIM (tick API-reportable) Repair before start up Deviation in FSR until repaired (high risk sour and gas flowlines only) Investigation (PR1418) Repair before start up PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Location of Leak Major leak Minor leak Weep / Seep leak Process Equipment On-Plot Evacuate affected area (personnel, ignition sources) Continue operating the system Record in leak log Initiate ER if required (PR-1066) Evacuate affected area (personnel, ignition sources) & assess if ER is required Shut in system Shut in system Notification in SAP for repair Report in FIM (tick API-reportable) Report in FIM Deviation in FSR until repaired Investigation (PR1418) Repair before start up DTL sign Statement of Fitness before start up NOTES: Colour coding indicates an initial potential risk level using RAM Massive leaks (e.g. pipeline/vessel/tank ruptures, very large flammable or toxic gas clouds, etc.) are not covered in this procedure but should be referenced in PR-1066 Emergency Response Document Part III Contingency Plan Volume III - Production Operations and should be rated as red potential risk on the RAM 3.5.3 Repair the Leak Location of Leak Major leak Minor leak Weep / Seep leak Pipeline Offand On-Plot Pipelines TA-2 to approve Pipelines TA-2 to approve Approved by Prod./Maint. Coordinator Clamping Partial replacement Pipelines TA-2 to approve wrapping / clamping Composite wrapping Tightening of flanges Clamping Partial replacement Composite wrapping Flowline OffPlot Process Equipment On-Plot Actions and repair shall be evaluated case by case and authorised after approval by the Operations Manager using FCP process. Static Mech. TA-2 to approve Static Mech. TA-2 to approve Approved by Prod./Maint. Coordinator Clamping Clamping Partial replacement Pipelines TA-2 to approve wrapping / clamping Partial replacement Clamping Static Mech. TA-2 to approve Static Mech. TA-2 to approve Approved by Prod./Maint. Coordinator Clamping Pipelines TA-2 to approve wrapping / clamping Partial replacement Composite wrapping Actions and repair shall be evaluated case by case and authorised after approval by the Operations Manager. Tightening of flanges Clamping Partial replacement Composite wrapping NOTE: ALL leaks should be actioned according to this procedure Page 12 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC 3.5.4 Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Register of Temporary Leak Repairs Each Asset shall be required to maintain an active register of process leaks and the temporary repairs carried out. The register shall identify the method used to make the repair and the date by which a permanent repair effected. Risk Assessments shall be undertaken to mitigate risks to ALARP. Hazardous (liquid and / or gas) leaks and leaks that affect the performance of SCE’s shall be entered on the FSR (flagged). Ownership shall be the responsibility of the Production Supervisor or a nominee. Leaks shall be allocated a unique repair ID. Number. The register shall contain as a minimum the information detailed on the example below. 3.6 Incident Recording and Reporting All hazardous leaks should be recorded in the Fountain Incident Management (FIM) system. Leaks recorded in FIM will be investigated in accordance with the ‘incident reporting and follow-up requirements’. The following shall be recorded as a minimum; The release flow-rate and quantity (volume) where possible; Leak levels shall be classified as Major, Minor; All leaks that can have an environmental impact shall be recorded in FIM. NOTE: Weeps / seeps which do not have an environmental impact i.e. water, no-toxic fluids etc, shall be recorded in the Station Leak Register and Daily Report. Page 13 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Appendix 1 - Monitoring Sheet for Weep / Seep Leaks (Delayed Repair) Link to Master Form Page 14 PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Appendix 2 - Abbreviations Page 15 DWD Deep Water Disposal ER Emergency Response FIM Fountain Investigation Management system FSR Field Safety Report LEBC Local Emergency Base Controller LEL Lower Explosive Limit SWD Shallow Water Disposal TA Technical Authority PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Petroleum Development Oman LLC Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Appendix 3 – Reference Material PDO Code of Practice CP-114 - Maintenance & Integrity Management Code of Practice CP-115 - Operate Surface Product Flow Assets - CoP PDO Specifications SP-2020 - Flange Connections Bolt Torquing and Tensioning PDO Procedures PR-1066 - Emergency Response document Part III Contingency Plan, Volume III Production Operations PR-1146 – Flowline Cold Cutting PR-1154 – Gas Testing Procedure PR-1418 - Incident Notification, Reporting and Follow-up Procedure Part 1 PDO Guidelines Page 16 GU-379 - Pipeline Emergency Repair Manual PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED. Revision: 1.0 Effective: Nov-10 Petroleum Development Oman LLC Appendix 4 - User Feedback Page PR-1961 – Process Leak Management User Feedback Page Any user who identifies an inaccuracy, error or ambiguity is requested to notify the custodian so that appropriate action can be taken. The user is requested to return this page fully completed, indicating precisely the amendment(s) recommended. Name: Ref ID Page Ref: Date: Brief Description of Change Required and Reasons To: UOP7 Custodian of Document Page 17 Date: PR-1961 - Process Leak Management Printed 21/11/10 The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed copies are UNCONTROLLED.