1. Fellowships, Scholarships and Grant - CRRC

Caucasus Research Resource Center – Armenia
Professional Opportunities Newsletter
Issue # 1, February 2014
Fellowships, Scholarships and Grant Opportunities ................................................................. 3
EED Support Grants…… ............................................................................................................. 3
PhD fellowships in Population Studies; Brno, Czech Republic ................................................. 3
ASCN Short-Term Grants; Switzerland ..................................................................................... 3
Melbourne International Research Scholarships; Melbourne, Australia ................................. 3
Georg Forster Research Awards for Developing Countries; Germany ..................................... 3
Scholarships of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania; Romania ..................................... 3
PhD Scholarship at the University of Heidelberg; Heidelberg, Germany ................................. 4
Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships for German and International Students ..................... 4
CNRD Scholarships for PhD and Master Students; Florence, Italy ........................................... 4
Call for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at RECSM; Barcelona, Spain ................................ 4
UNU-MERIT PhD Program in Economics and Governance; Maastricht, Netherlands .............. 4
Mellon Fellowship Program; London, GB ................................................................................. 5
Russian Government Scholarships for International Students ................................................. 5
Security Studies Pre-doctoral Fellowship 2014-2015; Austin, Texas........................................ 5
School of Arts Research Studentships; London, UK.................................................................. 5
Kasetsart Masters Scholarships 2014; Bangkok, Thailand........................................................ 5
INSEAD Orange Endowed Scholarships for Emerging Markets ................................................ 6
The Lane Kirkland Scholarships for Young Leaders, Poland ..................................................... 6
Lithuanian state scholarships for short-term studies; Lithuania .............................................. 6
2014 Small Grants Program - YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Studies ........................ 6
Volkswagen Foundation Funding Initiative .............................................................................. 6
Call for Papers, Workshops, Conferences................................................................................. 7
CRRC Methodological Conference on Measuring Social Inequality in the South Caucasus and
its Neighborhood……… .............................................................................................................. 7
ASCN Conference: Exporting Regimes? Interests and Strategies of Powerful States in the
Post-Communist Space ............................................................................................................. 7
YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Conference on Women, Leadership, and Society ..... 7
Scientific Conference: Migration in the Globalized World ....................................................... 8
Research panel on “Care by Ageing Migrants: Inter-Generational Transfers from
Grandparents to the Younger Generations” in the Annual IMISCOE Conference ................... 8
Call for Papers: “Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century” Journal .............................. 9
Call for Papers: Romanian Journal of Political Science ............................................................. 9
New Sources ............................................................................................................................. 9
What is the impact of the Syrian crisis on migration governance of the Republic of
Armenia?..................... ............................................................................................................. 9
EU Neighborhood Migration Report 2013.............................................................................. 10
Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2013: An OECD Scoreboard ........................................... 10
Education at a Glance 2013 .................................................................................................... 10
World Development Report 2014 .......................................................................................... 10
World Economic Outlook........................................................................................................ 10
Job openings ........................................................................................................................... 10
Research Assistant at the Migration Policy Centre; Florence, Italy........................................ 10
Research Fellow at the Migration Policy Centre; Florence, Italy............................................ 11
Post-Doctoral Researcher Hanken School of Economics; Helsinki, Finland ........................... 11
1. Fellowships, Scholarships and Grant Opportunities
1.1. EED Support Grants
The European Endowment for Democracy (EED) is now accepting applications for support through its
online grant application system. The application system and additional details are available online on the
EED website. The countries/territories covered include Armenia as well.
More information: https://democracyendowment.eu/support/survey/create
1.2. PhD fellowships in Population Studies; Brno, Czech Republic
The Office for Population Studies continuously offers post-graduate fellowships intended for studying
sociology at the Ph.D. program at the Masaryk University. PhD projects in all areas of population studies
are welcome. Candidates working on issues related to the population ageing and/or families in transition –
are strongly encouraged to apply.
Application deadline: April 31, 2014
More information: http://www.ups.fss.muni.cz/file/announcement-eng-new-web.pdf
1.3. ASCN Short-Term Grants; Switzerland
Each year a limited number of short-term grants to Switzerland are available for junior researchers from
the South Caucasus. These grants offer recipients the opportunity to expand their academic network, work
in state of the art research facilities and meet scholars in their fields of expertise. The grants are open to
researchers from all institutions of higher education in the fields of the humanities and social sciences.
Priority is given to PhD candidates, but assistant professors (preferably under 40) may also apply.
Application deadline: rolling
More information: http://ascn.ch/en/grants_scholarships/Short-term-grants.html
1.4. Melbourne International Research Scholarships; Melbourne, Australia
The Melbourne International Research Scholarship is awarded to international students wishing to
undertake graduate research degree studies at the University of Melbourne. These scholarships are
provided to learn any of the courses offered by the university. Selection will be based on the eligibility
criteria and academic merit.
Application deadline: May 31, 2014
More information: http://services.unimelb.edu.au/scholarships/research/international/available/mirs
1.5. Georg Forster Research Awards for Developing Countries; Germany
Applications are available for the citizens of a developing or transition country. The applicants must have
had their main residence and place of work in one of these countries for at least five years at the time of
their nomination. Women researchers are encouraged to apply. The project duration of about six to twelve
months may be divided into segments.
Application deadline: May 15, 2014
More information: http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/web/georg-forster-award.html
1.6. Scholarships of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania; Romania
Romanian Government is offering scholarships for citizens of non EU countries. Priority will be given to the
candidates applying for: political and administrative sciences, education studies, Romanian culture and
civilization, journalism, technical studies, oil and gas, agricultural studies, veterinary medicine, architecture
and arts. Scholarships are granted for three levels of study: bachelor, master and doctorate. The
beneficiaries of the scholarships should study only in the Romanian language. The candidates who do not
know Romanian are offered one supplementary preparatory year to study the language.
Application deadline: February 15, 2014
More information: http://www.mae.ro/en/node/10251
1.7. PhD Scholarship at the University of Heidelberg; Heidelberg, Germany
The Graduate School for Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Heidelberg invites applications
from highly motivated, excellent PhD students with a strong interest in interdisciplinary research.
Applicants must hold an M.A. or equivalent in one of the disciplines of the Humanities or Social Sciences
with an above-average grade. The University of Heidelberg has particular interest in supporting women
and encourages them to apply for the doctoral scholarships.
Application deadline: March 15, 2014
More information: http://www.hggs.uni-heidelberg.de/bewerbung-eng.html
1.8. Heinrich Böll Foundation Scholarships for German and International Students
Applications are open for Heinrich Böll Foundation scholarships for German and international students. The
foundation grants scholarships to those students who gained their university entrance qualification outside
of Germany to pursue studies in Germany.
Application deadline: March 01, 2014
More information: http://www.boell.de/en/scholarships-application-landingpage
1.1. CNRD Scholarships for PhD and Master Students; Florence, Italy
Center for natural resources and development (CNRD) program, open to all nationalities, is designed for
junior post-docs who have received a doctorate in economics, law, history, social and political sciences, or
a related field, within the last 5 years and who want to advance in their research and academic training.
Fellows are selected on the basis of their research accomplishments and potential, their academic career
interests, and the availability of the European University Institute faculty to provide mentorship.
Application deadline: March 1, 2014.
More information: http://www.cnrd.info/index.php?master
1.2. Call for Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at RECSM; Barcelona, Spain
The Research and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology (RECSM) at University Pompeu Fabra,
Barcelona, is pleased to support a candidate’s application for the postdoctoral research fellowships of the
Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The fellowship will be dedicated half time to RECSM
research projects and half time to fellow’s own research in the field of survey methodology.
Applicants are required to hold an academic degree of Dr., Ph.D. or equivalent in social sciences, and they
are expected to have survey and/or methodology research experience.
Application deadline: February 17, 2014
More information: http://www.upf.edu/survey/actualitat/35.html
1.3. UNU-MERIT PhD Program in Economics and Governance; Maastricht, Netherlands
The United Nations University – Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and
Technology (UNU-MERIT) is a research and training institute of United Nations University and Maastricht
University. The PhD program has two specializations leading to a PhD in Economics and Policy Studies of
Technical Change at UNU-MERIT, or a PhD in Public Policy and Policy Analysis at the School of Governance.
Application deadline: February 28, 2014
More information: http://www.merit.unu.edu/training/phd-programme-in-economics-and-governance/
1.4. Mellon Fellowship Program; London, GB
With the support of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the London School of Economics (LSE) is looking
for dynamic and engaged scholars and practitioners who are currently developing their careers in the arts,
culture, literature, philosophy or other related humanities disciplines to contribute to the interdisciplinary
work of LSE Cities, an international research center that explores the interactions between space and
Application deadline: February 28, 2014
More information: http://lsecities.net/about/mellon/
1.5. Russian Government Scholarships for International Students
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Federal Agency for the
Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian
Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) announce the admission of foreign citizens living abroad for studies in
Russian educational institutions of higher education at the expense of federal budget allocations in an
academic year 2014/2015. Foreign citizens with insufficient knowledge of Russian have a right for
education at pre-university preparatory departments and faculties of educational establishments on
supplementary comprehensive programs.
Application deadline: March 15, 2014
More information: http://en.russia.edu.ru/news/2110/
1.6. Security Studies Pre-doctoral Fellowship 2014-2015; Austin, Texas
The Robert S. Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas at Austin offers
pre-doctoral fellowships in security studies for the 2014/2015 academic year to stimulate the development
of the next generation of researchers and thought leaders and encourage them to engage in policyrelevant research on issues related to security studies. Pre-doctoral fellows are encouraged to present
their research within and outside the Center, participate in the research activities of the Center, attend and
take an active role in seminars and conferences, engage with younger scholars, and immerse themselves in
the greater University community during their appointment.
Application deadline: February 15, 2014
More information: https://strausscenter.org/strauss-news/security-studies-pre-doctoral-fellowship-20142015.html
1.7. School of Arts Research Studentships; London, UK
The School of Arts of Birkbeck, University of London, offers research for outstanding candidates.
Application is open to all students applying to undertake postgraduate research in the departments of
English & Humanities, History of Art, Iberian & Latin American Studies, Film, Media & Cultural Studies, and
European Languages & Cultures or via the Arts and Humanities Doctoral Programme.
Application deadline: February 17, 2014
More information: http://www.bbk.ac.uk/arts/research/research-bursaries-studentships-funding/mphilphd-arts-research-studentships
1.8. Kasetsart Masters Scholarships 2014; Bangkok, Thailand
Kasetsart University at Bangkok, Thailand, offers full scholarships for international students from Lowincome and Lower middle-income countries to study in M.S. English Program in Agricultural and Resource
Economics. The funds are to support tuition fee and monthly research assistant stipend including research
expenditure and health insurance. The scholarship is available for two consecutive academic years of fulltime graduate enrollment.
Application deadline: April 30, 2014
More information: http://agri.eco.ku.ac.th/inter/scholarship_announcement.pdf
1.9. INSEAD Orange Endowed Scholarships for Emerging Markets
The France Telecom group-Orange is offering scholarships to study Business administration at INSEAD
Business School in France. Selection criteria for scholarship are financial need, and knowledge of French
and telecommunication is an added advantage. Students from developing emerging countries are eligible
to apply for this MBA scholarship. Students have to pursue their career where the Orange
telecommunication operates.
Application deadline: April 28, 2014
More information: http://mba.insead.edu/schlmgmt/dsp_schl_info.cfm?schlcode=F05
The Lane Kirkland Scholarships for Young Leaders, Poland
The Program is addressed to young leaders with higher education who are interested in the development
of democracy, economy and civil society in their countries and in the region. The Program is carried out in
the form of a two-semester project course with Polish universities and 2-4-week professional internships
with public or private institutions. The program is addressed to the following persons: experts, politicians,
employees at government and local government institutions; entrepreneurs and managers; NGO leaders;
academic teachers; journalists.
Application deadline: March 1, 2014
More information: http://www.kirkland.edu.pl/en/program-announcement-2014
Lithuanian state scholarships for short-term studies; Lithuania
Education Exchanges Support Foundation is offering scholarships for students, lecturers and researchers of
foreign countries for short terms studies on Lithuanian and Baltic studies.
Application deadline: April 1, 2014
More information: http://www.smpf.lt/en/statescholarships/for_shortterm_studies_and_research_visits
2014 Small Grants Program - YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Studies
Yerevan State University’s Center for Gender and Leadership Studies is pleased to announce its “2014 Small
Grants Program” (SGP), which will provide up to $5,000 for research projects addressing issues of gender
equity and women’s empowerment in Armenia. The SGP goal is to build research capacity in the field of
women and gender studies and to promote research that informs public debate and policy-making.
Research undertaken under terms of the small grants program will be expected to be relevant to one or
more specific public policy issues.
Application deadline: April 7, 2014
More information: http://armscoop.com/2014/02/armscoop-2014-small-grants-program-request-forproposals/
Volkswagen Foundation Funding Initiative
The funding initiative “Between Europe and the Orient – A Focus on Research and Higher Education in/on
Central Asia and the Caucasus” is to support either projects that deal with current local developments or
that are structurally anchored in the region. Within the frame of topically defined specific calls for
proposals, the Volkswagen Foundation supports cooperative research projects involving significant
participation on the part of scholars and scientists from the target region which combine the training and
advancement of young researchers. The call addresses the social sciences and has been set up to facilitate
political and social science research on present-day political, legal, economic, and social developments in
Central Asia and the Caucasus.
Application deadline: April 04, 2014
2. Call for Papers, Workshops, Conferences
2.1. CRRC Methodological Conference on Measuring Social Inequality in the South Caucasus
and its Neighborhood
Date: June 25, 2014
Site: Tbilisi, Georgia
Organizer: CRRC
The Caucasus Research Resource Centers (CRRC), a network of research and research support centers in
the capital cities of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, invites papers that explore a range of topics related
to social and economic inequality and methodological approaches to study its different aspects. Works
with a wide range of empirical approaches, such as case studies, comparative research
projects, ethnographies, surveys, etc., that apply quantitative or qualitative research methods, as well as a
combination of both, are welcome. Presenters are expected to emphasize innovative methods used in their
research projects and described in their papers. Abstracts will be selected based on three criteria: focus on
research methodology, innovative approach and relevance to the region.
Application deadline: 28 February, 2014
2.2. ASCN Conference: Exporting Regimes? Interests and Strategies of Powerful States in the
Post-Communist Space
Date: June 13-14, 2014
Site: Berlin, Germany
Organizer: ASCN, Hertie School of Governance
Academic Swiss Caucasus Net in cooperation with Hertie School of Governance organizes a conference that
takes up the question of how powerful states affect the political developments of post-communist states.
More precisely, the conference focuses on how influential democracies and authoritarian states effect the
developments of political regimes in seemingly less powerful states.
Application deadline: March 3, 2014
More information: http://www.ascn.ch/en/Events/Conference-Berlin.html
2.3. YSU Center for Gender and Leadership Conference on Women, Leadership, and Society
Date: June10, 2014
Site: Yerevan, Armenia
Organizer: YSU CGLS
Yerevan State University (YSU) Center for Gender and Leadership Studies (CGLS) is pleased to announce a
call for paper for its second annual conference on Women, Leadership, and Society. The conference will
take place at Yerevan State University.
The CGLS Conference will critically examine both the progress in women’s advancement to leadership roles
in different spheres of society and the legal, economic, and sociocultural obstacles to this advancement. It
will seek effective policy solutions to problems and challenges that hinder women’s leadership in Armenia
and globally. Submissions from scholars and researchers, as well as representatives of non-governmental
organizations and social activists are welcome.
Application deadline: March 31, 2014
More information:
2.4. Scientific Conference: Migration in the Globalized World
Date: April 29-30, 2014
Site: Yerevan, Armenia
Organizer: YSU Faculty of Sociology
The Migration Competence Centre of the faculty of Sociology in YSU is organizing the first annual scientific
conference on Migration in the Globalized World.
The Conference includes the following topics:
Transnational social networks
Identity and migratory issues
The methodology of migratory research
The regulation of modern migratory processes
The socio-economic aspects of modern migratory movements
The organizers welcome proposals from scientists and researchers, as well as from international
companies, governmental officials, and NGO representatives.
The abstracts should be either in English or Armenian (not exceeding 500 words), including theoretical
bases, research methodology and brief results. The resume (up to 1 page) must be appended to the
abstract and emailed by April 5, 2014 to: mcc@ysu.am.
For more information apply to the Center of Migration Studies of the faculty of Sociology in Yerevan State
Yerevan, Armenia
1 Alex Manoogian Street
YSU, Faculty of Sociology, room # 302
Email: mcc@ysu.am
Tel: +374 93 333 226
2.5. Research panel on “Care by Ageing Migrants: Inter-Generational Transfers from
Grandparents to the Younger Generations” in the Annual IMISCOE Conference
Date: August 27-29
Site: Madrid, Spain
Organizer: Instituto Universitario de Estudios sobre Migraciones (IEM) at the Universidad Pontifica
The IMISCOE (International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion in Europe) Research Network is
announcing the Eleventh Annual Conference. The conference will address the links between migration,
social cohesion and social innovation in globalized, transnational spaces. The organizers welcome work and
participation from scholars of various disciplines, on all aspects of migration, integration and ethnic studies.
Submissions directly related to the conference theme are welcome as well as those on other topics in the
broad field of migration studies. Both individual papers and panel proposals can be submitted
Application deadline: March 15, 2014
More information: http://iss.fsv.cuni.cz/ISS-7-version1-cfp_madrid_workshop_am_interge.pdf
2.6. Call for Papers: “Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century” Journal
Place of publication: Lithuania
Type of publication: print
Published by: Scientia Socialis in Cooperation with Scientia Educologica
Proposals for articles should be original work and substantively different from papers that have been
previously published or are under review in a journal or another peer-reviewed conference. Papers
describing innovative research on all aspects of quality and related areas are invited. Submitted papers will
be assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity of writing.
Application deadline: February 28, 2014
More information: http://www.jbse.webinfo.lt/QIIC/Journal_QIIC.2014.4_CFP.pdf
2.7. Call for Papers: Romanian Journal of Political Science
Place of publication: Romania
Type of publication: print and online
Published by: Scientia Socialis in Cooperation with Scientia Educologica
The Journal welcomes academic papers, reviews of recent publications and announcements of forthcoming
volumes as well as contributions from various fields of research in the social sciences.
Application deadline: February 28, 2014
More information: http://www.jbse.webinfo.lt/QIIC/Journal_QIIC.2014.4_CFP.pdf
3. New Sources
3.1. What is the impact of the Syrian crisis on migration governance of the Republic of
The war in Syria has had a far-reaching impact beyond its borders. With no signs of peace, many Syrians
with ties to Armenia travelled to the country in search of refuge. However, with its overstretched resources
and poor economy, Armenia was able to take only some steps to address the needs of those fleeing the
conflict. The pressure on the migration services to respond to the influx of refugees also revealed gaps in
Armenia’s migration data management system. Armenia’s inability to provide long-term accommodation
for many Syrians may create pressures for them to seek better opportunities elsewhere.
Full source: http://www.migrationpolicycentre.eu/docs/policy_brief/PolicyBrief-Armenia-2013.pdf
3.2. EU Neighborhood Migration Report 2013
This report covers migration in 18 EU neighboring countries, including Armenia. Each country report
provides the most recent and up-to-date data and analysis on demographic, legal, and socio-political
aspects of both inward and outward migration stocks and flows.
Full source: http://www.migrationpolicycentre.eu/migrationreport/?utm_source=MPC+Newsletter&utm_campaign=f5c7af9e1aMPC_2013February_Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5739ea1f8b-f5c7af9e1a-48427557
3.3. Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2013: An OECD Scoreboard
The Scoreboard presents data for a number of debt, equity and financing framework condition indicators
for financing SMEs and entrepreneurs.
Full source: http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/industry-and-services/financingsmes-and-entrepreneurs-2013_fin_sme_ent-2013-en#page1
3.4. Education at a Glance 2013
Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators is the authoritative source for accurate and relevant information on
the state of education around the world. It provides data on the structure, finances, and performance of
education systems in more than 40 countries.
Full source: http://www.keepeek.com/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/education/education-at-a-glance2013_eag-2013-en#page1
3.5. World Development Report 2014
The World Development Report 2014 examines how improving risk management can lead to larger gains in
development and poverty reduction. It will argue that improving risk management is crucial to reduce the
negative impacts of shocks and hazards, but also to enable people to pursue new opportunities for growth
and prosperity. Risk management is also a shared responsibility that requires the active participation of
different economic and social systems, as well as the State.
Full source: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/EXTNWDR2013/Resources/82580241352909193861/8936935-1356011448215/8986901-1380046989056/WDR-2014_Complete_Report.pdf
3.6. World Economic Outlook
This issue of the World Economic Outlook examines the potential spillovers from these transitions and the
appropriate policy responses.
Full source: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2013/02/
Database: http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2013/02/weodata/index.aspx
4. Job openings
4.1. Research Assistant at the Migration Policy Centre; Florence, Italy
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the Migration Policy Centre is looking for a Research
Assistant to assist in research programs, surveys and quantitative analyses; contribute briefs, reports and
articles; participate in MPC seminars.
Application deadline: February 28, 2014
4.2. Research Fellow at the Migration Policy Centre; Florence, Italy
Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) is looking for a
Research Fellow to conduct and publish research; participate in MPC seminars and lecture at MPC summer
school; approach research sponsors; contribute to MPC development.
Application deadline: February 28, 2014
More information: http://migrationpolicycentre.us6.listmanage1.com/track/click?u=da4b0e6f26526740c71b40cd5&id=cdb55ff907&e=dd0296e5d4
4.3. Post-Doctoral Researcher Hanken School of Economics; Helsinki, Finland
The Department of Economics at Hanken School of Economics invites applications for a Post-Doctoral
Researcher in Economics to conduct research for publishing, contribute to the research in economics, as
well as to the teaching and supervision activities at the Department.
Application deadline: March 3, 2014
More information: http://www.ssrn.com/update/ern/ernjob/job14013.html