Course # 5-ANES-861
Title: Anesthesiology
Instructor: Coleman Floyd Buckhouse, M.D.
Location: Carolinas Hospital System
Anesthesiology Consultants of Florence, LLC
Florence, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Course Description
The course is an introduction to general anesthetic management and encompasses the anesthetic subspecialties of pediatric, neurosurgical, cardiothoracic, obstetrical anesthesia and pain management. The student will acquire a working knowledge of commonly used anesthetic agents, techniques and airway management.
Course Objectives
Anesthetic drug management
Management of general, regional and monitored anesthesia techniques
Post-op pain managment (acute and chronic)
Airway management
Intravenous access
Fluid and electrolyte management
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Rounds/Discussions - 10
Patient Contact - 40
Lab - none
Patient Load - none
Call - every 4th night
Course #: 5-EMED-830
Title: Emergency Care
Instructor: Peter D. Hyman, M.D.
Location: McLeod Regional Medical Center
Florence, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The course will provide an interactive, yet academic introduction to Emergency Medicine. The emphasis will be to develop the student's ability to rapidly create appropriate differential diagnoses based on historical and physical examination findings. These findings will elicit further diagnostic and treatment decision-making, in addition to numerous procedures. All patientstudent interactions will be performed under the close supervision of the Attending Emergency
Physician. The student will also learn about the management of emergency conditions from the patient's and medical staff member's standpoint. In addition to the mastery of basic sciences and development of a strong clinical acumen, the student will realize that compassion and communication are crucial physician and mid-level provider attributes. Throughout the rotation, the student will work with emergency medicine Residency trained and board certified Emergency
Course Objectives
Be acquainted with the efficient and compassionate care necessary for patients in the
Emergency Department (ED).
Perform specific skills and procedures necessary for patient care in the ED.
Recognize and treat common emergencies (trauma, burns, drug O.D., shock, coma, head injury, psychiatric emergency, orthopedic injuries, fracture, medical emergency, acute abdominal pain)
Interpret laboratory results and radiograph findings.
Instructional Methodology
Patient contact in the ED is in 12-hour shifts under the supervision of Emergency Physicians.
Independent and regular reading of Rosen's Emergency Medicine Concepts and Clinical Practice and Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine Comprehensive Study Guide. Independent viewing of films.
Students Report to: Please call Dr. Andre Creese, (843) 777-5440, or Ms. Kristen Palles, (843)
777-5345, two weeks before the rotation begins.
Course #: 2-EMED-850
Title: Emergency Medicine
Instructor: Martin E. Lutz, M.D., FACEP
Paul Fraley, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 4
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This course is designed to present to the student the basic principles and techniques necessary to evaluate and manage the complete gamut of acutely ill or injured patients who present to a busy Emergency Department. This initial care of the patient is not to be viewed as an isolated treatment measure, but as the first step in the patient's comprehensive medical care. Complaints of patients seen in this setting range from such problems as drug overdose, cardiac arrest, major trauma and acute psychosis to minor lacerations, vaginal bleeding and sore throat. Each
Thursday at 7:45 am there is a combined Internal Medicine/Emergency Medicine conference in the 5th floor classroom at Greenville Memorial. Each student is encouraged to attend, but is not required to present a case. Optimal time may be spent by the student riding in an Emergency
Medical Service Ambulance.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to obtain and record an accurate history relating to the patient's presenting complaint, perform an appropriate physician examination and determine a logical treatment plan. He will be able to perform such procedures as wound closure of simple lacerations, nasal packing, removal of foreign bodies, intravenous infusions, lumbar punctures, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The student will gain an overview of Emergency
Medical services and the management of a large general hospital Emergency Department.
Instructional Methodology
Students work varied shifts in the Intermediate Care area alongside an emergency physician. The major emergency facility for the Greenville Hospital system is located at Greenville Memorial
Hospital and handles over 65,000 visits per year, serving as the major trauma center for the region. Those students demonstrating a high degree of talent and aptitude can expect to perform additional procedures. The student will also be asked to participate in the instruction of
Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics.
Course #: 3-FAMMD-757
Title: Family Medicine in the Community Hospital
Instructor: Otis Baughman, M.D.
Robert McDonald, M.D.
Patricia Bouknight, M.D.
Ifekan-Shango Simon, M.D.
Mark T. Godenick, M.D.
Joseph G. Grace, III, Ph.D.
Adrienne Ables, PharmD
Daniel Sontheimer, M.D.
Location: Spartanburg Regional Medical Center
Spartanburg, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The student will work under the direction of the family medicine faculty and senior family medicine residents in the Family Medicine Center at Spartanburg Regional Medical Center. The student will have the opportunity of actively participating in ambulatory care of family medicine patients and discussion of patients hospitalized on the family medicine service. Special emphasis will be made to familiarize the student with the opportunities available to a family physician, the continuity of care, and awareness of the total life situation of the patient. The student will have the opportunity of working with the family physician, various consultants in the specialized areas of medicine and behavioral science faculty. The role of the family physician as coordinator of health care will be demonstrated.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will have had brief exposure to the Family Medicine
Residency Training Program available in a large community (Consortium) hospital. The "team management" of the patient, family, and the illness will be demonstrated and emphasized under the direction and supervision of a family physician.
Instructional methodology
The student will be working in the Family Medicine Center, the Emergency Department,
Outpatient Department, and with in-patients of the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center. The student will also make daily (Monday through Friday) Rounds with the family medicine teaching staff on all Family Medicine Center in-patients. In addition, the student is expected to attend regularly scheduled and special visiting professors' conferences. In addition to the time spent on
rounds and in conferences, each student will be given a minimum of 1-2 hours per week with a faculty member during which any specific problems he may have encountered with his patients or families may be discussed.
Course #: 8-FAMMD-758
Title: Family Medicine Inpatient Externship
Instructor: James Jarvis, M.D.
Location: Self Regional Medical Center
Greenwood, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Year Round (not available in June)
This elective is structured to provide the student an inpatient experience consistent with the practice of community family medicine physicians. Based on the common discharge diagnose of the approximately 2,000 admissions for fiscal year 2002, the Inpatient Service is able to provide a comprehensive education experience for a fourth year student.
Course objectives
Learn basic components for inpatient medicine
Become familiar with the problems in the hospitalized patient
Be exposed and learn the emergent problems commonly seen in the hospitalized patient
Be exposed to and learn many of the procedures commonly performed by a family physician in a community hospital
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 7
Rounds/discussions -10
Patient contact - 25
Lab - none
Patient load - 4
Call - every 4th to 6th night
Course #: 5-FAMMD-759
Title: Family Medicine Ambulatory Care
Instructor: Hilton P. Terrell, M.D.
Location: McLeod Family Medicine Residency Program
Florence, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The student will work with the faculty members as well as the family medicine residents.
Assessment utilizing the problem -oriented approach will be made at all levels of care including acute care, chronic care, and preventive care. The student will be exposed to patient care in both the Family Medicine Center and the McLeod Regional Medical Center. Emphasis will be placed on history taking, physical assessment, laboratory data interpretation, and differential diagnosis.
The student will be exposed to office management and record organization as well as a team approach utilizing various health care professionals. Appropriate methods of referral to community resources and consultants will be stressed. Inclusion of inpatient care is an option.
Evidence-based medicine, pharmacology and patient education receive special attention.
Course objectives
The student will demonstrate their effectiveness in taking a quick and pertinent history including appropriate physical, emotional, social, and family data, performing thorough examinations, and interpreting laboratory data. The student will formulate appropriate care plans and will describe the environment in which the disease arose as a way of discovering an etiology.
Instructional methodology
The major portion of this elective will be spent discussing patient encounters, hospital rounds, house calls, and time at community resource centers. Daily topic conferences will be presented in the Family Medicine Center at noon. Selected literature articles will be chosen for review. (The core family medicine textbook will be: Family Medicine. Robert Taylor, M.D., Editor, 2nd Edition).
Course #: 3-FAMMD-760
Title: Community Family Practice
Instructor: Robert H. Taylor, M.D.
Location: Spartanburg Regional Medical Center
Spartanburg, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This course is designed to give the student first-hand exposure to and practical experience with private patients in a working family practice setting. Instruction will include emphasis on comprehensive, continuing care, office management and introduction to industrial medicine, professional relations and family practice in a community hospital. The student will be expected to actively participate in all phases of the course.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will have had a beneficial exposure to a private group of family practitioners in a private office, the management of the family practitioner's private patient seen in the office, as well as those in the community hospital under the direction and supervision of a family physician.
Instructional methodology
The student will be working in an office setting. Rounds will be made in two of the hospitals in the
Spartanburg community. The student will be expected to accompany the preceptor on house calls, emergency room visits, and nursing home visits.
Course #: 6-FAMMD-841
Title: Tropical / International Medicine
Instructor: Stoney Abercrombie, M.D.
Location: Anderson Family Practice Residency Program
Anderson, SC
Number of students:
Duration: 2 weeks
Credithours: 2.5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
A rotation where student would accompany medical team on international medical trip (usually 7-
10 days). Student would be responsible for expenses of trip sponsored by Volunteers In Medical
Missions, a 501C3 organization. Certain readings are required.
Course objectives
List the diagnostic criteria for common tropical diseases
Outline a treatment plan for common tropical diseases
Better understand a different culture
Function as a valuable member in a multi-discipline medical team
Instructional methodology
Lectures = none
Rounds/Discussions = none
Patient Contact = none
Lab = none
Patient Load = varies
Call = None
Course #: 6-FAMMD-842
Title: Religion and Medicine
Instructor: H.E. Woodall, M.D., Stuart Sprague, Ph.D.
Robert M. Todd, M.D.
Location: Anderson Family Practice Residency Program
Anderson, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Many physicians struggle to find the most appropriate ways to address questions of relating religious faith and practice to their clinical practice. This one-month elective uses directed readings, clinical preceptorships, and opportunities for individual study to explore the application of religion to clinical medicine. Students of all religions are welcome. In South Carolina the vast majority of patients are nominally Christian, so even physicians of other faiths can benefit from
this elective. Students are required to complete a journal on assigned readings, and are evaluated by their clinical preceptors, and may choose to complete other independent studies.
Clinical preceptors are family physicians with unique training or experience in applying faith to practice. Time is spent in a 32 bed hospice in-patient facility. Study materials explore the spiritual aspects of medical illness and emphasize a holistic, non-judgmental, respectful approach to patients. Evaluations are based on effort, punctuality and the quality of completed assignments.
Course objectives
The student will increase understanding of the spiritual aspects of illness and disease.
The student will increase understanding of the application of faith in clinical practice.
The student will explore areas of personal interest in religion and medicine, medical ethics, the doctor- patient relationship and other related studies.
Instructional methodology
The student will complete the assigned readings and write a journal of reactions to the readings.
The student will spend two weeks with the preceptors in their clinical practices.
The student will complete a project selected and approved at the beginning of the rotation. Options for the project may include a short paper on a topic in religion and medicine, a research project, or one proposed by the student based on interest and/or previous experience.
Course #: 8-FAMMD-843
Title: Clinical Family Medicine
Instructor: James Jarvis, M.D.
Gary Goforth, M.D.
Lyle Pritchard, M.D.
Daphne Karel, M.D.
David Sealy, M.D.
Mark Van Swol, M.D.
Rob Tiller, M.D.
H. Gratin Smith, M.D.
Nancy Voigt, Ph.D.
Lindsey Clark, M.D.
Coleman Robinson, M.D.
Spencer Morris, Pharm. D.
Location: Greenwood Family Medicine Residency Program -
Benton M. Montgomery Center for Family Medicine
Self Regional Medical Center
Greenwood, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Year Round
Clerkship will expose students to the full spectrum of family medicine, focusing on ambulatory medicine, but giving the opportunity to refine skills in inpatient adult, pediatric, and obstetrical medicine.
Course objectives
Develop an understanding of family medicine and its role in the community
Review common problems in family medicine
Prepare to transition to residency responsibilities
Expand knowledge base in ambulatory areas of interest to students
Instructional methodology
Lectures - 7-9
Rounds/Discussions - 5-10
Patient contact - 30
Call - optional
Course #: 8-FAMMD-844
Title: Family Medicine Rural
Instructor: Sam Stone, M.D.
Location: 517 Doctor's Court
Chester, SC
Number of students: Minimum 1 Maximum 3
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall/Spring
A general exposure to a rural Family Medicine practice, including office work, preventive medicine, sports medicine, in-patient including ICU and office procedures. Students will follow patients with diabetes, CAD, hypertension and general medicine concerns. They will be able to have home visits along with working with hospice patients. Will work in free clinic with indigent patients.
Course objectives
Provide for patients in an outpatient setting in preventive medicine.
Follow patients in an inpatient setting.
Assist in office procedures such as lesion removal, suturing, I and D of abscesses.
An overall view of the rural doctor/patient relationship.
Instructional methodology
Lectures - 4-5
Rounds/Discussions - 10
Patient contact - 35
Patient Load - 3-5
Call (How many nights/week): - 1-2
Course #: 2-FAMMD-851
Title: Family Medicine
Instructor: Kurt Harding, D.O. and Rico Aragon, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The Greenville Hospital System Family Medicine Residency Training Program (FMRTP) offers the opportunity for the student to become involved directly in patient care and management in a
clinical setting and to become familiar with the philosophy of family medicine and its holistic approach to patients. There is a full schedule of conferences and rounds each morning. Much emphasis will be placed on utilizing the SOAP method of charting. Also, history-taking and physical exam performance will be stressed.
Course objectives
Upon completion the student should have acquired the basic diagnostic skills necessary to do histories and physicals on children and adult patients in order to implement meaningful patient treatment and management. Also, the student will be able to order appropriate ancillary studies needed in obtaining an accurate diagnosis and to utilize properly, consultants in all medical specialties. The student should also have sufficient exposure to hypertension, diabetes, otitis and gout (either by direct patient contact or in didactic sessions) to initiate proper treatment and management.
Instructional methodology
The student will participate in morning teaching rounds, all noon conferences, didactic lectures, weekly behavioral science sessions, and direct patient contact. The student will be assigned patients and will be supervised by a third-year resident. A faculty member will always be available. An assigned faculty member will conduct a daily review of patients seen by the student.
The student will be given as much responsibility in direct patient care as their medical and clinical acumen allows. The student will have the option to spend time on call in the hospital. The student will then be under the direct supervision of a resident and the faculty as routinely done will review admissions. A medical library with audio-visual and self-instruction equipment is available for the student throughout the day. The student will be encouraged to utilize these teaching aids.
Course #: 6-FAMMD-853
Title: Family Medicine
Instructor: Stoney Abercrombie, M.D.
Location: Anderson Area Medical Center
Family Practice Center
Anderson, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: July - January
This elective is structured to provide the student an outpatient and inpatient experience with the practice of community family medicine. The student will see ambulatory patients in the Anderson
Family Practice Residency Program alongside family practice residents and faculty members.
The student will follow family practice hospital patients. This elective will provide a comprehensive educational opportunity for a fourth year medical student interested in primary care.
Course Objectives
Exposure to and learning of procedures commonly performed by family physicians in office and community hospital settings.
Active hands-on learning about basic components of community family medicine in the outpatient and inpatient setting.
Exposure to and learning about emergent problems commonly seen in community hospitalized patients.
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Call: every 4th night with assigned resident
Patient Load: OFFICE-3-4 office patients per half day at Family Practice Center. Patient care time also will be scheduled at our Women’s Health Clinic, Child Health Clinic and/or
Anderson Free Clinic. HOSPITAL-maximum of 4 patients at any given time
Lectures: one teaching conference per day (approximately one hour each)
Course #: 6-FAMMD-855
Title: Rural Medicine
Instructor: William Donaldson, M.D.
Location: Foothills Family Medicine Associates
Anderson and Williamston, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This student elective, located in a satellite office of the Anderson Family Practice Residency
Program, offers unique educational opportunities for medical students interested in rural family medicine. The student will become acquainted with the health care needs of patients in a community-oriented primary care model practice. The student will be involved in community health assessment, patient care, counseling, chemical dependency, and occupational medicine.
Supervision will be provided by faculty of the residency program.
Course objectives
Medical students will have the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in health care on a level not seen in a tertiary care setting. They will become acquainted with the unique health needs of a rural population and develop skills to address competently these needs by use of a communityoriented primary care model. Through this process, students will develop a commitment to rural health care.
Instructional methodology
Students will make hospital rounds with the family medicine resident before arriving at the satellite for office hours Mornings will be spent predominantly on the curricular elements of occupational medicine, chemical dependent family therapy and community-oriented primary care.
Afternoons will be spent seeing patients with one-on-one precepting by family physician faculty.
Housing is available.
Instructor: Hunter E. Woodall, M.D.
Location: Anderson Family Practice Residency Program
Anderson, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Year round
Course description
Course #: 6-FAMMD-866
Title: Hospice and Palliative Medicine Elective
Student will work with the Medical Director (Dr. Hunter F. Woodall, Clinical Professor of Family
Medicine) at Hospice of the Upstate, a 32-bed Inpatient Hospice unit in Anderson, South
Course objectives
Manage pain syndromes at the end-of-life
Manage common non-pain symptoms at the end-of-life
Discuss goals of care with terminal patients and their families
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of palliative care versus curative care
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - none
Rounds/discussions - 8
Patient contact - 20
Lab/X-ray - none
Readings - 8
Patient load - 3-4
Call - none
Course #: 5-FAMMD-870
Title: Family Medicine Externship
Instructor: William H. Hester, M.D.
Location: McLeod Regional Medical Center
Florence, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Year round
Course description
Student will work on the Family Medicine Teaching Service; 371 bed acute care regional hospital with a team consisting of an attending, senior resident and 2 interns. Student will have exposure to all critical care units.
Course objectives
Admission H&P on each assigned patient
Discharge summary
Present patients at morning report
Attend procedures on assigned patients
Discuss consultants role in management
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 5
Rounds/discussions - 4
Patient contact - 30
Lab/X-ray - 2
Patient load - 2
Call - every 4th night
Course #: 2-LABMD-851
Title: Laboratory and Diagnostic Hematology
Instructor: Jesse Stafford, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
In this course, the student gains a better understanding of the appropriate use of the laboratory and how it is integrated into total patient care. The student learns the procedures involved from the time a laboratory test is requested until the results are transmitted to the attending physician.
The student performs some of the less complicated laboratory procedures using such equipment as the Coulter Counter. In addition, they perform and interpret bone marrow studies and evaluates peripheral blood smears.
Course #: 9-MED-840
Title: Rural Medicine
Instructor: Robert M. Jones, M.D.
Location: Denmark Medical Center
Denmark, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Students and residents will experience the delivery of health care in a developing multidisciplinary primary care model practice. They will be involved in the decision making process. The physician and other health care personnel will interact with social services agencies, home health agencies, the patient, the family and other community resources in making decisions to improve health care for the individual patient and the community.
Course objectives
To introduce students/residents to integrated rural health care delivery system. The students and residents will be a part of the rural health care delivery team, and witness the uniqueness of rural health care.
Instructional methodology
Early mornings will be spent in the hospital seeing hospitalized patients. Mornings and afternoons will be spent in the outpatient office setting. Cost containment and clinical judgment will be emphasized.
Course #: 6-MED-852
Title: Internal Medicine Externship
Instructor: Anne Cook, M.D.
Location: Anderson Memorial Hospital
Anderson, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Year Round
This rotation is an inpatient general internal medicine experience. The student will take call with a family practice resident evaluating patients admitted to the Internal Medicine teaching service of the Anderson Family Practice residency program.
Course objectives
Evaluation of internal medicine patients
Learn how to write admission orders
Learn how to present patients on rounds in a succinct manner
Refine history and physical skills
Develop treatment plans for inpatients
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 5
Rounds/Discussions - 8 - 10
Patient contact - 15-20
Lab - None
Patient load - 4-6
Call - every 4th or 5th day
Course #: 3-MED-853
Title: Infectious Diseases
Instructor: Gregory T. Valainis, M.D., Michele Carney, M.D. and Stan Miller, M.D.
Location: Spartanburg Regional Medical Center
Spartanburg, SC
Number of students: Minimum of 1, Maximum of 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Year Round - Monthly
Infectious Diseases
Course objectives
Understand rational for antimicrobial selection
Become familiar with evaluating and treating HIV infection
See a variety of nusocomial infections and their impact
Interface within the microbiology lab and pathology
Instructional methodology
Lectures - 1
Rounds/Discussions - 12
Patient Contact - 12
Lab - 2
Patient Load - ~5
Call - 2 weekends per rotation
Course #: 2-MED-854
Title: Endocrinology
Instructor: Leigh Watson-Ramirez, M.D.
Bruce B. Latham, M.D.
Stanley E. Von Hofe, M.D.
Sandra Weber, M.D.
John Bruch, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This rotation develops a basic understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of endocrine disorders, as well as improving medical history and physical examination skills. The student will be responsible for, and participate in, the medical evaluation, work-up, data interpretation, diagnostic formulation, and management of patients with endocrine disorders under the supervision of faculty attendings. Spectrum of problems encountered will include, but is not limited to, thyroid and parathyroid disease, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases, hypertension, galactorrhea, amenorrhea, pituitary gland dysfunction, adrenal gland dysfunction, and ovarian and testicular dysfunction. The student will be involved with both inpatient and outpatient care, although much of the rotation is office based. The inpatient experience will largely be concerned with consultations provided to other services.
Course objectives
Our aim is to impart sound, basic information on which the student will be able to build as they mature in their medical career.
Instructional methodology
Students will be required to interview and examine patients and then present their findings to attendings. Much of the teaching on this rotation will be one-on-one. There will also be sessions of didactic instruction covering topics in general endocrinology. Ample time will be provided for reading. Textbooks recommended for this course include general medicine texts such as Cecil's and Harrison's textbooks, and the Williams Endocrinology textbook. The endocrine sections in the general medicine texts mentioned represent the expected minimum of material to be read.
Additional reading materials include "core" set of articles concerning various endocrine topics, recent editions of The Endocrine Society postgraduate course syllabus, and other articles pertinent to patients seen in day-to-day care. The materials will be provided by the attendings.
Course #: 5-MED-856
Title: Cardiology
Instructor: E. Conyers O'Bryan, Jr., M.D.
Location: McLeod Health
Florence, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Through didactic and clinical office , clinic and hospital experiences the student will be introduced to the interpretation of electrocardiograms, echocardiograms, and other graphic studies including stress testing; the role of consultant in the evaluation and management of selected cardiac patients presenting acute or chronic cardiovascular disorders. In addition, the student will elicit and conduct detailed histories and physical examinations and subsequent presentation of findings, the cardiopulmonary resuscitation technique including situations and the participation in cardiology conferences.
Course objectives
Identify, on a normal cardiac x-ray series (four views), the location of the heart, the bronchi, the esophagus, the diaphragms and the sternum with 80% accuracy in two minutes
Examine the following areas in such a way as to obtain reliable information regarding the normality or abnormality of the peripheral arterial pulses and carotid pulse: the jugular venous pulse; the liver and hepatic pulsation; the extremities; the lungs; the heart, rhythm, size, pulsations, thrill sounds, murmurs, friction rubs; ophthalmoscopic examination
Differentiate innocent versus pathologic murmurs; comprehend and apply clinical therapeutics as related to : the in-hospital and long-term management of patients with myocardial infarction; the treatment of acute pulmonary edema; the treatment of rhythm disturbances; the fundamentals of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
Identify on photomicrographs of ventricular and atrial wall, the endocardium, the myocardial fibers and their nuclei and the epicardium with 80% accuracy in four minutes
Course #: 2-MED-860
Title: Nephrology
Instructor: Leigh Watson-Ramirez, M.D.
J. Dennis North-Coombes, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The student will round daily with the attending physician; all aspects of nephrology and hypertension will be discussed. Acid base electrolytes and water metabolism and other subjects of interest will be discussed by the attending. Students will be at the office where, under supervision, they will be able to examine urinary sediments. There is a bimonthly outpatient nephrology clinic at which sessions on an average of six patients are seen. Reprints on the topics discussed will be distributed; adequate time will be provided the student to prepare the topic they are to present the following day.
Course objectives
Our aim is to impart sound, basic information on which the student will be able to build as they mature in their medical career.
Instructional methodology
The student will have first contact with the patient and make their initial assessment and physical examination prior to discussing the case with the nephrologist. Attendance at daily 12:30 p.m.
Internal Medicine Conferences is expected. Reading: General Medicine text; Nephrology texts, and articles as needed.
Course #: 2-MED-867
Title: Hematology
Cancer Treatment Centers
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
A preceptorial orientation is utilized with a busy consultative hematology practice dealing with diagnosis and treatment in-hospital and in the office. Patients with hematological neoplasm, immunohematological problems; including blood banking problems, clotting difficulties, various cytoses and cytopenias, and patients undergoing plasmapheresis for a variety of disorders are evaluated and discussed.
Course objectives
At the conclusion of the rotation, the student should be able to reasonably approach a patient with various cytopenias, clotting disorders and hematological neoplasm.
Instructional methodology
Attendance at daily 12:30 p.m. Internal Medicine conferences and one on one patient oriented instructions. Didactic patient oriented teaching will be given daily. No nights but frequent late evenings.
Course #: 6-MED-869
Title: Private Practice Infectious Disease
Instructor: David Potts, M.D.
Location: 800 N. Fant St.
Anderson, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Year Round
ID Consultation practice with 1/12 day ambulatory HIV and approximately 2 new consults per day. About 2 half says will be spent in ID administration such as infection control and P&T.
Course objectives
Concepts of antibiotic use
HIV care by a generalist
Art of consultation
How to use a micro lab
Inpatient ID consults
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 5
Rounds/Discussions - 25
Patient contact - 20
Lab - 5
Patient load - 2 new consults per day on average
Call - none
Course #: 2-MED-873
Title: General Internal Medicine Ward Externship
Instructor: Leigh Watson-Ramirez, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The student will perform and record history and physical findings and formulate a plan of management, including appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic measures, on each patient assigned to them for care. The student is directly responsible to the resident in charge of each team, caring for an average of 4 to 6 patients at a time, and must have all orders countersigned by a member of the team. The student will participate in special procedures required in the care of patients assigned e.g., sigmoidoscopy, thoracentesis, paracentesis, bone marrow biopsy, lumbar puncture, stress testing. The student shall make observations on blood smears, urine sediments, and gram stains as needed in the care of their patients. The student shall present cases to the attending on teaching rounds or at conferences. The student is expected to take an active role in the management of the patient and ideally will come to function as the patient's primary doctor.
Course objectives
Gain knowledge in the care of general internal medicine with an emphasis on primary patient care.
Instructional methodology
The student will participate in daily teaching conferences by presenting cases or a short discussion of a problem presented by one of their patients and will be called upon to interpret X-
rays and EKGs. Night call is every fourth night, corresponding to the team schedule (one weekend day off per week). Where appropriate, the student will see patients in the ER and participate in decisions regarding admission to the hospital. Attendance at daily 12:30p.m.
Internal Medicine Conferences is expected. Reading: General medicine text and articles as needed.
Course #: 2-MED-874
Title: Cardiology
Instructor: Leigh Watson-Ramirez, M.D.
Joe Henderson, M.D.
Michael Payne, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Students are assigned to work with a specific group of cardiologists with duties very similar to that of the first year internal medicine resident and family practice resident assigned to the group. The student will be assigned specific patients to examine and follow throughout the patient's hospital course. It shall be the student's responsibility to record a history and physicals and present to the attendings on rounds. Students will write orders, but these must be countersigned by a resident or attending. Students will participate in rounds each day. There is an opportunity to observe and perform procedures done on patients that includes: pacemaker insertion, cardioversion, hemodynamic monitoring, coronary angiography and stress testing. Considerable emphasis is placed on instruction and interpretation of electrograms. The student is responsible to interpret an average of 10 records a day.
Course objectives
The student will gain knowledge in the diagnosis and management of patients with acute problems admitted to the Coronary Care Unit.
Instructional methodology
Daily rounds with cardiologists. Daily electrocardiogram teaching sessions. No nights, but frequently in hospital until 10:00 p.m. Attendance at daily 12:30 p.m. Medicine conference is
expected. Read cardiology section in general medicine text as well as articles and specialty texts as needed.
Course #: 2-MED-875
Title: Pulmonary Medicine/Respiratory Critical Care Externship
Instructor: Leigh Watson-Ramirez, M.D.
Lloyd E. Hayes, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
(Not offered in July)
This course is designed to give the student experience in pulmonary medicine and respiratory critical care. They will be assigned patients who have either been admitted by or on whom a consultation is requested from the Pulmonary Critical Care Service. The student will complete a history and physical examination on their patients and report their findings to the attending physician. They will be responsible for writing orders (countersigned by a resident) and managing the patient. The student will be seeing patients admitted to pulmonary floor service and ICU of the
Greenville Memorial Medical Center, a 628-bed acute care facility. The student will also participate in the Pulmonary Outpatient Diagnostic clinic.
Course objectives
The student should understand basic pathophysiology of various pulmonary diseases. They will learn to interpret tests of pulmonary physiologic function including the usual tests of ventilation and gas exchange and will be able to assist in cardiopulmonary exercise testing procedures in the pulmonary laboratory. The student will learn emergency management of acute and chronic respiratory diseases. In the critical care units, the techniques of ventilation management and respiratory care will be taught. An understanding of hemodynamic monitoring and management and nutritional support including hyperalimentation in the critically ill patient should be mastered.
Diagnostic procedures including examination and interpretation of stained sputum, thoracentesis with pleural biopsy, placement of arterial lines, placement of central venous catheters including
Swan-Ganz catheters and tracheal intubation will be taught.
Instructional Methodology
Daily teaching rounds will be performed beginning at 8:30 each morning. Daily attendance at the
12:30 p.m.
Department of Internal Medicine conferences, Wednesday morning 7:30 Pulmonary/Thoracic
Surgical X-ray
Conference and Friday morning Grand Rounds is mandatory. The student will be on call every fourth night including weekends.
Course #: 2-MED-880
Title: Infectious Diseases
Instructor: Leigh Watson-Ramirez, M.D.
J. William Kelly, M.D.
David W. Potts, M.D.
J. John Weems, Jr., M.D.
John Schrank, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Active participation in all aspects of care of patients as specified by attendings. The student will be responsible for the initial evaluation of selected patients referred to the infectious disease consult service. These patients will then be presented to the resident and the faculty. The student will be responsible for recording the history, physical and orders with countersignatures by the resident and faculty. The average number of consults seen is one and one-half per day. Rounds will also be made, on a daily Monday-Friday basis, on patients being followed by this service.
There is a biweekly Infectious Disease clinic which the student will also be expected to attend.
Outpatients in the offices of Drs. Potts and Weems are also available for teaching depending upon the consultation workload. Opportunities also exist to spend time in the county STD Clinic and in the hospital microbiology laboratory.
Course objectives
At the end of this rotation the student should be able to discuss and understand the appropriate use of antibiotic therapy. They should be able to understand and become familiar with common entities in Infectious Disease such as FUO, hepatitis, STD, septicemia, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, AIDS, postoperative wound infections, etc.
Instructional methodology
Attendance at daily 12:30 p.m. Internal Medicine conferences, daily patient-oriented didactic discussions with the attending. No nights. Frequent late evenings. Reading: ID chapters in
General Medicine text as well as selected journal articles and specialty texts as needed.
Course #: 2-MED-881
Title: Internal Medicine - Ambulatory Care
Instructor: Leigh Watson-Ramirez, M.D.
Shawn Chillag, M.D.
George Chandler, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of student:1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered Fall, Spring
Students see patients in the Internal Medicine Clinic during morning hours and in subspecialty clinics in the afternoon periods. Attending physicians in general medicine and subspecialty clinics provides full time supervision. Participation in daily conferences is required.
Course objectives
The student should be able to obtain and present a precise organized case summary including appropriate history, physical findings, accessory clinical data and formulate an appropriate treatment plan. An appreciation for health maintenance should also be obtained.
Instructional methodology
Daily 12:30 p.m. Internal Medicine conferences; daily ambulatory care conferences; case discussion with an attending about each patient seen. No nights or weekends. Reading: General
Medicine text, ambulatory medicine text and articles as needed.
Course #: 5-MED-882
Title: Allergy - Immunology
Instructor: Stephen Imbeau, M.D.
Location: McLeod Regional Medical Center
Florence, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Year Round
This clerkship will allow the student to recognize clinical problems in allergy-immunology, to gather the important historical details, to perform the proper examinations including ENT examinations, and to perform and analyze the allergy work-up. Students will work in the clinic and manage the work-up of three to four new patients each week. Four hours of patient care will be the minimum for each day. The student will also participate in the emergency treatment and any hospital consultations. The student will learn the rudiments of allergy skin testing and pulmonary function testing. Each patient contact will be thoroughly reviewed by the instructor and a complete write-up of each new patient work-up will be graded.
Course objectives
Learn to perform an allergy history and physical
Learn to recognize and treat allergy syndromes
Learn special procedures and treatment plans
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - none
Rounds/Discussions - 4
Patient contact - 30
Lab - none
Patient load - 2-3 per day
Call - none
Course #: 3-MED-884
Title: Internal Medicine Externship
Instructor: Joseph Walton, M.D.
David Holt, M.D.
Greg Valainis, M.D.
Michele Carney, M.D.
Location: Spartanburg Regional Medical Center
Spartanburg, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Acting internship for inpatient internal medicine.
Course objectives
Differential diagnosis
Management and follow-up of moderately to severely ill internal medicine patients
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 2
Rounds/Discussions - 10
Patient contact - 20
Lab -none
Patient Load - 15 - 20
Call - as desired, however, at least one night per week
Course #: 3-OBGYN-857
Title: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Instructor: Michael Watkins, M.D.
James Scardo, M.D.
Suneet Chauhan, M.D.
Location: Spartanburg Regional Medical Center
Spartanburg, SC
Number of students: 3
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This course is designed to present to the student the essential aspects of prenatal obstetrical care and routine office gynecological care. In addition, they should become familiar with the conduct of both normal and abnormal labor and delivery. The student will be assigned patients in each of these areas and will participate in their management and assist with their deliveries in the case of laboring patients. The student will personally conduct normal deliveries with supervision, and will follow these patients through their postpartum care as well. The student will make rounds with the residents assigned to the service, as well as with the course instructors. The student will attend all regularly scheduled prenatal and gynecological clinics, as well as all regularly scheduled obstetrical and gynecological conferences and rounds. The student will be instructed in the immediate neonatal care of the newborn.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this course, it is expected that the student will be able to examine and evaluate routine gynecological patients presenting for office consultation. The student should be able to take a complete history and perform an adequate pelvic examination with cancer screening smears. Additionally, the student should be thoroughly familiar with the prenatal management of normal obstetrical patients. The student will have conducted the delivery of several normal patients with supervision and should be able to manage the postpartum care of normal obstetrical cases.
Instructional methodology
The student will be working on the obstetrical and gynecological services and in the Labor and
Delivery Room area of Spartanburg Regional Medical Center. In addition to observing this active service, the student will have more than adequate clinical material with which they can develop their own expertise. There will be direct contact with the teaching faculty on a formal and informal basis. There is a wealth of audiovisual teaching material to which the student will have access during this period.
Course #: 6-OBGYN-860
Title: Obstetrics and Gynecology
Instructor: Matthew Cline, M.D.
Location: Anderson Memorial Hospital
Anderson, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Spring
The student shall participate in an integral part of the obstetric rotation of the residency program.
Emphasis shall be placed upon the evaluation of the prenatal patient, management of routine vaginal delivery and postpartum care. Evaluation shall be by the faculty of the residency program.
Course objectives
Increase familiarity with management of labor
Develop colposcopy skills
Expose student to office gynecology in the primary care setting
Enhance knowledge of basic OB and GYN patient problems
Course #: 2-OBGYN-864
Title: Obstetrical and Gynecologic Care
Instructor: Robert V. Cummings, M.D.
T.A. Gailey, Jr., M.D.
Eric H. Dellinger, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1 (2 with prior approval of instructor)
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The course is designed to acquaint the student with the management of both normal and highrisk pregnancies and to become acquainted with gynecologic management and surgical procedures. The student will be assigned to appropriate clinics where evaluations and treatment of new and return-visit patients with supervision of the faculty and chief residents. The student will be instructed in the use of a fetal monitor and the principles of ultrasound as they relate to the discipline. The student will make daily rounds with the faculty and residents, and will take labor and delivery call every third or fourth night. In addition, they will attend all regularly scheduled conferences.
Course objectives
Perform normal delivery
Learn episiotomy repair
Participate in major GYN surgery
Participate in OB/GYN outpatient care
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures 4
Rounds/discussions - 5
Patient contact - 20
Lab - 0
Patient Load - 4
Call - 1-2 nights/week
A portion of student time will be spent in the newly remodeled Labor and Delivery Suite. More than 5,000 babies are delivered annually at Greenville Memorial Hospital, providing the student an excellent opportunity to learn patient care. Those students demonstrating a high degree of motivation can expect to perform additional procedures. In addition, students will be included as part of the operative team in the Operating Suite during gynecologic surgery.
Course #: 2-OBGYN-865
Title: Maternal/Fetal Medicine
Instructor: Eric H. Dellinger, M.D.
Phillip C. Greig, M.D.
Shelley J. Chapman, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This elective is offered to students having satisfactorily completed their third year of clinical rotations. Students will work closely with perinatologists in the care of high-risk obstetrical patients. Integration of obstetrics with genetics and neonatal medicine will be emphasized.
Obstetrical ultrasound and antenatal diagnosis modalities of amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling will be utilized for evaluation of high-risk mothers and fetuses .
Course objectives
Gain experience with ultrasound diagnosis
Learn genetic counseling for common disorders
Learn management of high risk pregnancies
Learn to perform/assist with complicated deliveries
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 4
Rounds/discussions - 5
Patient contact - 30
Lab - none
Patient load - 4
Call - 1-2 nights perweek
Course #: 2-OBGYN-866
Title: Gynecologic Oncology
Instructor: James E. Hunter, M.D.
Larry E. Puls, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This elective is offered to students having satisfactorily completed their third year clinical rotations. The course is an acting internship in which the student will participate with an attending in ward rounds, clinics and operating room in the management of patients with gynecologic malignancies. Patients undergoing radical surgery, radiation, chemotherapy was well as diagnostic procedures will be followed and the student will take call on a regular basis for those patients on the service. The student will be asked to present one or more in-depth reviews during the rotation. Specific reading assignments will be required during the rotation.
Course objectives
Familiarize with gynecologic oncology practice
Develop surgical skills
Managing post-operative patients
Review of gynecologic pathology
Instrucitonal methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - none
Rounds/discussions - 5
Pateint contact - varies
Lab - none
Patient load - none
Call - none
Course #: 2-OBGYN-868
Title: Reproductive Endocrinology
Instructor: Thomas M. Price, M.D.
Paul B. Miller, M.D.
John E. Nichols, M.D.
William Boone, Ph.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring (except March, June, September, December)
This elective is offered to students who have satisfactorily completed their third year clinical rotations. Experience will be offered in both infertility and in endocrine abnormalities, especially those related to the reproductive tract. The student will see patients with an attending physician, will participate in surgical procedures characteristic of reproductive endocrinology, learn about assisted reproductive technologies and attend didactic teaching sessions. The student will be required to make at least one presentation on a topic of interest during the four weeks.
Course Objectives
To understand abnormalities of sex steroids leading to hirsuitism and ovulatory dysfunction
Comprehend health concerns and treatments of menopause
Understand causes and treatment of infertility
Observe operative laproscopic and hystroscopic procedures
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 4
Rounds/discussions - 2
Patient contact - 16
Lab - 1
Patient load - None
Call - none
Course #: 5-OBGYN-875
Title: Rural Obstetrics and Gynecology
Instructor: Robert L. Ridgeway, M.D.
Location: Palmetto Women's Health Care
Manning/Sumter, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Student will participate in the office practice, deliveries and gynecological surgery.
Course objectives
Be comfortable with a normal delivery
Be aware of diagnosis and treatment for abnormal labor and complications of pregnancy
Be comfortable providing benign gynecologic care
Become knowledgeable regarding abnormalities in gynecologic care, proper treatment and/or referral
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - none
Rounds/Discussions - 5
Patient Contact - 30
Lab - none
Patient Load - no
Call - Optional
Course #: 2-OBGYN-877
Title: Community Obstetrics and Gynecology
Instructor: Robert V. Cummings, M.D.
T.A. Gailey, Jr., M.D.
Eric H. Dellinger, M.D.
Phillip C. Greig, M.D.
T. Fleming Mattox, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: I
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring (except December)
This elective is offered to students who have satisfactorily completed their third year clinical rotations. The student will perform as an acting intern with two weeks on the obstetrical service, participating in antenatal care, labor and delivery and postpartum management. Similarly, two weeks on the benign gynecology service will be spent in the Gynecology Clinic, on gynecology wards and in the operating room. The student will participate in all the usual teaching activities of
the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology but this will predominately be a hands-on rotation with minimal didactic teaching.
Course Objectives
Learn antenatal fetal testing
Learn outpatient management of common OB/GYN conditions
Observe ultrasound prenatal diagnosis
Learn management of abnormal cervical cytology
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 4
Rounds/discussions - 5
Patient contact - 20
Lab - 0
Patient load - 4
Call - 1-2 nights/week
Course #: 3-OSURG-755
Title: Orthopaedic Surgery
Instructor: John E. Keith, Jr., M.D.
Steve Kana, M.D.
Jan Postma, M.D.
Mark Visk, M.D.
Location: Spartanburg Regional Medical Center
Spartanburg, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Spartanburg Regional Medical Center offers an elective in Orthopaedic Surgery where the student rotates through a private practice group that has subspecialties in total joint arthroplasty, sports medicine and microvascular surgery. The student will participate in an office setting and as a working operative assistant. The student will also participate in treatment of trauma victims
through the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center Emergency Room. This elective is geared to the individual and their participation will be tailored for their education level.
Course #: 2-OSURG-854
Title: Pediatric Orthopedics
Instructor: Benjamin L. Allen, Jr., M.D.
Edward Bray, M.D.
Jon R. Davids, M.D.
Peter K. Stasikelis, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The content of this course is designed to provide the student an introduction to pediatric-age patients with orthopedic problems which include congenital, developmental, metabolic, delayed trauma, growth disturbances and general affections of the musculoskeletal system. The student will be working in both the outpatient clinic and on the wards. The student will be responsible for taking histories and completing physical examinations as well as developing evaluation and treatment plans on all patients assigned to them. The student will assist in surgery on all cases to which they have been assigned. He will be expected to participate in all regularly scheduled rounds, conferences and seminars.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be aware of the diversity and magnitude of children's orthopedic problems and their numerous causes, will understand the contribution of human growth and how it becomes either an asset or complicating factor in the general outcome of pediatric orthopedic cases. The student will become familiar with the appropriate use of a variety of methods for the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic problems including observation, orthotic care, surgery, prosthetics and rehabilitation. The student will become knowledgeable in the application of casts and will participate in the performance of surgery.
Instructional methodology
The student will be working in the new Shriner’s Hospital for Crippled Children located on the
Greenville Hospital System campus. This is a 45-bed orthopedic facility serving a seven-state area. Clinics are held each day in the outpatient department and there is a busy operative schedule throughout the week. The facility also includes a fully equipped orthotics and prosthetics department and a well-stocked library devoted to pediatric orthopedic material.
Course #: 2-OSURG-855
Title: Adult Orthopedic Surgery
Instructor: Edward W. Bray, III, M.D.
C. Dayton Riddle, Jr., M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The content of this course is designed to familiarize the student with the variety of musculoskeletal pathology related to the adult patient. Particular attention will be given to the reconstruction and rehabilitation of specific problems and deformities. Included within this are general spine problems, arthritis, deformities relating to acute or remote trauma, neoplasm, infection, and metabolic disease. The student will be assigned to a team consisting of orthopedic residents and a faculty member. In addition to his hospital duties, the student will participate in the regularly scheduled orthopedic clinics, conferences and seminars.
Course objectives
Understand the proper utilization of all modalities of therapy including surgery and rehabilitation to improve or relieve the various musculoskeletal conditions
Become familiar with the appropriate use of a variety of methods for the diagnosis and treatment of orthopedic problems including observation, surgery, prosthetics and rehabilitation
Become knowledgeable in the application of cast and will participate in the performance of surgery
Have an understanding of the preoperative care of the orthopedic surgical patient
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 6
Rounds/Discussions - 4
Patient contact - 30
Lab - 0
Patient load - varies
Call - every 3rd or 4th night and 1 weekend call
Course #: 2-OSURG-857
Title: Traumatic Orthopedics
Instructor: Edward W. Bray, III, M.D.
David R. Goetz, M.D.
C. Dayton Riddle, Jr., M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The content of this course is designed to provide the student with the basic principles of diagnosis and care of the acutely injured patient. Emphasis will be placed on the stabilization and resuscitation of the life-threatening injuries before proceeding to the specific care of orthopedic problems. The student will be assigned to the emergency room with a 2nd year house officer on all orthopedic cases. The student will participate in the daily evaluation, any ongoing treatment, and will assist in any subsequent surgery performed on his assigned patient. The student will also participate in the various orthopedic clinics and will be expected to attend all scheduled orthopedic conferences and seminars.
Course objectives
Be able to recognize life threatening injuries and conditions
Be able to make appropriate decisions regarding the priority care and know the principles involved in resuscitation of the acutely injured patient
Be familiar with various methods of treatment for orthopedic injuries
Know the basic principles of both operative and non-operative methods of fracture treatment
Instructional methodology
Lectures - 6
Rounds/Discussions - 4
Patient contact - 30
Lab - 0
Patient load - varies
Call - every 3rd or 4th night and 1 weekend call
Course #: 3-PATH-845
Title: Pathology Practice in Community General Hospital: An Introduction
Instructor: J. David Wren, M.D.
Rosanna Lapham, M.D.
Location: Spartanburg Regional Medical Center
Spartanburg, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The student will spend a major portion of each day in the laboratory observing and participating in examination of surgical specimens. They will be assigned to one or more pathologists and most of the teaching will be of preceptor, one-on-one relationship. Daily duties will include assisting with frozen section examinations of breast, lymph node, thyroid, pulmonary, hepatic, pancreatic, gastrointestinal, and reproductive specimens received from two hospitals with a total of (23) operating rooms. They will initially observe and later directly participate in examination and description of the gross and microscopic features of surgical pathology specimens. Correlation between surgical pathology, cytology and clinical laboratory results will be stressed. Files of laboratory data on both in-patients and outpatients are available in rooms adjacent to the surgical pathology laboratory. The anatomic and clinical pathology departments are closely integrated and the student will be urged to pursue personal interests involving any and all phases of pathology.
Course objectives
The basic objective is an introduction to the practice of pathology in a community hospital, but after the first two weeks the student will be free to maintain a broad approach to laboratory medicine or to study any phase in greater detail. For students who plan to remain in pathology, emphasis will be placed on the mechanical and technical skills necessary in the day-to-day
practice of pathology, but in the case of students headed for other specialties, the emphasis will be upon full utilization of laboratory medicine inpatient care.
Instructional methodology
Direct observations and participation in the daily work load will be the central theme, but a systematic general review of pathology will be urged as well as specific in-depth reading assignments related to interesting current specimens. The microscopic material under examination by the pathologist is continuously shown on a video monitor and plays a major role in the teaching program. In the latter weeks of the course and under continuous close supervision, the student will be expected to handle an actual frozen section specimen from selection of tissue to be examined, preparation and staining of microscopic slides through formulation of diagnosis.
Course #: 2-PATH-868
Title: Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Instructor: Jesse Stafford, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Provides the student an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the appropriate use of the laboratory. Allows for study of laboratory methods as they relate to direct patient care. Elective will include the availability of chemical pathology, hematology, immunohematology, microbiology, immunology, as well as autopsy and surgical pathology, cytology, and flow cytometry.
Course objectives
Emphasis is placed on understanding altered physiology as reflected in patient specimens analyzed as laboratory medicine specimens or tissue pathology specimens and correlation of histologic, as well as laboratory data, with the patient's clinical findings and progress.
Instructional methodology
The elective allows for study of laboratory methods as they relate to direct patient care by the study of technical elements, as well as individual case review and presentation. This is done with the laboratory technical staff and the pathologist. The student is encouraged to spend a period of
time in the clinical laboratory to gain understanding in the most efficient use of the laboratory in clarifying the patient's disease process including the impact of therapy. After this period is complete, the student participates in surgical and autopsy pathology specimen description and diagnosis with the pathologist.
Course #: 5-PEDS-860
Title: Neonatal Care Externship
Instructor: Joseph Harlan, M.D.
Location: McLeod Regional Medical Center
Florence, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This course exposes the student to several aspects of inpatient neonatal care. The student becomes familiar with normal newborn behavior and care requirements, develops some proficiency in recognizing and treating neonatal illness and learns techniques necessary for stabilization and transport of the sick newborn.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to demonstrate competence in gathering and recording a perinatal history and neonatal physical assessment (e.g. significant maternal history, perinatal events, APGAR score, gestational age: DOWNES' score). The student will be able to provide a differential diagnosis for some of the more common neonatal disorders and will have basic competency in resuscitation, stabilization and transport of the sick neonate. The student is expected to complete NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) certification.
Instructional methodology
The major portion of this elective will be spent in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit. First hand observation and participation in daily ward rounds, patient care discussions, and medical-surgical procedures will be supplemented by student attendance at scheduled conferences, specific reading assignments, and further independent study of an assigned patient's particular problems.
Attempts will be made to optimize the student's exposure to acute neonatal care (in the Delivery
Room, neonatal transports from referring hospitals and in the NICU).The motivated student can expect a commensurate increase in responsibilities. One to two hours will be set aside each week for student discussion with a medical staff member regarding problems, progress and review of assigned reading material.
Course #: 2-PEDS-867
Title: Ambulatory Pediatrics
Instructor: Jill Golden, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This elective is designed for the student who desires exposure to the ambulatory aspects of pediatric practice. Experience will be gained in both well-child care (anticipatory guidance) and acute illnesses of pediatrics. The student will participate in daily morning rounds and teaching conferences. Emphasis will be placed on interview techniques, parenting concepts, principles of preventive health care, and the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment principles and followup care of common acute pediatric illnesses. Upon completion of this course the student will be able to perform complete histories and physical examinations. The student will also know the clinical manifestations, differential diagnoses, laboratory findings, and treatment plan for common pediatric disorders. They will have also developed an understanding of parenting and anticipatory guidance skills.
Course objectives
Student will become proficient in routine anticipatory guidance
Well child care
Treatment of common outpatient infectious diseases
Treatment of behavioral disorders in children
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 5
Rounds/discussions - 10
Patient contact - 25
Lab - 0
Patient load - 10
Call - none
Course #: 3-PEDS-872
Title: General Pediatrics Externshup
Instructor: Dennis Jurs, M.D.
Ernest Mistr, M.D.
Richard Pennebaker, M.D.
Richard Parmley, M.D.
Location: Spartanburg Regional Medical Center
Spartanburg, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Students will be assigned to a family practice resident in pediatrics and will work on the pediatric ward and at night call (every 4th or 5th night) with that resident. The student will work with that resident in the pediatric ambulatory office (Monday-Friday). Ward rounds are 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. daily (Monday-Friday). The ward consists of a 29 bed general pediatrics, and 20 bed NICU level
III. Delivery rate is about 2400 per year. The student can admit and workup patients with the resident through the office and ER. The student will be assigned specific patients to follow on pediatric ward. Pediatric Grand Rounds are 12:30-1:15 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month. The student's experience should provide a good background in general pediatrics.
Course #: 2-PEDS-873
Title: Inpatient Pediatrics Externship
Instructor: Julius E. Robinson, Jr., M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This elective is designed to expose the student to inpatient pediatrics in a busy inpatient service in a large community hospital that also serves as a regional referral center. The student will be exposed to common infectious diseases such as bronchiolitis and meningitis, common metabolic disorders such as diabetic ketoacidosis, chronic pulmonary diseases such as asthma and bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and childhood malignancies. In addition, more exotic and complicated conditions can be expected.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this elective the student will be able to perform a comprehensive history and physical examination and develop a reasonable differential diagnosis. The student will be able to plan a reasonable plan of investigation and therapy, as well as be able to perform such procedures as venipuncture, lumbar puncture, and start IV infusions. The student demonstrating initiative and talent may carry out additional procedures and responsibilities.
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 5
Rounds/discussions - 15
Patient contact - 30
Lab - none
Patient load - 4-6
Call - every 4th or 5th night
Course #: 2-PEDS-874
Title: Neonatal Intensive Care
Instructor: Jerry J. Ferlauto, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
The content of this course is designed to present to the student the essential aspects of premature and sick newborn care. The student will be assigned several new patients in the NICU and will be responsible for completing a history, physical and maturity assessment on each. The
student will observe and participate in special treatment procedures performed on his patients, e.g., intravenous and intra-arterial catheter insertions, nasal continuous positive airway pressure, mechanical ventilation procedures, endotracheal intubations and resuscitation. In addition, the student attends a weekly follow-up clinic for those infants discharged from the NICU. The student will be responsible for talking with the infant's parents with guidance from the attending. The student will make work rounds with the house staff and teaching rounds with the attending physician daily and will participate in all regularly scheduled neonatal and perinaral conferences.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to perform some of the necessary procedures for care of the sick newborn including intubation, umbilical catheter placement and lumbar puncture. The student will be able to perform a complete work-up, including interviews with the family, on newborns. In addition, the student will be able to present the recommended course of management on a minimum of five neonatal disorders commonly seen in the NICU.
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 6
Rounds/discussions - 5
Patient contact - 40
Lab - 1
Patient load - varies
Call - every 3rd night
Course #: 2-PEDS-883
Title: Pediatric Cardiology
Instructor: Benjamin Horne III, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Course Description
This elective is designed for the student who desires exposure to pediatric cardiology in a community setting. Experience will be gained in in-patient and outpatient care. The student will participate in daily rounds and teaching conferences. Emphasis will be placed on interview techniques, parenting concepts, principles of preventative cardiology and the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, appropriate use of laboratory studies, treatment principles and follow-up
care of common problems in pediatric cardiology. There will also be an some opportunity to visit satellite offices in Greenwood, Anderson and Spartanburg.
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 0
Rounds/discussions - 5
Patient contact - 25
Lab - 0
Patient load - 7-8
Call - none
Course #: 2-PEDS-884
Title: Pediatric Infectious Diseases
Instructor: Robin Kelley, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Course Objective
To participate in the care of children with a wide range of infectious disease processes in both the inpatient and outpatient setting.
Instructional Methodology
Direct patient care and one-on-one instruction. Exposure to the clinical microbiology lab and library research techniques.
Course #: 2-PEDS-885
Title: Pediatric Pulmonary Medicine
Instructor: Jane V.Gwinn, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Course Objective
Familiarize student with diagnosis and management of asthma, cystic fibosis, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, and other respiratory problems in children.
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lecture - none
Rounds/discussions - 10
Patient contact - 25
Lab - none
Patient load - none
Call - none
Course #: 2-PEDS-886
Title: Pediatric Nephrology
Instructor: Frank Tenney, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Course Objective
This elective exposes the student to the subspecialty of pediatric nephrology. The student will participate in daily outpatient assessments in the pediatric nephrology clinic and the assessment of in-patients on the pediatric nephrology service. The student will learn to take a thorough history from the patient with urinary problems including a meticulous urinary functional inquiry. Inpatient aspects of the physical examination that relate to a pediatric nephrology patient will be stressed.
The student will learn the importance of bright field, phase contrast and polarizing microscopy of the urine in the assessment of patients with urinary problems.
Instructional Methodology
A pediatric nephrology elective handbook will be provided that will include articles on the common pediatric nephrology. Topics such as hematuria, protienuria, hypermatremia, hypomatremia, etc.
Course #: 2-PEDS-887
Title: Pediatric Gastroenterology/ Nutrition
Instructor: John Boyle, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Course Description
Students will participate in patient encounters in the clinics and hospital, in rounds and in procedures in the G.I. laboratory and operating rooms.
Course Objective
To provide clinical exposure to the problems commonly encountered in pediatric gastroenterology, nutrition and hepatology; especially chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea and constipation, vomiting gastroenterophageal reflux, hepatitis, gastrointestinal bleeding, malabsorption and failure to thrive. Pancreatitis and inflammatory bowel disease, among others.
Instructional Methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 1 per month
Rounds/Discussions - none
Patient contact - 35
Lab - none
Patient load - varies
Call - 7 nights every other week
Course #: 5-RAD-850
Title: Radiological Science
Instructor: Raymond L. Thomas, M.D. and Bruce W. White, Jr., M.D.
Location: McLeod Regional Medical Center
Florence, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This course gives the student instruction and experience in all branches of radiological science.
Emphasis is placed on imaging techniques. The student is exposed to a variety of imaging techniques including radiography, fluoroscopy, nuclear medicine, and ultrasound. In addition, the student is shown laboratory testing in nuclear medicine and therapeutic techniques using radiation. Approximately three-fourths of the course is devoted to diagnostic radiology. The remaining time is divided among nuclear medicine, ultrasound, and radiation therapy.
Course objectives
The student will have participated in the performance of all routine imaging procedures, and will have gained understanding of their clinical usefulness. The student should be able to make limited interpretations of basic images such as chest films and brain scans, and should be able to use imaging more effectively in his clinical work. In addition, it is hoped that the student will gain some understanding of the potential for future development of imaging techniques.
Instructional methodology
Principles and techniques will be presented during regularly scheduled lectures (2 hours per week). The student will participate in the performance of all studies (this will include a short history, limited physical examination and a review of the hospital chart). All images will be reviewed and critiqued daily by the student and instructor. During the course, problems will be given and these problems will provide direct individual experience with a variety of imaging methods.
Course #: 2-SURG-842
Title: Surgical Pediatric Preceptorship
Instructor: Michael Gauderer, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Course Description
An intense experience in pediatric surgery
Course objectives
To provide a basis for comprehensive care of children requiring surgical intervention
To be exposed to basic surgical techniques and to participate in procedures
Exposure to a broad spectrum of cases needing surgical intervention or management
Instructional methodology (approximate # of hours per week)
Lectures - 6
Rounds/discussions - 10
Patient contact - 30
Lab - 0
Patient load - varies
Call - every 4th night
Course#: 3-SURG-850
Title: General Surgery Externship
Instructor: Richard K. Orr, M.D.
Ronald Scorpio, M.D.
Charles Morrow, M.D.
Thomas Ashley, M.D.
William Calton, M.D.
Location: Spartanburg Regional Healthcare Center
Spartanburg, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Designed for students with an interest in a career in general surgery, this externship provides exposure to all aspects of a general surgery residency. A complete conference schedule covering a wide range of surgical topics is offered. The student will be actively involved in day to day patient care including office visits, ER visits, ward rounds, intensive care units and the operating room. Students will work closely with junior residents as well as one-on-one with the surgical faculty. Students may tailor the month for emphasis on general surgery, trauma/critical care, vascular surgery, surgical oncology or pediatric surgery.
Course Objectives
Start a foundation of skills on which a career in general surgery can be built
Obtain the basic skills required to complete histories and physicals
Begin appropriate diagnostic work-up
Acquire skills necessary for basic surgical procedures including simple laceration repair, central venous access, chest tube insertion and assistance in intraoperative procedures
Instructional Methodology
Formal conferences are held daily covering a range of surgical topics relevant to the patient population seen by the surgical staff. These include general, trauma, vascular, pediatric surgeries, surgical oncology as well as morbidity and mortality. A student can expect daily walk rounds with the surgical team as well as individual instruction and quizzing from the house staff and surgical faculty. House call is expected every forth night.
Course #: 5-SURG-870
Title: General Surgery
Instructor: Joseph M. Pearson, Jr., M.D.
Location: McLeod Regional Medical Center
Florence, SC
Number of students: 1
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
This educational experience offers the medical student an opportunity for one-to-one teaching with a General Surgeon. It combines hospital and office experience. The rotation includes attending rounds and patient management responsibilities. The medical student will have the opportunity to assist in the operating and emergency room. The student will complete a history and physicals on patients assigned and, utilizing the information gathered, present the patient to the attending. The student will be expected to suggest possible solutions to the problems defined.
Course objectives
Upon completion of the course the student will be able to perform a history and physical and establish a plan of care for the problems defined. The student will be able to take definitive and immediate action including ordering laboratory and x-ray studies in selected cases. The student will interact with consultants as directed by the attending.
Instructional methodology
Skill demonstration and return demonstration in surgery, emergency room and office environments. Didactic information will be provided in a discussion format, the student will be required to utilize a case study method of reading, examining and presenting to the attending in selected cases. The student will be free to attend the lectures which are available in the hospital and the Family Medicine Center.
Course #: 2-SURG-875
Title: General Surgery Externship
Instructor: Spence M. Taylor, M.D., and James E. Stephenson, M.D.
Location: Greenville Hospital System
Greenville, SC
Number of students: 2
Duration: 4 weeks
Credit hours: 5
Course offered: Fall, Spring
Students participate in all aspects of the surgical education activities of the Greenville Hospital
System. There is a full schedule of conferences and rounds. Students are expected to participate in all aspects of patient care, including the operating room, emergency room, clinics, wards, and acute care units. Students work with the junior residents who provide day-to-day supervision and
teaching under the overall administration and supervision of the chief resident and the academic chairman of surgical education. There are opportunities to work with the private teaching surgeons in a preceptor relationship. There will be trauma call every 4th night.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this clinical elective it is expected that the student will: have acquired the basic diagnostic skills necessary to do histories and physicals on elective and acute surgical patients, be able to order appropriate ancillary studies for the purpose of establishing working diagnoses, properly utilize consultants in all medical specialties; will have begun to develop appreciation for the complexities of operative procedures and their complications, begin to apply basic surgical techniques in a personal hands on manner to the degree that they will be able to repair minor lacerations, obtain central venous access and perform minor surgical procedures.
Instructional methodology
Four formal conferences are held weekly with members of the surgical, G.I. medicine, radiology, pathology and medical oncology staff. General surgery and thoracic/vascular surgery subjects are discussed. Morality and morbidity conferences are held weekly. Each student is responsible for patients assigned and is expected to review the appropriate textbooks and literature sources as they pertain to that particular patient. The preceptor relationship with the house officers and faculty functions so that they will quiz and discuss the findings, diagnostic and therapeutic plans with the student on multiple occasions. It is anticipated that the student will spend on call time in the hospital; the maximal requirement is an every 4th night rotation.