Unit: Drugs and Medicine - Manasquan Public School District

Manasquan Sending District Curriculum
Health 3-4
Unit: Drugs and Medicine
Stage 1- Desired Results
Established Goals: NJCCCS, 2009
STANDARD 2.3 (Drugs and Medicines) All students will learn and apply information about alcohol,
tobacco, other drugs and medicines to make decisions that support a healthy, active lifestyle.
A. Medicines
Identify commonly used medicines and discuss why they are used.
Discuss the importance of taking medicines as ordered, not sharing medicines with others, and
reporting any side effects to a trusted adult.
B. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs
Describe the short- and long-term physical effects of tobacco use.
Discuss the impact of second-hand/passive smoke on the health of nonsmokers.
Identify the short- and long-term physical and behavioral effects of alcohol use and abuse.
Explain that brain damage, lung damage, and death can occur from inhaling certain substances,
such as solvents, propellants, and medicinal gases.
C. Dependency/Addiction and Treatment
Discuss signs that a person might have a problem with the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other
Differentiate among drug use, abuse, and misuse.
Describe how advertising, peers, and adults influence children and teenagers to try alcohol,
tobacco, and other drugs.
Enduring Understandings:
At the end of the unit students will
understand that…
Essential Questions:
At the end of the unit students will be able
to answer…
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Manasquan Sending District Curriculum
Health 3-4
Effective communication skills enhance a
person’s ability to express and defend their
Decision-making can be affected by a
variety of influences that may not be in a
person’s best interest.
Character can be developed and supported
through individual and group activities, the
influence of positive role models and
involvement in community service.
Character is who you are when no one is
Medicines must be used correctly in order
to be safe and have the maximum benefit.
Research has clearly established that
alcohol, tobacco and other drugs have a
variety of harmful effects on the human
Content Knowledge:
Students will know…
 Effects of alcohol, tobacco, and
other substances on the body.
 The warning signs of drug abuse.
 Common household products and
over the counter medicine that can
be harmful if misused.
 The harmful effects of secondhand
 The laws regarding alcohol,
tobacco, and other drugs.
 Recognizes that some drugs can
lead to instant addiction.
What are the consequences (especially
unforeseen) of our choices in terms of
To what extent can we keep ourselves
disease free?
Why do we sometimes take risks that can
cause harm to ourselves or others?
How do I learn to stand for and
communicate my beliefs to others without
alienating them?
Why might educated people make poor
health decisions?
How do I overcome negative influences
when making decisions about my personal
To what extent do outside influences shape
How can you inspire others to address
health issues?
Why do people choose to use alcohol,
tobacco and other drugs when they are
aware of the detrimental effects?
How do I make the “right” decisions in the
face of peer, media and other pressures?
Content Understandings:
Students will understand that.
 What it means to be drug free.
 Laws regarding drugs and alcohol
are implemented to keep people
 There are many benefits to staying
drug free.
 Knowing facts about drugs makes it
easier to say no.
 Learning to use medicine safely
will help you stay healthy.
 Students will understand that you
should only take medicines from a
trusted adult.
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Manasquan Sending District Curriculum
Health 3-4
Content Skills:
Students will be able to…
Predictable misconceptions to address
 Define vocabulary words related
drugs and medicines.
 If a little medicine is good for you a
lot is even better.
 List 2 ways the media influences
the use of alcohol, tobacco and
 It is OK to share medicine.
other drugs.
 It is safe to take medicines from
 Provide examples of the
consequences of drug use.
 Will be able to explain what the
pharmacist does.
 Describe how inhalants are harmful
to the body.
 Role-play refusal skills in order to
stay drug free.
 List and explain 4 illegal drugs.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Summative Assessments
Summative Evidence
Traditional Tasks:
Performance Tasks:
 Vocabulary Quiz
 Role playing
 Short paragraphs
 Oral presentation
 Unit tests
 Note taking – fill in
 Worksheets
 Poster
Formative Assessments:
 Tests and quizzes
 Homework
 Group interaction (fro review research and brainstorm ideas)
 Class discussion
Stage 3- Learning Plan
 Have students work in group to
 Team work
role-play refusal skills.
1. Group discussion
2. Active listening
 Make a drug poster that shows how
3. Group participation
using drugs will be harmful to your
body. Chose one drug and show all
 Active reading
the organs it affects.
1. Visualize
2. Predict
 Have students identify foods that
3. Summarize
contain caffeine that they consume
4. Connect
each day. Write down what you
might do to reduce the amount of
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Manasquan Sending District Curriculum
Health 3-4
caffeine you consume.
Have students list 3 healthy
alternatives to using drugs.
Students will write a paragraph
about what they think they should
do if a friend has a drug problem.
Make a medicine safety checklist.
Making charts, graphs and
Interdisciplinary Connections:
x__ Art- pictures, posters
___ Music –
___ Physical Education –
___ World Language –
___ Health –
_x__ Science – Body systems
___ Social Studies –
___ Mathematics –
_x__ Language Arts – writing, discussions
Technology Connections: Character Education Videos: 6 Pillars, Head-to-toe Video
Series, Disney Educational Videos, & Internet
Resources: - Your Health Text, Assessment pages, & Activity workbook pages.
Weekly Reader- Current Health Magazine #1 , Weekly Reader Skills Book: Robbie
Says No to Drugs, WOW-World of Wellness Workbooks, Guest Speakers,
Assemblies regarding Health Conflict Resolution & Recycling.
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