PANGASINAN COLLEGES OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF CRIMINOLOGY URDANETA CITY FORENSIC MEDICINE INTRODUCTION This hand out is intended to familiarize the participants with the principles of medicine as applied to law, and to correlate the same to other scientific investigation procedures loading to the solution of crimes. I. GENERAL CONSIDERATION: Legal Medicine - is the branch of medicine which deals with the application of medical knowledge to the purposes of law and justice. Forensic Medicine - is a branch of medical science which deals with the application of medical knowledge to elucidate legal problems. Medical Jurisprudence - is the branch of law which deals with the organization and regulation of the medical profession. Evidence - is the means, sanction by the law of a ascertaining in the judicial proceeding he truth respecting a matter of the fact. 1. Forms of Medical Evidence Real or autoptic Testimonial Experimental Documentary Physical Evidence 2. Methods of Preserving Evidences: Photography and sound recording, video, audio, microfilm. Sketching Description Testimony of witnesses/ Preservation in the mind of Witnesses Manikin Method 3. Kind Evidence Necessary for Conviction Direct Evidence Circumstantial Evidence 4. Kinds of Witnesses: Expert Witness the opinion of the witness regarding a question of science, arts or trade, where he is skilled therein, may be received in evidence. Ordinary Witnesses- all persons who, having organs of sense, can perceive, the perceiving can make known their perception to others, may be witnesses. III. Medical Aspect of Criminal Investigation Some aspect of criminal investigation involves psychology & neurological consideration in the process of investigation & deception detections. A. Criminal Interrogation – A good interrogation must have the capacity to size- up the subject & and select an effectively tactics and technique most appropriate for the occasion: 1.Kinds Offenders: Emotional Non- emotional Professional Ordinary Rational Irrational Active Aggressive offender Passive inadequate offender 2.Attitude & Conduct of an Interrogator: He must appear in the role of one who is merely seeking the truth. It is more desirable from the psychological standpoint of view to employ milder terminology like “ shoo” take, tell the truth instead of “ kill”, “ steal” confess your crime etc. He should sit fairly closed to the subjects & between the two. There should be no table, or other piece of furniture. The interrogation should avoid facing the room. The interrogation should adopt his language to that used and understood by the subject himself. The subject should not be handcuffed or shackle during his presence in the interrogation. He should face the subject as “ man to man” and not as a policeman to prisoner. Description & Detection Method. 3. Methods Used: Use of lie detection or polygraphy Administration of truth “ serum” (hyoscine hydrobromide) Intoxication- alcohol beverages Word association test Narco analysis of narcosynthesis Hynotism Scientific Interrogation Observation Confession. IV. Medico-legal aspect of Identification. When an unknown body is found, the following should be noted by the investigator to facilitate identification: 1. Place where body was found. 2. Time when found 3. Caused of death 4. Time when death occurred 5. Approximate age 6. Supposed profession 7. Description of the body Points of identification Applicable to both living and death before onset of decomposition. 1. Occupation mark 7. Deformitics 2. Race 8.Birth marks a. color of skin 9.Injuries leaving permanent result b. Feature of face 10. Moles 3. Stature 11. Scars 4. Teeth 12.Tribal marks 5. Tattoo marks 13.Sexual organ 6. Weight 14.Blood group 15. Finger prints V. Medico-legal Aspect of Death Death - the state of complete, persistent and continuous cessation of the vital function of the body. Kinds Death 1. Somatic or clinical death 2. Molecular or cellular death 3. Apparent death or state of suspended animation Signs of Death 1. Cessation of heart action and circulation. 2. Cessation respiration – for a period not longer than 3-1/2 minutes. 3. Cooling of the body (ALGOR MORTIS) – The fall of temperature of 14-20 degrees Fahrenheit is considered as a certain signs of death. 4. Insensibility of the body and loss of power to move 5. Changes in and about the eye 6. Loss of cornmeal reflex 7. Clouding of the cornea Changes in the skin 1. Post Mortem ( Lividity) 2. Post mortem Contact Flattening – The body becomes flattened over areas which are in contact with the surface it rests. 3. Loss of elasticity Changes in the body following death 1. Stage of Primary flaccidity or stage of muscular irritability –The muscles are relaxed and capable of contracting when stimulated. The pupils are dilated, the sphincters are relaxed, and there is incontinence of urination and defecation. 2. Stage of Rigor mortis ( post-mortem rigidly or cadaveric rigidity or death struggle of muscle) – The whole body becomes rigid due to the contraction of the muscles. This develops three to six hours after death and may last from 24-36 hours. 3. Stage of secondary flaccidity or decay muscles. – The muscles becomes flaccid, no longer capable of responding to mechanical to electrical stimulus and the reaction becomes alkaline. 4. Putrefaction or decay 5. Cadaveric lividity or post-mortem lividity Changes in the Blood Coagulation of blood Post mortem lividity Hypostatic lividity- inside blood vessel 7 in liquid form. Diffusion Lividity- cut of the blood vessel in the tissue of the body & in dotted form. Causes of Death Natural death Violent Death Accident Negligent Infanticidal Parricidal Murder Momicidal Judicial Death Distinction Between Contusion (Bruise) and Post-mortem Hypostasis: Contusion (Bruise) a.Below the epidermis in the true skin in small bruises or extravasations, below this in lerger ones, and often much deeper still. The reason is obvious, viz., that the epidermis Has no blood vessels to be ruptured. Post-mortem Hypostasis a. In the epidermis or in the cutis, as a simple stain or a showing through the Epidermis underlying engorged capillaries. b. Cuticle was probably abraded by the same violence that produce the bruise. In small punctures, such as flea bites, this is not observed. b. Cuticle unabraded, because the hypostasis is a mere sinking of the blood; there is no Trauma. c. A bruise appears at the seat of and surrounding the injury. This may or may not be a dependent part. c. Always in a part which for the time of information is dependent, i.e, at a place Where gravity ordains it. d. Often elevated, because the extravasated blood and subsequent inflammation swell the tissues. d. Not elevated, because either the blood is still in the vessels or, at most, has simply soaked into a stained the tissues. e. Incision shows blood outside the vessels. This is the most certain test of difference, and can be observed even in very small bruises. e. Incision shows the blood is still in its vessel; and if any oozing occurs drops can be seen issuing from the cut mouths of the vessels. f. Colour variegated. This is only true of bruises that are some days old; it is due to the changes in the hemoglobin produced during life. f. Colour uniform. The well known change in colour (green, yellow, etc.) produced in blood extravastated into living tissues does not occur in dead tissues with the same regularity. g. If the body happens to be constricted at, or supported on, a bruise place, the actual surface of contact may be a little lighter than the rest of the bruise but will not be white. g. In a place which would otherwise be the seat of a hypostasis pressure of any kind, even simple support (the wrinkling of a shirt or necktie, garters, etc.) is sufficient to obliterate the lumen of venules and capillaries, and so to prevent their filling with blood. White lines or patches of pressure bordered by the dark color of a hypostasis are produced and marks of floggings, strangulation, etc. are thus sometimes simulated. VI. Medico-legal Aspect of physical Injuries Physical injuries - Effects of the application of and stimulus to the body. Causes of Physical Injuries. 1. Physical injury 2. Heat or cold 3. Electrical energy 4. Chemical energy 5. Radiation 6. Changes in the atmospheric pressure 7. Infection Injuries brought about by physical violence that lead to production of wound. 1. Wound- the solution of the natural continuity of tissues of the living body. 2. Vital reaction- sum total of al reaction of tissues and organs. 3. Defense wounds- Result of a person’s instinctive reaction of self protection. Classification of Wounds: 1.As to severity a. Mortal wounds b. Non- mortal wounds 2 .As to kinds of instrument useda. Brought about by blunt instrument b. Brought about by sharp instruments - Sharp-edge instrument - sharp-pointed - sharp- edge and pointed c. Brought about by tearing force d. Brought about by changes of atmospheric pressure e. Brought about by heat and cold f . Brought about by infection 3. As the manners of inflection a. Hit- by means of blunt instruments etc. b. Thrust- stub c. Gun power explosion d. Sliding or rubbing 4. As regards the depth a. Superficial b. Deep - Penetrating - Perforating 5. As regards the relation of the site of the application of force and location of injury. Coup injury- injury found at site of the application of force Cotre-Coup- injury found opposite the site of the application of force Coup contre Coup- injury found of the site and also opposite the site or application of force Locus minoris resistencia- Injury found both at the site and opposite the site of application of the force but injury is located in some areas offering least resistance to the force applied. Extensive injury- injury involving a greater area, beyond the site of the application of force. 6. As to the Region or Organs 7. Legal classification Mutilation- intentional act of loping or cutting of any part of the living body. Serious physical Injury- Injury that will incapacitate the subject for more than 90 days or 730 days. Less serious physical Injury- Injury that will require medical attendance for 10 days more but not more that 30 days to 10- 28 days. Slight physical Injury & maltreatment- Injury that will incapacity subjects and required medical attendance from 1 to 9 days. 8. As to the type of wounds A. Closed wounds- when there is no break of continuity of skin or mucous membranes. 1. Superficial Closed wounds -extravesation of blood in the subcutaneous tissue mucous membrane. Hematoma- Extravasations of blood into a newly formed capacity. Contusion or bruise effusion of blood into the subentanous tissue- would not be on the surface of the skin but in the substance of the true skin and the substance of cellular tissue color is red and sometimes purple soon after the injury. 2.. Change in the color of contusion a. 4-5 days color changed to green b. 7-10 days it becomes yellow & gradually disappear on the 14th or 15th day. Note: the ultimate disappearance of color varies from 1-4 weeks depending upon the severity and constitution of the body. c. d. Hematoma ( blood tumor)- extarvasation of blood n a newly formed cavity Ecchymosis- is a form of hematoma only that the extent of extravasation of blood is not wider but thinner 3. Deep closed wounds a. Simple fracture b. Sprain- subcutaneous separation or tearing of the articular tendions, ligaments or muscles. c. Strained- tearing or ruptured of muscles fibers. d. Dislocation- displacment from each other of the articular surface of bones entering into the formation of a joint. e. Cerebral or brain concussion- the jarring of the brain leading to some commotion of the cerebral substance f. Internal Hemorrhage 1. Intracranial 2. Rupture of organs 3. laceration of organs 4. Open Wounds- when there is communication with the outside or break in the skin or mucous membrane a. Abrasion- characterize by the removal of the superficial layer of the skin brought about by friction against a hard rough surface. 4. Forms of abrasion: a. Linear b. Multi- linear c. Confluent- almost indistinguishable due n to severity of friction and roughness of the objects. d. Multiple- several abrasion noted or the body surface of a person 5. Types of abrasion a. Scratches b. Grazes c. Impact or imprint abrasion d. Pressure of friction abrasion b. Incised wound- produces by forcible contact of the body with sharp-edge instruments c. Lacerated Wounds- produced by forcible contact of the body with a blunt instruments. d. Stab Wounds- produced by a sharp-pointed and sharp- edge instrument. e. Puncture Wounds- produced by a sharp- pointed instrument F. Wound produced by power explosion a. Firearm b. Granade, dynamite etc. g. Mutilation h. Avulation E. Medico-legal Aspect of Wounds: 1. The following rules must always be observed a. all injuries must be described however small for it may be important later. b. The description of wounds must be comprehensive. 2. General Investigation of surroundings a. Placed where crime was committed b. Examination of clothing stains, cute hairs and other foreign bodies that may be found in the scene of the crime. c. Investigation of those persons who may be witness to the incident or those who could give light to the case. d. Examination of the wounding instrument. e. Photography, sketching or accurate description of the scene of the crime for purposes of preservation. 3. Examination of the wounded body: Examination applicable to the living and dead victim. a. Age of the wound from the degree of healing b. Determination of the weapon used in the commission of the offense. c. Determination whether the injury is accidental, suicidal or homicidal d. Reason for the multiplicity of wounds in cases where there are more than one wound. 4. Examination of the wound: a. Characteristic of the wound b. Location of the wound c. Direction of the wound d. number of the wounds e. Extend of the wound condition of the f. surrounding of the wounds g. Conditions of the locality 1. Degree of the hemorrhage 2. Evidence of struggle 3. Information as to the position of the body Presence of letter or suicide not 4. Condition of the weapon 5. Determine whether the wounds we inflicted during life or after death: a. Hemorrhage- more profuse when inflicted during lifetime of the victim. b. Signs of inflammation- there may be swelling of the area surrounding the wound. Other vital reaction may be present where ever the wound was inflicted during life. c. Signs of repair- Fibrin formation , scab or scar formation conclusively shown that wound was inflicted during life. d. Retraction of the edge of the wound- owing of the vital reaction of the skin and contractility of the muscular fibers, the edge of the wound inflicted during life retract and cause gaping. 6. Points to consider in the determination whether the wounds is homicidal, suicidal or accidental. External signs and circumstances related to the position and attitude of the body when found. Location of the weapon or the manner in which it is held. The mostly underlying the commission of the crime or the like. The personal character of the deceased. The possibility for the offender to have purposely changed the truth of the condition. Other information Signs of struggle Numbers and directions of wounds Nature and extent of the wound State of clothing. 7. Length of time of survival of the victim after infliction o wounds: Degree of healing Changes in the body in relation to the crime of death. Age of the blood stain Testimony of witnesses when the wound was inflicted. 8. Possible instrument used by the assailant in inflicting the injuries. a. Contusion- by blunt instrument b. Incised wound- by sharp- edged instrument c. Lacerated wound- produced by blunt instrument d. Punctured wound- by sharp pointed instrument e. Stab- by sharp- edge and pointed instrument f. Gunshot wound- the diameter of the wound of entrance may approximate the caliber of the wound firearm. 9. Which of the injuries sustained by the victim caused death? This can be ascertained by examining individually the wounds and nothing which of them involving injury to some vital organs large vessels or led to secondary result causing death. 10. Which of the wound was inflicting first? The following must be taken into consideration: a. Relative position of the assailant and the victim when the first injury was inflicted on the latter. b. Trajectory or course of the wound inside the body of the victim. c. Organs involved, degree of injury sustained by victim. Testimony of witness. d. Presence of defense wounds on the body of the victim if the victim tried to make a defensive act during the initial attack, then the defense wounds must have been inflicted first. 11.Relative Position of victim and Assailant when injury was inflicted: The following has to be considered: a. Location of the wound in the body of the victim b. Direction of the wound c. Nature of the instruments used in inflicting the injury. d. Testimony of witnesses. F. Death or physical injuries brought about by power propelled substances: 1. Production of Combustion: Bullet – gun shot wound Flame – Singeing/ Searing Smoke – smudging Gun power residue – tattooing Grime – Tabooing 2. Firearm Wounds: a. Gunshot wound. Differences between entrance & exit ENTRANCE 1. appears to be smaller than missiles owing to elasticity of tissue expect contact 2.Edge inverted 3. Usually ovaloid or rounded 4. Contusion collar present 5. Other product of combustion when firing is near ( Tattooing, smudging) Paraffin test may be positive EXIT 1. Always bigger that missile 2. Edges averted 3. Variable shape 4. Contusion collar absent 5. Always absent 6. Always negative 3. Determination of relation positive of victim & assailant a) Contusion collar – the wider side points to the source of the missile. b) Smudging & tattooing – the side with more or intense deposit points to the source of the missile. 4. Determination of the probable caliber of the firearm use in the infliction – measure in centimeter the cross diameter of the gunshot wound from the collar- the shortest diameter is the probable caliber. 5. Determination of the distance of fire: a) Contact fire intense laceration & undermining of the points of entrance, bigger than exit. b) Distance of six(6) inches presence of smudging, singeing, tattooing. c) Beyond six ( 6) inches but within thirty six (36) inches presence of the tattooing. d) Beyond thirty six (360 Inches only the gunshot wound will be present. G. Shotgun Wound 1. kinds of bore shotgun a) Un choked bore or straight bore b) Choked bore 1. Improved cylinder - narrowing of the bore from rear to the muzzle is 3-5 thousandth of an inches. 2. Half chook - narrowing of the barrel is 15-20 thousand of an inch. 3. Full chook – narrowing of the barrel is 35-20 thousandth of an inch. 2. Characteristics of shotgun wounds a) Contact fire – entrance of wound is irregular with severe destruction of the underlying tissue. There is singeing and smudging. b) Nears hot up to six (6) inches. 1. Mark laceration of skin 2. Gun power may be driven into the deeper area of the wound. 3. Mark smudging of the skin & deeper portion of the wound entrance 4. Mark tattooing 5. hair is singe 6. Wad maybe found inside the wound of entrance. c) Distance of about one (1) yard. 1. Pellets enters as one mass thus making entrance wound with irregular edges. 2. Surrounding skin may be blacken light burning & tattooing. d) Distance of 2 to 3 yards 1. The wound of entrance has big central hole with rugged edge with few stray wound of entrance evident: 2. Smudging & tattooing no longer evident e) Distance of 4 yards- pellets may enter skin area of about 6 to 8 inches diameter although there may be a central care where a group might have entered. h) Health by asphyxia – all forms of violent death which result primarily from the interference with the process of respiration or to condition in which the supply of oxygen to the blood or tissue or both has been reduced below normal level. 1. Hanging 2. Strangulation By ligature Manual or throttling Special form of strangulations Palma Garroting Mugging or Yoking Compression of neck with stick 3. Suffocationa. Smothering – closing of mouth and nostrils by solid object b. Choking 4. Asphyxia by submersion in water ( drowning) 5. Asphyxia by pressure on the chest: 6. Asphyxia by inhalation o irrespirable gases. 1.Death or physical injuries due to Vehicular accident. 1. kinds of injuries in vehicular accident cases: a. Sustained by the pedestrians 1. impact injuries a. Primary impacts injuries b. Subsequent impact injuries 2. Secondary injuries 3. Run over injuries b. sustained by driver & passengers 1. Impact injuries 2. Turn turtle injuries 2. Medical evidences in vehicular accident cases: a. Evidence from the victim: 1. Crash injury 2. Tire thread marks 3. Abrasion prints 4. Prints marks 5. Blood, hair or clothing of victim may be found sticking on the parts of the vehicle which hit the victim. 6. Physical defects of the victim like poor eyesight. 7. inebriation of the victim – like under the influence of alcohol b. Evidence from the driver: 1. physical defect like poor eyesight 2. Under the influence of alcohol or drugs by driver. 3.History of grudge between the driver and the victim. II. Medico – legal Aspect of sexual Crime: A. Virginity – is a condition of a female who has not experienced sexual intercourse. 1. Kinds of virginity: a. Moral virginity b. Demi- virginity c. Virgo- intacta d. Physical virginity 2. Points to be considered in the determination of the condition of virginity. a. Breast b. c. d. e. f. Vaginal canal labia majora/ minora Fourchetta to perineum Hymen Neugeosities b. Defloration – laceration or rupture of the hymen as a result of sexual intercourse. 1. Classification of hymenal laceration a. Incomplete Laceration superficial Deep b. Complete c. Complicated or compound 2. Healing time of hymenal laceration superficial- 2to 3 days extensive tears – 7 to 10 days Completed – if with intervening infection will require longer to heal 3. Duration of laceration of the hymen a. Fresh bleeding laceration- rupture quite recent with in 24 hrs. b. Healing – after 24 to 7 days c. Recently healing – 7 days to 3 mons. d. Old healing- 3 mons. To year 4. Medical Evidence to consider in sexual crimes a. Evidence from the victim Alleged time and place of the commission of the crime Date, time and placed of the examination Condition of clothing Physical and mental development of victim Goit, facial expression etc. Examination of the body for sign of violence Examination of genitalia Hymen Hymenal orifice Vaginal orifice Reugosities Fourchette Pubic hair Labias Presence of spermatozoa b. Sexual Crimes Rape Seduction a. qualified b. Simple Acts of lasciviousness abduction a. Forcible b. Consented White slave crude Adultery Concubine Unnatural sexual offenses Abused against CHASTITY VIII. MEDICO-LEGAL ASPECT OF PREGNANCY Pregnancy - is the state of a woman who has within her body the going products of conception. a. Legal importance of the study of pregnancy 1.Pregnancy is ground for the suspension of the execution of the death sentence in the woman. 2. A conceived child is capable of receiving donation Archeim- Zondel Test Friedman test Xenopus o Hogben test Qualitative color test for pregnancy Estrone administration b. Duration of pregnancy – 270- 280 days from onset of last menstruation c. Abnormally prolonged gestation – beyond 300 days. d. Minimum period of gestation – compatible with viability of the child born at 180 days may live. e. Super fecundation – fertilization made by separate intercourse of two ova which have escaped at the same act of . f. Super faction – fertilization of two ova which have escapade at different acts of ovulation. g. Psuedocyesis or Spurious pregnancy- imaginary pregnancy. IX. MEDICO-LEGAL ASECT OF DELIVERY: 1. Delivery is the process by which a woman gives birth to her offspring. 2. Puerperium – Is the interval between the termination of labor (delivery) to the complete return of the reproductive organ to it normal- pregnant state-last from 6 to 8 weeks. 3.The study of delivery is important because proof of delivery is necessary in judicial on the following: Legitimacy Abortion Infanticide Concealment of birth In slander or libel 4. Methods of delivery Natural Route- thru normal passages Spontaneous Surgical intervention Instrumentation Surgical Route Abdominal cesarean section Vaginal cesarean section Post- mortem cesarean section X. MEDICO-LEGAL SPECT OF ABORTION Willful killing of the fetus in the uterus, or violent expulsion of the fetus from the natural womb which results to the death of the fetus. A. Principal elements of the crime: 1. That the expulsion of the products of conception is induced. 2. That the fetus dies either as an effect of the violence used, drugs administered or fetus was expelled before the term of its viability. B. Provision of the revised Penal code on abortion 1. Intentional abortion elements a. That the woman is pregnant b. Violence was applied on such pregnant woman without the intention of abortioning her. c. The woman aborted as a result of the violence: 2.Unintentional abortion Elements: The woman must be pregnant Violence was applied on such pregnant woman without the intention of abortionist her: The woman aborted as a result of the violence. Abortion practiced by the woman herself or by her parent elements: a. The woman is pregnant b. abortion is intended to be committed c. Abortion is induced by 1. The pregnant woman 2. other person with the consent of the pregnant woman 3. the present of the woman , or either of them for the purpose of concealing her dishonor and with the consent of the woman herself. 4. Abortion practiced by a physician or midwife and dispensing of abortion elements. a. The woman pregnant b. The physician induced or assisted in causing the abortion c. The act done by the physician or midwife was intended to cause an abortion. There must be the intention of the physician to produced abortion and the absence of intention will not make the physician criminally liable. C. Kinds of abortion: Spontaneous or natural Induced Therapeutic Criminal XI. MEDICO -LEGAL ASPECT OF BIRTH: A. legal importance of the study of birth. 1. Birth determines personality 2. Appearance of a child is a ground for the revocation of donation. 3. Proof of life-birth must first be shown before death of the child by the prosecution in the case of infanticide XII. MEDICO-LEGAL ASPECT OF INFANTICIDE: Infanticide is the killing of a child less than three ( 3) days old. 1. How the crime is committed: a. By omission or neglect 1. Failure to ligate the umbilical cord 2. Failure to protect the child from heat and cold 3. Omission to take the necessary help of a midwife or skilled physician. 4. Omission to supply the child with proper food 5. Omission to remove the child from the mother’s discharge with resulted to suffocation. b. By Commission 1. By inflicting physician injuries 2. By suffocation 3. By strangulation By drowning 4. By poisoning 5. By burning 6. By deliberate exposure to heat and cold c. Other allied cause 1. Abandoning a minor 2. Abandoning a minor by person entrusted with custody, indifference of parents. XIII. MEDICO-LEGAL ASPECT OF PATERNITY AND FILIATION Paternity – is the civil status of the father with respect to the child be gotten by him. Filiations – is the civil status of the child in relation to its mothers or fathers A. Legal importance of determining Paternity & Filiations 1. For succession 2. For enforcement of the naturalization & immigration laws. B. kinds of children 1. Legitimate children 2. Legitimate children (proper)- born in lawful wedlock or within 300 days dissolution of marriage. after the Presumption of legitimacy – children born after 180 days following the celebration of marriage, and before 300 days following its dissolution to the separation of the spouses shall be presumed to the legitimate. Against their presumption no evidence shall be admitted other than of the physician impossibility of the husband’s having access to his wife within the first 180 days of the 300 which preceded the birth of the child. The physician impossibility may be caused by: The importance of the husband The fact that the husband & wife were living separately in such a way that access was not possible . By the serious illness of the husband Requisites of the presumption: 1. There is valid marriage 2. The birth of the child took place after 180 days following its dissolution or separation of the spouse: 3. There is no physical impossibility of the husband having access to the wife during the first 120 days of the 300 preceding the birth of the child. B. Legitimate Children: Legitimation – is defined as a remedy by which a child born out of lawful wed lock is considered illegitimate and by fiction of law considered legitimate by subsequent valid marriage of the parents: Children that can be legitimated 1. Natural children ( proper Natural children are these born outside lawful of parents who, at the time of the conception of the former were not disqualified by an impediment to Mary each other. C. Adopted Children: Adoption is defined as the act or proceeding by which of paternity & foliation are recognized s legal existing between person not so related by nature. Persons who may be adopted The natural child, by the natural father or mother Other illegitimate children by the father or mother A step- child by the step- mother. Any person even if of age, provided adopter is sixteen years old. II. Illegitimate Children: Natural Children Natural children ( proper) Natural children legal fiction, natural children by legal fiction are those children born of void after degree of annulment. Natural children by presumption- are those natural children acknowledged the father or the mother separately if the acknowledging was legally competent to contact marriage at the time of conception. Spurious Children Illegitimate who are not natural are considered spurious children may be: 1. Adulterous Children – conceived in the act of adultery or concubinage. 2. Sacrilegious Children – Children born of parents who have been ordained in sacris. 3. Incestuous Children – Children born by parents who are legally incapable of contracting marriage because of their blood relations as marriage between brother & sisters. Father and daughter, etc. 4. Manceres – Children conceived by prostitute. It is very difficult to determine the father because of the nature of the work. Artificial Insemination – Is the introduction of seminal fluid with spermatozoa in the generative of a woman by any means of springe pippete, irrigator, etc Status of the children born by artificial insemination: a. If the donor is the husband, the child must be unquestionable legitimate. b. If the semen came from a donor other than the husband, with the consent of the alter, the child may also be considered legitimate in as much as it is born out of lawful wedlock & there is consent of the husband. c. If the semen came from a third party & introduced to the wife without consent or against the will of the husband, the child is illegitimate ( adulterous) EVIDENCES OF PATERNITY AND FILLETING I. Medical Evidence a) Parental likeness b) Blood grouping c) Evidence from the mother a. Proof of previous delivery b. Proof of physical potency & fertility c. Proof of capacity to have access with the husband d) Evidence from the mother a. Proof of physical potency and fertility b. Proof of access II. Non – Medical Evidence 1. Record of birth in the civil registrar, or by an automatic document or a final judgment 2. Continues possession of the status of a legitimate child. 3. Any other evidence allowed by the rules of court & special laws. VI. MEDICO- LEGAL ASPECT OF IMPOTENTCY & STERILITY 1. Impotency – is the physical incapacity of either sex to allow or grant to the other legitimate sexual satisfaction. a) Legal importance of impotency: 1. Impotency, if proven will overthrow the presumption of legitimacy. 2. impotency may be ground for the annulment of marriage. b) Cause of impotency 1. General or functional, unconnected directly with the sexual organs: a) Age b) Illness c) Emotion d) Hormonal disjunction 2. Local or organic, in direct connection with the sexual organs: a. Congenital defects 1. In males a. Non- development of the penis b. Male development of the penis c. Penis adherent to the scrotum 2. In females: a. Absent of vagina b. Vagina ill- developed c. vagina occluded by intra- uterine disease b. Disease or accident 1. In the males: a. Penis a) Acute disease of the penis as gonorrhea b) Chronic disease of the penis as spithelioma c) Complete amputation of the penis c) Testis Removal of the testis Sexual abuse In the Females: Vaginal laceration Disease of the vulvae obstruction of the vaginal canal due to tumor, cyst of fibroid II. STERILITY – Is the loss of power of procreation and is also man or a woman may be sterile & yet impotent, impotent yet not sterile. a) General functional, unconnected directly with the sexual organs: b) Local cause of sterility 1). Congenital In the male: Absence of testicle Absence of penis Mal- development of the testicle Mal-development of the testis in uterus Misplacement of the testis Mal- formation of the penis, as epipadias or hypospadias. In the female: Absence or mal-development of the ovary Absence of mal- development of the uterus Absence of the vagina 2). Acquired conditions: a) In the male: a) Complete amputation of the penis b) Excision of the testicle c) Disease of the testicle d) Atrophy of the testicle b) In the female: a) Excision of the ovary b) Disease of the ovary c) Occlusion of the vagina from the diseases d) Diseases of the vagina e) Occlusion of the fallopian tubes