NHMA Resident Mentorship Program

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ASTHO Immunization Project
The National Hispanic Medical Association is educating physicians and other health professionals on the
important key strategies to increase the influenza immunization for Hispanic adults who have a low rate of
immunizations in the U.S.
NHMA will also be meeting with key Federal, State and private sector partners this year to
increase the outreach to physicians who care for Hispanic patients - including meeting with the
New York State and City leadership in a meeting in Brooklyn, NY in early 2016; the US Mexico
Border Health Commission and partners along the border; the retail pharmacy arena; and the
Federal housing authority through HUD.
Please feel free to disseminate our Toolkit for Physicians, developed by NHMA staff and
steering committee.
For further information contact Lizette Rivera, MPA, This email address is being protected from spambots. You
need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
The campaign is supported by ASTHO and CDC.
NHMA Resident Mentorship Program
The purpose of the NHMA Resident Mentoring Program is to develop awareness of medical professionalism, career
opportunities and networks for the NHMA Council of Residents. NHMA will develop a national mentoring program
for NHMA resident members (NHMA Council of Residents) matched to NHMA physician members. The program
will promote a unique forum for communication and learning based on the knowledge and experience of Hispanic
physician mentors.
A mentor is an active partner in an ongoing relationship who helps you maximize your potential and achieve your
personal and professional goals.
The program will run from March 2014 to March 2015. It will target Residents that are members of the National
Hispanic Medical Association and pair them with established and leading Professionals in an area of medicine that
the Resident has a career interest in. It will provide a unique opportunity for Residents to gain insight and hopefully
real experience in said area and will simultaneously provide the mentor an opportunity to make a personal
contribution to the professional development of an NHMA Resident. Although, the mentoring program is geared
towards establishing relationships that aim to strengthen a resident’s professional development in the Professional’s
field, it is by no means expected for Mentors to offer an internship or field experience to the Resident.
Below, the mentor and mentee will find their respective application. We ask that you complete the application
byFebruary 7, 2014 so we may begin the process of pairing you with a Resident/Physician. Additional information
about the program can be found in the Program Overview, which can be found below.
To participate in the program, you must be a NHMA member. For additional questions please contact John
Aguilar at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 202628-5895.
Additional Information:
NHMA Resident Program Overview
Resident Application
Mentor Application
NHMA Leadership Fellowship Class of
Luis M. DiBernardo, MD,MPH
Victoria Elena Sorlie-Aguilar, MD
Medical Director
Family Physician
Gateway Medical Center & Urgent Care
Department of Family Medicine
Magnolia Family Health Clinic
Laura A. Williams, MD, MPH
Joseph Perez, CDR, MD, FAAP
L. Williams, MD A Medical Corp
USCG Health, Safety, Work-Life
Field Office
New London
Maria Fernanda Nota, MD
Capt. Magda Barini-Garcia, MD,
Children and Youth Project
Senior Medical Advisor
Learning and Diffusion Group
Center for Medicare & Medicaid
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Christian Arbalaez, MD, MPH
Eyda Samuels, MD, FAAP
Assistant Residency Director,
Physician; Pediatric & Adolescent
Department of Emergency Medicine
Associate Director,
Albert Einstein Medical Center
Office for Multicultural Faculty Careers
Brigham and Women†™s Hospital
Rolf Montalvo, MD
Fausto Meza, MD, MPA
Assistant Professor,
Chief Medical Officer/Medical
Residency Program Director
Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center Chief Information Officer
Doctors Hospital at Renaissance
NHMA Leadership Fellows at the 16th Annual Conference
NHMA Resident Leadership Class of
Dorothy Castro, MD
Internal Medicine Resident
New Jersey Medical Center
Jorge Omar Moreno, MD
Internal Medicine Resident
Yale New Haven Hospital
Maria Berenice Nava, MD
Internal Medicine Resident
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Elizabeth Homan, MD
Psychiatry Resident
Jackson Memorial Hospital
University of Miami
Vanessa Yasmin Calderon, MD
Emergency Medicine Resident
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Jacobi and Montefiore Hospitals
Ana Maria Cuebas, MD
Psychiatry Resident
Morehouse School of Medicine
Emma Bendana
Urological Surgery Resident
University of Rochester Medical Center
Ana Caban Cardona, MD
Medicine/Pediatrics Resident
Children’s Corporate Center
Medical College of Wisconsin
Kenneth Frausto, MD
Emergency Medicine Resident
Alameda County Medical Center, Highland General Hospital
Elizabeth Medina Alm
Surgical Resident
Hennepin County Medical Center
Omar Guzman, MD
Resident Physician
Department of Emergency Medicine
Minerva Romero Arenas, MD, MPH
General Surgery Resident
Sinai Hospital of Baltimore
Liliana Viera-Ortiz, MD
Emergency Medicine Resident
University Hospitals Case Western Reserve
Mauricio Pinto, MD
Family Medicine Resident
Texas Tech University
Health Sciences Center Family
Christina Chavez-Johnson, MD
Family and Community Medicine Resident
University of California at San Francisco, Fresno
Maria-Esteli Garcia, MD
Internal Medicine Resident
San Francisco Primary Care - SFGH
Maribelis Perez, MD
Social Pediatrics Resident
Department of Family Medicine and Social Pediatrics
Children’s Hospital at Montefiore
Yadira Caraveo, MD
Pediatrics Resident
Department of Pediatrics
University of New Mexico
Maria Portela, MD
Family and Community Resident
Duke University medical Center
Rubi D. Cortes, MD
Internal/Preventive Medicine Resident
NHMA Resident Leadership Class of 2012 at 16th Annual Conference
Breakfast Plenary --Building a National
Agenda on Healthy Aging, Eldercare
and Healthy Hispanic Communities
Breakfast Plenary --Building a National Agenda on Healthy Aging, Eldercare and Healthy Hispanic
Communities Transcripts
Part One
Part Two
More Articles...
Breakfast Plenary --Building a National Agenda on Healthy Aging, Eldercare and Healthy Hispanic Communities
Lunch Plenary: ADHD in Hispanic/Latino Children and Youth: Identification, Understanding and Treatment Videos
Plenary: State and Private Sector Reforms for Hispanic Healthcare Video
Opening Plenary: Federal Leadership and Health Care Reform Implementation Videos
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Please make a tax-deductible donation to our Foundation, National Hispanic Health Foundation (NHHF).
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