Boat Weighing Protocol

Protocol for Measurement of Minimum Boat Weight
• IHCA General Rule 19 and Hobie 16 Class Rule 8.
Scales (minimum standard):
• The Race Committee will have available "official scales" for the measurement
of boat weight for:
- competitors to check the weight of their boat prior to and during the regatta;
- protest committee to establish the weight of any boats protested under Hobie
16 Class Rule 8.
• Appropriate scales include two pressure pad type scales suitable for placement
under the balance point of each hull. (e.g. high quality digital bathroom scales
of "strain gauge" type).
• The calibration of each set of scales should be checked at 71.5 kg against a
known weight. (e.g. use of industrial or commercial scales with a Trades
Measurement certificate - note that the resolution of most scales of this type is
0.5 kg, meaning that the calibration of the combined scales can not be better
than ± 1.0 kg).
Added Weight:
• Minimum weight of a Hobie 16, completely assembled is 145.15 kg.
• In accordance with IHCA Rule 19.2 boat weights are defined as "ready to sail,
with all permanently attached and non movable racing equipment. (i.e. objects
such as tools and spare shackles, personal gear and crew weights etc do not
qualify as boat weight).
• In accordance with IHCA Rule 19.2 all added weight will be permanently
attached during a Regatta and not be usable for any other purpose.
• The boat will be weighed in as dry condition as is practical with hulls drained.
• The boat will be weighed with the mast lowered and placed along the centre
line of the boat, unless there is no wind in which case the mast may be raised.
• Measurements will be made on a hard, smooth & level surface with one scale
placed under each hull with the boat evenly balanced fore and aft on the
• To satisfy the "ready to sail" requirement of IHCA Rule 19.1, the following
equipment will be placed on the boat in addition to all permanently attached
and non moveable racing equipment:
- Mainsail & battens, Jibsail & battens, (all removed from sail bags).
- Mainsheet & blocks, Jibsheet & blocks, Boom.
• All equipment placed on the boat will be arranged as far as possible to ensure
an even distribution of weight on each scale.
• The boat weight is determined by adding the weight indicated on each of the
scales and adding or subracting any calibration correction. The weights
indicated on each scale are to be recorded concurrently.
Boat Weight - Issue 1
November 24,1995