Character and Integrity

Session 8
Character and Integrity
Participant Guide
Table of Contents
Introduction and Objective ........................................................... 3
Religion vs. Relationship:................................................................. 4
Character Valued........................................................................... 5
Character Studied ..................................................................... 6 - 8
Character Contrasted .................................................................... 9
Character Personified .................................................................. 10
Application Points ......................................................................... 11
In Conclusion… ............................................................................. 12
Character and Integrity
Basics 8 - Why do people shop for “name” brands? Why do they go to
Sears for tools or to Home Depot for building supplies? Why the FTD florist?
It is because they trust the brand. They trust the reputation for a particular
product. This trust is earned through personal experience, through
recommendations of trusted sources, and years of good general
reputation. This lesson is focused on giving you an understanding of the
importance of good character, reputation and integrity from the
perspective of scripture. Our objective today is to learn to be more like
Christ by exhibiting Godly character and integrity.
Objective - Learning to be more like Christ by exhibiting Godly
character and integrity.
Religion vs. Relationship:
Does it please God to simply “go through the motions”? You
know - the church routine; doing the “Sunday” thing; praying
before meals; giving a few bucks to the church on occasion?
On Monday through Saturday, is there any difference between
you and the person who claims no faith at all? Do the
traditions and routines of religion please God if they are not
genuine and do not represent an inward change of the heart?
Do we proclaim His name on Sunday and then act dishonestly
at work on Monday? Really look at your heart and ask God to
reveal to you any areas where your integrity and character
could be questioned. Remember, He wants your heart. Once
He has it, you will want to honor Him by living your life in a way
that glorifies only Him – with character and integrity.
Character Valued
Read Proverbs 22:1
1. Why is this verse true today?
2. How is it played out in our daily lives?
3. Why is someone’s reputation so important?
Character Studied
Pray, Observe, Interpret, Apply, Do
King Solomon was considered to be the wisest man in the world during his
time. His words still resonate today. Before reading what he wrote on the
subject of integrity, Pray that God will reveal something about Himself to
you. Pray that He will reveal something about yourself and what you
need to do.
Read: Proverbs 10:9, 11:3, 13:6, 29:10
Write down your observations.
What do these passages say? What is their context? Who are they
written to? What are their main points? Answer the questions - who,
what, when and where?
Make interpretations based on your observations.
What do these passages mean? What are they saying to its readers?
Why is it significant? Answer the question, “Why?” Why was it written?
Make application points.
Based on what I have observed and interpreted, how does this apply to
me today? What does God want me to do based on what I have read?
Make it personal and measurable.
Now…Do them. Don’t just be a hearer of the Word, but a doer. What are
you going to do? When are going to do it? Who will help you be
Character Contrasted
Define Integrity. What are its benefits?
Define Duplicity. What are its consequences?
Character Personified
Read Mark 12:13-17
In what ways did Jesus lead a life of integrity? How did he show His true
If you were to ask your spouse, children and good friends to describe your
character, what do you think they would they say?
Application Points
 What is something new that you learned about God
 What is God telling you to do with this new knowledge?
 How can what you learned today help you in your daily
In Conclusion…
Ask your spouse or a close personal friend to give you an
honest assessment of the kind of person you are. Where areas
are identified that do not line up under God’s will for your life,
seek Godly counsel to correct them.
Ask God to continue to form Godly character in you and allow
others to hold you accountable to that.