Supporting Information Methods S1 MSAP relies on the differential efficiency of restriction enzymes to cut methylated and ummethylated templates in the step prior to ligation and preamplification in conventional AFLP. The validity of selecting MroI and BseAI as isoschizomers for MSAP was tested by assessing the relative effectiveness of each enzyme to restrict template DNA differing only in the methylation status at the restriction recognition site. This was tested using the following strategy: 1. Design of template for differential restriction 2. Selection of a plasmid into which the methylated/unmethylated fragment was cloned prior to restriction and PCR amplification 3. Ligation of target fragment into plasmid 4. Quantification of ligation product 5. Restriction of ligation products using MroI or BseA1 6. Quantification of enyzme activity (as evidenced by PCR amplification) using RTqPCR Each of the steps used in this experiment are described below. 1. Design of template for differential restriction DNA fragments (Table 1 below) were designed to contain a MroI/BseAI recognition site (5´TCCGGA-3´) and also coadhesive ends for HindIII (5´-AGCT-3´)and EcoRI (5´-AATT-3´). Since the restriction of the plasmid was conducted in the same reaction volume as the ligation of the oligonucleotides, the bases adjacent to the coadhesive ends were selected in order to disrupt the recognition sites of both enzymes to avoid restriction of the incorporated fragment (Figure 1 below). Table 1 Oligonucleotide sequences: Methylated cytosines are shown as [5MedC] Oligonucleotide name Forward unmethylated Reverse unmethylated Forward methylated Reverse methylated Sequence (5´-3´) AGCTACTCCGGACT AATTAGTCCGGAGT AGCTACTC[5MedC]GGACT AATTAGTC[5MedC]GGAGT 2. Selection of plasmid Plasmid pCR2.1-TOPO (invitrogen) was selected because it is provided in a linearized form. This, together with the restriction using HindIII and EcoRI precludes illegitimate amplification from plasmids lacking the target ligand. 3. Ligation of target fragment into plasmid 1ul of plasmid DNA was restricted using 1U of HindIII and 1U of EcoRI for two hours at 37⁰C in a 20uL reaction mix containing 1.5uL of the double stranded methylated or unmethylated fragment (10uM) plus 1.1ul T4 Ligase buffer, 1.1ul NaCl (0.5mM), T4 Ligase 1U, BSA 1mg/mL. Restriction/ligation products were diluted in 50uL of nanopure water 4. Quantification ligation product The amount of ligation product obtained with each of the fragments was quantified using Real Time Quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR). The ligation product obtained using the unmethylated fragment was used to generated a serial dilution (1/10, 1/100, 1/1000, 1/10000). A PCR reaction mix containing 10uL of Sensimix, 1uL of Syto9, 0.8uL of each forward and reverse M13 primers (5uM) and 0.5 uL of each of the ligation products (including the serial dilutions for the unmethylated fragment). Two extra reactions were prepared using 1uL of the unmethylated ligation product and water instead of DNA as a negative control. RT-qPCR was conducted using a Rotorgene 6000 (Corbett) under the following conditions: 2minutes at 72⁰C followed by 40 cycles of 30 seconds at 94⁰C, 30seconds at 53⁰C and 30 seconds at 72⁰C with a final step of 2 minutes at 72⁰C. CT values were calculated using the integrated software in the Rotorgene 6000. 5. Restriction of ligation products using MroI and BseAI 10uL from the ligation products obtained using plasmid pCR2.1 and both DNA fragments were restricted in a 20uL reaction using 1U of MroI or BseAI, 2uL of the restriction buffer buffer supplied by the supplier (Roche). Reaction mixes were incubated at 37⁰C (MroI) or 55⁰C (BseAI) for two hours. Three replicates were obtained for each enyzme. 6. Quantification of enyzme activity (as evidenced by PCR amplification) using RT-qPCR 2uL of the restriction products obtained using MroI and BseAI were amplified using the reaction conditions shown above. Since restriction/ligation products were diluted two times after the restriction reaction using MroI/BseAI we used 2uL of the restriction products in order to allow the reaction to leave the exponential phase of the amplification before 35 cycles. Three replicates were obtained from each of the restriction products described above.